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Encyclopedia of Hypnotherapy, Stage Hypnosis & Complete Mind
Therapy is arguably the most Comprehensive and easy to understand
Step by Step Guide ever published on how to be successful in all
areas of Hypnosis & NLP. With over 500 pages packed with Liquid
Gold insider Secrets of Hypnotic Success, no stone is left
un-turned and in short if its worth knowing about Hypnosis or
Hypnotism then you will find it within the pages of this explosive
and eye opening publication. Not only are you taught in a simple
easy to understand step by step manner every single ploy,
technique, strategy and approach that you will ever need to become
a True Master Hypnotist, but also you are taught how to build a
successful and profitable business with your new skills. The
contents will take the novice to Advanced Master Practitioner Level
in the shortest time possible whilst also teaching numerous new
methods to even the most established and experienced Hypnotist.
Indeed this is arguably the most truthful book ever published on
Hypnotherapy, NLP and Stage Hypnosis and will teach you all those
usually hidden secrets that all the other trainers either don't
know or are just too scared to teach you. Forget all the other
outdated books on the market full of fluff and impractical
techniques, within the pages of this massive Encyclopedia not only
will you learn the Real Secrets of Hypnotic Success, but also
you'll save yourself a fortune on other inferior courses and
publications into the process. Check out these few example
testimonials about Dr. Jonathan Royles training (we have thousands
more such as these on file) which illustrate why investing into
this book will be the best decision you ever make in your Hypnotic
Training: "I have purchased practically all of Royle's DVD training
courses and I can honestly say that I have never been disappointed
in either quality of content or volume of information taught
Because of my background in formal education I was originally drawn
to studying with a recognized training provider, members of the
General Hypnotherapy Standards Council (GHSC). My training with
them was excellent, however it was greatly enhanced by Jonathan
Royle's material and indeed Royle's material was excellent and far
superior to the recognized course. His therapy skills are equal if
not greater than the majority of therapists I have met to date and
he teaches everything he knows in an open and honest manner. We
need people like Royle to raise the profile of Hypnosis and I would
recommend his courses to anyone who wants to become a better
Hypnotist " Dr. WILF ARCHER - PhD - www.mindskills.co.uk "A few
years ago I attended a training run by Paul McKenna, Michael Breen
and Richard Bandler, it was good and I learned a lot but Jonathan
Royle 's training course make's them seem like old nannies There is
absolutely no time wasting or useless information and Royle's
unique manner of teaching makes everything very easy to learn and
remember. This course is without doubt money well spent " FRANK LEA
- www.hypnotherapycoventry.net "The course contains much unique
material, which as far as I know is not taught anywhere else and
will certainly make you a better Hypnotist and Therapist,
especially when presenting any public demonstrations " DAVID
BOTSFORD - www.stopsmokingsolutions.co.uk "Having previously done a
more conventional "approved" NLP course which took many days and
cost lots of money, I would have said it was impossible to learn
NLP in just two days However after attending Royle's course I can
honestly say that this is exactly what he does and he also teaches
you what you need to know about clinical Hypnosis and his own
approach of Complete Mind Therapy, in short this course is a
worthwhile investment " DEZ SELLARS - www.completemindtherapy.com
Indeed many of Royle's Students have stated that this book teaches
more of use in the real world of Hypnotherapy and Stage Hypnosis
than all of the others on the market put t
R.O.A.M - The Paranormal, Supernatural and Reality of All Matter Revealed - Ramblings of A Madman - Space, Time, Travel, Evolution, Pyramids, Einstein, Darwin, Aliens, UFOs, Ghosts, And More Easily Explained (Paperback)
T.H. uGoth, Jonathan Royle
Discovery Miles 5 320
Ships in 10 - 15 working days
The Encyclopedia of Self-Help, Personal Development, Self
Improvement and Change Work Psychology & Techniques is a
massive large format (almost A4) invaluable resource of 470
information packed pages which could prove literally Life Changing
in a Positive Manner for every Human Being on The Planet. You will
discover how to Overcome Fears, Phobias, Habits and Addictions, How
to Develop Super Power Self Confidence, Gain Masterful and Powerful
Leadership and Communication Skills, train yourself to have a Super
Power Memory and the ability of Speed Reading, Be able to Master
Body Language and Hypnotic Persuasion, Command and Control Your
Emotions and Much, Much More. Including of of course how to set
Goals in the correct manner so that you have the best ever chance
of your wildest dreams in life coming true and becoming 100% Total
Reality. In Short this book will reveal to you literally 100's of
proven techniques, strategies and approaches to make Positive
Changes in most every area of your life, both on a Personal,
Business & Emotional Level. The teachings will also prove of
equally immense use and value to Mind Therapists and Life Coaches
to give them additional tools for helping their clients as they can
and will to you the average man or woman on the street. Use these
methods to unleash your inner Super Hero and become the best
possible you that you could ever become. If you've ever desired to
be Happier, More Relaxed and More Successful in all areas of your
life then you owe it to yourself to study this potentially life
changing manual. Its like a users guide for your Personal Neck Top
Computer (Brain) and an operating manual for getting the absolute
best out of all areas of life.
