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Since the 'Introduction' to the main text gives an account of the
way in which the problems treated in the following pages
originated, this 'Preface' may be limited to an acknowledgement of
the support the work has received. It started during the pe riod
when I was professor of aero- and hydrodynamics at the Technical
University in Delft, Netherlands, and many discussions with
colleagues ha ve in: fluenced its devel opment. Oftheir names I
mention here only that ofH. A. Kramers. Papers No. 1-13 ofthe list
given at the end ofthe text were written during that period. Severa
ofthese were attempts to explore ideas which later had to be
abandoned, but gradually a line of thought emerged which promised
more definite results. This line began to come to the foreground in
pa per No. 3 (1939}, while a preliminary formulation ofthe results
was given in paper No. 12 (1954}. At that time, however, there
still was missing a practica method for manipulating a certain
distribution function of central interest. A six months stay at the
Hydrodynamics Laboratories ofthe California Institute of
Technology, Pasadena, California (1950-1951}, was supported by a
Contract with the Department of the Air F orce, N o. AF
33(038}-17207. A course of lectures was given during this period,
which were published in typescript under the title 'On Turbulent
Fluid Motion', as Report No. E-34. 1, July 1951, of the
Hydrodynamics Laboratory."
This volume presents an overview of recent developments in the
thermal management of electronic systems. This is increasingly
recognized as an important factor in current design methodology.
The topics covered include thermal management in general, thermally
induced failure, numerical and experimental analysis of systems at
various packaging levels, channels and electronic components,
measurement techniques, liquid cooling, thermal characterization,
thermal stress and die attach defects. This text is suitable for
research and development engineers and scientists whose work
involves the design and manufacture of electronic systems.
Since the 'Introduction' to the main text gives an account of the
way in which the problems treated in the following pages
originated, this 'Preface' may be limited to an acknowledgement of
the support the work has received. It started during the pe riod
when I was professor of aero- and hydrodynamics at the Technical
University in Delft, Netherlands, and many discussions with
colleagues ha ve in: fluenced its devel opment. Oftheir names I
mention here only that ofH. A. Kramers. Papers No. 1-13 ofthe list
given at the end ofthe text were written during that period. Severa
ofthese were attempts to explore ideas which later had to be
abandoned, but gradually a line of thought emerged which promised
more definite results. This line began to come to the foreground in
pa per No. 3 (1939}, while a preliminary formulation ofthe results
was given in paper No. 12 (1954}. At that time, however, there
still was missing a practica method for manipulating a certain
distribution function of central interest. A six months stay at the
Hydrodynamics Laboratories ofthe California Institute of
Technology, Pasadena, California (1950-1951}, was supported by a
Contract with the Department of the Air F orce, N o. AF
33(038}-17207. A course of lectures was given during this period,
which were published in typescript under the title 'On Turbulent
Fluid Motion', as Report No. E-34. 1, July 1951, of the
Hydrodynamics Laboratory."
Die Hydro- und Aerodynamik hat in den letzten Jahrzehnten eine
Entwicklung angenommen, welche insbesondere dadurch gekenn zeichnet
ist, dass die uberzeugung von der Brauchbarkeit der mathe matischen
Methoden zur Klarung physikalisch und technisch wichtiger Probleme
stark gehoben wurde. Es wurde dies einerseits dadurch erreicht,
dass man die an und fur sich bekannte Lehre von der Be wegung
idealer Flussigkeiten, die Lehre von Wirbeln und Wirhel bewegungen
im einzelnen auf die praktischen Aufgaben anzuwenden versuchte,
andererseits aber den Versuch unternahm, in das schwierige und
undankbare Gebiet der reibenden Flussigkeiten mit feineren
mathematischen Methoden einzudringen. Wahrend der Jahre des grossen
Krieges hat das Interesse an flugtechnischen Problemen die
Aufmerksamkeit in allen Landern in erhohtem Masse auf die
Fortschritte der theoretischen Aero- und Hydromechanik gelenkt,
ohne dass die Vertreter dieser Disziplinen Gelegenheit gehabt
hatten, sich auszusprechen und ihre Ergebnisse zu vergleichen. Aus
diesem Grunde fassten die Unterzeichneten den Gedanken, eine Art
zwangloser Zusammenkunft der Vertreter der Hydro- und Aeromechanik
anzuregen. Die Zusammenkunft kam im September 1922 in Innsbruck
zustande. Die Beitrage - erganzt mit einigen spater eingelaufenen
Mitteilungen von einigen Herren, die verhindert waren, an der
Zusammenkunft teilzunehmen - sind in dem vorliegenden Bande
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