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Breakthrough Treatment Offers New Hope for Recovery
Revised and Expanded 2nd Edition with 3 new chapters on
"Gentling" represents a new paradigm in the therapeutic approach
to children who have experienced physical, emotional, and sexual
abuse and have acquired Post Traumatic Stress Disorder as a result.
This text redefines PTSD in child abuse survivors by identifying
child-specific behavioral signs commonly seen, and offers a means
to individualize treatment and measure therapeutic outcomes through
understanding each suffering child's unique symptom profile. The
practical and easily understood Gentling approaches and techniques
can be easily learned by clinicians, parents, foster parents,
teachers and all other care givers of these children to effect real
and lasting healing. With this book, you will: Learn child-specific
signs of PTSD in abused children Learn how to manage the often
intense reactivity seen in stress episodes Gain the practical,
gentle, and effective treatment tools that really help these
children Use the Child Stress Profile (CSP) to guide treatment and
measure outcomes Deploy handy 'Quick Teach Sheets' that can be
copied and handed to foster parents, teachers, and social workers
Clinicians Acclaim for "Gentling"
"In this world where children are often disenfranchised in trauma
care--and all too often treated with the same techniques as
adults--Krill makes a compelling case for how to adapt proven
post-trauma treatment to the world of a child."
--Michele Rosenthal, HealMyPTSD.com
"Congratulations to Krill when he says that 'being gentle' cannot
be over-emphasized in work with the abused."
--Andrew D. Gibson, PhD Author of "Got an Angry Kid? Parenting
Spike, A Seriously Difficult Child"
"William Krill's book is greatly needed. PTSD is the most common
aftermath of child abuse and often domestic abuse as well. There is
a critical scarcity of mental-health professionals who know how to
recognize child abuse, let alone treat it."
--Fr. Heyward B. Ewart, III, Ph.D., St. James the Elder
Theological Seminary, author of "AM I BAD? Recovering From Abuse"w
Cover photo by W.A. Krill/ Fighting Chance Photography
Learn more at www.Gentling.org
From the New Horizons in Therapy Series at Loving Healing Press
Available in hardcover, trade paper, and eBook editions
FAM001010 Family & Relationships: Abuse - Child Abuse
PSY022040 Psychology: Psychopathology - Post Traumatic Stress
FAM004000 Family & Relationships: Adoption &
Breakthrough Treatment Offers New Hope for Recovery
Revised and Expanded 2nd Edition with 3 new chapters on
"Gentling" represents a new paradigm in the therapeutic approach
to children who have experienced physical, emotional, and sexual
abuse and have acquired Post Traumatic Stress Disorder as a result.
This text redefines PTSD in child abuse survivors by identifying
child-specific behavioral signs commonly seen, and offers a means
to individualize treatment and measure therapeutic outcomes through
understanding each suffering child's unique symptom profile. The
practical and easily understood Gentling approaches and techniques
can be easily learned by clinicians, parents, foster parents,
teachers and all other care givers of these children to effect real
and lasting healing. With this book, you will: Learn child-specific
signs of PTSD in abused children Learn how to manage the often
intense reactivity seen in stress episodes Gain the practical,
gentle, and effective treatment tools that really help these
children Use the Child Stress Profile (CSP) to guide treatment and
measure outcomes Deploy handy 'Quick Teach Sheets' that can be
copied and handed to foster parents, teachers, and social workers
Clinicians Acclaim for "Gentling"
"In this world where children are often disenfranchised in trauma
care--and all too often treated with the same techniques as
adults--Krill makes a compelling case for how to adapt proven
post-trauma treatment to the world of a child."
--Michele Rosenthal, HealMyPTSD.com
"Congratulations to Krill when he says that 'being gentle' cannot
be over-emphasized in work with the abused."
--Andrew D. Gibson, PhD Author of "Got an Angry Kid? Parenting
Spike, A Seriously Difficult Child"
"William Krill's book is greatly needed. PTSD is the most common
aftermath of child abuse and often domestic abuse as well. There is
a critical scarcity of mental-health professionals who know how to
recognize child abuse, let alone treat it."
