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An engaging and accessible book of interviews with leading thinkers
on the ideas of Jurgen Habermas and threats to democracy and the
public sphere Covers urgent and importnat topics such as fake news,
experts and expertise, populism, authoritarianism, human rights and
the legacy of slavery Includes a Foreword by Habermas
Across a spectrum of academic disciplines, the topic of
globalization is at the forefront of contemporary efforts to
understand a dynamically changing world society. How might critical
social theory respond creatively to the challenge of thinking and
theorizing globalization in its full complexity? Globalizing
Critical Theory collects essays by scholars at the forefront of
Critical Theory as they confront this timely topic. This book
offers readers a chance to see contemporary Critical Theory in its
full range-from political analyses of a global public sphere,
critical race theory, and the politics of memory, to aesthetics and
media studies. It includes crucial new essays by JYrgen on the
transformations of the global order in the wake of the American
invasion of Iraq, and major interventions by Nancy Fraser, Peter
Hohendahl, Andreas Huyssen, James Bohman, and others. Globalizing
Critical Theory provides a fascinating exploration of how Critical
Theory is confronting the question of globalization-and how
globalization is transforming Critical Theory.
This astonishingly rich volume collects the work of an
international group of scholars, including some of the best known
in academia. Experts in ethics, epistemology, philosophy of mind,
political theory, aesthetics, history, critical theory, and
hermeneutics bring to light the best philosophical scholarship what
is arguably Friedrich Nietzsche's most rewarding but most
challenging text. Including essays that were commissioned
specifically for the volume as well as essays revised and edited by
their authors, this collection showcases definitive works that have
shaped Nietzsche studies alongside new works of interest to
students and experts alike. Sections are devoted to the topic of
genealogy generally, numerous essays on specific passages,
applications of genealogy in later thinkers, and the import of
Nietzsche's Genealogy in contemporary politics, ethics, and
aesthetics. A lengthy introduction, annotated bibliography, and
index make this an extremely useful guide for the classroom and
advanced research.
This astonishingly rich volume collects the work of an
international group of scholars, including some of the best known
in academia. Experts in ethics, epistemology, philosophy of mind,
political theory, aesthetics, history, critical theory, and
hermeneutics bring to light the best philosophical scholarship what
is arguably Friedrich Nietzsche's most rewarding but most
challenging text. Including essays that were commissioned
specifically for the volume as well as essays revised and edited by
their authors, this collection showcases definitive works that have
shaped Nietzsche studies alongside new works of interest to
students and experts alike. Sections are devoted to the topic of
genealogy generally, numerous essays on specific passages,
applications of genealogy in later thinkers, and the import of
Nietzsche's Genealogy in contemporary politics, ethics, and
aesthetics. A lengthy introduction, annotated bibliography, and
index make this an extremely useful guide for the classroom and
advanced research.
An engaging and accessible book of interviews with leading thinkers
on the ideas of Jurgen Habermas and threats to democracy and the
public sphere Covers urgent and importnat topics such as fake news,
experts and expertise, populism, authoritarianism, human rights and
the legacy of slavery Includes a Foreword by Habermas
"The Power of Religion in the Public Sphere" represents a rare
opportunity to experience a diverse group of preeminent
philosophers confronting one pervasive contemporary concern: what
role does--or should--religion play in our public lives? Reflecting
on her recent work concerning state violence in Israel-Palestine,
Judith Butler explores the potential of religious perspectives for
renewing cultural and political criticism, while J?rgen Habermas,
best known for his seminal conception of the public sphere, thinks
through the ambiguous legacy of the concept of "the political" in
contemporary theory. Charles Taylor argues for a radical
redefinition of secularism, and Cornel West defends civil
disobedience and emancipatory theology. Eduardo Mendieta and
Jonathan VanAntwerpen detail the immense contribution of these
philosophers to contemporary social and political theory, and an
afterword by Craig Calhoun places these attempts to reconceive the
significance of both religion and the secular in the context of
contemporary national and international politics.
"The Power of Religion in the Public Sphere" represents a rare
opportunity to experience a diverse group of preeminent
philosophers confronting one pervasive contemporary concern: what
role does--or should--religion play in our public lives? Reflecting
on her recent work concerning state violence in Israel-Palestine,
Judith Butler explores the potential of religious perspectives for
renewing cultural and political criticism, while J?rgen Habermas,
best known for his seminal conception of the public sphere, thinks
through the ambiguous legacy of the concept of "the political" in
contemporary theory. Charles Taylor argues for a radical
redefinition of secularism, and Cornel West defends civil
disobedience and emancipatory theology. Eduardo Mendieta and
Jonathan VanAntwerpen detail the immense contribution of these
philosophers to contemporary social and political theory, and an
afterword by Craig Calhoun places these attempts to reconceive the
significance of both religion and the secular in the context of
contemporary national and international politics.
AnHifilich der 600-Jahrfeier der Ruperto-Carola-Univer sitat
Heidelberg und parallel zu den tiber das ganze Jahr verteilten
vieWiltigen Aktivitaten, Symposien und Festvor tragen der
Universitat entschied der Gemeinderat der Stadt Heidelberg, sich
nicht nur mit der "Stadt-Heidelberg-Stif tung" und deren
Stiftungskapital von 2 Mio. DM, sondern auch mit einer Vortagsreihe
an dem Jubilaumsjahr zu beteili gen. Schien es doch legitim, daB
die Stadt, die seit sechs Jahrhunderten mit der Universitat lebt,
tiber ihre traditions reichste Einrichtung nachdenken wollte. Als
Titel der Vortragsreihe bot sich jener Titel an, den Karl Jaspers
1946 seiner Schrift tiber die Heidelberger Uni versitat gegeben
hatte: Die Idee der Universitat. 1m Wintersemester 1985/86 und
Sommersemester 1986 hielten sechs hervorragende Vertreter
interdisziplinarer For schung und Lehre Vortrage, die in diesem
Band zusammen gefaBt sind. 1m Wintersemester versuchten die
Beitrage des Heidel berger Philosophen und Jaspers-Nachfolgers
Prof. Gada mer, des Hamburger Wissenschaftssenators Prof. Meyer
Abich und des Vizeprasidenten des Wissenschaftskollegs, Prof.
