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For more than fifty years, William Elliot Griffis (1843-1928)
chronicled a rapidly changing Meiji Japan and its people. He was
unequaled in the length of his writing career and the breadth of
his work, which illuminated the entire sweep of Meiji history and
reached a multiplicity of American audiences. A teacher in the
provincial city of Fukui and later in Tokyo, he reported in
magazine essays on the last days of feudalism in Japan and its
aspirations to become a modern nation. After returning to the
United States, he continued to write. In dozens of books and
hundreds of articles, he covered topics including the samurai
class, daily life, racial theory, empire, and war. Extending his
reach even further, he was a tireless public speaker and delivered
thousands of lectures on Japan. He described his self-appointed
task as "interpreting Japan to America, with voice and pen." This
anthology brings together the best of his writing, offering a
dynamic perspective on Meiji Japan through the eyes of a colorful
and engaging writer.
Global Women Leaders: Studies in Feminist Political Rhetoric
demonstrates the ways in which women have used political rhetoric
and political discourse to provide leadership, or assert their
right to leadership, on a global level. This collection fits into
the robust research area of international political women and their
use of language in gaining and maintaining political power. It
casts a wider net in terms of discussing women's efforts to assert
and preserve their roles of authority, particularly when their
audiences may perceive their authority as illegitimate due to
gender. Chapters dedicated to Elizabeth II and Sheikha Moza Bint
Nasser discuss the more traditional ways in which women leaders use
language to construct political power. Other chapters focus on
women who serve as political activists, either individually or as
part of a group, including Aasma Mahfouz of the Egyptian Revolution
of 2011 and the women who help direct United Nations policy through
their speeches in the General Assembly. Global Women Leaders will
appeal to scholars of political communication and international
Global Women Leaders: Studies in Feminist Political Rhetoric
demonstrates the ways in which women have used political rhetoric
and political discourse to provide leadership, or assert their
right to leadership, on a global level. This collection fits into
the robust research area of international political women and their
use of language in gaining and maintaining political power. It
casts a wider net in terms of discussing women's efforts to assert
and preserve their roles of authority, particularly when their
audiences may perceive their authority as illegitimate due to
gender. Chapters dedicated to Elizabeth II and Sheikha Moza Bint
Nasser discuss the more traditional ways in which women leaders use
language to construct political power. Other chapters focus on
women who serve as political activists, either individually or as
part of a group, including Aasma Mahfouz of the Egyptian Revolution
of 2011 and the women who help direct United Nations policy through
their speeches in the General Assembly. Global Women Leaders will
appeal to scholars of political communication and international
MUSEUM MEDIA Edited by Michelle Henning Museum Media explores the
contemporary uses of diverse media in museum contexts and discusses
how technology is reinventing the museum. It considers how
technological changes--from photography and television through to
digital mobile media--have given rise to new habits, forms of
attention and behaviors. It explores how research methods can be
used to understand people's relationships with media technologies
and display techniques in museum contexts, as well as the new
opportunities media offer for museums to engage with their
visitors. Entries written by leading experts examine the
transformation of history and memory by new media, the ways in
which exhibitions mediate visitor experience, how designers and
curators can establish new kinds of relationships with visitors,
the expansion of the museum beyond its walls and its insertion into
a wider commercial and corporate landscape. Focusing on formal,
theoretical and technical aspects of exhibition practice, this
in-depth volume explores questions of temporality, attachment to
objects, atmospheric and immersive exhibition design, the
reinvention of the exhibition medium, and much more.
The seminar on "The application of NMR techniques on the body
composition of live animals," was held on 14 - 15 lune, 1988 at the
Bundesforschungsanstalt fur Landwirtschaft (FAL), Institut fur
Tierzucht und Tierverhalten, Mariensee, Germany. This was the third
in aseries of meetings organized in the framework of the European
Communities (EC) programme for the coordination of agricultural
research. The earlier meetings were on "In vivo estimation of body
composition," in 1981 in Denmark, and "In vivo measurements of body
composition in meat animals," in 1983 in the UK.. The emphasis of
the Mariensee meeting on the application of nuclear magnetic
resonance techniques benefitted greatly from new equipment just
installed at the Institute. Furthermore it was made clear that this
type of large-scale facility, which is not readily found elsewhere,
could be made available to promote international collaboration in
animal science. After discussing the basic principles of the NMR
technique and comparing it with alternative, non-destructive
methods of body composition analyses, the programme of the
Mariensee group was discussed. The obvious advantages of the NMR
technique were acknowledged and will clearly have to be weighed
against the rather high investment costs for the equipment at
Urticaria is one of the most common dermatological and
allergological cutaneous reactions and, compared to other diseases,
it is easily recognized by patients and physicians alike.
Nevertheless, the disease is highly complex regarding its eliciting
causes, its clinical manifestations and its therapy. Thus, a famous
New York dermatologist once mentioned that he would rather have a
lion than a patient with chronic urticaria walk into his office.
This may seem surprising since, to the uninitiated, different types
of urticaria look alike, and the pathomechanisms are rather well
understood, with mast cells being almost invariably the main
effector cells. In 1986, a monograph of the first editor (Prof.
Czarnetzki, now with the married name Henz) appeared, giving a
detailed and thorough review of the then current state of knowledge
regarding all aspects of the disease. Since then, two updates of
this book have appeared in the German language, with coworkers of
the clinic of Prof. Henz helping in the revision of the various
chapters of the old monograph, and with particular emphasis on
practical aspects of the disease. The present book is mainly a
translation of the second German edition, with only minor updates
and with more citations from the literature since the 1986
monograph is no longer available for purchase.
The essays in this volume focus primarily on the developing
political contradiction in Southern Africa, represented by the fact
that movements like SWAPO and ZANU, which spearheaded mass popular
struggles for liberation from colonial rule, have developed into
authoritarian, undemocratic, and increasingly corrupt ruling
regimes. In addition to the essays on Namibia, Zimbabwe, Lesotho,
and Botswana, other works included consider the possible road ahead
for South Africa in terms of democratic consolidation within the
rising tension between civil society organizations and the ANC
government, with its clear tendency toward the increasing
centralization of its power and authority. Edited by former SWAPO
member Henning Melber, its contributors include Kenneth Good,
Suzanne Dansereau, and Amin Kamete (Zimbabwe); Ian Taylor and
Francis B. Nyamnjoh (Botswana); Roger Southhall (Lesotho); Henning
Melber (Namibia); Martin Legassick, Raymond Suther, and Krista
Johnson (South Africa).
Das Standardwerk bietet praktische Anleitung, um die oft
verzwickten atiologischen Zusammenhange bei der Urticaria zu
durchschauen und damit die Diagnostik und Therapie entscheidend zu
verbessern. Es vermittelt fur jeden behandelnden Arzt verstandlich
die Grundlagen der Klinik, Diagnostik und Therapie der
verschiedenen Urtikariaformen. - auf dem aktuellen Wissensstand -
systematisch und klar gegliedert - mit anschaulichen Abbildungen,
Tabellen und Graphiken Die einzelnen Kapitel behandeln die akute
und chronische Urtikaria, Angioodeme, physikalische Urtikaria,
Kontakturtikaria, Intoleranzreaktionen, das Urtikaria-Vaskulitis
Syndrom und die Mastozytose.