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68 matches in All Departments
This book examines one of the most important demographic changes
facing the United States: an overall aging population and the
increasing influence of Latinos. It also looks at the changing
demographics in Mexico and its impact on the health and financial
well-being of aging Mexicans and Mexican Americans. The book
provides a conceptual and accessible framework that will educate
and inform readers about the interconnectedness of the demographic
trends facing these two countries. It also explores the ultimate
personal, social, and political impact they will have on all
Americans, in the U.S. as well as Mexico. Challenges of Latino
Aging in the Americas features papers presented at the 2013
International Conference on Aging in the Americas, held at the
University of Texas at Austin, September 2013. It brings together
the work of many leading scholars from the fields of sociology,
demography, psychology, anthropology, geography, social work,
geriatric medicine, epidemiology, and public affairs. Coverage in
this edited collection includes working with diverse populations;
culturally compatible interventions for diverse elderly; the
health, mental health, and social needs and concerns of aging
Latinos; and the policy, political, and bi-lateral implications of
aging and diversity in the U.S. and Mexico. The book provides a
rich blend of empirical evidence with insightful, cutting-edge
analysis that will serve as an insightful resource for researchers
and policy makers, professors and graduate students in a wide range
of fields, from sociology and demography to economics and political
This book deals with novel scientific and technology research in
Pattern Recognition and Applications. It presents a selection of
papers that summarises the main research activities in these areas
developed in Spanish research centres. It includes thirty-one works
organized into four categories reflecting the present areas of
interest in the Spanish Pattern Recognition Community: Pattern
Recognition: this Section includes new approaches related to
classical pattern classification problems and methodologies like
multi-edit algorithm, gradient-descent methods, hierarchical
clustering, nearest neighbours rule, tree language compression,
function described graphs, etc. Computer Vision: this Section
presents new methods in colour segmentation, visual tracking,
alignment in 3D reconstruction, trademark search techniques, visual
behaviours for binocular navigation and active vision systems.
Speech Recognition and Translation: this Section consists of five
papers related to continuous speech recognition and statistical
translation. They include new proposals in acoustic and language
models, based on Connectionist and Syntactic Pattern Recognition
approaches. Applications in Computer Vision, Speech Recognition and
Translation: this Section deals with digital TV, biomedical images,
mammography, trabecular bone patterns and new calibration methods
for large surface topography. These papers are a good summary of
the Spanish research in the fields of Pattern Recognition and Image
Analysis, as well as in their Applications.
This dissertation focuses on the calculation of transport
coefficients in the matter created in a relativistic heavy-ion
collision after chemical freeze-out. This matter can be well
approximated using a pion gas out of equilibrium. We describe the
theoretical framework needed to obtain the shear and bulk
viscosities, the thermal and electrical conductivities and the
flavor diffusion coefficients of a meson gas at low temperatures.
To describe the interactions of the degrees of freedom, we use
effective field theories with chiral and heavy quark symmetries. We
subsequently introduce the unitarization methods in order to obtain
a scattering amplitude that satisfies the unitarity condition
exactly, then go on to calculate the transport properties of the
low-temperature phase of quantum chromodynamics - the hadronic
medium - which can be used in hydrodynamic simulations of a
relativistic heavy-ion collision and its subsequent evolution. We
show that the shear viscosity over entropy density exhibits a
minimum in a phase transition by studying this coefficient in
atomic Argon (around the liquid-gas phase transition) and in the
linear sigma model in the limit of a large number of scalar fields
(which presents a chiral phase transition). Finally, we provide an
experimental method for estimating the bulk viscosity in
relativistic heavy-ion collisions by performing correlations of the
fluctuating components of the stress-energy tensor.
Why do firms die? This volume seeks to explore international and
cross-disciplinary perspectives, if you like a forensic
examination, autopsy or post mortem of 'how and why' companies die.
This alternate perspectives flips the focus on survival, as all
existing firms are in truth survivors, to consider through the
metaphors of death, (with forensic analysis, autopsy, post mortems
and crime scene investigations) the lessons 'dead firms' might
offer. This book will contribute to the understanding of the
development, antecedents, processes and consequences of corporate
insolvency around the world. In general lines, insolvency is a
state in which the debtor is proven unable to pay corporate
debtors. We aim to explore the contemporary causes and effects of
corporate cross-border insolvency (CCBI). In the realms of
international business, CCBI could be mediated by events
experienced during the internationalization of the firm, which may
encompass a loss of capital, loss of revenue and loss of credit.
A multidisciplinary study of pre-Columbian South Americacentering
on the psychoactive plant genus Anadenanthera As cultures formed
and evolved in pre-Columbian South America, Anadenanthera became
one of the most widely used shamanic inebriants. Anadenanthera:
Visionary Plant of Ancient South America is more than a
comprehensive reference on shamanic visionary substances; it is a
useful tool for archeologists and pre-Columbian art historians.
This thorough book examines the ritual and cultural use of
Anadenanthera from prehistory to the present, along with its
botany, chemistry, pharmacology, anthropology, and archeology. The
earliest evidence for the use of psychoactive plants in South
America is provided by remains of seeds and pods recovered from
archeological sites four millennia old. Various preparations were
derived from it with the intent of being a shamanic inebriant.
Inhaled through the nose, smoked in pipes or as cigars, and
prepared in fermented drinks, Anadenanthera served a central role
in the cultural development of indigenous societies in South
America. Anadenanthera: Visionary Plant of Ancient South America
explores the full spectrum of information gleaned from research,
covering numerous archeological sites in the Andean region, as well
as discussing Amazonian shamanic rituals and lore. Analyses of the
artistic expressions within the decorations of associated
ceremonial paraphernalia such as ritual snuffing tubes and snuff
trays are included. The text is richly illustrated with photographs
and images of decorated ritual implements, and provides a
comprehensive bibliography. Anadenanthera: Visionary Plant of
Ancient South America explores: botanical aspects, taxonomy, and
geographical distribution of Anadenanthera ethnographical,
historical, and traditional aspects of Anadenanthera use chemical
and pharmacological investigations of the genus and the various
visionary preparations derived from itwith emphasis on the
biologically active constituents theories of the mechanisms of
action of the active tryptamines and carboline alkaloids
comparisons of wood anatomy, morphology, and percentage of alkaloid
content evaluation of stylistic and iconographic traits
Anadenanthera: Visionary Plant of Ancient South America is a
thorough, useful resource for archeologists, anthropologists,
chemists, researchers, pre-Columbian art historians, and any
layperson interested in pre-Columbian art, archeology, or visionary
Before conclusions about Spanish in the United States can be drawn,
individual communities must be studied in their own contexts. That
is the goal of "Puerto Rican Discourse." One tendency of previous
work on Spanish in the United States has been an eagerness to
generalize the findings of isolated studies to all Latino
communities, but the specific sociocultural contexts in which
people -- and languages -- live often demand very different
conclusions. The results of Torres' work indicate that the Spanish
of Puerto Ricans living in Brentwood continues to survive in a
restricted context. Across the population of Brentwood -- for
Puerto Ricans of all ages and language proficiencies -- the Spanish
language continues to assume an important practical, symbolic, and
affective role.
An examination of the structural features of 60 oral narratives --
narrative components and the verbal tenses associated with each,
overall Spanish verb use, and clause complexity -- reveals little
evidence of the simplification and loss across generations found in
other studies of Spanish in the United States. English-dominant
Puerto Ricans are able Spanish language narrators demonstrating a
wide variety of storytelling skills. The structure of their oral
narratives is as complete and rich as the narratives of
Spanish-dominant speakers.
The content of these oral narratives of personal experience is
also explored. Too often in studies on U.S. Spanish, sociolinguists
ignore the words of the community; the focus is usually on the
grammatical aspects of language use and rarely on the message
conveyed. In this study, oral narratives are analyzed as
constructions of gendered and ethnically marked identities. The
stories demonstrate the contradictory positions in which many
Puerto Ricans find themselves in the United States. All of the
speakers in this study have internalized, to a greater or lesser
extent, dominant ideologies of gender, ethnicity, and language, at
the same time that they struggle against such discourse. The
analysis of the discourse of the community reveals how the status
quo is both reproduced and resisted in the members' narratives, and
how ideological forces work with other factors, such as attitudes,
to influence the choices speakers make concerning language use. A
special feature of this book is that transcripts are provided in
both Spanish and English.
