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In this compelling book, more than 40 years of research and
development are highlighted in a collection of articles published
by Joseph S. Renzulli and his colleagues. Renzulli's work has had
an impact on gifted education and enrichment pedagogy across the
globe, based on the general theme of the need to apply more
flexible approaches to identifying and developing giftedness and
talents in young people. This collection of articles and chapters
has strong foundational research support focusing on practical
applications that teachers can use to create and differentiate
learning and enrichment experiences for high potential and gifted
and talented students.
Things My Child Likes to Do enables educational decision-makers to
collect information on children's social, emotional, motivational,
and creative abilities from the perspective of those who know them
best: their parents or guardians. These scales can be used as one
component of a multiple measures identification system for gifted,
talented, or enrichment programming or to collect information on
students' readiness, interests, and learning profiles. The scales
have been subjected to content and construct validation to provide
clear, accurate, and informative data regarding student
characteristics. The Administration Manual provides information on
the new rating scale's validity and advice on administering the
Things My Child Likes to Do enables educational decision-makers to
collect information on children's social, emotional, motivational,
and creative abilities from the perspective of those who know them
best: their parents or guardians. These scales can be used as one
component of a multiple measures identification system for gifted,
talented, or enrichment programming or to collect information on
students' readiness, interests, and learning profiles. The scales
have been subjected to content and construct validation to provide
clear, accurate, and informative data regarding student
characteristics. Includes 100 sets of 4-page booklets containing
the Things My Child Likes to Do scale for administration purposes.
Curriculum compacting is one of the most well-researched and
commonly used ways of differentiating instruction to challenge
advanced learners. This quick reference guide provides educators
with a brief history and rationale of curriculum compacting, as
well as strategies and ways to implement this practical and
inexpensive method of differentiating both content and instruction.
The strategies included enable classroom teachers to streamline the
regular curriculum, ensure students' mastery of basic skills, and
provide time for stimulating enrichment and acceleration
activities. With its concise format, this guide is perfect for
educators new to curriculum compacting or those looking for an
at-a-glance review of major components.
The Scales for Rating the Behavioral Characteristics of Superior
Students are commonly referred to as the Renzulli Scales or
Renzulli-Hartman Scales . Now in its third edition, the Renzulli
Scales are the nation's most popular tool for identifying gifted
children. Supported by 40 years of research, the Renzulli Scales
are used by gifted and talented programs across the country. This
standardized instrument is completed by teachers and provides an
effective method for identifying gifted children. The Renzulli
Scales are designed to obtain teacher estimates of a student's
characteristics in the following areas: Learning Characteristics
Creativity Characteristics Motivation Characteristics Leadership
Characteristics Artistic Characteristics Musical Characteristics
Dramatics Characteristics Communication Characteristics (Precision)
Communication Characteristics (Expressiveness) Planning
Characteristics Mathematics Characteristics Reading Characteristics
Technology Characteristics Science Characteristics Each scale
contains multiple items that are rated using a Likert-type scale.
The first four scales (learning, creativity, motivation, and
leadership) are used by most schools that use the Scales. The
remaining 10 scales are focused on specific areas. They are used by
schools when those areas seem appropriate for a gifted program's
goals. For example, a program serving gifted math students would
use the mathematics scale, a science academy would use the science
scale, etc. Research shows that gifted children tend to exhibit
certain observable behaviors, such as using advanced vocabulary,
grasping underlying principles, and making generalizations from
complex information. The Renzulli Scales asks teachers to rate
children in comparison to their peers on a host of these observable
behaviors. The children who score high on the scales are more
likely to be gifted. Using a tool like the Scales, a school can
narrow the number of students who will be fully evaluated for a
gifted program. The items were chosen from a comprehensive body of
research concerning the characteristics of gifted students. Based
on a multiple talent approach to the identification of gifted
students, the scales help identify student strengths. To explore
the full collection of Renzulli Scales print and online resources,
please visit:
The Scales for Rating the Behavioral Characteristics of Superior
Students are commonly referred to as the Renzulli Scales or
Renzulli-Hartman Scales . Now in its third edition, the Renzulli
Scales are the nation's most popular tool for identifying gifted
children. Supported by 40 years of research, the Renzulli Scales
are used by gifted and talented programs across the country. This
standardized instrument is completed by teachers and provides an
effective method for identifying gifted children. The Renzulli
Scales are designed to obtain teacher estimates of a student's
characteristics in the following areas: Learning Characteristics
Creativity Characteristics Motivation Characteristics Leadership
Characteristics Artistic Characteristics Musical Characteristics
Dramatics Characteristics Communication Characteristics (Precision)
Communication Characteristics (Expressiveness) Planning
Characteristics Mathematics Characteristics Reading Characteristics
Technology Characteristics Science Characteristics Each scale
contains multiple items that are rated using a Likert-type scale.
The first four scales (learning, creativity, motivation, and
leadership) are used by most schools that use the Scales. The
remaining 10 scales are focused on specific areas. They are used by
schools when those areas seem appropriate for a gifted program's
goals. For example, a program serving gifted math students would
use the mathematics scale, a science academy would use the science
scale, etc. Research shows that gifted children tend to exhibit
certain observable behaviors, such as using advanced vocabulary,
grasping underlying principles, and making generalizations from
complex information. The Renzulli Scales asks teachers to rate
children in comparison to their peers on a host of these observable
behaviors. The children who score high on the scales are more
likely to be gifted. Using a tool like the Scales, a school can
narrow the number of students who will be fully evaluated for a
gifted program. The items were chosen from a comprehensive body of
research concerning the characteristics of gifted students. Based
on a multiple talent approach to the identification of gifted
students, the scales help identify student strengths. To explore
the full collection of Renzulli Scales print and online resources,
please visit: