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Eye-opening essays by Buddhist, Hindus, Jews, Muslims provide insights to how Christianity is viewed in their communities--and why.
In this new edition of the standard undergraduate textbook on electricity and magnetism, David Griffiths provides expanded discussions on topics such as the nature of field lines, the crystal ambiguity, eddy currents, and the Thomson kink model. Ideal for junior and senior undergraduate students from physics and electrical engineering, the book now includes many new examples and problems, including numerical applications (in Mathematica) to reflect the increasing importance of computational techniques in contemporary physics. Many figures have been redrawn, while updated references to recent research articles not only emphasize that new discoveries are constantly made in this field, but also help to expand readers' understanding of the topic and of its importance in current physics research.
What social conditions and intellectual practices are necessary in order for religious cultures to flourish? Paul Griffiths finds the answer in "religious reading" --- the kind of reading in which a religious believer allows his mind to be furnished and his heart instructed by a sacred text, understood in the light of an authoritative tradition. He favorably contrasts the practices and pedagogies of traditional religious cultures with those of our own fragmented and secularized culture and insists that religious reading should be preserved.
Drawing on a wealth of primary and secondary sources, this book explores how far imperial culture penetrated Antipodean city institutions. It argues that far from imperial saturation, the city 'Down Under' was remarkably untouched by the Empire. Only at certain times, such as during imperial crises, were citizens alerted to their place as imperial citizens, but in times of peace, operationalising a sense of this identity was far more difficult. Through an exploration of imperial loyalty leagues, school culture, ideas of imperial federation, youth organisations, the daily and weekly press and popular culture of the city, the book notes that there was an instrumental approach to Empire on the part of the Antipodean working class. Imperial ceremonies and traditions failed to embed themselves and by the inter-war years internationalism more generally challenged imperial values. The roots of imperial decline are found in the inter war years as various aspects of British imperial culture lost their grip. Indeed, many had struggled to implant themselves in the first place.
Phosphate Fibers is a singular detailed account of the discovery, chemistry, synthesis, properties, manufacture, toxicology, and uses of calcium and sodium calcium polyphosphate fibers. Author Edward J. Griffith-the inventor and developer of this safe, biodegradable material-takes a multidisciplinary approach to this subject, considering the social, legal, medical, and industrial issues surrounding the use of asbestos and other mineral fibers. This compelling study is a beneficial resource to both readers interested in mineral fibers as well as those who want to understand the complexities of bringing new substances into the modern marketplace.
Blaise Pascal (1623-1662) is known in the English-speaking world principally for the wager (an argument that it is rational to do what will affect belief in God and irrational not to), and, more generally, for the Pensees, a collection of philosophical and theological fragments of unusual emotional and intellectual intensity collected and published after his death. He thought and wrote, however, about much more than this: mathematics; physics; grace, freedom, and predestination; the nature of the church; the Christian life; what it is to write and read; the order of things; the nature and purpose of human life; and more. He was among the polymaths of the seventeenth century, and among the principal apologists of his time for the Catholic faith, against both its Protestant opponents and its secular critics. Why Read Pascal? engages all the major topics of Pascal's theological and philosophical writing. It provides discussion of Pascal's literary style, his linked understandings of knowledge and of the various orders of things, his anthropology (with special attention to his presentation of affliction, death, and boredom), his politics, and his understanding of the relation between Christianity and Judaism. Pascal emerges as a literary stylist of a high order, a witty and polemical writer (never have the Jesuits been more thoroughly eviscerated), and, perhaps above all else, as someone concerned to show to Christianity's cultured despisers that the fabric of their own lives implies the truth of Christianity if only they can be brought to look at what their lives are like. Why Read Pascal? is the first book in English in a generation to engage all the principal themes in Pascal's theology and philosophy. The book takes Pascal seriously as an interlocutor and as a contributor of continuing relevance to Catholic thought; but it also offers criticisms of some among the positions he takes, showing, in doing so, how lively his writing remains for us now.
Sidney Coleman (1937-2007) earned his doctorate at Caltech under Murray Gell-Mann. Before completing his thesis, he was hired by Harvard and remained there his entire career. A celebrated particle theorist, he is perhaps best known for his brilliant lectures, given at Harvard and in a series of summer school courses at Erice, Sicily. Three times in the 1960s he taught a graduate course on Special and General Relativity; this book is based on lecture notes taken by three of his students and compiled by the Editors.