This volume combines ethnographic, quantitative, and qualitative
discourse methodologies to provide a comprehensive and novel
analysis of language use and attitudes of the Brentwood Puerto
Rican community. Its rich linguistic and ethnographic data will be
of interest to researchers and teachers in cultural communication,
ethnic (Hispanic-American) studies, sociolinguistics, and
Computational Science and Its Applications – ICCSA 2023 Workshops - Athens, Greece, July 3–6, 2023, Proceedings, Part II (1st ed. 2023)
Osvaldo Gervasi, Beniamino Murgante, Ana Maria A.C. Rocha, Chiara Garau, Francesco Scorza, …
Discovery Miles 28 260
Ships in 10 - 15 working days
This nine-volume set LNCS 14104 – 14112 constitutes the
refereed workshop proceedings of the 23rd International Conference
on Computational Science and Its Applications, ICCSA 2023, held at
Athens, Greece, during July 3–6, 2023. The 350 full papers and 29
short papers and 2 PHD showcase papers included in this volume were
carefully reviewed and selected from a total of 876 submissions.
These nine-volumes includes the proceedings of the following
workshops: Advances in Artificial Intelligence Learning
Technologies: Blended Learning, STEM, Computational Thinking and
Coding (AAILT 2023);Â Advanced Processes of Mathematics and
Computing Models in Complex Computational Systems (ACMC
2023);Â Artificial Intelligence supported Medical data
examination (AIM 2023);Â Advanced and Innovative web Apps
(AIWA 2023);Â Assessing Urban Sustainability (ASUS
2023);Â Advanced Data Science Techniques with applications in
Industry and Environmental Sustainability (ATELIERS
2023);Â Advances in Web Based Learning (AWBL
2023);Â Blockchain and Distributed Ledgers: Technologies and
Applications (BDLTA 2023);Â Bio and Neuro inspired Computing
and Applications (BIONCA 2023);Â Choices and Actions for Human
Scale Cities: Decision Support Systems (CAHSC-DSS 2023);
and Computational and Applied Mathematics (CAM 2023).
Henry Jay Forman, Jon Fukuto and Martine Torres "Research is to see
what everybody else has seen and to think what nobody else has
thought. " -- Albert Szent-Gyorgyi Several years ago, one of us put
together a book that dealt with various aspects of oxidative stress
and introduced the concept of signal transduction by oxidants.
Since then, the interest in the mechanisms by which reactive oxygen
and nitrogen species (ROS/RNS) can modulate the cell's response has
tremendously grown, paralleling the intense efforts towards
identifying new signaling pathways in which
phosphorylation/dephosphorylation events take center stage.
Evidence is now mounting that production of these species by the
cells is required for their function from growth to apoptosis and
numerous signaling pathways have been identified where the
participation of ROS and RNS is apparent (see Chapters 11-14, 16
and 18). Thus, the field is no more limited to the group of free
radical aficionados who have pioneered this area of research but
has now gone mainstream. While it is satisfactory for those of us
who have been working on this topic for a long time, it has the
risk of becoming the "fashionable" motto where those molecules,
still mysterious to some, become responsible for everything and
A multidisciplinary study of pre-Columbian South Americacentering
on the psychoactive plant genus Anadenanthera As cultures formed
and evolved in pre-Columbian South America, Anadenanthera became
one of the most widely used shamanic inebriants. Anadenanthera:
Visionary Plant of Ancient South America is more than a
comprehensive reference on shamanic visionary substances; it is a
useful tool for archeologists and pre-Columbian art historians.
This thorough book examines the ritual and cultural use of
Anadenanthera from prehistory to the present, along with its
botany, chemistry, pharmacology, anthropology, and archeology. The
earliest evidence for the use of psychoactive plants in South
America is provided by remains of seeds and pods recovered from
archeological sites four millennia old. Various preparations were
derived from it with the intent of being a shamanic inebriant.
