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(Very preliminary)A tribute to the vision and legacy of Israel
Gelfand, the invited papers in this volume reflect the unity of
mathematics as a whole, with particular emphasis on the many
connections among the fields of geometry, physics, and
representation theory. Written by leading mathematicians, the text
is broadly divided into two sections: the first is devoted to
developments at the intersection of geometry and physics, and the
second to representation theory and algebraic geometry. Topics
include conformal field theory, K-theory, noncommutative geometry,
gauge theory, representations of infinite-dimensional Lie algebras,
and various aspects of the Langlands program. Graduate students and
researchers will benefit from and find inspiration in this broad
and unique work, which brings together fundamental results in a
number of disciplines and highlights the rewards of an
interdisciplinary approach to mathematics and physics.Contributors:
M. Atiyah, A. Beilinson, J. Bernstein, A. Connes, P. Deligne, R.
Dijkgraaf, D. Gaitsgory, M. Gromov, F. Hirzebruch, M. Hopkins, D.
Kazhdan, F. Kirwan, M. Kontsevich, B. Kostant, G. Lusztig, D.
McDuff, H. Nakajima, S. Novikov, P. Sarnak, A.
At the present time, the average undergraduate mathematics major
finds mathematics heavily compartmentalized. After the calculus, he
takes a course in analysis and a course in algebra. Depending upon
his interests (or those of his department), he takes courses in
special topics. Ifhe is exposed to topology, it is usually
straightforward point set topology; if he is exposed to geom etry,
it is usually classical differential geometry. The exciting
revelations that there is some unity in mathematics, that fields
overlap, that techniques of one field have applications in another,
are denied the undergraduate. He must wait until he is well into
graduate work to see interconnections, presumably because earlier
he doesn't know enough. These notes are an attempt to break up this
compartmentalization, at least in topology-geometry. What the
student has learned in algebra and advanced calculus are used to
prove some fairly deep results relating geometry, topol ogy, and
group theory. (De Rham's theorem, the Gauss-Bonnet theorem for
surfaces, the functorial relation of fundamental group to covering
space, and surfaces of constant curvature as homogeneous spaces are
the most note worthy examples.) In the first two chapters the bare
essentials of elementary point set topology are set forth with some
hint ofthe subject's application to functional analysis."
At the present time, the average undergraduate mathematics major
finds mathematics heavily compartmentalized. After the calculus, he
takes a course in analysis and a course in algebra. Depending upon
his interests (or those of his department), he takes courses in
special topics. Ifhe is exposed to topology, it is usually
straightforward point set topology; if he is exposed to geom etry,
it is usually classical differential geometry. The exciting
revelations that there is some unity in mathematics, that fields
overlap, that techniques of one field have applications in another,
are denied the undergraduate. He must wait until he is well into
graduate work to see interconnections, presumably because earlier
he doesn't know enough. These notes are an attempt to break up this
compartmentalization, at least in topology-geometry. What the
student has learned in algebra and advanced calculus are used to
prove some fairly deep results relating geometry, topol ogy, and
group theory. (De Rham's theorem, the Gauss-Bonnet theorem for
surfaces, the functorial relation of fundamental group to covering
space, and surfaces of constant curvature as homogeneous spaces are
the most note worthy examples.) In the first two chapters the bare
essentials of elementary point set topology are set forth with some
hint ofthe subject's application to functional analysis."
James Lepowsky t The search for symmetry in nature has for a long
time provided representation theory with perhaps its chief
motivation. According to the standard approach of Lie theory, one
looks for infinitesimal symmetry -- Lie algebras of operators or
concrete realizations of abstract Lie algebras. A central theme in
this volume is the construction of affine Lie algebras using formal
differential operators called vertex operators, which originally
appeared in the dual-string theory. Since the precise description
of vertex operators, in both mathematical and physical settings,
requires a fair amount of notation, we do not attempt it in this
introduction. Instead we refer the reader to the papers of
Mandelstam, Goddard-Olive, Lepowsky-Wilson and
Frenkel-Lepowsky-Meurman. We have tried to maintain consistency of
terminology and to some extent notation in the articles herein. To
help the reader we shall review some of the terminology. We also
thought it might be useful to supplement an earlier fairly detailed
exposition of ours [37] with a brief historical account of vertex
operators in mathematics and their connection with affine algebras.
Since we were involved in the development of the subject, the
reader should be advised that what follows reflects our own
understanding. For another view, see [29].1 t Partially supported
by the National Science Foundation through the Mathematical
Sciences Research Institute and NSF Grant MCS 83-01664. 1 We would
like to thank Igor Frenkel for his valuable comments on the first
draft of this introduction.
The importance of gauge theory for elementary particle physics is
by now firmly established. Recent experiments have yielded con
vincing evidence for the existence of intermediate bosons, the
carriers of the electroweak gauge force, as well as for the
presence of gluons, the carriers of the strong gauge force, in
hadronic inter actions. For the gauge theory of strong
interactions, however, a number of important theoretical problems
remain to be definitely resolved. They include the quark
confinement problem, the quantita tive study of the hadron mass
spectrum as well as the role of topo logy in quantum gauge field
theory. These problems require for their solution the development
and application of non-perturbative methods in quantum gauge field
theory. These problems, and their non-pertur bative analysis,
formed the central interest of the 1983 Cargese summer institute on
"Progress in Gauge Field Theory. " In this sense it was a natural
sequel to the 1919 Cargese summer institute on "Recent Developments
in Gauge Theories. " Lattice gauge theory provides a systematic
framework for the investigation of non-perturbative quantum
effects. Accordingly, a large number of lectures dealt with lattice
gauge theory. Following a systematic introduction to the subject,
the renormalization group method was developed both as a rigorous
tool for fundamental questions, and in the block-spin formulation,
the computations by Monte Carlo programs. A detailed analysis was
presented of the problems encountered in computer simulations.
Results obtained by this method on the mass spectrum were
Five papers by distinguished American and European mathematicians
describe some current trends in mathematics in the perspective of
the recent past and in terms of expectations for the future. Among
the subjects discussed are algebraic groups, quadratic forms,
topological aspects of global analysis, variants of the index
theorem, and partial differential equations.
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