Born Plain Alex William Smith on the 13th August 1975 into a
Showbiz Family whilst Traveling on Gandeys Circus, Royle made his
stage debut aged 3 and a bit as Flap The Clown and has never looked
back since. This often Shocking, Controversial, Eye Opening and
Hugely Entertaining Emotional Roller Coaster Ride of an
Autobiography examines Royles first 30 years of Personal Life And
Career Success. You'll discover the truth behind all the rumors,
lies and back stabbing on the internet about him, and also brutally
honest confessions about his past Alcohol, Drug and Sexual
Addictions. Conquering these and many other issues in his early
childhood has enabled Royle to become without doubt the Worlds
Leading Hypnosis Trainer with his own Unique creation of Complete
Mind Therapy. Discover how in his former stage name of Alex-Leroy
he appeared in literally 100's of TV, Radio, Newspaper and Magazine
Features about his Hypnotic Talents, both for Comedy Stage Hypnosis
Shows and also his own Unique approach to NLP Hypnotherapy.
Discover how he along the way managed to expose some of the Illegal
tactics used by the now defunct "News of The World" and also read
with amazement as he lifts the lid on dodgy journalists and their
fabricated media stories. He also details how his unique talents of
Psychic Belly Button Reading and Dogs Paw Reading (Pawology) have
enabled him to make often stunningly accurate predictions for some
of the Worlds Most Famous A-List Celebrities. Become wiser as you
read the step by step secrets to how he was able to film his own
One Hour "Erotic Hypnotics" TV Show for German RTL back in 1994 and
some years later was also engaged to film a Six Part European
Television Series. Indeed within the pages of this book you will
also find links (at no extra charge) enabling you to watch Royles
Six Part European TV Series and videos of various Live Shows, along
with examples of his Unique Style of Live Hypnosis Training. Not
only is this a truly entertaining read, but also for the student of
Journalism and/or performers and Therapists wishing to learn how to
harness the power of the media and manipulate the media to obtain
massive publicity for your business, then this is the book for you.
And most certainly anyone considering taking any form of NLP,
Hypnotherapy and/or Stage or Street Hypnosis Course owes it to
themselves to read the contents of this book BEFORE they spend so
much as a single penny with anyone, anywhere in the world for any
form of live course, seminar or indeed even home study products or
DVDs. Discover The Real Truth About Royle and see what Respected
Medical GP's, Plastic Surgeons, Nurses, Dentists and other leading
Medical Professionals really think about his unique approach to
Mind Therapy. You'll also no doubt be surprised to find out what
many of the biggest and most respected names in the NLP,
Hypnotherapy and Stage Hypnosis Industries actually truly think
about Royles Work. And from a Personal Life Point of view, you'll
be close to tears as you learn of the bullying he suffered as a
child which led him to attempt suicide, his often rocky and
unpredictable relationships, the shocking sexual encounters and
exploits and of course how he quite literally was split seconds
from death when he attempted to break a world record for Underwater
Escapology. With his Time and Experiences travelling the world as a
Magician, Stage Hypnotist, Juggler, Fortune Teller, Fire Eater,
Balloon Modeller, Comedian and Mind Reader amongst other areas of
Showbiz he has worked in, Royle has a unique background and
skillset to bring to the table, which no other Hypnosis trainer on
the planet can rival. And thats one of the many reasons, all of
which you will discover inside the pages of this book, why Royle is
the only truly intelligent choice of trainer when you are looking
to either learn NLP, Hypnotherapy, Stage/Street Hypnosis and/or to
expand the success of your existing practice.