Inhaled through the nose, smoked in pipes or as cigars, and
prepared in fermented drinks, Anadenanthera served a central role
in the cultural development of indigenous societies in South
America. Anadenanthera: Visionary Plant of Ancient South America
explores the full spectrum of information gleaned from research,
covering numerous archeological sites in the Andean region, as well
as discussing Amazonian shamanic rituals and lore. Analyses of the
artistic expressions within the decorations of associated
ceremonial paraphernalia such as ritual snuffing tubes and snuff
trays are included. The text is richly illustrated with photographs
and images of decorated ritual implements, and provides a
comprehensive bibliography. Anadenanthera: Visionary Plant of
Ancient South America explores: botanical aspects, taxonomy, and
geographical distribution of Anadenanthera ethnographical,
historical, and traditional aspects of Anadenanthera use chemical
and pharmacological investigations of the genus and the various
visionary preparations derived from itwith emphasis on the
biologically active constituents theories of the mechanisms of
action of the active tryptamines and carboline alkaloids
comparisons of wood anatomy, morphology, and percentage of alkaloid
content evaluation of stylistic and iconographic traits
Anadenanthera: Visionary Plant of Ancient South America is a
thorough, useful resource for archeologists, anthropologists,
chemists, researchers, pre-Columbian art historians, and any
layperson interested in pre-Columbian art, archeology, or visionary
This timely and critical book takes on a new phenomenon facing the
United States and poses the stark question: Will the United States
be prepared by 2050, when its older population doubles and we
become a majority-minority society? In the authors' response,
scholars, policy leaders and the public are provided with the
background and information that connects these two trends to
contemporary public policy debates. Written with clarity and
expertise, this book illuminates the changes and challenges that
face the nation by concisely addressing a wide range of topics,
including immigration reform, the politics of aging, and health and
retirement security, and provides a glimpse of how the "next
America" might look. The authors draw on current data about
longevity, diversity and the growing Hispanic population in
particular, to unfold the social, cultural, policy and political
implications for an aging and diversifying population. With case
studies and real-world examples, the book outlines and analyzes the
possible impact of this phenomenon on issues like governance,
public benefits, the long term care work force and national
security, and builds a broader framework with which to understand
them. With combined experience in academia, government and policy
advocacy, the authors tackle the dramatic changes occurring across
the United States and offer a road map to not only understanding
but addressing these challenges and opportunities with reason and
responsibility. Key Features: Presents the most current statistics
and data on demographics Written by an interdisciplinary team with
combined experience in academia, government and policy advocacy
Includes case studies and real-world examples to build a broader
framework of understanding Addresses social, policy, cultural and
political challenges facing a rapidly changing population and
offers rational and respectful responses
This book examines one of the most important demographic changes
facing the United States: an overall aging population and the
increasing influence of Latinos. It also looks at the changing
demographics in Mexico and its impact on the health and financial
well-being of aging Mexicans and Mexican Americans. The book
provides a conceptual and accessible framework that will educate
and inform readers about the interconnectedness of the demographic
trends facing these two countries. It also explores the ultimate
personal, social, and political impact they will have on all
Americans, in the U.S. as well as Mexico.  Â
Challenges of Latino Aging in the Americas features papers
presented at the 2013 International Conference on Aging in the
Americas, held at the University of Texas at Austin, September
2013. It brings together the work of many leading scholars from the
fields of sociology, demography, psychology, anthropology,
geography, social work, geriatric medicine, epidemiology, and
public affairs. Â Coverage in this edited collection includes
working with diverse populations; culturally compatible
interventions for diverse elderly; the health, mental health, and
social needs and concerns of aging Latinos; and the policy,
political, and bi-lateral implications of aging and diversity in
the U.S. and Mexico. The book provides a rich blend of empirical
evidence with insightful, cutting-edge analysis that will serve as
an insightful resource for researchers and policy makers,
professors and graduate students in a wide range of fields, from
sociology and demography to economics and political science. ​
This dissertation focuses on the calculation of transport
coefficients in the matter created in a relativistic heavy-ion
collision after chemical freeze-out. This matter can be well
approximated using a pion gas out of equilibrium. We describe the
theoretical framework needed to obtain the shear and bulk
viscosities, the thermal and electrical conductivities and the
flavor diffusion coefficients of a meson gas at low temperatures.
