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Gas Fitting
John Black
Discovery Miles 8 450
Ships in 12 - 17 working days
This important study in ethnomusicology is an attempt by the author
-- a musician who has become a social anthropologist -- to compare
his experiences of music-making in different cultures. He is here
presenting new information resulting from his research into African
music, especially among the Venda. Venda music, he discovered is in
its way no less complex in structure than European music. Literacy
and the invention of nation may generate extended musical
structures, but they express differences of degree, and not the
difference in kind that is implied by the distinction between 'art'
and 'folk' music. Many, if not all, of music's essential processes
may be found in the constitution of the human body and in patterns
of interaction of human bodies in society. Thus all music is
structurally, as well as functionally, 'folk' music in the sense
that music cannot be transmitted of have meaning without
associations between people.
If John Blacking's guess about the biological and social origins
of music is correct, or even only partly correct, it would generate
new ideas about the nature of musicality, the role of music in
education and its general role in societies which (like the Venda
in the context of their traditional economy) will have more leisure
time as automation increases.
The concept of lean production is not new, but the challenges of
dramatic change management often stymie business leaders trying to
put lean operations into place. This newly-revised and greatly
expanded volume aims to provide a readable, real-world roadmap for
putting into place the indispensable strategy and tactics managers
need to make lean work and move their organizations - whether
manufacturing or service-based - toward a world-class production
system. Drawing upon decades of experience in the front lines of
lean production and organizational transformation, the author
provides cases, anecdotes, examples, rationales and concrete tools
to help business leaders stop talking about lean production and
actually make progress toward achieving it. It's the perfect
resource for leaders at all levels who are interested in improving
their competitiveness, building more successful operations, and
moving toward world-class performance in customer satisfaction,
profitability, and employee satisfaction. Contains in-depth
"insight" chapters that explore key principles of the strategy with
detailed explanations, examples, anecdotes, graphics, and comments
by business leaders experienced in each area. Addresses the use of
lean production principles and tools in service organizations and
small companies. Provides actual case histories of successful
implementation in a variety of organizations. Includes explanatory
graphics and charts, including key steps and measurements for use
in implementation. Features an extensive glossary and additional
recommended reading. What is a Lean, World-Class, Production
System? Getting Lean-the Route to World-Class Production Japanese
Roots-Toyota, Toyota, Toyota Building the Foundation-Employee
Involvement, and the Example of Boeing's 757 Airplane Productivity
Program Erecting the Roof-the Crucial Role of Leaders Promoting the
Process-the Power of the Promotion Office Japan Study Missions-the
Power of Learning and Doing Champions, Consultants, Sensei-the
Differences and Their Key Roles The Roadmap-Striving for Perfection
Through Kaizen Beyond Manufacturing-the Office and Service Industry
Wasteland Summary: The Opportunity is Yours to Choose Appendix I:
Ten Lessons for a Lean, World-Class Production System Appendix II:
Further Reading Appendix III: Glossary
This book provides a comprehensive introduction to housing policy
and finance in Britain. It describes changes in the condition and
tenure of housing in the post-war period, and contrasts the massive
investment in house building and improvement with allegations that
housing conditions are deteriorating. It describes the rise of the
public housing sector and the slight decline in the face of the
Thatcher government's policy on council house sales, which
followed. The book thus provides a background for the development
of housing policy over the next decade.
This book provides a comprehensive introduction to housing policy
and finance in Britain. It describes changes in the condition and
tenure of housing in the post-war period, and contrasts the massive
investment in house building and improvement with allegations that
housing conditions are deteriorating. It describes the rise of the
public housing sector and the slight decline in the face of the
Thatcher government's policy on council house sales, which
followed. The book thus provides a background for the development
of housing policy over the next decade.
Originally published in 1981, Urban Transport Planning explains how
the systems approach has been applied in the planning of
multi-modal transport planning and to demonstrate how a city may be
represented by land use zones superimposed with a transport
network. It discusses theoretical developments and demonstrates
their application to practical problems of planning by using actual
case studies. By treating the urban area as a system, and
recognising the fundamental interactions between land use, traffic
and transport, the study shows how it is possible to predict the
future demands for travel, how transport requirements are
determined and how alternative plans are formulated and evaluated.
