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The last few years have witnessed a surge in the development and usage of discretization methods supporting general meshes in geoscience applications. The need for general polyhedral meshes in this context can arise in several situations, including the modelling of petroleum reservoirs and basins, CO2 and nuclear storage sites, etc. In the above and other situations, classical discretization methods are either not viable or require ad hoc modifications that add to the implementation complexity. Discretization methods able to operate on polyhedral meshes and possibly delivering arbitrary-order approximations constitute in this context a veritable technological jump. The goal of this monograph is to establish a state-of-the-art reference on polyhedral methods for geoscience applications by gathering contributions from top-level research groups working on this topic. This book is addressed to graduate students and researchers wishing to deepen their knowledge of advanced numerical methods with a focus on geoscience applications, as well as practitioners of the field.
This volume gathers contributions from participants of the Introductory School and the IHP thematic quarter on Numerical Methods for PDE, held in 2016 in Cargese (Corsica) and Paris, providing an opportunity to disseminate the latest results and envisage fresh challenges in traditional and new application fields. Numerical analysis applied to the approximate solution of PDEs is a key discipline in applied mathematics, and over the last few years, several new paradigms have appeared, leading to entire new families of discretization methods and solution algorithms. This book is intended for researchers in the field.
Cardiovascular diseases have a major impact in Western countries. Mathematical models and numerical simulations can aid the understanding of physiological and pathological processes, complementing the information provided to medical doctors by medical imaging and other non-invasive means, and opening the possibility of a better diagnosis and more in-depth surgical planning.This book offers a mathematically sound and up-to-date foundation to the training of researchers, and serves as a useful reference for the development of mathematical models and numerical simulation codes. It is structured into different chapters, written by recognized experts in the field, but it features a common thread with consistency of notation and expressions and systematic cross-referencing. Many fundamental issues are faced, such as: the mathematical representation of vascular geometries extracted from medical images, modelling blood rheology and the complex multilayer structure of the vascular tissue, and its possible pathologies, the mechanical and chemical interaction between blood and vascular walls; the different scales coupling local and systemic dynamics. All these topics introduce challenging mathematical and numerical problems, demanding for advanced analysis and simulation techniques. This book is addressed to graduate students and researchers in the field of bioengineering, applied mathematics and medicine, wishing to engage themselves in the fascinating task of modeling how the cardiovascular system works.
This volume collects selected contributions from the "Fourth Tetrahedron Workshop on Grid Generation for Numerical Computations", which was held in Verbania, Italy in July 2013. The previous editions of this Workshop were hosted by the Weierstrass Institute in Berlin (2005), by INRIA Rocquencourt in Paris (2007), and by Swansea University (2010).This book covers different, though related, aspects of the field: the generation of quality grids for complex three-dimensional geometries; parallel mesh generation algorithms; mesh adaptation, including both theoretical and implementation aspects; grid generation and adaptation on surfaces - all with an interesting mix of numerical analysis, computer science and strongly application-oriented problems.
The last few years have witnessed a surge in the development and usage of discretization methods supporting general meshes in geoscience applications. The need for general polyhedral meshes in this context can arise in several situations, including the modelling of petroleum reservoirs and basins, CO2 and nuclear storage sites, etc. In the above and other situations, classical discretization methods are either not viable or require ad hoc modifications that add to the implementation complexity. Discretization methods able to operate on polyhedral meshes and possibly delivering arbitrary-order approximations constitute in this context a veritable technological jump. The goal of this monograph is to establish a state-of-the-art reference on polyhedral methods for geoscience applications by gathering contributions from top-level research groups working on this topic. This book is addressed to graduate students and researchers wishing to deepen their knowledge of advanced numerical methods with a focus on geoscience applications, as well as practitioners of the field.
This volume gathers contributions from participants of the Introductory School and the IHP thematic quarter on Numerical Methods for PDE, held in 2016 in Cargese (Corsica) and Paris, providing an opportunity to disseminate the latest results and envisage fresh challenges in traditional and new application fields. Numerical analysis applied to the approximate solution of PDEs is a key discipline in applied mathematics, and over the last few years, several new paradigms have appeared, leading to entire new families of discretization methods and solution algorithms. This book is intended for researchers in the field.
This book stems from the long standing teaching experience of the authors in the courses on Numerical Methods in Engineering and Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations given to undergraduate and graduate students of Politecnico di Milano (Italy), EPFL Lausanne (Switzerland), University of Bergamo (Italy) and Emory University (Atlanta, USA). It aims at introducing students to the numerical approximation of Partial Differential Equations (PDEs). One of the difficulties of this subject is to identify the right trade-off between theoretical concepts and their actual use in practice. With this collection of examples and exercises we try to address this issue by illustrating "academic" examples which focus on basic concepts of Numerical Analysis as well as problems derived from practical application which the student is encouraged to formalize in terms of PDEs, analyze and solve. The latter examples are derived from the experience of the authors in research project developed in collaboration with scientists of different fields (biology, medicine, etc.) and industry. We wanted this book to be useful both to readers more interested in the theoretical aspects and those more concerned with the numerical implementation.
Questo testo, che fa parte della collana UNITEXT - La matematica per il 3+2, contiene una raccolta di esercizi riferiti agli argomenti tipici di un corso di metodi analitici e numerici proposto in un corso di laurea in Ingegneria o in Matematica. Ogni paragrafo e preceduto da un breve richiamo delle principali nozioni di teoria necessarie affinche l'allievo possa risolvere gli esercizi proposti. La risoluzione della maggior parte degli esercizi si avvale della libreria MLife, sviluppata dagli autori, in linguaggio MATLAB. Questo consente l'immediata verifica da parte degli studenti delle principali proprieta teoriche introdotte.
This volume collects state-of-the-art contributions on the numerical simulation of fractured porous media, focusing on flow and geomechanics. First appearing in issues of the International Journal on Geomathematics, these articles are now conveniently packaged in one volume. Of particular interest to readers will be the potential applications of modern numerical methods to the problem of processes in fractured porous media. This book is ideal for computational scientists and numerical analysts interested in recent developments of numerical discretization techniques for underground flow and geomechanics. Engineers and geologists studying modern simulation techniques will also find this a valuable resource.
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