To describe the interactions of the degrees of freedom, we use
effective field theories with chiral and heavy quark symmetries. We
subsequently introduce the unitarization methods in order to obtain
a scattering amplitude that satisfies the unitarity condition
exactly, then go on to calculate the transport properties of the
low-temperature phase of quantum chromodynamics - the hadronic
medium - which can be used in hydrodynamic simulations of a
relativistic heavy-ion collision and its subsequent evolution. We
show that the shear viscosity over entropy density exhibits a
minimum in a phase transition by studying this coefficient in
atomic Argon (around the liquid-gas phase transition) and in the
linear sigma model in the limit of a large number of scalar fields
(which presents a chiral phase transition). Finally, we provide an
experimental method for estimating the bulk viscosity in
relativistic heavy-ion collisions by performing correlations of the
fluctuating components of the stress-energy tensor.
Henry Jay Forman, Jon Fukuto and Martine Torres "Research is to see
what everybody else has seen and to think what nobody else has
thought. " -- Albert Szent-Gyorgyi Several years ago, one of us put
together a book that dealt with various aspects of oxidative stress
and introduced the concept of signal transduction by oxidants.
Since then, the interest in the mechanisms by which reactive oxygen
and nitrogen species (ROS/RNS) can modulate the cell's response has
tremendously grown, paralleling the intense efforts towards
identifying new signaling pathways in which
phosphorylation/dephosphorylation events take center stage.
Evidence is now mounting that production of these species by the
cells is required for their function from growth to apoptosis and
numerous signaling pathways have been identified where the
participation of ROS and RNS is apparent (see Chapters 11-14, 16
and 18). Thus, the field is no more limited to the group of free
radical aficionados who have pioneered this area of research but
has now gone mainstream. While it is satisfactory for those of us
who have been working on this topic for a long time, it has the
risk of becoming the "fashionable" motto where those molecules,
still mysterious to some, become responsible for everything and
Computational Science and Its Applications – ICCSA 2023 Workshops - Athens, Greece, July 3–6, 2023, Proceedings, Part VIII (1st ed. 2023)
Osvaldo Gervasi, Beniamino Murgante, Ana Maria A.C. Rocha, Chiara Garau, Francesco Scorza, …
Discovery Miles 28 790
Ships in 12 - 17 working days
This nine-volume set LNCS 14104 – 14112 constitutes the
refereed workshop proceedings of the 23rd International Conference
on Computational Science and Its Applications, ICCSA 2023, held at
Athens, Greece, during July 3–6, 2023. The 350 full papers and 29
short papers and 2 PHD showcase papers included in this volume were
carefully reviewed and selected from a total of 876 submissions.
These nine-volumes includes the proceedings of the following
workshops: Advances in Artificial Intelligence Learning
Technologies: Blended Learning, STEM, Computational Thinking and
Coding (AAILT 2023);Â Advanced Processes of Mathematics and
Computing Models in Complex Computational Systems (ACMC
2023);Â Artificial Intelligence supported Medical data
examination (AIM 2023);Â Advanced and Innovative web Apps
(AIWA 2023);Â Assessing Urban Sustainability (ASUS
2023);Â Advanced Data Science Techniques with applications in
Industry and Environmental Sustainability (ATELIERS
2023);Â Advances in Web Based Learning (AWBL
2023);Â Blockchain and Distributed Ledgers: Technologies and
Applications (BDLTA 2023);Â Bio and Neuro inspired Computing
and Applications (BIONCA 2023);Â Choices and Actions for Human
Scale Cities: Decision Support Systems (CAHSC-DSS 2023);
and Computational and Applied Mathematics (CAM 2023).
