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The Handbook of Latin America in the World explains how the Latin
American countries have both reacted and contributed to changing
international dynamics over the last 30 years. It provides a
comprehensive picture of Latin America's global engagement by
looking at specific processes and issues that link governments and
other actors, social and economic, within the region and beyond.
Leading scholars offer an up-to-date state of the field,
theoretically and empirically, thus avoiding a narrow descriptive
approach. The Handbook includes a section on theoretical approaches
that analyze Latin America's place in the international political
and economic system and its foreign policy making. Other sections
focus on the main countries, actors, and issues in Latin America's
international relations. In so doing, the book sheds light on the
complexity of the international relations of selected countries,
and on their efforts to act multilaterally. The Routledge Handbook
of Latin America in the World is a must-have reference for
academics, researchers, and students in the fields of Latin
American politics, international relations, and area specialists of
all regions of the world.
The "Handbook of Latin America in the World" explains how the
Latin American countries have both reacted and contributed to
changing international dynamics over the last 30 years. It provides
a comprehensive picture of Latin America s global engagement by
looking at specific processes and issues that link governments and
other actors, social and economic, within the region and beyond.
Leading scholars offer an up-to-date state of the field,
theoretically and empirically, thus avoiding a narrow descriptive
approach. The "Handbook" includes a section on theoretical
approaches that analyze Latin America s place in the international
political and economic system and its foreign policy making. Other
sections focus on the main countries, actors, and issues in Latin
America s international relations. In so doing, the book sheds
light on the complexity of the international relations of selected
countries, and on their efforts to act multilaterally.
The "Routledge Handbook of Latin America in the World" is a
must-have reference for academics, researchers, and students in the
fields of Latin American politics, international relations, and
area specialists of all regions of the world."
This book examines the responses to U.S. power in the two areas of
the world where U.S. primacy was first successfully consolidated:
East Asia and Latin America. The U.S. has faced no comparably
powerful challengers to the exercise of its power in Latin America
for much of the past century. It established its primacy over much
of East Asia in the aftermath of WW II and extended its influence
in the late 1970's and after the end of the Vietnam War through its
entente with China to balance the Soviet Union. By contrast, the
U.S. has always encountered rivals and challengers in Europe, has
attempted unsuccessfully thus far to impose its primacy in the
Middle East, and has paid only intermittent attention to South Asia
and Africa.
The essays in this volume will explore three important themes 1.)
How do region-wide economic trends and arrangements sustain or
modify U.S. influence in the region? 2.) How do rising powers in
these regions (Japan, China, Brazil) reshape their policies to cope
with the U.S. and 3.) How do new (South Korea) and old (Cuba)
challengers to U.S. power shape their policies to account for the
unrivaled exercise of U.S. power.
This collection will place the United States at the hub of
relations with countries in East Asia and Latin America and examine
the new policies and new styles of engagement that are employed to
address the prolonged U.S. interest in these areas-approaches from
which the rest of the world might learn.
This book examines the responses to U.S. power in the two areas of
the world where U.S. primacy was first successfully consolidated:
East Asia and Latin America. The U.S. has faced no comparably
powerful challengers to the exercise of its power in Latin America
for much of the past century. It established its primacy over much
of East Asia in the aftermath of WW II and extended its influence
in the late 1970's and after the end of the Vietnam War through its
entente with China to balance the Soviet Union. By contrast, the
U.S. has always encountered rivals and challengers in Europe, has
attempted unsuccessfully thus far to impose its primacy in the
Middle East, and has paid only intermittent attention to South Asia
and Africa.
The essays in this volume will explore three important themes 1.)
How do region-wide economic trends and arrangements sustain or
modify U.S. influence in the region? 2.) How do rising powers in
these regions (Japan, China, Brazil) reshape their policies to cope
with the U.S. and 3.) How do new (South Korea) and old (Cuba)
challengers to U.S. power shape their policies to account for the
unrivaled exercise of U.S. power.
This collection will place the United States at the hub of
relations with countries in East Asia and Latin America and examine
the new policies and new styles of engagement that are employed to
address the prolonged U.S. interest in these areas-approaches from
which the rest of the world might learn.
Los cubanos no pueden cambiar el pasado, pero pueden escoger su
futuro (...) En el siglo XXI, marcado por los procesos de
globalizacion, Cuba tendra que avanzar de forma sistematica y
permanente hacia formulas legales que acomoden la creciente
transnacionalidad de su poblacion. Aunque situada en diferentes
espacios geograficos, la poblacion radicada en la Isla tiene y
desarrolla vinculos cada vez mas estrechos con su diaspora,
formando ambas un todo indivisible: la nacion cubana. (Fragmento de
La Diaspora Cubana en el Siglo XXI ) A lo largo del segundo
semestre de 2011, La Diaspora Cubana en el Siglo XXI fue presentado
ante el Interamerican Dialogue en Washington, en la Ermita de la
Caridad del Cobre en Miami y en el Centro de Investigacion y
Docencia Economicas (CIDE) en Mexico. Numerosos medios de
comunicacion y agencias internacionales de noticias se han referido
a este singular y actualizado examen del tema migratorio en Cuba.
Estas encuestas e investigaciones sirven al bien de nuestra
comunidad y de nuestro pueblo que, a pesar de las divisiones, sigue
siendo un solo pueblo. S. Exc. Rvdma. Mons. Thomas G. Wenski
Arzobispo de Miami El texto aporta una vision de como, bajo ciertas
circunstancias, el conjunto de la Nacion -compuesta por los
residentes en la Isla y el exterior- puede trabajar para proteger y
desarrollar el bienestar de las familias cubanas. Dra. Cristina
Eguizabal Directora del Centro Latinoamericano y del Caribe de la
Universidad Internacional de la Florida