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The first edition of Quantitative Feedback Theory gained enormous
popularity by successfully bridging the gap between theory and
real-world engineering practice. Avoiding mathematical theorems,
lemmas, proofs, and correlaries, it boiled down to the essential
elements of quantitative feedback theory (QFT) necessary to readily
analyze, develop, and implement robust control systems. Thoroughly
updated and expanded, Quantitative Feedback Theory: Fundamentals
and Applications, Second Edition continues to provide a platform
for intelligent decision making and design based on knowledge of
the characteristics and operating scenario of the plant. Beginning
with the fundamentals, the authors build a background in analog and
discrete-time multiple-input-single-output (MISO) and
multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) feedback control systems
along with the fundamentals of the QFT technique. The remainder of
the book links these concepts to practical applications. Among the
many enhancements to this edition are a new section on large wind
turbine control system, four new chapters, and five new appendices.
The new chapters cover non-diagonal compensator design for MIMO
systems, QFT design involving Smith predictors for time delay
systems with uncertainty, weighting matrices and control authority,
and QFT design techniques applied to real-world industrial systems.
Quantitative Feedback Theory: Fundamentals and Applications, Second
Edition includes new and revised examples and end-of-chapter
problems and offers a companion CD that supplies MIMO QFT
computer-aided design (CAD) software. It is the perfect guide to
effectively and intuitively implementing QFT control.
This book thoroughly covers the fundamentals of the QFT robust
control, as well as practical control solutions, for unstable,
time-delay, non-minimum phase or distributed parameter systems,
plants with large model uncertainty, high-performance
specifications, nonlinear components, multi-input multi-output
characteristics or asymmetric topologies. The reader will discover
practical applications through a collection of fifty successful,
real world case studies and projects, in which the author has been
involved during the last twenty-five years, including commercial
wind turbines, wastewater treatment plants, power systems,
satellites with flexible appendages, spacecraft, large radio
telescopes, and industrial manufacturing systems. Furthermore, the
book presents problems and projects with the popular QFT Control
Toolbox (QFTCT) for MATLAB, which was developed by the author.
This book explores peripheral visions on economic development, both
in the sense that it deals with specific issues of economic
development and underdevelopment in countries at the periphery of
the world economy, and in terms of its exploration of the economic
thinking developed in those regions, particularly in Latin America.
Bringing together an international group of historians of thought,
economic historians and development economists from Latin America,
Europe and other parts of the world, this volume is highly credited
and is an excellent contribution to development economic studies.
This book is divided into four parts. Following the introduction,
the first set of papers describes the evolution of core-periphery
perspectives in key contributions by Raul Prebisch, Oskar Lange,
Albert Hirschman, Celso Furtado and Homero Cuevas. The second set
discusses the links between unbalanced productive structures and
external trade in peripheral countries. The third set contains
papers on critical episodes in the development of monetary and
financial systems in Latin America during the 19th and 20th
centuries. The fourth set deals with geographical and institutional
aspects of path dependence in the governance of external trade and
in the development of liberties, property rights and economic
education in Europe, Latin America and Africa. Several chapters
make use of hitherto unexplored archival material. Other chapters
draw attention to important episodes or literatures that have
largely gone unnoticed in the English-speaking world. Yet others
combine conceptual innovations with work on new historical data and
other sources hitherto not utilized in such contexts. This book is
ideal for those who study and research development economics,
history of economic thought and economic history, especially in
Latin America.
Presenting the latest developments in the field, Wind Energy
Systems: Control Engineering Design offers a novel take on advanced
control engineering design techniques for wind turbine
applications. The book introduces concurrent quantitative
engineering techniques for the design of highly efficient and
reliable controllers, which can be used to solve the most critical
problems of multi-megawatt wind energy systems. This book is based
on the authors' experience during the last two decades designing
commercial multi-megawatt wind turbines and control systems for
industry leaders, including NASA and the European Space Agency.
