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Productivity growth is vital for wealth creation. It is fashioned
by a number of factors including international trade and foreign
direct investment. This volume examines the nature of the links
between the globalisation process and productivity growth whilst
including empirical analyses of these links. Other subjects covered
include how exporting and productivity interact; the relevance of
ownership to productivity growth; and potential spillovers from
multinational firms to indigenous firms in their host country. This
volume offers the most complete collection of studies available on
this key issue.
In this book Jane Kneller focuses on the role of imagination as a
creative power in Kant's aesthetics and in his overall
philosophical enterprise. She analyzes Kant's account of
imaginative freedom and the relation between imaginative free play
and human social and moral development, showing various ways in
which his aesthetics of disinterested reflection produce moral
interests. She situates these aspects of his aesthetic theory
within the context of German aesthetics of the eighteenth century,
arguing that Kant's contribution is a bridge between early theories
of aesthetic moral education and the early Romanticism of the last
decade of that century. In so doing, her book brings the two most
important German philosophers of Enlightenment and Romanticism,
Kant and Novalis, into dialogue. It will be of interest to a wide
range of readers in both Kant studies and German philosophy of the
eighteenth and nineteenth centuries.
This two-volume set is an indispensable selection of recent and
classic research papers exploring the link between globalization
and productivity growth. The editors' careful selection includes
articles that focus on the impact of globalization on aggregate
productivity, openness, international technology diffusion, and
trade adjustment and productivity growth. Other topics include
inward and outward foreign direct investment, international
outsourcing and the critical relationship between exporting and
productivity. The set will be an essential reference point for
researchers, students and policy-makers concerned with
globalization and productivity.
Since the beginning, men and women have desired happiness. Why is
it that so few have discovered it? Happiness is a treasure that is
available to all and yet it remains elusive for most. The tragedy
of life is not that it ends to soon, but that we wait so long to
begin. As a young man Chad Kneller was lost and depressed, running
100 miles an hour in the wrong direction. "By age 28 I had ruined
every area of my life and it seemed like my story was over," he
says. "I was ready to end it all.†Fortunately, this wasn’t the
end but a new beginning. I met some incredible people who helped me
see life with new perspective. I learned to not just see where I
was but where I could be." Chad writes about the 10 keys to assist
men and women in designing an extraordinary life full of happiness.
These 10 keys led him from a deep depression to total joy. Today,
Mr. Kneller is a rewired Army Officer who mentors entrepreneurs all
across the country and enjoys spending much of his time with his
three children and wife Jaree.
A convenient and authoritative quick-reference guide to help you
get the most from radiography of dogs and cats. In the newly
revised second edition of Radiography of the Dog and Cat: Guide to
Making and Interpreting Radiographs, the authors deliver a thorough
update to a celebrated reference manual for all veterinary
personnel, student to specialist, involved with canine and feline
radiography. The book takes a straightforward approach to the
fundamentals of radiography and provides easy-to-follow
explanations of key points and concepts. Hundreds of new images
have been added covering normal radiographic anatomy and numerous
diseases and disorders. This latest edition includes access to a
companion website with review questions and answers. Readers of the
book will also find: An expanded positioning guide along with
images of properly positioned radiographs. Numerous examples of
radiographic artifacts with explanations of their causes and
remedies. Detailed explanations of many contrast radiography
procedures, including indications, contraindications, and common
pitfalls. Comprehensive treatments of Musculoskeletal, Thoracic,
and Abdominal body parts, including both normal and abnormal
radiographic appearances and variations in body types. Perfect for
veterinary practitioners and students, the second edition of
Radiography of the Dog and Cat: Guide to Making and Interpreting
Radiographs is also a valuable handbook for veterinary technical
staff seeking a one-stop reference for dog and cat radiography.
This volume presents the first complete translation of Fichte Studies, a critique of Fichtean philosophy by the young philosopher-poet Friedrich von Hardenberg. Under the pen-name Novalis, von Hardenberg became the most well-known and beloved of the early German Romantic writers. Those interested in the fate of German philosophy and literature immediately following Kant will find that this collection of notes and aphorisms consists of original contributions on the nature of self-consciousness, the relationship of art to philosophy, and the nature of philosophical inquiry.
The innovative strength of the world's two largest economies, the
United States and Japan, are based on two very different forms of
industrial and social organization. For the United States, venture
companies play a key role in technical and economic progress, while
in Japan they have only a very minor role. In Bridging Islands,
Robert Kneller argues that without vibrant new high technology
companies, Japanese industry will decline inexorably. At the same
time, if the favorable yet delicate environment in America is
undermined, America will face collapse of its innovative and
economic strength.
