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"Despite its association with the national, the modern Right is a
transnational phenomenon. Whether in its fascist, conservative or
other forms, it organizes across national barriers, linking
together movements in different states. The links the Right has
sought to forge beyond the national over the last century have been
too often neglected, and this volume seeks to shed new light on
transnationalism, the Right, and the ways the two interact. To
explore this, this book draws on a variety of cases, in diverse
regions of the world, throughout the last hundred years, so that we
may better understand the relationship of the transnational to
different forms of the Right"--
High Speed CMOS Design Styles is written for the graduate-level
student or practicing engineer who is primarily interested in
circuit design. It is intended to provide practical reference, or
horse-sense', to mechanisms typically described with a more
academic slant. This book is organized so that it can be used as a
textbook or as a reference book. High Speed CMOS Design Styles
provides a survey of design styles in use in industry, specifically
in the high speed microprocessor design community. Logic circuit
structures, I/O and interface, clocking, and timing schemes are
reviewed and described. Characteristics, sensitivities and
idiosyncrasies of each are highlighted. High Speed CMOS Design
Styles also pulls together and explains contributors to performance
variability that are associated with process, applications
conditions and design. Rules of thumb and practical references are
offered. Each of the general circuit families is then analyzed for
its sensitivity and response to this variability. High Speed CMOS
Design Styles is an excellent source of ideas and a compilation of
observations that highlight how different approaches trade off
critical parameters in design and process space.
High Speed CMOS Design Styles is written for the graduate-level
student or practicing engineer who is primarily interested in
circuit design. It is intended to provide practical reference, or
`horse-sense', to mechanisms typically described with a more
academic slant. This book is organized so that it can be used as a
textbook or as a reference book. High Speed CMOS Design Styles
provides a survey of design styles in use in industry, specifically
in the high speed microprocessor design community. Logic circuit
structures, I/O and interface, clocking, and timing schemes are
reviewed and described. Characteristics, sensitivities and
idiosyncrasies of each are highlighted. High Speed CMOS Design
Styles also pulls together and explains contributors to performance
variability that are associated with process, applications
conditions and design. Rules of thumb and practical references are
offered. Each of the general circuit families is then analyzed for
its sensitivity and response to this variability. High Speed CMOS
Design Styles is an excellent source of ideas and a compilation of
observations that highlight how different approaches trade off
critical parameters in design and process space.
Revised and updated with a special emphasis on innovations in
social media, the second edition of Media and Cultural Studies:
Keyworks stands as the most popular and highly acclaimed anthology
in the dynamic and multidisciplinary field of cultural studies. *
Features several new readings with a special emphasis on topics
relating to new media, social networking, feminist media theory,
and globalization * Includes updated introductory editorials and
enhanced treatment of social media such as Twitter and YouTube *
New contributors include Janice Radway, Patricia Hill-Collins, Leah
A. Lievrouw, Danah M. Boyd, Nicole B. Ellison, and Gloria Anzaldua
The links the conservative Right has sought to forge beyond the
national over the last century have been too often neglected, and
this volume sheds new light on transnationalism, the Right, and the
ways the two interact.
Over the last few years, there has been an explosion in the use of
Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) in military operations, as well as
civilian and commercial applications. UAV Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
are fast becoming essential to conducting Network-Centric Warfare.
As of October 2006, coalition UAVs, exclusive of hand-launched
systems, had flown almost 400,000 flight hours in support of
Operations Enduring Freedom and Iraqi Freedom. This document
outlines our experience with implementing a statistically validated
network model that emulates UAV network behavior during flight,
using a leading simulation tool. Ultimately, there is a great need
for a simulation environment that provides the capability to
evaluate several aspects of networked UAVs, in lieu of large
test-beds or costly flight testing. These simulations are designed
to understand the characteristics and essential performance
parameters of the delivered model. A statistical analysis is
performed to explain results obtained, and identify potential
performance irregularities.
Mary Durham was born in 1863. She was a British traveler, writer
and artist. She is best known for her anthropologist accounts of
Albania in the early 20th century. In Twenty Years of Balkan Tangle
published in 1920 she tells the story of her time living in this
region. When she was 37, her doctor recommended that she take a
foreign vacation. She took a trip by sea down the coast of
Dalmatia, traveling from Trieste to Kotor and then overland to
Cetinie, the capital of Montenegro. She loved the area and returned
there many times during the next 20 tears. This passage from
Wikipedia shows the relevance of Durham's writings to the situation
in this region today. "Durham came to identify closely with the
Albanian cause and championed the unity and independence of the
Albanian people. She earned a reputation as a difficult and
eccentric person, and was strongly criticized by - and criticized
in turn - advocates of a Yugoslav state, who supported the
incorporation of Albanian-populated Kosovo into Slavic Serbia. She
became increasingly anti-Serb, denouncing what she termed "Serb
vermin" for having "not created a Jugoslavia but have carried out
their original aim of making Great Serbia.... Far from being
liberated the bulk of people live under a far harsher rule than
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