This work is their response to the urgent need for a truly reliable
concurrent engineering methodology for the design of advanced
control systems. Outlining a roadmap for such a coordinated
architecture, the authors consider the links between all aspects of
a multi-megawatt wind energy project, in which the wind turbine and
the control system must be cooperatively designed to achieve an
optimized, reliable, and successful system. Look inside for
information about the QFT Control Toolbox for Matlab, the software
developed by the author to facilitate the QFT robust control design
(see also the link at codypower.com). The textbook's big-picture
insights can help students and practicing engineers control and
optimize a wind energy system, in which large, flexible,
aerodynamic structures are connected to a demanding variable
electrical grid and work automatically under very turbulent and
unpredictable environmental conditions. The book covers topics
including robust QFT control, aerodynamics, mechanical and
electrical dynamic modeling, economics, reliability, and
efficiency. It also addresses standards, certification,
implementation, grid integration, and power quality, as well as
environmental and maintenance issues.To reinforce understanding,
the authors present real examples of experimentation with
commercial multi-megawatt direct-drive wind turbines, as well as
on-shore, offshore, floating, and airborne wind turbine
applications. They also offer a unique in-depth exploration of the
quantitative feedback theory (QFT)-a proven, successful robust
control technique for real-world applications-as well as advanced
switching control techniques that help engineers exceed classical
linear limitations.
The first edition of Quantitative Feedback Theory gained enormous
popularity by successfully bridging the gap between theory and
real-world engineering practice. Avoiding mathematical theorems,
lemmas, proofs, and correlaries, it boiled down to the essential
elements of quantitative feedback theory (QFT) necessary to readily
analyze, develop, and implement robust control systems. Thoroughly
updated and expanded, Quantitative Feedback Theory: Fundamentals
and Applications, Second Edition continues to provide a platform
for intelligent decision making and design based on knowledge of
the characteristics and operating scenario of the plant. Beginning
with the fundamentals, the authors build a background in analog and
discrete-time multiple-input-single-output (MISO) and
multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) feedback control systems
along with the fundamentals of the QFT technique. The remainder of
the book links these concepts to practical applications. Among the
many enhancements to this edition are a new section on large wind
turbine control system, four new chapters, and five new appendices.
The new chapters cover non-diagonal compensator design for MIMO
systems, QFT design involving Smith predictors for time delay
systems with uncertainty, weighting matrices and control authority,
and QFT design techniques applied to real-world industrial systems.
Quantitative Feedback Theory: Fundamentals and Applications, Second
Edition includes new and revised examples and end-of-chapter
problems and offers a companion CD that supplies MIMO QFT
computer-aided design (CAD) software. It is the perfect guide to
effectively and intuitively implementing QFT control.
Cardiovascular medicine has witnessed significant progress over the
past century, incorporating the technical advances of each era to
improve patient care. The introduction of the stethoscope,
electrocardiography, roentgenography, angiography, invasive
hemodynamics, ultrasonography, nuclear scintigraphy, and magnetic
resonance have each, in turn, allowed progressively greater
accuracy and precision in the diagnosis and treatment of
cardiovascular disease. The advent of multidetector computed
tomography (MDCT) using 64 detector rows provides the next leap
forward in cardiovascular care by delivering on the promise of
high-resolution visualization of cardiovascular structure and
function noninvasively. Cardiovascular Multidetector CT Angiography
demonstrates the clinical context within which this technology is
useful for individual patient assessment, providing the technical
information needed to perform cardiovascular CTA and focusing on
the spectrum of clinical applications. Written by acknowledged
experts in the CTA arena, the book contains an abundance of
64-slice images-the highest technical resolution available-to
identify disease states. Topics covered include normal cardiac
anatomy, abnormal coronary arteries, coronary anomalies, artifacts,
left and right ventricular function and abnormalities, valvular
heart disease, pericardium, and the aorta. The book also discusses
cardiac masses, cardiac veins, peripheral artery disease, and
congenital heart disease. Demonstrating the application of
cardiovascular multidetector computed tomography from the
perspective of patient care, the book is composed entirely of case
studies-an excellent format for teaching those just beginning to
work with CTA. The book is designed for cardiologists and
radiologists alike, as well as primary care physicians, medical
students, and other health care professionals who have the
opportunity to use this technology to improve diagnosis and
treatment for their patients with cardiovascular disease.