Japan has done much to improve its environment for high technology
ventures. It has some promising new high technology companies and
gradually increasing numbers of entrepreneurial scientists and
managers. But they continue to swim against the current. One reason
is that large, established companies dominate high technology
fields and pursue an autarkic innovation strategy-relying on
research in-house, in affiliated companies, or in universities.
Another reason is that these same large companies still have
preferential access to university discoveries. Thus, high
technology ventures are deprived of niches in which to grow,
skilled personnel, and their natural customer base. In the field of
university-industry relations, steps can still be taken to improve
the environment for high technology ventures-steps that would
probably also increase the quality of university science.
The American-Japanese innovation dichotomy represents a broader
dichotomy between so-called liberal and controlled market
economies. The lessons from these two countries' experiences are
applicable to manyindustrialized countries, and to developing
countries shaping their innovation systems.
Bridging Islands is a detailed examination of the key role of
venture companies in national technical and economic success, with
important implications for academics, researchers, industry
specialists, and policy-makers.
An interdisciplanary collection of essays focused on Kant's work on
the concept of community. The concept of community plays a central
role in Kant's theoretical philosophy, his practical philosophy,
his aesthetics, and his religious thought. Kant uses community in
many philosophical contexts: the category of community introduced
in his table of categories in the Critique of Pure Reason; the
community of substances in the third analogy; the realm of ends as
an ethical community; the state and the public sphere as political
communities; the sensus communis of the Critique of Judgment; and
the idea of the church as a religious community in Religion within
the Boundaries of Mere Reason. Given Kant's status as a systematic
philosopher, volume editorsPayne and Thorpe maintain that any
examination of the concept of community in one area of his work can
be understood only in relation to the others. In this volume, then,
scholars from different disciplines -- specializing in various
aspects of and approaches to Kant's work -- offer their
interpretations of Kant on the concept of community. The various
essays further illustrate the central relevance and importance of
Kant's conception of community to contemporary debates in various
fields. Charlton Payne is postdoctoral fellow at Plattform
Weltregionen und Interaktionen, Universitat Erfurt, Germany. Lucas
Thorpe is Assistant Professor in the Department of Philosophy
atBogazici University, Turkey. Contributors: Ronald Beiner, Jeffrey
Edwards, Michael Feola, Paul Guyer, Jane Kneller, Beatrice
Longuenesse, Jan Mieszkowski, Onora O'Neill, Charlton Payne, Susan
M. Shell, Lucas Thorpe, Eric Watkins, Allen W. Wood
In this book Jane Kneller focuses on the role of imagination as a
creative power in Kant's aesthetics and in his overall
philosophical enterprise. She analyzes Kant's account of
imaginative freedom and the relation between imaginative free play
and human social and moral development, showing various ways in
which his aesthetics of disinterested reflection produce moral
interests. She situates these aspects of his aesthetic theory
within the context of German aesthetics of the eighteenth century,
arguing that Kant's contribution is a bridge between early theories
of aesthetic moral education and the early Romanticism of the last
decade of that century. In so doing, her book brings the two most
important German philosophers of Enlightenment and Romanticism,
Kant and Novalis, into dialogue. It will be of interest to a wide
range of readers in both Kant studies and German philosophy of the
eighteenth and nineteenth centuries.
A great deal of public policy is harnessed to raising productivity
growth. Although it is believed that the process is intimately
linked to globalization, the precise links are less well known.
This volume offers a comprehensive overview of links between
international trade, foreign direct investment and productivity
growth, providing a series of empirical analyses of these links.
This volume presents the first complete translation of Fichte Studies, a critique of Fichtean philosophy by the young philosopher-poet Friedrich von Hardenberg. Under the pen-name Novalis, von Hardenberg became the most well-known and beloved of the early German Romantic writers. Those interested in the fate of German philosophy and literature immediately following Kant will find that this collection of notes and aphorisms consists of original contributions on the nature of self-consciousness, the relationship of art to philosophy, and the nature of philosophical inquiry.
Vladimir Vysotsky (January 25, 1938 - July 25, 1980) was a poet,
singer, and actor whose work had an immeasurable and lasting effect
on Russian culture. His songs explored a vast variety of topics,
ranging from comedy to social and political commentary. With the
impressive poetical quality of his lyrics, he quickly outgrew the
label of "a bard." In the time when many poets and performers were
under heavy scrutiny and censorship by the government, Vysotsky
dared to speak his mind and due to his immense popularity with the
Soviet people, he was left largely ignored by the authorities.