Changes and additions to the new edition of this classic textbook include a new chapter on symmetries, new problems and examples, improved explanations, more numerical problems to be worked on a computer, new applications to solid state physics, and consolidated treatment of time-dependent potentials.
As Africa's strategic importance has increased over the past decade and a half, United States security cooperation with the continent has expanded. The most visible dimension of this increased engagement was the establishment of the U.S. Military Command for Africa (AFRICOM). Some critics are skeptical of AFRICOM's purpose and see the militarization of U.S. Africa policy while others question its effectiveness. Recognizing the link between development and security, AFRICOM represents a departure from the traditional organization of military commands because of its holistic approach and the involvement of the Department of State as well as other U.S. government stakeholders. Nevertheless, AFRICOM's effort to combine security and development faces formidable conceptual and operational challenges in trying to ensure both American and African security interests. The human security perspective's emphasis on issues that go beyond traditional state-centered security to include protecting individuals from threats of hunger, disease, crime, environmental degradation, and political repression as well as focusing on social and economic justice is an important component of security policy. At the same time, the threat of violent extremism heavily influences U.S. security cooperation with Africa. In this examination of the context of U.S.-African security relations, Robert J. Griffiths outlines the nature of the African state, traces the contours of African conflict, surveys the post-independence history of U.S. involvement on the continent, and discusses policy organization and implementation and the impact of U.S. experiences in Iraq and Afghanistan on the U.S.-Africa security relationship. Africa's continuing geostrategic significance, the influence of China and other emerging markets in the region, and America's other global engagements, especially in light of U.S. fiscal realities, demonstrate the complexity of U.S.-African security cooperation.
This well-known undergraduate electrodynamics textbook is now available in a more affordable printing from Cambridge University Press. The Fourth Edition provides a rigorous, yet clear and accessible treatment of the fundamentals of electromagnetic theory and offers a sound platform for explorations of related applications (AC circuits, antennas, transmission lines, plasmas, optics and more). Written keeping in mind the conceptual hurdles typically faced by undergraduate students, this textbook illustrates the theoretical steps with well-chosen examples and careful illustrations. It balances text and equations, allowing the physics to shine through without compromising the rigour of the math, and includes numerous problems, varying from straightforward to elaborate, so that students can be assigned some problems to build their confidence and others to stretch their minds. A Solutions Manual is available to instructors teaching from the book; access can be requested from the resources section at www.cambridge.org/electrodynamics.
This text gives an overview of the main landslide field sites. It
covers aspects of recent landslide research at the University of
This is the first book in a western language to treat these doctrines about Budda from a philosophical and thoroughly critical viewpoint.
In this outdoors mystery, special agent Sam Rivers investigates the unexplained-and very unlikely-cougar attack that killed a wealthy business owner. The sighting of a cougar in the Minnesota River Valley, outside the Twin Cities, is incredibly rare. A deadly cougar attack on a human in this area is about as likely as getting struck by lightning-twice. Yet when wealthy business owner Jack McGregor is found dead, the physical evidence seems incontrovertible. Sheriff Rusty Benson brings in Sam Rivers, a US Fish & Wildlife (USFW) special agent and a wildlife biologist, to examine the scene and sign off on his conclusions. But Sam's experiences have given him a penchant for understanding predators, and he has more questions than answers. Details begin to surface that challenge law enforcement's open-and-shut case. To find justice, Sam must take matters into his own hands. He enlists the help of reporter Diane Talbott and his wolf-dog, Gray, who's in training to become a working dog for the USFW. Gray's nose leads the investigation in unexpected directions. The more rocks Sam turns over, the more motives for murdering McGregor seem to slither out. With no help or support from local law enforcement, Sam and his team are all that stand between justice and those who might otherwise get away with murder. Sam's knowledge of backcountry, cougars, and the criminal mind will be put to the test, as he tries to solve the case-and stay alive. In Cougar Claw, natural history writer Cary J. Griffith brings back Sam Rivers, the predator's predator, and pens a puzzling mystery filled with suspense and intrigue.
