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The Voice of Clinical Reason Harrison's Principles of Internal
Medicine is the world's most trusted clinical medicine text-and a
superb resource for learning the art and science of clinical
reasoning. Recognized by healthcare professionals worldwide as the
leading authority on applied pathophysiology and clinical medicine,
Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine provides the
informational foundation you need for the best patient care
possible. This new edition is fully updated with timely new
chapters and essential updates across the spectrum of internal
medicine. Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine stands as the
benchmark for authoritative, practical information on patient care
and the pathogenesis and clinical management of symptoms and signs
and specific diseases. Written and edited by the world's top
experts in their respective fields, this landmark guide provides
the comprehensive, accurate, and essential coverage of the
pathogenesis, diagnosis, and treatment of disease. Harrison's is
world-renowned as the most authoritative source for: * Descriptions
of disease mechanisms and how the clinician can apply that
knowledge for the best patient care and optimal diagnosis and
treatment of specific diseases * Clear, concise schemas that
facilitate the generation of differential diagnoses to reason
efficiently through complex real world clinical cases * The
physiologic and epidemiologic basis of signs and symptoms, which
are covered through a wealth of unsurpassed expert guidance and
linked to the disease-specific chapters that follow * Updated
clinical trial results and recommended guidelines * Excellent and
extensive visual support, including radiographs, clinical photos,
schematics, and high-quality drawings * Coverage of both
therapeutic approaches and specific treatment regimens * Practical
clinical decision trees and algorithms * Organ-specific sections,
with clinically relevant pathophysiology and practical clinical
advice on the approach to the patient, strategies towards building
a differential diagnosis, outstanding clinical algorithms and
diagnostic schema, a wealth of clinical images and diagrams,
current clinical guidelines, general and specific approaches to
therapy Harrison's remains the most trusted resource in a world
influenced by endless sources of medical information. The most
timely and comprehensive updates from the world's top experts are
featured in the 21st edition: * Current coverage of the diagnosis
and treatment of diseases, from COVID to dementia to sepsis to
multiple sclerosis to lung cancer * Updated content that reflects
new approved therapeutics and new practice-changing guidelines and
evidence summaries * More than 1000 clinical, pathological, and
radiographic photographs, diagnostic and therapeutic decision
trees, and clear schematics and diagrams describing
pathophysiologic processes * More than a dozen atlases featuring
curated collections of visual aspects of diagnosis and management *
Complete, updated curation and synthesis of primary medical
literature which incorporates current data from major studies and
clinical trials * Clinical reasoning resources and helpful
disease/presentation schemas * Clinically relevant coverage of
disease mechanics and pathophysiology, and related therapeutic
This fully revised and updated new edition provides a comprehensive
look at nitrite and nitrate and their effect on human health and
disease. The first section describes the biochemical analysis of
nitrite and nitrate and its role in human physiology. The book then
shifts to sources of human exposure of nitrite and nitrate,
including environmental and dietary. Finally, the last section
discusses nitric oxide-based therapeutics and how nitrite and
nitrate biochemistry can be safely harnessed to improve human
health. Each chapter provides a balanced, evidence-based view and
heavily cites the most recent published literature. They follow a
strict chapter format which includes keywords, key points, a
conclusion highlighting major findings, and extensive references.
The second edition contains new chapters on nitrite and nitrate in
age medicine, nitrite and nitrate as a treatment for hypertension,
and nitrite and nitrate in exercise performance. Additionally, the
editors have expanded the biochemistry section to include chapters
on nitrate reducing oral bacteria, nitrite mediated S-Nitrosation,
epigenetics and the regulation of nitric oxide, and nitrite control
of mitochondrial function. Nitrate and Nitrite in Human Health and
Disease, 2e, will be of interest to health professionals,
nutritionists, dieticians, biomedical scientists, and food
Leading clinical and experimental investigators comprehensively
review the chemistry, biochemistry, molecular biology, physiology,
and pathophysiology of nitric oxide in the cardiovascular systems.