Vysotsky died of a heart attack on July 25, 1980, though many
speculate that alcohol and drug use may have also contributed to
his early death. In the short span of twenty years, Vysotsky had
produced nearly 2000 songs and poems. To this day, he remains an
icon for the Russian people and has had a deep influence on the
Russian musicians of today. This dual-language collection of his
work strives to give a glimpse into the creative mind of Russia's
greatest singer.
Es ist ein eigenartiges Erlebnis, ein kleines Spezialgebiet der
Physik zu einer fast unubersehbaren Wissenschaft heranwachsen zu
sehen. Noch vor 20 Jahren konnte jeder interessierte Physiker,
sOzUsagen nebenher, alle Arbeiten uber die magnetischen
Eigenschaften der Materie leicht lesen und verarbeiten. Heute er
scheinen uber dieses Gebiet rund 500 Arbeiten pro Jahr, und es
werden jedes Jahr in verschiedenen Landern Vortrags- und
Diskussionstagungen uber die ma gnetischen Eigenschaften der
Materie abgehalten. Allein die Zahl der dort vor gelegten
Originalarbeiten uberschreitet 200. Die Grundlage fur eine solche
Entwicklung wurde von der Festkoerperphysik geschaffen. Die
Entwicklung und Anwendung der Quantentheorie, der Elektro
nentheorie und der Theorie der Kristallbaufehler haben unsere
Kenntnis der Zusammenhange zwischen der Struktur der Materie und
ihren magnetischen Eigenschaften in ungeahntem Masse verbreitert
und verfeinert. Die Anwendung von Neutronenstrahlen,
kompliziertesten elektronischen Messanordnungen und tiefsten
Temperaturen hat die experimentellen Fundamente entsprechend er
weitert und gesichert. Die treibenden Krafte waren die standig
wachsenden Anforderungen an die zahllosen technisch nutzbaren
Magnetwerkstoffe, die Erkenntnis, dass magnetische Methoden der
zerstoerungsfreien Werkstoffprufung in vielen Fallen besser und
billiger sind als andere Verfahren, und nicht zuletzt die Suche
nach bequemen und zuverlassigen Methoden in der Grundlagenforschung
auf den Gebieten der Metallphysik und der Metallkunde.
Die 1974 in der Tragerschaft des Landschaftsverban- des Rheinland
eroffnete Rheinische Landesldinik Koln ist mehr als ein
Krankenhaus: in ihr wurde die Einheit medizinischer,
psychotherapeutischer und so- zialer Hilfestellungen fUr psychisch
Kranke verwirk- licht. Als psychiatrisches Behandlungszentrum zu-
standig fUr die umfassende psychiatrische Versorgung der Stadt Koln
(mit Ausnahme eines Siidstadt- und eines weiteren N
ordstadtbezirks) entspricht ihre Auf- gabenstruktur den Leitlinien
der Enquete zur Lage der Psychiatrie in der Bundesrepublik. Neben
einer Gleichstellung der psychisch Kranken mit den kor- perlich
Kranken wurde darin ein regional geglieder- tes, abgestuftes System
leistungsfahiger, einander er- ganzender und leicht erreichbarer
psychiatrischer und sozialer Einrichtungen vorgegeben, das
psychisch Kranken nach Art und Grad ihrer Beeintrachtigung jeweils
die bestmogliche Hilfe zuteil werden laBt. Der Institutsambulanz -
in Koln erstmals in der Bundes- republik verwirldicht - wurde in
diesem neuartigen System umfassender Versorgung eine integrale
Funk- tion zugewiesen. Ohne den Anspruch umfassender
psychiatrischer Versorgung zu relativieren, sollte zu- gleich der
Anteil zwangsweiser Unterbringungen psy- chisch Kranker moglichst
niedrig gehalten werden. Angeregt durch die KIinik wurde bereits
Anfang 1975 eine Arbeitsgruppe mit Richtern des Landgerichts VI
Vorwort Koln, der Amtsgerichte des Landgerichtsbezirks Koln sowie
Mitarbeitern des Gesundheitsamtes und der Ordnungsbehorden ins
Leben gerufen. Diese hat seit- dem 2mal jahrlich Konferenzen
abgehalten, die den jeweils aktuellen Problemen der Grenzbereiche
zwi- schen Psychiatrie und Recht gewidmet waren. Als er- stes
Ergebnis dieser gemeinsamen Arbeit ist der nach- folgende Beitrag
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