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In this report, the Commission provides guidance for the protection
of people living in long-term contaminated areas resulting from
either a nuclear accident or a radiation emergency. The report
considers the effects of such events on the affected population.
This includes the pathways of human exposure, the types of exposed
populations, and the characteristics of exposures. Although the
focus is on radiation protection considerations, the report also
recognises the complexity of post-accident situations, which cannot
be managed without addressing all the affected domains of daily
life, i.e. environmental, health, economic, social, psychological,
cultural, ethical, political, etc. The report explains how the 2007
Recommendations apply to this type of existing exposure situation,
including consideration of the justification and optimisation of
protection strategies, and the introduction and application of a
reference level to drive the optimisation process. The report also
considers practical aspects of the implementation of protection
strategies, both by authorities and the affected population. It
emphasises the effectiveness of directly involving the affected
population and local professionals in the management of the
situation, and the responsibility of authorities at both national
and local levels to create the conditions and provide the means
favouring the involvement and empowerment of the population. The
role of radiation monitoring, health surveillance, and the
management of contaminated foodstuffs and other commodities is
described in this perspective. The Annex summarises past experience
of long term contaminated areas resulting from radiation
emergencies and nuclear accidents, including radiological criteria
followed in carrying out remediation measures.
This report considers the evidence relating to cancer risk
associated with exposure to low doses of low-LET radiation, and
particularly doses below current recommended limits for protection
of radiation workers and the general public. It looks at the
possibility of establishing a universal threshold dose below which
there is no risk of radiation-related cancer. The focus is on
evidence regarding linearity of dose response for all cancers
considered as a group, but not necessarily individually, at low
doses (the so-called linear, no-threshold (LNT) hypothesis). The
report concludes that while existence of a low-dose threshold does
not seem unlikely for radiation-related cancers, it does not favor
the existence of a universal threshold. The LNT hypothesis,
combined with an uncertain dose and dose rate effectiveness factor
(DDREF) for extrapolation from high doses, remains a prudent basis
for radiation protection at low doses and low dose rates.
In the present report, ICRP provides information on radiation doses
to the infant due to intakes of radionuclides in maternal milk. As
in Publication 88 (ICRP, 2001) on doses to the embryo and fetus
following intakes of radionuclides by the mother, intakes by female
members of the public and female workers are addressed. Acute and
chronic intakes are considered at various times before and during
pregnancy as well as during the period of breastfeeding. Dose
coefficients per unit intake by the mother (Sv/Bq) are given for
the selected radionuclides of the same 31 elements for which
age-specific biokinetic models were given in Publications 56, 67,
69, and 71. For these elements, doses were calculated for the most
radiologically significant natural or artificial radionuclides that
might be released into the environment due to various human
activities. Dose coefficients are also given in this report for
radionuclides of an additional four elements: sodium, magnesium,
phosphorus, and potassium.
The purpose of this Publication is to provide guidance on
radiological protection in industries involving NORM. These
industries may give rise to multiple hazards and the radiological
hazard is not necessarily dominant. The industries are diverse and
may involve exposure to people and the environment where protective
actions need to be considered. In some cases, there is a potential
for significant routine exposure to workers and members of the
public if suitable control measures are not considered.
This publication presents radionuclide-specific organ and effective
dose-rate coefficients for members of the public resulting from
environmental external exposures to radionuclide emissions of both
photons and electrons, calculated using computational phantoms
representing the ICRP reference newborn, 1-year-old, 5-year-old,
10-year-old, 15-year-old, and adult males and females.
Environmental radiation fields of monoenergetic photon and electron
sources were firstly computed using the Monte Carlo radiation
transport code PHITS for source geometries representing
environmental radionuclide exposures including planar sources on
and within the ground at different depths (representing
radionuclide ground contamination from fall-out or naturally
occurring terrestrial sources), volumetric sources in air
(representing a radioactive cloud), and uniformly distributed
sources in simulated contaminated water.
Following the issuance of new radiological protection
recommendations in Publication 103 (ICRP, 2007), the Commission
released, in Publication 110 (ICRP, 2009), the adult male and
female voxel-type reference computational phantoms to be used for
the calculation of the reference dose coefficients for both
external and internal exposures. While providing more anatomically
realistic representations of internal anatomy than the older
stylised phantoms, the voxel phantoms have their limitations,
mainly due to voxel resolution, especially with respect to small
tissue structures (e.g. lens of the eye) and very thin tissue
layers (e.g. stem cell layers in the stomach wall mucosa and
intestinal epithelium). This report describes the construction of
the adult mesh-type reference computational phantoms (MRCPs) that
are the modelling counterparts of the Publication 110 voxel-type
reference computational phantoms. The MRCPs include all source and
target regions needed for estimating effective dose, even the
m-thick target regions in the respiratory and alimentary tract,
skin, and urinary bladder, assimilating the supplemental stylised
models. The MRCPs can be directly implemented into Monte Carlo
particle transport codes for dose calculations, i.e. without
voxelisation, fully maintaining the advantages of the mesh
During their occupational activities in space, astronauts are
exposed to ionising radiation from natural radiation sources
present in this environment. They are, however, not usually
classified as being occupationally exposed in the sense of the
general ICRP system for radiation protection of workers applied on
Earth. The exposure assessment and risk-related approach described
in this report is clearly restricted to the special situation in
space, and should not be applied to any other exposure situation on
Earth. The report describes the terms and methods used to assess
the radiation exposure of astronauts, and provides data for the
assessment of organ doses.
