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The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) reauthorized
new funding for numerous existing discretionary grant and other
programs and activities. ACA also created multiple new
discretionary grant programs and activities and provided for each
an authorization of appropriations. Funding for all of these
programs and activities is subject to action by congressional
appropriators. This report summarizes all the discretionary
spending provisions in ACA that authorized appropriations for grant
programs and other activities. A companion product, CRS Report
R41301, Appropriations and Fund Transfers in the Patient Protection
and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), summarizes all the mandatory
appropriations in the new law. Among the provisions that are
intended to strengthen the nation's health care safety net and
improve access to care, ACA permanently reauthorized the federal
health centers program and the National Health Service Corps
(NHSC). The NHSC provides scholarships and student loan repayments
to individuals who agree to a period of service as a primary care
provider in a federally designated Health Professional Shortage
Area. In addition, the new law addressed concerns about the current
size, specialty mix, and geographic distribution of the health care
workforce. It reauthorized and expanded existing health workforce
education and training programs under Titles VII and VIII of the
Public Health Service Act (PHSA). Title VII supports the education
and training of physicians, dentists, physician assistants, and
public health workers through grants, scholarships, and loan
repayment. ACA created several new programs to increase training
experiences in primary care, in rural areas, and in community-based
settings, and provided training opportunities to increase the
supply of pediatric subspecialists and geriatricians. It also
expanded the nursing workforce development programs authorized
under PHSA Title VIII to bolster undergraduate and graduate nursing
education and training. As part of a comprehensive framework for
federal community-based (i.e., public health) prevention
activities, including a national strategy and a national education
and outreach campaign, ACA authorized several new grant programs
with a focus on preventable or modifiable risk factors for disease
(e.g., sedentary lifestyle, tobacco use). The new law also
leveraged a number of mechanisms to improve the quality of health
care, including new requirements for quality measure development,
collection, analysis, and public reporting; programs to develop and
disseminate innovative strategies for improving the quality of
health care delivery; and support for care coordination programs
such as medical homes, patient navigators, and the co-location of
primary health care and mental health services. Additionally, ACA
authorized funding for programs to prevent elder abuse, neglect,
and exploitation; grants to expand trauma care services and improve
regional coordination of emergency services; and demonstration
projects to implement alternatives to current tort litigation for
resolving medical malpractice claims, among other provisions. The
Congressional Budget Office estimated that ACA's discretionary
spending provisions, if fully funded by future appropriations acts,
would result in appropriations of approximately $106 billion over
the 10-year period FY2010-FY2019. Most of that funding would be for
programs that existed prior to, and whose funding was reauthorized
by, ACA. Few new programs created by ACA received funding in FY2011
or FY2012.
The Older Americans Act (OAA) is the major federal vehicle for the
delivery of social and nutrition services for older persons. These
include supportive services, congregate nutrition services (meals
served at group sites such as senior centers, schools, churches, or
senior housing complexes), home-delivered nutrition services,
family caregiver support, community service employment, the
long-term care ombudsman program, and services to prevent the
abuse, neglect, and exploitation of older persons. The OAA also
supports grants to older Native Americans and research, training,
and demonstration activities. The Administration on Aging (AOA) in
the newly established Administration for Community Living (ACL),
within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)
administers most OAA programs. The exception is the Community
Service Employment for Older Americans (CSEOA) program, which is
administered by the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL). The ACL also
administers several aging services programs authorized under the
Public Health Service Act, such as the Alzheimer's Disease
Supportive Services Program and the Lifespan Respite Care Program.
Funding for OAA programs and other aging services is provided
through appropriations legislation for the Departments of Labor,
Health and Human Services, and Education, and Related Agencies
(Labor-HHS-Education). FY2012 funding for OAA programs totals
$1.913 billion, 1% less than in FY2011. The President's FY2013
budget request proposes $1.907 billion for OAA programs, 0.3% less
than the FY2012 level. The President's budget proposal would
eliminate $6.5 million in discretionary OAA funding for Aging and
Disability Resource Centers (ADRCs) also funded by the Patient
Protection and Affordable Care Act (P.L. 111-148, as amended). The
Continuing Appropriations Resolution, 2013 (CR; P.L. 112-175)
became law on September 28, 2012. For most discretionary programs,
including OAA programs, the CR continues funding at close to FY2012
levels. The CR provides funding for October 1, 2012, through March
27, 2013, although amounts may change depending on whether certain
actions, such as sequestration, are taken pursuant to the Budget
Control Act (P.L. 112-25) and the American Taxpayer Relief Act of
2012 (ATRA, P.L. 112-240). Since the enactment of OAA, Congress has
reauthorized and amended the act numerous times. In the past, OAA
reauthorization has included extending the act's authorization of
appropriations for a five-year period. The last OAA reauthorization
occurred in 2006, when Congress enacted the Older Americans Act
Amendments of 2006 (P.L. 109-365), which extended the act's
authorization of appropriations for FY2007 through FY2011. The
authorization of appropriations for most OAA programs expired at
the end of FY2011. However, Congress has continued to appropriate
funding for OAA authorized activities. In the 112th Congress,
comprehensive OAA reauthorization legislation was introduced which
would extend the authorization of appropriations for most OAA
programs through FY2017 and would make various amendments to
existing OAA authorities. This report provides details of FY2011,
FY2012, and FY2013 funding for OAA authorized activities, as well
as for other aging services programs administered by ACL under
other statutory authorities.
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