Computational Science and Its Applications – ICCSA 2023 Workshops - Athens, Greece, July 3–6, 2023, Proceedings, Part I (1st ed. 2023)
Osvaldo Gervasi, Beniamino Murgante, Ana Maria A.C. Rocha, Chiara Garau, Francesco Scorza, …
Discovery Miles 30 790
Ships in 10 - 15 working days
This nine-volume set LNCS 14104 – 14112 constitutes the
refereed workshop proceedings of the 23rd International Conference
on Computational Science and Its Applications, ICCSA 2023, held at
Athens, Greece, during July 3–6, 2023. The 350 full papers and 29
short papers and 2 PHD showcase papers included in this volume were
carefully reviewed and selected from a total of 876 submissions.
These nine-volumes includes the proceedings of the following
workshops: Advances in Artificial Intelligence Learning
Technologies: Blended Learning, STEM, Computational Thinking and
Coding (AAILT 2023);Â Advanced Processes of Mathematics and
Computing Models in Complex Computational Systems (ACMC
2023);Â Artificial Intelligence supported Medical data
examination (AIM 2023);Â Advanced and Innovative web Apps
(AIWA 2023);Â Assessing Urban Sustainability (ASUS
2023);Â Advanced Data Science Techniques with applications in
Industry and Environmental Sustainability (ATELIERS
2023);Â Advances in Web Based Learning (AWBL
2023);Â Blockchain and Distributed Ledgers: Technologies and
Applications (BDLTA 2023);Â Bio and Neuro inspired Computing
and Applications (BIONCA 2023);Â Choices and Actions for Human
Scale Cities: Decision Support Systems (CAHSC-DSS 2023);
and Computational and Applied Mathematics (CAM 2023).
Computational Science and Its Applications – ICCSA 2023 Workshops - Athens, Greece, July 3–6, 2023, Proceedings, Part VII (1st ed. 2023)
Osvaldo Gervasi, Beniamino Murgante, Ana Maria A.C. Rocha, Chiara Garau, Francesco Scorza, …
Discovery Miles 25 480
Ships in 10 - 15 working days
This nine-volume set LNCS 14104 – 14112 constitutes the
refereed workshop proceedings of the 23rd International Conference
on Computational Science and Its Applications, ICCSA 2023, held at
Athens, Greece, during July 3–6, 2023. The 350 full papers and 29
short papers and 2 PHD showcase papers included in this volume were
carefully reviewed and selected from a total of 876 submissions.
These nine-volumes includes the proceedings of the following
workshops: Advances in Artificial Intelligence Learning
Technologies: Blended Learning, STEM, Computational Thinking and
Coding (AAILT 2023);Â Advanced Processes of Mathematics and
Computing Models in Complex Computational Systems (ACMC
2023);Â Artificial Intelligence supported Medical data
examination (AIM 2023);Â Advanced and Innovative web Apps
(AIWA 2023);Â Assessing Urban Sustainability (ASUS
2023);Â Advanced Data Science Techniques with applications in
Industry and Environmental Sustainability (ATELIERS
2023);Â Advances in Web Based Learning (AWBL
2023);Â Blockchain and Distributed Ledgers: Technologies and
Applications (BDLTA 2023);Â Bio and Neuro inspired Computing
and Applications (BIONCA 2023);Â Choices and Actions for Human
Scale Cities: Decision Support Systems (CAHSC-DSS 2023);
and Computational and Applied Mathematics (CAM 2023).
Computational Science and Its Applications – ICCSA 2023 Workshops - Athens, Greece, July 3–6, 2023, Proceedings, Part IX (1st ed. 2023)
Osvaldo Gervasi, Beniamino Murgante, Ana Maria A.C. Rocha, Chiara Garau, Francesco Scorza, …
Discovery Miles 23 420
Ships in 10 - 15 working days
This nine-volume set LNCS 14104 – 14112 constitutes the
refereed workshop proceedings of the 23rd International Conference
on Computational Science and Its Applications, ICCSA 2023, held at
Athens, Greece, during July 3–6, 2023. The 350 full papers and 29
short papers and 2 PHD showcase papers included in this volume were
carefully reviewed and selected from a total of 876 submissions.