The appetite for knowledge - wanting to know things - is very strong in humans. Some will sacrifice all other goods (sex, power, food, life itself) for it. But this is not a simple appetite, and this book treats some of its complications, deformations, beauties, and intensities. Christian thinkers have traditionally distinguished between good and bad forms of the appetite for knowledge, calling the good 'studiousness' and the bad 'curiosity'. The former is aimed at joyful contemplation of what can be known as gift given; the latter seeks ownership and control of what can be known as property for the taking. Paul J. Griffiths' ""Intellectual Appetite"" offers an extended study of the difference between the two, with special attention to the question of ownership: What is it like to think of yourself as the owner of what you know, and how might it be different to think of what you know as a gift given you? How these questions are answered has a deep impact on a number of issues in contemporary educational and legal theory. Most fundamentally, there is the question of what it means to know something at all. On that, this book offers an account of knowledge in terms of intimacy: to know something (a mathematical formula, a past event, another human being, the lineaments of a galaxy) is to become intimate with it according to its kind. There are also important and currently pressing ancillary questions; for example, that of what plagiarism is and how it should be addressed. Plagiarism is often understood in part as theft of intellectual property, and since it is essential to the argument of this book that seeking knowledge ought not to be understood as seeking ownership, the book offers a theological defense of plagiarism.
In this brilliant theological essay, Paul J. Griffiths takes the reader through all the stages of regret. To various degrees, all human beings experience regret. In this concise theological grammar, Paul J. Griffiths analyzes this attitude toward the past and distinguishes its various kinds. He examines attitudes encapsulated in the phrase, "I would it were otherwise," including regret, contrition, remorse, compunction, lament, and repentance. By using literature (especially poetry) and Christian theology, Griffiths shows both what is good about regret and what can be destructive about it. Griffiths argues that on the one hand regret can take the form of remorse-an agony produced by obsessive and ceaseless examination of the errors, sins, and omissions of the past. This kind of regret accomplishes nothing and produces only pain. On the other hand, when regret is coupled with contrition and genuine sorrow for past errors, it has the capacity both to transfigure the past-which is never merely past-and to open the future. Moreover, in thinking about the phenomenon of regret in the context of Christian theology, Griffiths focuses especially on the notion of the LORD's regret. Is it even reasonable to claim that the LORD regrets? Griffiths shows not only that it is but also that the LORD's regret should structure how we regret as human beings. Griffiths investigates the work of Henry James, Emily Dickinson, Tomas Transtroemer, Paul Celan, Jane Austen, George Herbert, and Robert Frost to show how regret is not a negative feature of human life but rather is essential for human flourishing and ultimately is to be patterned on the LORD's regret. Regret: A Theology will be of interest to scholars and students of philosophy, theology, and literature, as well as to literate readers who want to understand the phenomenon of regret more deeply.
In this outdoors thriller, the investigation of a bizarre wolf attack leads to evidence of murder, conspiracy, and shocking family secrets. A decades-old promise haunts Sam Rivers, but the wildlife biologist refuses to return home-not with his abusive and estranged father still there. Rivers left the family farm some 20 years ago. He found solace in nature and built a respected career as a special agent for the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service. His experiences have given him a penchant for understanding predators-a skill he'll need, now, more than ever. After his father's mysterious death, Rivers is lured back to his hometown of Defiance, in northern Minnesota, to fulfill his mother's dying wish. But all is not as it seems. Rivers breaks into his childhood home during a howling winter storm and discovers something sinister. His suspicions are heightened after a bizarre wolf attack on local livestock. The events lead the special agent to a series of clues that could change everything he knows-or thinks he knows-about the town, his family, and himself. With the help of alluring reporter Diane Talbott, Rivers must unravel the wolf kill and learn what really happened to his father-a man Rivers has hated for most of his life. It is a case unlike any he's worked before. His knowledge of frigid winters, wolves, and wilderness will be put to the test, as he tries to solve the case-and stay alive. In Wolf Kill, natural history writer Cary J. Griffith introduces readers to Sam Rivers, the predator's predator, and weaves a masterful tale of danger and suspense in the far north.
