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Often called Kant's "first critique," this is a foundational work
of modern philosophy, one that attempts to define the very nature
of reason, and to join the two schools of thought dominant in the
late 18th century: that of Empiricism and Rationalism. At the
border between thinking subject to religion and realities as the
burgeoning sciences were demonstrating at the time, Kant explores
ethics, the limits of human knowledge, logic, deduction,
observation, and intuition, and in the process laid the groundwork
for the modern intellect. First published in 1781, this is required
reading for anyone wishing to be considered well educated. German
metaphysician IMMANUEL KANT (1724-1804) served as a librarian of
the Royal Library, a prestigious government position, and as a
professor at Knigsberg University. His other works include
Observations on the Feeling of the Beautiful and Sublime (1764),
Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals (1785), and Critique of
Practical Reason (1788).
Kant's groundbreaking philosophical treatise concerning the
processes of reason is presented here, complete with all appendices
and notes. Viewed by scholars of philosophy as one of the landmark
texts of the Enlightenment era, The Critique of Pure Reason is
often a primary text in higher educational courses concerning
philosophy. First published in 1781 and revised in 1787, this book
is generally agreed to be the masterwork of Immanuel Kant for its
embracing scope, and the gargantuan influence it has wrought upon
philosophers. In composing his most famous critique, Kant consulted
the works of contemporary philosophers such as John Locke and David
Hume. Their work, which discusses the extent to which human beings
can perceive and utilise knowledge, forms the grounding for many of
Kant's arguments. This edition of The Critique of Pure Reason
contains the original appendices and is presented in a format ideal
for students, scholars and enthusiasts of philosophy.
In his monumental "Critique of Pure Reason, " German philosopher
Immanuel Kant (1724-1804) argues that human knowledge is limited by
the capacity for perception. He attempts a logical designation of
two varieties of knowledge: "a posteriori, " the knowledge acquired
through experience; and "a priori, " knowledge not derived through
experience. Kant maintains that the most practical forms of human
knowledge employ the "a priori" judgments that are possible only
when the mind determines the conditions of its own experience. This
accurate translation by J. M. Meiklejohn offers a simple and direct
rendering of Kant's work that is suitable for readers at all
Kant's groundbreaking philosophical treatise concerning the
processes of reason is presented here, complete with all appendices
and notes. Viewed by scholars of philosophy as one of the landmark
texts of the Enlightenment era, The Critique of Pure Reason is
often a primary text in higher educational courses concerning
philosophy. First published in 1781 and revised in 1787, this book
is generally agreed to be the masterwork of Immanuel Kant for its
embracing scope, and the gargantuan influence it has wrought upon
philosophers. In composing his most famous critique, Kant consulted
the works of contemporary philosophers such as John Locke and David
Hume. Their work, which discusses the extent to which human beings
can perceive and utilise knowledge, forms the grounding for many of
Kant's arguments. This edition of The Critique of Pure Reason
contains the original appendices and is presented in a format ideal
for students, scholars and enthusiasts of philosophy.
Immanuel Kant (1724-1804) is considered one of the giants of
philosophy, of his age or any other. It is largely this book that
provides the foundation of this assessment. Kant was a professor of
philosophy in the German city of Konigsberg, where he spent his
entire life and career. Kant had a very organized and clockwork
life - his habits were so regular that it was considered that the
people of Konigsberg could set their clocks by his walks. The same
regularity was part of his publication history, until 1770, when
Kant had a ten-year hiatus in publishing. This was largely because
he was working on this book, the 'Critique of Pure Reason'. Kant as
a professor of philosophy was familiar with the Rationalists, such
as Descartes, who founded the Enlightenment and in many ways
started the phenomenon of modern philosophy. He was also familiar
with the Empiricist school (John Locke and David Hume are perhaps
the best known names in this), which challenged the rationalist
framework. Between Leibniz' monads and Hume's development of
Empiricism to its logical (and self-destructive) conclusion,
coupled with the Romantic ideals typified by Rousseau, the
philosophical edifice of the Enlightenment seemed about to topple.
Kant rode to the rescue, so to speak. He developed an idea that was
a synthesis of Empirical and Rationalist ideas. He developed the
idea of a priori knowledge (that coming from pure reasoning) and a
posterior knowledge (that coming from experience) and put them
together into synthetic a priori statements as being possible.
Knowledge, for Kant, comes from a synthesis of pure reason concepts
and experience. Pure thought and sense experience were intertwined.
However, there were definite limits to knowledge.
Appearance/phenomenon was different from Reality/noumena - Kant
held that the unknowable was the 'ding-an-sich', roughly translated
as the 'thing-in-itself', for we can only know the appearance and
categorial aspects of things. Kant was involved heavily in
scientific method, including logic and mathematical methods, to try
to describe the various aspects of his development. This is part of
what makes Kant difficult reading for even the most dedicated of
philosophy students and readers. He spends a lot of pages on
logical reasoning, including what makes for fallacious and faulty
reasoning. He also does a good deal of development on the ideas of
God, the soul, and the universe as a whole as being essentially
beyond the realm of this new science of metaphysics - these are not
things that can be known in terms of the spatiotemporal realm, and
thus proofs and constructs about them in reason are bound to fail.