The long-awaited companion to the award-winning Browse's
Introduction to the Symptoms and Signs of Surgical Disease; this
book explains clearly how the pathological features and extent of
the disease dictate the necessary diagnostic investigations and
treatment. Each chapter will include 3 sections: (1) Relevant
Pathology - a brief description of the important pathological
features of the disease relevant to the clinical diagnosis, the
investigations and treatment. (2) Investigations - covering
significant diagnostic clinical findings; radiological,
biochemical, haematological, immunological, and pathological
investigations, and genetics. The relevance of the investigations
will be clearly defined, whether they confirm the diagnosis, or
detect the local extent of the disease, the distant spread of the
disease, or other systemic effects of the disease. The work will
also cover investigations for detecting other diseases relevant to
management; and investigations that help exclude confusing
differential diagnoses. (3) Treatment - to review all aspects of
management; this section will summarize the diagnostic information
required to plan management: it will describe each method of
treatment available, discuss the indications for each treatment,
describe any special preparation and pre-treatment care, any
post-treatment care and the complications of treatment, enumerate
the results of treatment, and provide a management plan. The 2-book
set will provide all the information necessary for the clinical
years of undergraduate study, through to surgery at foundation
years 1 and 2, planning for the MRCS exams, and beyond.
Originally published in 1981, Urban Transport Planning explains how
the systems approach has been applied in the planning of
multi-modal transport planning and to demonstrate how a city may be
represented by land use zones superimposed with a transport
network. It discusses theoretical developments and demonstrates
their application to practical problems of planning by using actual
case studies. By treating the urban area as a system, and
recognising the fundamental interactions between land use, traffic
and transport, the study shows how it is possible to predict the
future demands for travel, how transport requirements are
determined and how alternative plans are formulated and evaluated.
This authoritative and comprehensive dictionary contains clear,
concise definitions of approximately 3,500 key economic terms.
Covering all aspects of economics including economic theory and
policy, applied microeconomics and macroeconomics, labour
economics, public economics and public finance, monetary economics,
and environmental economics, this is the essential reference work
in this area. The new edition of this dictionary has been updated
to include entries on China, India, and South America, to reflect
the increase in prominence of these regions in the global economy.
There is strong coverage of international trade and many entries on
economic organizations and institutions from around the world.
Fully revised to keep up to date with this fast-moving field, this
new edition expands the coverage to include entries such as
austerity measures, General Anti Abuse Rule, propensity score
matching, and shadow bank. Entries are supplemented by entry-level
web links, which are listed and regularly updated on a companion
website, giving the reader the opportunity to explore further the
areas covered in the dictionary. Useful appendices include a list
of institutional acronyms and their affiliated websites, a list of
Nobel prize-winners in economics, the Greek alphabet, and a list of
relevant websites. As ideal for browsing as it is useful for quick
reference, this dictionary remains an essential guide for students
and teachers of economics, business, and finance, as well as for
professional economists and anyone who has to deal with economic
The acclaimed Prussian naturalist Alexander von Humboldt
(1769-1859) was referred to by Charles Darwin as 'the greatest
scientific traveller who ever lived'. Several of his works were in
the library aboard the Beagle, including the multi-volume Personal
Narrative of Travels, two books on geology and Tableaux de la
nature (all reissued in the Cambridge Library Collection). Darwin's
copy of this two-volume 1811 New York edition of Humboldt's
Political Essay (originally published in French earlier that year)
is inscribed 'Buenos Ayres', suggesting he acquired it there in
1832-3, without its accompanying atlas (forthcoming). Humboldt had
spent a year in Mexico in 1803-4, and was struck by its
'civilization' as compared to regions of South America that he had
visited earlier on his expedition. Volume 1 of his account contains
a 'geographical introduction' and discussions of physical
geography, agriculture, and the ethnic diversity, distribution and
health of the population.