A sustained and systematic theological reflection on the idea that being a Christian is, first and last, a matter of the flesh, Christian Flesh shows us what being a Christian means for fleshly existence. Depicting and analyzing what the Christian tradition has to say about the flesh of Christians in relation to that of Christ, the book shows that some kinds of fleshly activity conform well to being a Christian, while others are in tension with it. But to lead a Christian life is to be unconstrained by ordinary ethical norms. Arguing that no particular case of fleshly activity is forbidden, Paul J. Griffiths illustrates his message through extended case studies of what it is for Christians to eat, to clothe themselves, and to engage in physical intimacy.
Drawing on a wealth of primary and secondary sources, this book explores how far imperial culture penetrated antipodean city institutions. It argues that far from imperial saturation, the city 'Down Under' was remarkably untouched by the Empire.
Phosphate Fibers is a singular detailed account of the discovery, chemistry, synthesis, properties, manufacture, toxicology, and uses of calcium and sodium calcium polyphosphate fibers. Author Edward J. Griffith-the inventor and developer of this safe, biodegradable material-takes a multidisciplinary approach to this subject, considering the social, legal, medical, and industrial issues surrounding the use of asbestos and other mineral fibers. This compelling study is a beneficial resource to both readers interested in mineral fibers as well as those who want to understand the complexities of bringing new substances into the modern marketplace.
Stories from survivors of the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness’s epochal weather disaster  On July 4, 1999, in the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness (BWCAW), a bizarre confluence of meteorological events resulted in the most damaging blowdown in the region’s history. Originating over the Dakotas, the midsummer windstorm developed amid unusually high heat and water-saturated forests and moved steadily east, bearing down on Fargo, North Dakota, and damaging land as it crossed the Minnesota border. Gunflint Falling tells the story of this devastating storm from the perspectives of those who were on the ground before, during, and after the catastrophic event—from first-time visitors to the north woods to returning paddlers to Forest Service Rangers.  The pre-dawn forecasts from the National Weather Service in Duluth for that Sunday of the holiday weekend predicted the day would be “warm and humid. Partly sunny with a thirty percent chance of thunderstorms.” But as the afternoon and evening settled over the Boundary Waters, the first eyewitness accounts began to tell a dramatic and terrifying story. Five friends camping on Lake Polly watched in wonder as the sky turned green and the winds began to whip. They scrambled to pull canoes on shore and secure tarps when a tree snapped and struck one of them in the head, rendering her unconscious. Three women enjoying their last day of a camping trip near the end of the Gunflint Trail took shelter in their tent as winds increased. Water drenched the nylon walls as trees crashed around them, one flattening the tent and pinning a woman beneath its weight. A family vacationing at their cabin dodged falling trees and strained against straight-line winds as they sprinted from the cabin to the safest place they knew: a crawl space underneath it. They watched in awe as trees snapped and toppled, their twisted root balls torn out of the water-logged earth—as they prayed their cabin would hold.  By the time the storm began to subside, falling trees had injured approximately sixty people, and most needed to be medevacked to safety. Amazingly, no one died. The historic storm laid down timber that would later blaze in the Ham Lake fire of 2007, ultimately reshaping the region’s forests in ways we have yet to fully understand.
This new book is a substantially updated and expanded edition based upon the successful and acclaimed Basic Environmental and Engineering Geology by the late Professor Fred Bell. It incorporates the changes that have occurred since and also addresses some aspects of the discipline that have developed a much higher profile over the past few decades. The book is underpinned by two fundamental premises: that environmental and engineering geology represents a single coherent discipline that has a broad remit; and it is a vocational subject and not an academic pursuit, that aims to provide the societal means for safe, economic, and environmentally sustainable planning and development. The early chapters underpin the discipline and deal with: geology and geochemistry; geomorphology; engineering soils and rocks; pedological soils; hydrology and hydrogeology. A thorough appraisal of the various stages of site investigation is followed by nine chapters on the application of environmental and engineering geology. These chapters cover a broad range and draw on case studies taken both from the authors own files and those published elsewhere. In all examples the aim is to illustrate the way case studies have improved our knowledge and developed the science of environmental and engineering geology. The final chapter addresses some of the new issues that environmental and engineering geologists are now facing that were not considered in the first edition, including climate change, renewable energy, geoconservation, geoforensics, and modern military applications. In addition, the requirement for skills that are beyond subject knowledge required by practitioners are introduced, such as project management, health & safety, and seeking professional recognition. An extensive list of additional reading is provided for each of the chapters in the book, allowing readers to explore the rich literature that underpins this fascinating and important subject.
As Africa's strategic importance has increased over the past decade and a half, United States security cooperation with the continent has expanded. The most visible dimension of this increased engagement was the establishment of the U.S. Military Command for Africa (AFRICOM). Some critics are skeptical of AFRICOM's purpose and see the militarization of U.S. Africa policy while others question its effectiveness. Recognizing the link between development and security, AFRICOM represents a departure from the traditional organization of military commands because of its holistic approach and the involvement of the Department of State as well as other U.S. government stakeholders. Nevertheless, AFRICOM's effort to combine security and development faces formidable conceptual and operational challenges in trying to ensure both American and African security interests. The human security perspective's emphasis on issues that go beyond traditional state-centered security to include protecting individuals from threats of hunger, disease, crime, environmental degradation, and political repression as well as focusing on social and economic justice is an important component of security policy. At the same time, the threat of violent extremism heavily influences U.S. security cooperation with Africa. In this examination of the context of U.S.-African security relations, Robert J. Griffiths outlines the nature of the African state, traces the contours of African conflict, surveys the post-independence history of U.S. involvement on the continent, and discusses policy organization and implementation and the impact of U.S. experiences in Iraq and Afghanistan on the U.S.-Africa security relationship. Africa's continuing geostrategic significance, the influence of China and other emerging markets in the region, and America's other global engagements, especially in light of U.S. fiscal realities, demonstrate the complexity of U.S.-African security cooperation.
Two dead bodies and too many coincidences to ignore—in this outdoors mystery, special agent Sam Rivers must stop a murderous conspiracy. As a special agent for the US Fish & Wildlife Service, Sam Rivers has researched and studied a variety of animals. He’s visiting sixth graders at Hopkins Elementary to share photographs of the Monarch butterfly—and he’s brought along his drug-sniffing wolfdog, Gray, to give students a demonstration of his partner’s remarkable skills. Gray finds a sample drug packet, hidden by Sam, but that’s not all. The wolfdog keeps following his nose, leading Sam to a utility room where they discover the school’s janitor, dead. Local police write it off as a drug overdose, but Sam is no stranger to crime scenes. He suspects foul play. When Sam and Gray come upon a second victim, the coincidences are too great to ignore. Sam starts turning over rocks—and what slithers out is more insidious than anyone could have foretold. Sam’s instincts tell him there’ll be more deaths, but those instincts put him at odds with conventional law enforcement. Armed with his knowledge of the natural world and his wolfdog companion, Sam must uncover answers to questions that few others believe exist. The Denver Post calls Sam Rivers the “predator’s predator.” In Killing Monarchs, natural history writer Cary J. Griffith brings back Sam for his third mystery—a thrilling novel filled with action and suspense.
In The Practice of Catholic Theology: A Modest Proposal, Paul J. Griffiths has written a how-to book for Catholic theologians that will both instruct beginners and challenge long-time practitioners to sharpen their understanding of their craY. He defines Catholic theology as the practice of thinking, speaking, and writing about the God of Christian confession; so understood, it's something that anyone can learn to do. Personal sanctity is not required, but as with any other practice, practitioners of this beautiful and elevated thought-performance need to know some things and to develop some skills in order to be able to perform it. This book lays out, clearly and in detail, what the relevant body of knowledge is and how to find access to it; it does that by describing the "Catholic archive" in all its variety (scriptural, conciliar, magisterial broadly and narrowly, liturgical, canon-legal, speculative), and by analyzing the authoritative weight of the various components of the archive. It shows the di erence between dogmatical and speculative theology, both by example and analysis. It also gives detailed instruction in the development of the theologian's particular skills: argument, synthesis, intellectual imagination, thought-experiment, exegesis, and so on. And it describes, with particular recommendations, the essential components of the theologian's working library, and how they ought to be used. |
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