These experts particularly illuminate nitric oxide biology, its
cardiovascular pathophysiology, and its role in cardiovascular
therapeutics. Topics also included are the development of nitric
oxide donors for the treatment of myocardial ischemia and
thrombosis, the development of gene therapeutic restoration of
endothelial function in atherosclerosis, and the application of
nitric oxide biology to investigative arenas in cardiovascular
medicine. With its balanced presentation of basic and clinically
relevant information, Nitric Oxide and the Cardiovascular System
provides a comprehensive, authoritative guide for all those
cardiovascular biologists, cardiologists, physiologists, and
cardiovascular surgeons engaged in today's clinical or experimental
Based on the popular review course from Harvard Medical School, The
Brigham Intensive Review of Internal Medicine Question & Answer
Companion, 2nd Edition, provides more than 450 questions and
in-depth answers on all specialties of internal medicine, as well
as palliative care, occupational medicine, psychiatry, and
geriatric medicine. Ideal for preparing for certification or
maintenance of certification, this highly regarded review tool
positions you for exam success! Shares the knowledge and expertise
of leading authorities from Harvard as well as former chief
residents at Brigham and Women's Hospital. Contains 450+ board
review style questions with full discursive responses - all
extensively revised to reflect current board standards. Features a
brand new, full-color design with all-new diagrams and color
photos. Provides thoroughly revised information throughout, with
many new figures and updated tables. Expert ConsultT eBook version
included with purchase. This enhanced eBook experience allows you
to search all of the text, figures, and references from the book on
a variety of devices.
This fully revised and updated new edition provides a comprehensive
look at nitrite and nitrate and their effect on human health and
disease. The first section describes the biochemical analysis of
nitrite and nitrate and its role in human physiology. The book then
shifts to sources of human exposure of nitrite and nitrate,
including environmental and dietary. Finally, the last section
discusses nitric oxide-based therapeutics and how nitrite and
nitrate biochemistry can be safely harnessed to improve human
health. Each chapter provides a balanced, evidence-based view and
heavily cites the most recent published literature. They follow a
strict chapter format which includes keywords, key points, a
conclusion highlighting major findings, and extensive references.
The second edition contains new chapters on nitrite and nitrate in
age medicine, nitrite and nitrate as a treatment for hypertension,
and nitrite and nitrate in exercise performance. Additionally, the
editors have expanded the biochemistry section to include chapters
on nitrate reducing oral bacteria, nitrite mediated S-Nitrosation,
epigenetics and the regulation of nitric oxide, and nitrite control
of mitochondrial function. Nitrate and Nitrite in Human Health and
Disease, 2e, will be of interest to health professionals,
nutritionists, dieticians, biomedical scientists, and food
All the authority of the most trusted brand in medical content in a
convenient, portable guide Doody's Core Titles for 2022! The
Harrison's Manual, derived from most clinically salient content
featured in Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine, 20th
Edition, delivers numerous clinical algorithms in one practical,
portable resource. The Manual also includes abundant quick
reference tables, plus concise text-providing rapid access to
bedside information when decisions need to be made quickly. This
full color summary guide covers all diseases and conditions
commonly seen in inpatient general medicine, so you can be sure to
find invaluable content directly to your workflow and practice. The
20th edition has been updated to reflect the latest clinical
developments in medicine. The Manual truly makes it easy to find
what you need at the point of care. The easy-to-navigate chapters
cover symptoms/signs, medical emergencies, specific diseases, and
care of the hospitalized patient, with a particular focus on:
Etiology and Epidemiology Clinically Relevant Pathophysiology Signs
and Symptoms Differential Diagnosis Physical and Laboratory
Findings Therapeutics Practice Guidelines, and more
Nitrite and Nitrate in Human Health and Disease delivers a
comprehensive review of nitrite and nitrate biology, from basic
biochemistry to the complex physiology and metabolism of these two
naturally occurring molecules in the human body. Well-organized and
well referenced chapters cover the rich history of nitrite and
nitrate, sources of exposure, and the physiological effects when
consumed through foods containing nitrite and nitrate. The chapters
are written by leading experts, all of whom share their research
and perspectives in order to help define the context for benefits
vs. any potential risks associated with nitrite and nitrate use,
either through dietary ingestion or therapeutic dosing. This
diverse collection of authors includes vascular biologists,
physiologists, physicians, epidemiologists, cancer biologists,
registered dieticians, chemists, and public health experts from
five countries in both academia and government. Nitrite and Nitrate
in Human Health and Disease provides a balanced view of nitric
oxide biochemistry, and nitrite and nitrate biochemistry in
physiology and in the food sciences.
Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are
not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or
access to any online entitlements included with the product. The
book that serves as the basis for the popular "Harrison's Podclass"
podcast series! This outstanding collection of internal medicine
Q&A is perfect for prepping for board or shelf exams, getting
in multiple "reps" of self directed learning, and increasing your
understanding of clinical reasoning. It's packed with 1,000+
high-quality clinical vignettes, with expert, on-point explanations
for correct and incorrect answers. Harrison's Principles of
Internal Medicine reflects all the specialties of internal
medicine, and has been exhaustively revised and updated to reflect
hundreds of never-before published Q&A in board-style format.
This great resource will bolster your understanding of
pathophysiology, epidemiology, differential diagnosis, clinical
decision making, and therapeutics. Illustrations, radiographs, and
pathology slides are included throughout. Each question is
accompanied by a complete answer and explanation, and
cross-referenced to Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine for
deeper-dive understanding. 325 full-color photos and illustrations
Clinical vignettes and Q&A presented in board-style format
Content consistent with board exam blueprint in internal medicine
Aligned with Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine, the global
authority in medicine Explanations for correct and incorrect answer
Based on the popular review course from Harvard Medical School, The
Brigham Intensive Review of Internal Medicine, 3rd Edition,
provides in-depth coverage on all specialties of internal medicine,
as well as palliative care, occupational medicine, psychiatry, and
geriatric medicine. Ideal for preparing for certification or
recertification, this highly regarded review tool keeps you up to
date with tremendous changes in the field, incorporating detailed
discussions in every chapter, essential learning points, more than
600 review questions, numerous tables and figures, and more.
Organizes 100+ chapters into 10 broad sections, with one additional
section devoted to board simulation. Each chapter includes a
section of multiple-choice questions. Shares the knowledge and
expertise of leading authorities from Harvard as well as former
chief residents at Brigham and Women's Hospital, making this an
excellent exam review tool as well as a general practice resource.
Includes three new chapters: Sedation Agitation-Sleep Deprviation;
Hepatitis B and C; and Evaluation of the Dyspneic Patient. Features
a brand new, full-color design with all-new diagrams and color
photos. Provides extensively revised information throughout,
including more MOC-focused content. Expert ConsultT eBook version
included with purchase. This enhanced eBook experience allows you
to search all of the text, figures, and references from the book on
a variety of devices.
Big data, genomics, and quantitative approaches to network-based
analysis are combining to advance the frontiers of medicine as
never before. Network Medicine introduces this rapidly evolving
field of medical research, which promises to revolutionize the
diagnosis and treatment of human diseases. With contributions from
leading experts that highlight the necessity of a team-based
approach in network medicine, this definitive volume provides
readers with a state-of-the-art synthesis of the progress being
made and the challenges that remain. Medical researchers have long
sought to identify single molecular defects that cause diseases,
with the goal of developing silver-bullet therapies to treat them.
But this paradigm overlooks the inherent complexity of human
diseases and has often led to treatments that are inadequate or
fraught with adverse side effects. Rather than trying to force
disease pathogenesis into a reductionist model, network medicine
embraces the complexity of multiple influences on disease and
relies on many different types of networks: from the
cellular-molecular level of protein-protein interactions to
correlational studies of gene expression in biological samples. The
authors offer a systematic approach to understanding complex
diseases while explaining network medicine's unique features,
including the application of modern genomics technologies,
biostatistics and bioinformatics, and dynamic systems analysis of
complex molecular networks in an integrative context. By developing
techniques and technologies that comprehensively assess genetic
variation, cellular metabolism, and protein function, network
medicine is opening up new vistas for uncovering causes and
identifying cures of disease.
When Maria Velasquez began to hear the thoughts of others, she knew
life would never be the same; but the possibility she could be the
savior of not only the world, but an entire galaxy had never
crossed her mind. Now Maria finds herself on a journey of
self-discovery that takes her from the suburbs of Manhattan to a
planet buried deep in the subgalaxy. Maria's guide on her journey
is Wynn, the descendant of Paladins sent here to protect Earth from
the impending danger posed by the evil Czar Caiphas, leader of the
Galactic Socialist Regime. Their mission is to watch and wait for
an earthling to emerge whom they believe could be the Heir to
Master Suuth, an ancient Master of the Paladins secreted to our
world to protect him from the Czar. Accessible through a rift in
space, a phenomenon of light and gravity known as the Cold Star,
the subgalaxy is a realm ruled by the opposing forces of magic and
faith. Ripe with political intrigue and a never-ending state of
galactic war, the clashing of our two galaxies promises an
explosive result. Can Wynn and Maria unlock the secrets of the
Master's Heir and defeat Czar Caiphas and his Knights? Cold Star is
a fast-paced futuristic Galactic Fantasy certain to transport you
through time and space and leave you wanting more.
