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Within these pages, there are over 200 poems which were written
during the thirty-seven years of Reverend Jerry Lee Oliver's
Ministry. He loved his family and friends, and he spent time
counseling families, and encouraging the youth in the Community.
Many of these poems reveal his emotions at the time they were
written, as he helped these families through their trials and
tribulations. There are happy ones, - sad ones, - hopeful ones, and
religious ones. In fact, many speak on 'Life's problems' and how to
cope with them. He especially loved Christmas and wrote about all
of the Holidays. Of the group of 200 poems that we now have, the
oldest dated one was written in 1933, and there are 56 which have
no date. He probably wrote at least one poem per year most years.
His most prolific years of writing were the WWII years 1939 through
1945. It was in those years that he wrote about his concern for
Service Men, - World Peace, - Freedom, - and the Brotherhood of
Man. These concerns seemed to be of great importance to him at that
time. Many of these poems are based of events of his life, such as
"My Childhood Home,"-"The Pea Ridge School," -"When Tom and I Were
Boys," remembering his happy childhood. Both "The Presence," and
"My Call," reveal his feelings as a young man and his call to enter
the ministry in 1914. Dad wrote about his own father, "The Farmer,"
who was a farmer for all of his life, beginning in the 1800's. He
worked the land with a horse and a mule, from daylight until dark
to provide for his family." In later years he wrote of his father
in the poem "The Pilgrim at Sunset," and read it at his funeral. He
wrote of his Mother in poems, "In Remembrance," "To Honor Mother,"
and "AFuneral Prayer." In "A Call and A Romance," he wrote of a
young man at Tarleton College, who became a minister with his help
and guidance, and the two were always close. "A Call and A Romance"
is a story of Hayden Edwards and his wife, Jessie. And later, "That
Friend of Mine" revealed Dad's feelings upon the early death of
this good friend. Dad wrote several poems about the earth and the
seasons and their effect on man and the creatures of the earth. He
was most observant in "Autumn," -"The North Wind,"-"The Blizzard,"
- "Showers,"-"The Breath of Spring," and "That's Winter." In
"Snapshots" he described my Mother, Pearlie, and I'm sure he had
her in mind in the poems "Romance" and "Preachers Wives." He was
always close to those of the community as in the poem, "The Pea
Ridge School," and to the end in, "They Live On." He served his
Community well and spent many hours in his Model T Ford, traveling
from one church to another. He wrote poems of encouragement "Just
Brace Yourself and Take It," - "Keep up Your Chin," as well as
others. He wrote poems of prayer and prayers for all who needed
special attention Health - Grief, - Relief. One I especially like
is "The Old Prayer Log," a poem of faith and love of Mom Pearlie's
Grandmother, during and after the Civil War. He wrote to all of us
in "Today is Yours," and "Your Life is Not Your Own," And at the
end of his life, he wrote "Weep Not For Me," and we all knew why.
These are my personal observations for some of his poems. I have
enjoyed so much saving them for others. He was a wonderful man---MY
DAD. Having completed "The Project" in April of 2003, I feel that I
know my Dad better than I did before. I am so glad that I was able
to completethe job. My personal outlook on life is far better now.
I decided that it is finally time for his book to be published, -
and for his dream to come true. THANKS DAD FOR YOUR GOOD WORK.I'll
try to pass it on to others. You are still an inspiration for us
all Jerry Lee Oliver Jr. (aka "JLOJ") May 21, 2003
After my second heart attack, I couldn't work at my normal job. On
my 23rd Anniversary I wrote my first poem for my wife. Everyone
loved it. I started writing about my past, present and dreams, also
about family, friends and people I've met, people in general. All
of my poems are from the heart. Thank you for reading my poems.
Hope you enjoy reading them as much as I did writing them. Jerry
Lee Hodges
Are you interested in learning to program computers? PROGRAMMING
will teach you the fundamentals of computer programming through the
hands-on (and fun!) development of computer games. This book
teaches programming using Just BASIC, a free, easy-to-learn
software that lets you create programs for computers running
Windows. Popular author and educator Jerry Ford, Jr., teaches you
fundamental programming principles and gives you a broad view of
computer programming and its many possibilities. As you work
through this book, you will not only learn the basics of
programming, but you'll also build a foundation from which you can
advance into other programming languages with confidence. Get
started programming today with PROGRAMMING FOR THE ABSOLUTE
Translinguistics represents a powerful alternative to conventional
paradigms of language such as bilingualism and code-switching,
which assume the compartmentalization of different 'languages' into
fixed and arbitrary boundaries. Translinguistics more accurately
reflects the fluid use of linguistic and semiotic resources in
diverse communities. This ground-breaking volume showcases work
from leading as well as emerging scholars in sociolinguistics and
other language-oriented disciplines and collectively explores and
aims to reconcile the distinction between 'innovation' and
'ordinariness' in translinguistics. Features of this book include:
18 chapters from 28 scholars, representing a range of academic
disciplines and institutions from 11 countries around the world;
research on understudied communities and geographic contexts,
including those of Latin America, South Asia, and Central Asia;
several chapters devoted to the diversity of communication in
digital contexts. Edited by two of the most innovative scholars in
the field, Translinguistics: Negotiating Innovation and
Ordinariness is essential reading for scholars and students
interested in the question of multilingualism across a variety of
subject areas.
Translinguistics represents a powerful alternative to conventional
paradigms of language such as bilingualism and code-switching,
which assume the compartmentalization of different 'languages' into
fixed and arbitrary boundaries. Translinguistics more accurately
reflects the fluid use of linguistic and semiotic resources in
diverse communities. This ground-breaking volume showcases work
from leading as well as emerging scholars in sociolinguistics and
other language-oriented disciplines and collectively explores and
aims to reconcile the distinction between 'innovation' and
'ordinariness' in translinguistics. Features of this book include:
18 chapters from 28 scholars, representing a range of academic
disciplines and institutions from 11 countries around the world;
research on understudied communities and geographic contexts,
including those of Latin America, South Asia, and Central Asia;
several chapters devoted to the diversity of communication in
digital contexts. Edited by two of the most innovative scholars in
the field, Translinguistics: Negotiating Innovation and
Ordinariness is essential reading for scholars and students
interested in the question of multilingualism across a variety of
subject areas.