This report updates and consolidates previous recommendations of
the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP)
related to solid waste disposal. The recommendations given apply
specifically to geological disposal of long-lived solid radioactive
waste. The report explains how the ICRP system of radiological
protection described in Publication 103 can be applied in the
context of the geological disposal of long-lived solid radioactive
waste. Although the report is written as a standalone document,
previous ICRP recommendations not dealt with in depth in the report
are still valid.
This report gives fluence to dose conversion coefficients for both
effective dose and organ absorbed doses for various types of
external exposures, consistent with the 2007 Recommendations of the
ICRP. These coefficients were calculated using the official
ICRP/ICRU computational phantoms representing the Reference Adult
Male and Reference Adult Female, in conjunction with Monte Carlo
codes simulating the transport of radiation within the human body
such as EGSnrc, FLUKA, GEANT4, MCNPX, and PHITS. The incident
radiations and energy ranges considered were external beams of
mono-energetic photons of 10 keV-10 GeV, electrons and positrons of
50 keV-10 GeV, neutrons of 0.001 eV-10 GeV, protons of 1 MeV-10
GeV, pions (negative/positive) of 1 MeV-200 GeV, muons
(negative/positive) of 1 MeV-10 GeV, and helium ions of 1 MeV/u-100
In Publication 103, the Commission included a section on the
protection of the environment, and indicated that it would be
further developing its approach to this difficult subject by way of
a set of Reference Animals and Plants (RAPs) as the basis for
relating exposure to dose, and dose to radiation effects, for
different types of animals and plants. Subsequently, a set of 12
RAPs has been described in some detail, particularly with regard to
estimation of the doses received by them, at a whole-body level, in
relation to internal and external radionuclide concentrations; and
what is known about the effects of radiation on such types of
animals and plants. A set of dose conversion factors for all of the
RAPs has been derived, and the resultant dose rates can be compared
with evaluations of the effects of dose rates using derived
consideration reference levels (DCRLs). Each DCRL constitutes a
band of dose rates for each RAP within which there is likely to be
some chance of the occurrence of deleterious effects. Site-specific
data on Representative Organisms (i.e. organisms of specific
interest for an assessment) can then be compared with such values
and used as a basis for decision making.
This report describes the development and intended use of the
computational phantoms of the Reference Male and Reference Female.
In its 2007 Recommendations, ICRP adopted these computational
phantoms for forthcoming updates of organ dose coefficients for
both internal and external radiation sources (ICRP, 2007). The
phantoms are based on medical image data of real people, yet are
consistent with the data given in Publication 89 (ICRP, 2002) on
the reference anatomical and physiological parameters for both male
and female subjects. The reference phantoms are constructed after
modifying the voxel models (Golem and Laura) of two individuals
whose body height and mass resembled the reference data. The organ
masses of both models were adjusted to the ICRP data on the adult
Reference Male and Reference Female, without compromising their
anatomic realism. This report describes the methods used for this
process and the characteristics of the resulting computational
This part gives metabolic data for 30 further elements, including
Annual Limits on Intakes (ALI's) for their isotopes. The data given
in this report are intended to be used together with the text and
dosimetric models described in ICRP Publication 30, Part 1.
The first of a series of reports recommending Annual Limits for
Intakes (ALI's) of radionuclides by workers. This report includes
the main text for the whole series of Publication 30, and data on
twenty one elements having radioisotopes that are of considerable
importance in radiological protection. The actual ALI values in
ICRP Publication 30 have become obsolete with the newer dosimetry
and dose limits of ICRP Publication 60, and at present the dose
coefficients in ICRP Publications 68, 69, 71, and 72 should be used
to determine ALI's. However, the vast body of biokinetic
information in Publication 30 still forms the basis of much of the
calculations underlying those later reports.
Radiopharmaceuticals are increasingly used for the treatment of
various cancers with novel radionuclides, compounds, tracer
molecules, and administration techniques. The goal of radiation
therapy, including therapy with radiopharmaceuticals, is to
optimise the relationship between tumour control probability and
potential complications in normal organs and tissues. This report
provides an overview of therapy procedures and a framework for
calculating radiation doses for various treatment approaches.