This question-and-answer companion to The Brigham Intensive Review
of Internal Medicine, which is based upon the popular review course
from Harvard Medical School, is a study guide for the American
Board of Internal Medicine certification or maintenance of
certification examination, as well as for general practice review
by physicians and residents. Editors Ajay K. Singh and Joseph
Loscalzo recruited leading authorities from Harvard as well as
former chief residents at Brigham and Women's Hospital to
contribute to this book. This thorough resource features 500 board
review questions and answers on internal medicine specialties
including: Infectious Disease, Hematology and Oncology,
Rheumatology, Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, Endocrinology,
Nephrology and Hypertension, Digestive Diseases and Disorders of
the Pancreas and Liver, Cardiovascular Disease, Neurology, and
General Internal Medicine. As the required content for the American
Board of Internal Medicine continues to evolve, studying can prove
challenging. The Brigham Intensive Review of Internal Medicine
Question and Answer Companion is the ideal guide for preparing for
certification or recertification.
Based upon the popular review course from Harvard Medical School,
The Brigham Intensive Review of Internal Medicine is a
comprehensive study guide for the American Board of Internal
Medicine certification or maintenance of certification examination
as well as for general practice review by physicians and residents.
This authoritative, thorough resource provides in-depth coverage on
all specialties of internal medicine, as well as palliative care,
occupational medicine, psychiatry, and geriatric medicine. Editors
Ajay K. Singh and Joseph Loscalzo recruited leading authorities
from Harvard as well as former chief residents at Brigham and
Women's Hospital to contribute to this book. Featuring over 600
board review questions, with numerous tables and figures, chapters
offer detailed discussions with emphasis on essential learning
points. Over 100 chapters are organized into 10 broad sections,
with one additional section dedicated to board simulation. As the
required content for the American Board of Internal Medicine
continues to evolve, studying can prove challenging. The Brigham
Intensive Review of Internal Medicine is the ideal study guide for
anyone preparing for certification or recertification.
Publisher's Note: Products purchased from Third Party sellers are
not guaranteed by the publisher for quality, authenticity, or
access to any online entitlements included with the product.
fascinating true story of Brigham and Women's Hospital Founded in
1913, the Peter Bent Brigham Hospital was the first medical
institution since John Hopkins to foster clinical clerkships of
medical students in the environment of a modern residency program.
Forging a partnership with Harvard Medical School, the Brigham
would become a major innovator in clinical research, implementing a
new educational model that would inspire other hospitals for
generations to come. In 1980 the Brigham merged with two other
Boston medical institutions boasting their own profoundly important
histories, the Boston Hospital for Women and the Robert Breck
Brigham Hospital, to become Brigham and Women's Hospital (BWH).
This rich and insightful account brings this remarkable story to
life: the milestone achievements, medical breakthroughs, and
personal dedication that have made BWH a world-class leader in
academic medicine. The Teaching Hospital includes: A comprehensive
history of BWH, from its continued commitment to medicine,
education, and compassionate care to its ongoing leadership in
transforming science-driven healthcare today. A compendium of BWH's
famous firsts, including the nation's first maternity ward, the
first in-vitro fertilization, the first successful human organ
transplant, New England's first coronary care unit, and most
recently, the first full-face transplant, as well as cutting-edge
research in stem cells, systems biology, and bioengineering. A
celebration of Brigham's luminaries and landmarks, from pioneers
like Dr. Harvey Cushing, the father of modern neurosurgery, Dr.
Bernard Lown, Nobel Peace Prize winning cardiologist, and Paul
Farmer, co-founder of Partners in Health, to the hospital's
milestone breakthroughs in radiology, arthritis, transplant
surgery, immunology, women's health, community health, and more.
With invaluable contributions from medical historians and doctors,
this essential volume provides an in-depth history of the
institution. Here is the evolution of BWH in all its dimensions:
its reputation as an education and clinical innovator, its role in
fostering groundbreaking biomedical research, its ties to the local
community as well as to the nation and the world, its financial and
administrative growth across the decades, the personalities who
have made BWH famous, and the fascinating inner life of the
hospital. Filled with stories of profound commitment, critical
analysis, and behind-the-scenes details, the book celebrates the
Brigham's history in both a medical and cultural context.