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This richly annotated second edition of the now-classic pairing of
Bacon s masterpieces, New Atlantis and The Great Instauration
features the addition of other works by Bacon, including The Idols
of the Mind, Of Unity in Religion and Of the True Greatness of
Kingdoms and Estates, as well a Summary of the each work and
Questions for the reader. S * Includes works new to the second
edition, including The Idols of the Mind, Of Unity in Religion, and
Of the True Greatness of Kingdoms and Estates * Updates the layout
of the previous edition with a more generous interior design,
making this work more student-friendly and easier to navigate in
the classroom * Each work is introduced and subsequently discussed,
revealing the importance of Bacon s work to his contemporaries as
well as to modern readers * Includes a comprehensive introduction
and annotations throughout the text; as well as an appendix of
Principal Dates in the Life of Sir Francis Bacon; a selected
bibliography; and synopses and questions to accompany each work
This richly annotated second edition of the now-classic pairing of
Bacon s masterpieces, New Atlantis and The Great Instauration
features the addition of other works by Bacon, including The Idols
of the Mind, Of Unity in Religion and Of the True Greatness of
Kingdoms and Estates, as well a Summary of the each work and
Questions for the reader. S * Includes works new to the second
edition, including The Idols of the Mind, Of Unity in Religion, and
Of the True Greatness of Kingdoms and Estates * Updates the layout
of the previous edition with a more generous interior design,
making this work more student-friendly and easier to navigate in
the classroom * Each work is introduced and subsequently discussed,
revealing the importance of Bacon s work to his contemporaries as
well as to modern readers * Includes a comprehensive introduction
and annotations throughout the text; as well as an appendix of
Principal Dates in the Life of Sir Francis Bacon; a selected
bibliography; and synopses and questions to accompany each work
The First-Year Urban High School Teacher: Holding the Torch,
Lighting the Fire tracks co-author Paul Weinberg during his first
year of teaching as he is introduced to the daily tribulations of
an urban Los Angeles high school. Paul's father, Carl Weinberg, who
fifty years earlier himself began his career in education as an
urban secondary school teacher, shares his experiences side-by-side
with those of his son. Together they reveal parallels between
Carl's former problems in the urban classroom and the problems his
son faces. Though some things have changed, there have not been
nearly as many changes as one would have hoped. Interwoven with the
father-son anecdotes of personal experience in teaching is a
careful scholarly examination of the areas of social and cultural
disorganization that the new teacher confronts with students,
teachers, administrators, policy makers, and parents as he or she
navigates through the behemoth of urban schooling.
The First-Year Urban High School Teacher: Holding the Torch,
Lighting the Fire tracks co-author Paul Weinberg during his first
year of teaching as he is introduced to the daily tribulations of
an urban Los Angeles high school. Paul's father, Carl Weinberg, who
fifty years earlier himself began his career in education as an
urban secondary school teacher, shares his experiences side-by-side
with those of his son. Together they reveal parallels between
Carl's former problems in the urban classroom and the problems his
son faces. Though some things have changed, there have not been
nearly as many changes as one would have hoped. Interwoven with the
father-son anecdotes of personal experience in teaching is a
careful scholarly examination of the areas of social and cultural
disorganization that the new teacher confronts with students,
teachers, administrators, policy makers, and parents as he or she
navigates through the behemoth of urban schooling.
Classical solutions play an important role in quantum field theory,
high energy physics and cosmology. Real-time soliton solutions give
rise to particles, such as magnetic monopoles, and extended
structures, such as domain walls and cosmic strings, that have
implications for early universe cosmology. Imaginary-time Euclidean
instantons are responsible for important nonperturbative effects,
while Euclidean bounce solutions govern transitions between
metastable states. Written for advanced graduate students and
researchers in elementary particle physics, cosmology and related
fields, this book brings the reader up to the level of current
research in the field. The first half of the book discusses the
most important classes of solitons: kinks, vortices and magnetic
monopoles. The cosmological and observational constraints on these
are covered, as are more formal aspects, including BPS solitons and
their connection with supersymmetry. The second half is devoted to
Euclidean solutions, with particular emphasis on Yang Mills
instantons and on bounce solutions."