--Fr. Heyward B. Ewart, III, Ph.D., St. James the Elder
Theological Seminary, author of "AM I BAD? Recovering From Abuse"w
Cover photo by W.A. Krill/ Fighting Chance Photography
Learn more at www.Gentling.org
From the New Horizons in Therapy Series at Loving Healing Press
FAM001010 Family & Relationships: Abuse - Child Abuse
PSY022040 Psychology: Psychopathology - Post Traumatic Stress
FAM004000 Family & Relationships: Adoption &
What if we could resolve childhood trauma early, rather than late?
We are understanding more and more about how early traumatic
experiences affect long-term mental and physical health:
- Physical impacts are stored in muscles and posture
- Threats of harm are stored as tension
- Overwhelming emotion is held inside
- Negative emotional patterns become habit
- Coping and defense mechanism become inflexible
What if we could resolve childhood trauma before years go by and
these effects solidify in body and mind?
In a perfect world, we'd like to be able to shield children from
hurt and harm. In the real world, children, even relatively
fortunate ones, may experience accidents, injury, illness, and loss
of loved ones. Children unfortunate enough to live in unsafe
environments live through abuse, neglect, and threats to their
well-being and even their life.
What if we could resolve childhood trauma fully, gently, and
completely while the child is still young?
We Can. Read "Children and Traumatic Incident Reduction" and
find out how
"This book is a must for any therapist working with kids.
Naturally, it focuses on the approach of Traumatic Incident
Reduction, but there is a lot of excellent material that will be
useful even to the therapist who has never before heard of TIR and
may not be particularly interested in learning about it. The
general approach is respectful of clients, based on a great deal of
personal experience by contributors as well as on the now extensive
research base supporting TIR, and fits the more general research
evidence on what works." -Robert Rich, PhD
Book #2 in the "TIR Applications Series." Series Editor: Robert
Rich, PhD
Learn more about TIR books at www.TIRbook.com
What if we shared planet Earth with other intelligent
What if inter-species communication were really possible?
Seek out some answers in Turtle Dolphin Dreams
An extremely unusual work of fiction in which three creatures, a
turtle, a dolphin and a human link minds through dreams to bring a
unique perception of the world. Most of the narration is by the
Turtle, via the human and Dolphin's voice comes through both turtle
and human, yet somehow this strange book hangs together and holds
the reader's attention.
Turtle wonders why humans identify so closely with our family
and friends that their every action affects us, perhaps bringing
deep joy or deep pain. Turtles view each life as an egg -
overlapping and separate. They have developed the ability to link
thoughts with others of their kind during the dream state of the
annual hibernation. Somehow they recognise family and friend with
whom they have no real contact during the wakeful summer, other
than the brief mating season. Eggs are laid and left to hatch
alone. The parents have no contact with the hatchlings until they
mature and begin their first hibernation, when the dreaming
Dolphin cannot understand why adult humans are so serious while
their children play. For dolphins it is the other way around. Youth
is for learning everything needed for survival. Adulthood brings
expertise, strength and time to play.
"A pearl is a small thing, and yet it is as precious as any
jewel. So is this little book." --Robert Rich, Ph.D.
"Turtle Dolphin Dreams is a wonderful little book. Not since
Gibran's The Prophet or Bach's Jonathan Livingston Seagull has a
book come along so inviting, refreshing, and relevant." --James
Clifton, Ph.D.
"Turtle Dolphin Dreams is a lovely book with much food for
thought. Very inspirational indeed." Susan M. Phillips,
Spiralthreads Reviews
Metapsychology, as developed by Frank A. Gerbode, MD, is a subject
rich in philosophy and practical application. Much of Applied
Metapsychology makes use of one-on-one session work to achieve the
individual's personal goals-from relieving past pain to living more
fully to expanding consciousness.
"Life Skills" highlights key factors from the subject and
illuminates the ways that these factors can be used on a daily
basis for im-proved quality of life, as an individual, in
relationships, and in the wider world. Learn handy and usually
quite fast tech-niques to assist another person after a shock,
injury or other distress. Learn simple methods for expanding your
awareness on a daily basis. Gain a deeper understanding of what a
relationship is, and how to strengthen and nurture it. Learn the
components of successful communication, what causes communication
to break down, and how to repair breakdowns. Gain vital keys to
understanding those behaviors of other people that have previously
been inexplicable to you. Gain the ability to more accurately
pre-dict certain patterns of human behavior, and to be more
effective in dealing with the negative ones. Learn an effective
tool for making im-portant life decisions. Explore human potential.
Learn more at www.LifeSkillsBook.com
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