Lepenies, den Standort der Universitat in der Ge schichte, der
politis chen Gegenwart der Bundesrepublik Deutschland und im
internationalen Vergleich zu bestim men. VI Vorwort 1m
Sommersemester konzentrierten sich die Beitrage des
Nobelpreistragers Prof. Eigen, Max-Planck-Institut Got tingen,
Prof. Lubbe, Zurich und Prof. Habermas, Frank furt, auf die innere
Entwicklung der Universitat und die Reformbestrebungen der letzten
Jahrzehnte. In seiner Schrift "Die Idee der Universitat" bestimmt
Karl Jaspers: "Die Aufgabe der Universitat ist die Wissen schaft.
Aber Forschung und Lehre der Wissenschaft dienen der Bildung
geistigen Lebens als Offenbarwerden der Wahr heit" ."
Jurgen Habermas is one of the best-known and most influential
philosophers in Europe today. Heir to the Frankfurt school, his
reputation rests on more than thirty years of groundbreaking works
on society knowledge, history, technology; ethics, and many other
subjects. He is also a familiar figure in his native Germany where
he has often played a prominent role in public de-bates. In recent
years, he has spoken out ever more directly on the extraordinary
changes taking place in Germany, Europe, and the world.
This volume of interviews reveals Habermas's passionate
engagement with contemporary issues. Wide-ranging and informal, the
interviews focus on matters of decisive importance to Germany and
the rest of the world in the 1990s: German unification; recent
explosive debates about interpretations of German history,
Germany's asylum policies, and the Nazi era; efforts to create a
cooperative, peaceful Europe; and the significance of the Persian
Gulf War. A final interview focuses on the relation between theory
and practice--between philosophy and the so-called real world. In
an afterword to the volume, Habermas addresses a broad spectrum of
issues facing Germany and other nations in this final decade of the
Ably translated and annotated by Max Pensky, professor of
philosophy at the State University of New York-Binghamton, "The
Past as Future" provides a striking portrait of an intellectual who
is equally at home in the world of academic philosophy and in
mainstream debate--and who can make valuable connections between
the two.
The Philosophical Discourse of Modernity is a tour de force that
has the immediacy and accessibility of the lecture form and the
excitement of an encounter across, national cultural boundaries.
Habermas takes up the challenge posed by the radical critique of
reason in contemporary French poststructuralism.Tracing the odyssey
of the philosophical discourse of modernity, Habermas's strategy is
to return to those historical "crossroads" at which Hegel and the
Young Hegelians, Nietzsche and Heidegger made the fateful decisions
that led to this outcome. His aim is to identify and clearly mark
out a road indicated but not taken: the determinate negation of
subject-centered reason through the concept of communicative
rationality. As The Theory of Communicative Action served to place
this concept within the history of social theory, these lectures
locate it within the history of philosophy. Habermas examines the
odyssey of the philosophical discourse of modernity from Hegel
through the present and tests his own ideas about the appropriate
form of a postmodern discourse through dialogs with a broad range
of past and present critics and theorists.The lectures on Georges
Bataille, Michel Foucault, Jacques Derrida, and Cornelius
Castoriadis are of particular note since they are the first fruits
of the recent cross-fertilization between French and German
thought. Habermas's dialogue with Foucault - begun in person as the
first of these lectures were delivered in Paris in 1983 culminates
here in two appreciative yet intensely argumentative lectures. His
discussion of the literary-theoretical reception of Derrida in
America - launched at Cornell in 1984 - issues here in a long
excursus on the genre distinction between philosophy and
literature. The lectures were reworked for the final time in
seminars at Boston College and first published in Germany in the
fall of 1985.Jurgen Habermas is Professor of Philosophy at the
University of Frankfurt. The Philosophical Discourse of Modernity
is included in the series Studies in Contemporary German Social
Thought, edited by Thomas McCarthy.
This volume presents Habermas's most recent contributions to
ethical theory, expanding and clarifying his controversial theory
of discourse ethics.
Responding to criticisms of his theory, Habermas defends the
claim of discourse ethics to a central position in contemporary
moral philosophy. He explains and refines the key concepts of his
approach and extends the argument in certain key respects,
including his treatment of practical reason and of the problems of
application and motivation.
The first chapter offers a comprehensive analysis of practical
rationality which establishes a clear demarcation between
pragmatic, ethical and moral questions and a corresponding
differentiation between forms of volition and spheres of practical
discourse. Habermas then develops a wide-ranging defence of
discourse ethics and provides a masterly critique of the major
competing positions, such as those of John Rawls, Bernard Williams,
Charles Taylor, Alasdair MacIntyre, Karl-Otto Apel and Albrecht
The remaining chapters defend the basic intention of
universalist moral theory in the face of the claims of the
neo-Aristotelian ethic of the good and of Horkheimer's scepticism
towards reason. An interview with Habermas, covering such topics as
the genesis of discourse ethics, the precise import of some of its
more controversial elements and its interconnections with the
theory of communicative action, concludes the volume.
"Justification and Application "engages with some of the most
important and controversial issues in social and political theory
and philosophy today. It will be welcomed by students and scholars
throughout the social sciences and humanities.