Classical solutions play an important role in quantum field theory,
high energy physics and cosmology. Real-time soliton solutions give
rise to particles, such as magnetic monopoles, and extended
structures, such as domain walls and cosmic strings, that have
implications for early universe cosmology. Imaginary-time Euclidean
instantons are responsible for important nonperturbative effects,
while Euclidean bounce solutions govern transitions between
metastable states. Written for advanced graduate students and
researchers in elementary particle physics, cosmology and related
fields, this book brings the reader up to the level of current
research in the field. The first half of the book discusses the
most important classes of solitons: kinks, vortices and magnetic
monopoles. The cosmological and observational constraints on these
are covered, as are more formal aspects, including BPS solitons and
their connection with supersymmetry. The second half is devoted to
Euclidean solutions, with particular emphasis on Yang Mills
instantons and on bounce solutions."
Dieses Buch hat sowohl einen soliden Rumpf als auch beschwingte
Flugel. Gesicher- tes klinisches Wissen ist mit letzten
wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnissen zu einer ausser- ordentlich
anregenden Lekture fur den Kinderarzt sowohl als auch fur den
Urologen, den Radiologen und den Mikrobiologen gemischt. Das Buch
gibt praktische, klini- sche Information, bringt uns in die
Werkstatt des Wissenschaftlers und ladt ein zum Nachdenken.
Infektionen der Niere und des Harntrakts gehoeren zu den haufigsten
bakteriellen Erkrankungen in Gesellschaften mit hohem Stand der
Koerperhygiene. Die Pyelone- phritis im breitesten Wortsinn wurde,
nachdem sie wahrend der ersten Dekaden die- ses Jahrhunderts nur
wenig wissenschaftliche Beachtung fand, in letzter Zeit ein blu-
hendes und bedeutendes Forschungsfeld. Der Grunde hierfur sind
viele; zum Beispiel sind die Kosten, welche der Gesellschaft und
dem einzelnen Kranken durch diese Krankheit entstehen, erheblich;
die Auswirkungen der Krankheit koennen das Wohl- befinden des
Betroffenen uber Jahrzehnte beeintrachtigen und sich sogar gegen
die Kinder erkrankter Mutter wenden. Hieruber hinaus mussen wir
eingehender untersu- chen, ob einige Probleme bakterieller
Infektionen von Nieren und Harnwegen, denen wir in unserer
taglichen Arbeit gegenuberstehen, iatrogen sind; setzen wir
beispiels- weise Antibiotika und Operationen in der richtigen Weise
ein? Ein anderer Grund fur das Interesse an der Forschung besteht
einfach darin, dass es sich um eine faszinieren- de Krankheit
handelt, bei der die Pathogenese sowohl der Infektion selbst als
auch ei- nes Nierenschadens ein Ratsel bleibt.
Leon Weinberger draws on a wealth of material, much of it
previously available only in Hebrew, to trace the history of Jewish
hymnography from its origins in the eastern Mediterranean to its
subsequent development in western Europe (Spain, Italy,
Franco-Germany, and England) and Balkan Byzantium, on the Grecian
periphery, under the Ottomans, and among the Karaites. Focusing on
each region in turn, he provides a general background to the role
of the synagogue poets in the society of the time; characterizes
the principal poets and describes their contribution; examines the
principal genres and forms; and considers their distinctive
language, style, and themes. The copious excerpts from the liturgy
are presented in transliterated Hebrew and in English translation,
and their salient characteristics are fully discussed to bring out
the historical development of ideas and regional themes as well as
literary forms. Professor Weinberger's study is a particularly
valuable source-book for students of synagogue liturgy, Jewish
worship, and medieval Hebrew poetry. It provides new perspectives
for students of religious poetry and forms of worship more
generally, while enabling the general reader to acquire a
much-enriched appreciation of the synagogue services. 'A pivotal
reference book . . . The volume's coverage is admirably broad and
dense; its approach and presentation are apt and felicitous.
Nothing comparable has been available in English . . . we owe
Weinberger a big debt of gratitude.' Ephraim Nissan, Shofar 'It is
a blessing to have in English such a felicitous treatment of the
fruits of modern Israeli scholarship on piyyut or Jewish
hymnography incorporated into the author's own prodigious research
. . . The work is the best introduction in English to the whole
subject . . . It is bound to encourage scholars of English-speaking
universities to mount courses in this heretofore neglected area of
Hebrew poetry. The lack of a good textbook can no longer serve as
an excuse.' Reuven Kimelman
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