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Astronomy and Astrophysics Abstracts, which has appeared in
semi-annual volumes since 1969, is devoted to the recording,
summarizing and indexing of astronomical publications throughout
the world. It is prepared under the auspices of the International
Astronomical Union (according to a resolution adopted at the 14th
General Assembly in 1970). Astronomy and Astrophysics Abstracts
aims to present a comprehensive documenta tion of literature in all
fields of astronomy and astrophysics. Every effort will be made to
ensure that the average time interval between the date of receipt
of the original literature and publication of the abstracts will
not exceed eight months. This time interval is near to that
achieved by monthly abstracting journals, compared to which our
system of accumu lating abstracts for about six months offers the
advantage of greater convenience for the user. Volume 32 contains
literature published in 1982 and received before February 11, 1983;
some older literature which was received late and which is not
recorded in earlier volumes is also included. We acknowledge with
thanks contributions to this volume by Dr. J. Bou~a, Prague, who
surveyed journals and publications in Czech and supplied us with
abstracts in English.
Astronomy and Astrophysics Abstracts aims to present a
comprehensive documen tation of the literature concerning all
aspects of astronomy, astrophysics, and their border fields. It is
devoted to the recording, summarizing, and indexing of the relevant
publications throughout the world. Astronomy and Astrophysics
Abstracts is prepared by a special department of the Astronomisches
Rechen-Institut under the auspices of the International
Astronomical Union. Volume 39 records literature published in 1985
and received before August 15, 1985. Some older documents which we
received late and which are not surveyed in earlier volumes are
included too. We acknowledge with thanks contributions of our
colleagues all over the world. We also express our gratitude to all
organiza tions, observatories, and publishers which provide us with
complimentary copies of their publications. On account of the
introduction of an object index the scope of index information will
be considerably enlarged beginning with this volume. In connection
with the subject index an additional source to satisfy the needs of
retrieval is opened up. Starting with Volume 33, all the recording,
correction, and data processing work was done by means of
computers. The recording was done by our technical staff members
Ms. Helga Ballmann, Ms. Mona El-Choura, Ms. Monika Kohl, Ms. Sylvia
Matyssek. Ms. Karin Burkhardt, Ms. Susanne Schlotelburg, and Mr.
Stefan Wagner supported our task by careful proofreading. It is a
pleasure to thank them all for their encouragement. Heidelberg,
September 1985 The Editors Contents Introduction . . . . . . . . .
. . .
Astronomy and Astrophysics Abstracts, which has appeared in
semi-annual volumes since 1969, is de voted to the recording,
summarizing and indexing of astronomical publications throughout
the world. It is prepared under the auspices of the International
Astronomical Union (according to a resolution adopted at the 14th
General Assembly in 1970). Astronomy and Astrophysics Abstracts
aims to present a comprehensive documentation of literature in all
fields of astronomy and astrophysics. Every effort will be made to
ensure that the average time interval between the date of receipt
of the original literature and publication of the abstracts will
not exceed eight months: This time interval is near to that
achieved by monthly abstracting journals, com pared to which our
system of accumulating abstracts for about six months offers the
advantage of greater convenience for the user. I, 1980; some older
Volume 27 contains literature published in 1980 and received before
August literature which was received late and which is not recorded
in earlier volumes is also included. We acknowledge with thanks
contributions to this volume by Dr. J. Bouska, Prague, who surveyed
journals and publications in Czech and supplied us with abstracts
in English.
Astronomy and Astrophysics Abstracts, which has appeared in
semi-annual volumes since 1969, is de voted to the recording,
summarizing and indexing of astronomical publications throughout
the world. It is prepared under the auspices of the International
Astronomical Union (according to a resolution adopted at the 14th
General Assembly in 1970). Astronomy and Astrophysics Abstracts
aims to present a comprehensive documentation of literature in all
fields of astronomy and astrophysics. Every effort will be made to
ensure that the average time interval between the date of receipt
of the original literature and publication of the abstracts will
not exceed eight months. This time interval is near to that
achieved by monthly abstracting journals, com pared to which our
system of accumulating abstracts for about six months offers the
advantage of greater convenience for the user. Volume 20 contains
literature published in 1977 and received before February 20, 1978;
some older literature which was received late and which is not
recorded in earlier volumes is also included. We acknowledge with
thanks contributions to this volume by Dr. J. BouSka, Prague, who
surveyed journals and publications in Czech and supplied us with
abstracts in English, and by Prof. P. Brosche, Bonn, who supplied
us with literature concerning some border fields of astronomy."