Navel Gazing, The Art of Psychic Belly Button Reading is the title
of this book and it pretty much teaches exactly what it says on the
tin. Dr. Jonathan Royle is an International Celebrity Life Coach,
Hypnotherapist and Psychic Entertainer and within the pages of this
Amusing, Entertaining and Educational Guide he teaches you the True
Inside Secrets of Belly Button Reading. Not only does he explain
the kinds of physical traits to look for in Navels and what those
can mean, but also he examines how to connect to the Belly Buttons
Base Chakra Energy Point to get improved accuracy with Intuitive
Psychic Style Readings to be able to tell people about their Pasts,
Present and Futures as well as their true personalities and
intended direction in life for success. Further Royle also
discusses "Cold Reading," "Body Language" and "Astrology" and
explains how these can be used to make your readings more accurate
when your Intuitive Psychic Powers and Skills may be having a bad
day. And then from an Entertaining people and being the life and
soul of the Party point of view, he teaches you several "Mind
Reading" stunts and tricks which can be done by examining a persons
Navel. And finally he also teaches you how the Human Navel can be
used for "Spiritual Style Healing" in a SAFE, Ethical and Positive
Manner to help people in their life's. Plus you'll learn tons of
interesting and unusual facts about the Human Belly Button that
will make for stimulating conversation subject matter. Arguably the
most comprehensive treatise on the Human Belly Button ever
In this Shocking and often controversial book International
Hypnotist Jonathan Royle (formerly known as Alex-Leroy) reveals
many tried, tested and proven to work secrets of Body Language,
Psychological Trickery, Verbal Persuasion and other proven ways to
achieve Sexcess. You will learn the Art of Speed Hypnotic
Seduction, Mastering your Inner Game as a PUA Pick Up Artist and
much, much more. Whether your Male or Female, Straight, Gay or
Bisexual this book can truly help you achieve the reality of
getting Laid 365+ Times a Year with different Sexual Partners. Due
to the powerful contents of this book, it is sold for entertainment
and informational research purposes only and by purchasing you
agree that should you use any of the contents it is entirely at
your own risk and your own responsibility. If you ever wanted to
know how to develop a truly hypnotic personality and magnetic
attraction of sexual partners this is the book for you. It also has
a useful guide to using Self-Hypnosis in order to overcome Habits,
Fears, Addictions and of course Sexual Problems. And there are
proven Strategies and Techniques to enable you to become the best
lover that your partners will ever have the pleasure to sleep with.
Combining Body Language with NLP, Hypnotic Language and Verbal
Persuasion Skills you'll be a true Sexpert after reading this book.
With over 360 Pages of Liquid Gold Information, this book starts
where Volume One of "The Encyclopedia of Hypnotherapy, Stage
Hypnosis & Complete Mind Therapy" ended and will prove
invaluable reading for the Novice or even Established Professional
Hypnotist alike. There are comprehensive Sections on Health &
Safety and Risk Assessments for The Stage Hypnotist, for Group
Therapy Sessions and also for when treating individual clients.
You'll learn what is arguably the Worlds Safest and most effective
approach to Gastric Band Hypnotherapy Treatment Sessions. Discover
how to conduct Enjoyable and Highly Profitable Hypnotic Past Life
Regression Sessions. Learn The Secrets of Noesitherapy both for
Pain Control and also to easily, rapidly and effectively treat most
every problem and health issue you can think of. Plus you'll be
enlightened to the use of Mesmeric Passes and other powerful
Hypnosis Techniques that are rarely if ever taught by other
trainers. And if that's not enough you'll also learn Dual Reality
Hypnosis and How To Never Fail when giving Public Demonstrations of
the Power of Hypnosis. From treating simple things such as Smoking
Cessation and Weight Loss, all the way through to tried, tested and
proven to work Strategies and treatment methods for high end issues
such as Alcoholism and Drug Addiction, this book has it all. You'll
learn how to help with the Symptoms of such serious illnesses and
diseases as Cancer and AID's whilst also learning techniques that
can help Asthma, Eczema, Psoriasis and numerous other Medical
Issues and Complaints. It would be fair to say that after studying
the contents of both this book and also Volume One (also available
on Amazon and from all good book stores) you will then know more
that is of practical use in the real world of Hypnotherapy and
Stage Hypnosis than the vast majority of so called Skilled and
Established Professional Hypnotists in the world today. Included is
also a reprint of some thoughts and approaches to Hypnotherapy by
the authors original Hypnosis Instructor and Mentor The Late and
Great Delavar. In this, Volume Two, Dr. Jonathan Royle is joined by
his Colleagues Dr. Wilf Archer, Dr. Brian Howard, Alasdair Bothwell
Gordon, Stuart "Harrizon" Cassels and of course Delavar to bring
you the highest quality of training. But remember to gain the most
from this book you would be wise to have studied (or order at same
time) Volume One. And to add the icing to the cake, for the first
time in print Royle Reveal's the True Psychological Keys To Success
in all forms of Mind Therapies. Once you have a total understanding
of these 7 Positive Pillars and also the Four Positive Foundations
you will easily be able to help most any person with most any issue
you could ever possibly imagine to achieve things and change things
in all areas of their life way beyond their wildest dreams. We
honestly feel that This Chapter on "The Keys to Hypnotic Success"
is worth many times the cost of this book alone for those who study
it, absorb it, understand it and then put the valuable insights and
teachings it contains into use in the real world. Indeed taking
notice of that Chapter alone will make you a far more Confident,
Competant, Successful and Effective Hypnotist whether your desire
is to work as a Hypnotherapist, a Comedy Stage Hypnotist or indeed
both. And when you consider that Volume Two (this book) sells for
just $47 and that Volume One is only $30, then for a total
investment of just $77 your Hypnosis Education will be complete.