These nine-volumes includes the proceedings of the following
workshops: Advances in Artificial Intelligence Learning
Technologies: Blended Learning, STEM, Computational Thinking and
Coding (AAILT 2023);Â Advanced Processes of Mathematics and
Computing Models in Complex Computational Systems (ACMC
2023);Â Artificial Intelligence supported Medical data
examination (AIM 2023);Â Advanced and Innovative web Apps
(AIWA 2023);Â Assessing Urban Sustainability (ASUS
2023);Â Advanced Data Science Techniques with applications in
Industry and Environmental Sustainability (ATELIERS
2023);Â Advances in Web Based Learning (AWBL
2023);Â Blockchain and Distributed Ledgers: Technologies and
Applications (BDLTA 2023);Â Bio and Neuro inspired Computing
and Applications (BIONCA 2023);Â Choices and Actions for Human
Scale Cities: Decision Support Systems (CAHSC-DSS 2023);
and Computational and Applied Mathematics (CAM 2023).
Computational Science and Its Applications – ICCSA 2023 Workshops - Athens, Greece, July 3–6, 2023, Proceedings, Part III (1st ed. 2023)
Osvaldo Gervasi, Beniamino Murgante, Ana Maria A.C. Rocha, Chiara Garau, Francesco Scorza, …
Discovery Miles 21 940
Ships in 12 - 17 working days
This nine-volume set LNCS 14104 – 14112 constitutes the
refereed workshop proceedings of the 23rd International Conference
on Computational Science and Its Applications, ICCSA 2023, held at
Athens, Greece, during July 3–6, 2023. The 350 full papers and 29
short papers and 2 PHD showcase papers included in this volume were
carefully reviewed and selected from a total of 876 submissions.
These nine-volumes includes the proceedings of the following
workshops: Advances in Artificial Intelligence Learning
Technologies: Blended Learning, STEM, Computational Thinking and
Coding (AAILT 2023);Â Advanced Processes of Mathematics and
Computing Models in Complex Computational Systems (ACMC
2023);Â Artificial Intelligence supported Medical data
examination (AIM 2023);Â Advanced and Innovative web Apps
(AIWA 2023);Â Assessing Urban Sustainability (ASUS
2023);Â Advanced Data Science Techniques with applications in
Industry and Environmental Sustainability (ATELIERS
2023);Â Advances in Web Based Learning (AWBL
2023);Â Blockchain and Distributed Ledgers: Technologies and
Applications (BDLTA 2023);Â Bio and Neuro inspired Computing
and Applications (BIONCA 2023);Â Choices and Actions for Human
Scale Cities: Decision Support Systems (CAHSC-DSS 2023);
and Computational and Applied Mathematics (CAM 2023).
Computational Science and Its Applications – ICCSA 2023 Workshops - Athens, Greece, July 3–6, 2023, Proceedings, Part IV (1st ed. 2023)
Osvaldo Gervasi, Beniamino Murgante, Ana Maria A.C. Rocha, Chiara Garau, Francesco Scorza, …
Discovery Miles 21 860
Ships in 12 - 17 working days
This nine-volume set LNCS 14104 – 14112 constitutes the
refereed workshop proceedings of the 23rd International Conference
on Computational Science and Its Applications, ICCSA 2023, held at
Athens, Greece, during July 3–6, 2023. The 350 full papers and 29
short papers and 2 PHD showcase papers included in this volume were
carefully reviewed and selected from a total of 876 submissions.
These nine-volumes includes the proceedings of the following
workshops: Advances in Artificial Intelligence Learning
Technologies: Blended Learning, STEM, Computational Thinking and
Coding (AAILT 2023);Â Advanced Processes of Mathematics and
Computing Models in Complex Computational Systems (ACMC
2023);Â Artificial Intelligence supported Medical data
examination (AIM 2023);Â Advanced and Innovative web Apps
(AIWA 2023);Â Assessing Urban Sustainability (ASUS
2023);Â Advanced Data Science Techniques with applications in
Industry and Environmental Sustainability (ATELIERS
2023);Â Advances in Web Based Learning (AWBL
2023);Â Blockchain and Distributed Ledgers: Technologies and
Applications (BDLTA 2023);Â Bio and Neuro inspired Computing
and Applications (BIONCA 2023);Â Choices and Actions for Human
Scale Cities: Decision Support Systems (CAHSC-DSS 2023);
and Computational and Applied Mathematics (CAM 2023).
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Discovery Miles 1 680