Viele Menschen haben sich bereits in den ersten Lebensjahren von
ihren Gefuhlen abgeschnitten, um Schmerz, Wut, Demutigung,
Hilflosigkeit oder Verletzungen nicht mehr spuren zu mussen. Dieser
innere Schutzmechanismus ist fur das spatere Leben jedoch meist
hinderlich, denn Hemmungen und Blockierungen fuhren zu
Freudlosigkeit, Misserfolg, Krankheit oder Selbstzerstorung. Die 13
aufgezeigten Schritte mit vielen praktischen Ubungen ermoglichen
es, die eigenen negativen, uns selbst meist gar nicht bewussten
inneren Muster und Verhaltensweisen zu erkennen und schliesslich zu
verandern. So konnen wir den Panzer, der um unsere Seele liegt,
auflosen und unsere strahlende Lebendigkeit wiederfinden. Die
Autorin Salama Inge Heinrichs, Jahrgang 1922, unterstutzte bis zu
ins hohe Alter von 91 Jahren, Menschen in ihrer individuellen
Entfaltung und Entwicklung. Ihr zweites Buch: Korpersprache als
Schlussel zu Seele erschien erstmals 2004 und ist heute im
Eigenverlag uber print on demand by amazon erhaltlich. Sie grundete
das heinrichs-swoboda institut fur expressiv emotionale entlastung
und psychotherapie," das heute von ihren Tochtern Caroline und
Henriette Heinrichs, so wie Christoph Swoboda weiter geleitet wird.
www.heinrichs-swoboda.de 2. Auflage 2014 (c) Salama Inge Heinrichs,
Munchen 2014 Alle Reche, auch die des auszugsweisen Nachdrucks, der
Ubersetzung und jeglicher Wiedergabe, vorbehalten.
Umschlaggestaltung: Coco Caroline Heinrichs, Zeichnung Salama Inge
Heinrichs Die erste Auflage erschien 2001 im Kosel Verlag, Munchen.
Druck: print on demand by ama
Dieses Buch beschreibt den Korperausdruck als Schlussel zur Seele.
Hier geht es nicht um Gestik oder Mimik, sondern um den Korper
selbst. Um das, was wir durch unser korperliches Sein ausdrucken,
was sich in uns verkorpert hat und schicksalhaft auswirken kann.
Was ist die unbewusste Botschaft die ich aussende und wie reagieren
meine Mitmenschen darauf? Was heisst es, gross, klein, dick, dunn,
gerade oder gebeugt zu sein? Was bedeutet Uber- und Untergewicht,
ein Hohlkreuz oder ein Rundrucken...? Dieser Ratgeber mit vielen
praktischen Ubungen hilft, die Botschaften des Korpers zu
entschlusseln als Wegweiser zur Selbsterkenntnis und
Selbstwahrnehmung. Angelehnt an die Korpertypen, die in den 1930er
Jahren von Alexander Lowen und Wilhelm Reich bestimmt wurden, kann
sich jeder Leser mit diesem Buch seine eigenen Muster und
Verhaltensweisen erklaren und lernt, auch seine Mitmenschen besser
zu verstehen. Die Autorin Salama Inge Heinrichs, Jahrgang 1922,
unterstutzte bis zu ins hohe Alter von 91 Jahren, Menschen in ihrer
individuellen Entfaltung und Entwicklung. Ihr erstes Buch: Das
Geheimnis der Lebendigkeit erschien erstmals 2001 im Kosel Verlag,
Munchen und ist heute im Eigenverlag uber print on demand by amazon
erhaltlich. Sie grundete das heinrichs-swoboda institut fur
expressiv emotionale entlastung und psychotherapie," das heute von
ihren Tochtern Caroline und Henriette Heinrichs, so wie Christoph
Swoboda weiter geleitet wird. www.heinrichs-swoboda.