Kant does go on to attempt to prove the existence of God and the
soul (and other things) from moral grounds, but that these cannot
be proved in the scientific methodology of his metaphysics and
logic. This book presents Kant's epistemology and a new concept of
metaphysics that involves transcendental knowledge, a new category
of concepts that aims to prove one proposition as the necessary
presupposition of another. This becomes the difficulty for later
philosophers, but it does become a matter that needs to be
addressed by them. As Kant writes at the end of the text, 'The
critical path alone is still open. If the reader has had the
courtesy and patience to accompany me along this path, he may now
judge for himself whether, if he cares to lend his aid in making
this path into a high-road, it may not be possible to achieve
before the end of the present century what many centuries have not
been able to accomplish; namely, to secure for human reason
complete satisfacton in regard to that with which it has all along
so eagerly occupied itself, though hitherto in vain.' This is heavy
reading, but worthwhile for those who will make the journey with
This collection of literature attempts to compile many of the
classic, timeless works that have stood the test of time and offer
them at a reduced, affordable price, in an attractive volume so
that everyone can enjoy them.
As with all of Kant's writings, this has become an important piece
of philosophy that is an important read for any student or thinker
Professor Meiklejohn's Grammar and History of the English
Revised and re-edited by Fraser McKen (2012)
- NOTE: A free, abbreviated version of this book in .pdf is
downloadable at www.jmdmrevision.com]
The original volume - The English Language: Its Grammar, History
and Literature (1886) - had widespread popularity, reaching over
thirty-five editions in the British Isles, the British Commonwealth
and the United States. Since I believe that teachers of English in
the 21st C. have the same interest and curiosity about the starting
principles of English instruction, I have revised and re-edited
this book and, in addition to presenting it on Amazon Books, I have
also created a web site to advertise and market it:
www.jmdmrevision.com. The web site offers a free, downloadable .pdf
version of the new book, including introduction, a table of
contents, a description of the original author and highlight
passages of the revised text.
My edition of Professor Meiklejohn's Grammar and History of the
English Language (2012) is designed as a source text for both new
teachers of English and practising classroom teachers. To start
with, there is a section on English grammar which includes
explanations of the origin and application of terms currently used
- as well as clear examples of grammatical values, most of them
taken directly from English Literature. There two indexes, one at
the beginning of the book and, for easy review of the terms newly
introduced to most readers, another index at the end of the grammar
section. There is also extensive cross-referencing of grammatical
terms such that they can be learned again, if necessary, as the
reader proceeds.
After the grammar section is a section on word-branching. Here
Professor Meiklejohn describes how individual words have been used
to form new words in English, a process which has continued for
1500 years, incorporating root words, prefixes and suffixes in
common from Ancient Greek, Latin, French and Old English into the
800,000 words we use today.
Part II is a section on composition, highlighting the modern
method of instruction known as "The Writing Process." The Writing
Process teaches accuracy of word selection, systematic review of
and editing of drafts, logical presentation of ideas, standard
punctuation and the lesser known and taught art of prosody (or
verse). "The Writing Process" represents the most successful
advance in writing and speaking skills development to have taken
place in modern English language classrooms. The contents of this
book offer a platform for its delivery.
Part III is Professor Meiklejohn's original "History of the
English Language." He outlines here in five chapters "The Periods
of the English Language," "The History of English Vocabulary," "The
History of English Grammar," "Specimens Of Written English From
Different Periods" and a final chapter on the English of his own
era, The Victorian Age. He concludes this history of English with
the "landmark" events in the development of the English Language
which extend from from Beowulf to Lord Tennyson.
Part IV, the final section, provides a set of grammatical
exercises and corrections indexed to their instructional pages.
In retirement now from my own career as a teacher of secondary
school English, and with time and facilities available to me for
self-publishing, I am making available, for teachers and student
teachers of English worldwide, my own re-edition of Professor
Meiklejohn's very successful instructional book of the late 1800's
and early 20th C. I believe his book still has useful work to do
and that, either as student or teacher of English, you'll
- Fraser McKen
This scarce antiquarian book is a selection from Kessinger
Publishing's Legacy Reprint Series. Due to its age, it may contain
imperfections such as marks, notations, marginalia and flawed
pages. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we
have made it available as part of our commitment to protecting,
preserving, and promoting the world's literature. Kessinger
Publishing is the place to find hundreds of thousands of rare and
hard-to-find books with something of interest for everyone!
This scarce antiquarian book is a selection from Kessinger
Publishing's Legacy Reprint Series. Due to its age, it may contain
imperfections such as marks, notations, marginalia and flawed
pages. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we
have made it available as part of our commitment to protecting,
preserving, and promoting the world's literature. Kessinger
Publishing is the place to find hundreds of thousands of rare and
hard-to-find books with something of interest for everyone
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