You could waste hundreds and hundreds of pounds on various NLP and
Hypnosis Books or grab This and also Volume One of this
Encyclopedia and then you truly will know everything that you'll
ever need to know for Hypnosis Success and will have saved yourself
a fortune into the bargain.
This Encyclopedic Book of Almost 500 Large Format Pages Will Reveal
to you exactly how to become a Financially Successful Psychic &
Paranormal Entertainer able to Reveal Peoples Past, Presents and
Futures with great Accuracy. You'll also learn enough Original,
Unique and Mind Blowing Mentalism Psychic Style Mind Reading
Routines to be able to present a complete Show. If you've ever seen
psychics like Derek Acorah, Colin Fry or John Edwards on TV and
wondered 'How do they do that?' then wonder no more as this book
"Cold Reading & Mentalism For The Psychic Entertainer" exposes
the truth and teaches you real world "Cold Reading" techniques,
which will make you look like a truly genuine Clairvoyant Perhaps
you've been amazed by the Powers of Psychic Metal Bender Uri Geller
or Spiritual Healers like Mathew Manning or even Evangelical
Preachers such as Benny Hinn and want to know how they might be
performing their apparent miracles? Well now for the first time in
print, Dr. Jonathan Royle examines ways to duplicate all of these
Psychic Type Stunts, and along the way he'll even teach you how to
Hypnotise Animals and become a Master of Derren Brown Style Mind
Control Feats. For many years Royle worked as a "genuine" Psychic
and was featured extensively in International Media and on Top TV
Shows and now he is ready to lift the lid and expose his tried,
tested and proven to work approaches of Psychic Belly Button
Reading, Healing & Mind-Reading, along with Paw Reading for
Dogs (Pawology), Tree Slapping, Hose Pipe & Tea Bag Readings
and other Bizarre forms of fortune telling with which he had the
Experts fooled You will also of course learn how to give more
conventional readings with Palmistry, Numerology and Tarot Cards.
Indeed British national newspaper "The Sunday People" described
Royle's Psychic abilities in a 1996 article as "uncannily accurate"
and in the early 90's Psychic News dubbed him as "The New Uri
Geller & Doris Stokes rolled into one." Whilst Royle freely
admits that all the Psychics mentioned here may actually be
genuine, he is also aware of how their feats can be duplicated with
trickery and clever psychology and that's exactly what he teaches
you within the pages of this dynamite book Using the Secrets this
book contains, Royle has been featured in International Media doing
amazingly accurate Psychic readings for such people as Princess
Diana, The Spice Girls, Claudia Schiffer, Madonna, Cher, Olympic
Swimmer Sharon Davis, Boxer Frank Bruno and numerous other A-List
celebrities. And as an added bonus Royle also explains Numerous
Mind Reading Routines & the Secrets this book contains on
obtaining Massive TV, Radio, Newspaper and Magazine Publicity are
worth many times the cost of this book alone to any Magician,
Mentalist, Fortune Teller or Showbiz Performer And as A Special
Bonus there are Numerous Methods Explained for performing the
Legendary "Holy Grail of Mentalism" - A.C.A.A.N - The Berglas
Effect, Any Card At Any Number. There's enough material within
these pages to base your entire Career on, the fact is within the
pages you'll learn every technique Royle has used over the years to
enable him to Travel the Globe and be featured on TV & Radio
Shows and in National and International Newspapers and Magazines
all Over The World. This is without doubt the best value for money
Mentalism & Cold Reading book available on the market today and
more importantly contains nothing but materials, secrets,
techniques and insider strategies that have all been tried, tested
and proven to consistently work in the real world.