Mobile Networks and Management - 7th International Conference, MONAMI 2015, Santander, Spain, September 16-18, 2015, Revised Selected Papers (Paperback, 1st ed. 2015)
Ramon Aguero, Thomas Zinner, Mario Garcia-Lozano, Bernd-Ludwig Wenning, Andreas Timm-Giel
Discovery Miles 28 430
Ships in 10 - 15 working days
This book constitutes the post-proceedings of the 7th International
Conference on Mobile Networks and Management, MONAMI 2015, held in
Santander, Spain, in September 2015. The 16 full papers were
carefully reviewed and selected from 24 submissions. In addition
there appears one short and 5 invited papers. These are organized
thematically in five parts starting with Cellular Network
Management and Self-Organizing Networks in Part I. Radio Resource
Management in LTE and 5G Networks aspects are discussed in Part II.
Part III presents novel Techniques and Algorithms for Wireless
Networks, while Part IV deals with Video Streaming over Wireless
Networks. Part V includes papers presenting avant-garde research on
applications and services and, finally, Part VI features two papers
introducing novel architectural approaches for Wireless Sensor
This book explores peripheral visions on economic development, both
in the sense that it deals with specific issues of economic
development and underdevelopment in countries at the periphery of
the world economy, and in terms of its exploration of the economic
thinking developed in those regions, particularly in Latin America.
Bringing together an international group of historians of thought,
economic historians and development economists from Latin America,
Europe and other parts of the world, this volume is highly credited
and is an excellent contribution to development economic studies.
This book is divided into four parts. Following the introduction,
the first set of papers describes the evolution of core-periphery
perspectives in key contributions by Raul Prebisch, Oskar Lange,
Albert Hirschman, Celso Furtado and Homero Cuevas. The second set
discusses the links between unbalanced productive structures and
external trade in peripheral countries. The third set contains
papers on critical episodes in the development of monetary and
financial systems in Latin America during the 19th and 20th
centuries. The fourth set deals with geographical and institutional
aspects of path dependence in the governance of external trade and
in the development of liberties, property rights and economic
education in Europe, Latin America and Africa. Several chapters
make use of hitherto unexplored archival material. Other chapters
draw attention to important episodes or literatures that have
largely gone unnoticed in the English-speaking world. Yet others
combine conceptual innovations with work on new historical data and
other sources hitherto not utilized in such contexts. This book is
ideal for those who study and research development economics,
history of economic thought and economic history, especially in
Latin America.
This book thoroughly covers the fundamentals of the QFT robust
control, as well as practical control solutions, for unstable,
time-delay, non-minimum phase or distributed parameter systems,
plants with large model uncertainty, high-performance
specifications, nonlinear components, multi-input multi-output
characteristics or asymmetric topologies. The reader will discover
practical applications through a collection of fifty successful,
real world case studies and projects, in which the author has been
involved during the last twenty-five years, including commercial
wind turbines, wastewater treatment plants, power systems,
satellites with flexible appendages, spacecraft, large radio
telescopes, and industrial manufacturing systems. Furthermore, the
book presents problems and projects with the popular QFT Control
Toolbox (QFTCT) for MATLAB, which was developed by the author.
The generalized Ricci flow is a geometric evolution equation which
has recently emerged from investigations into mathematical physics,
Hitchin's generalized geometry program, and complex geometry. This
book gives an introduction to this new area, discusses recent
developments, and formulates open questions and conjectures for
future study. The text begins with an introduction to fundamental
aspects of generalized Riemannian, complex, and Kahler geometry.
This leads to an extension of the classical Einstein-Hilbert
action, which yields natural extensions of Einstein and Calabi-Yau
structures as `canonical metrics' in generalized Riemannian and
complex geometry. The book then introduces generalized Ricci flow
as a tool for constructing such metrics and proves extensions of
the fundamental Hamilton/Perelman regularity theory of Ricci flow.
These results are refined in the setting of generalized complex
geometry, where the generalized Ricci flow is shown to preserve
various integrability conditions, taking the form of pluriclosed
flow and generalized Kahler-Ricci flow, leading to global
convergence results and applications to complex geometry. Finally,
the book gives a purely mathematical introduction to the physical
idea of T-duality and discusses its relationship to generalized
Ricci flow. The book is suitable for graduate students and
researchers with a background in Riemannian and complex geometry
who are interested in the theory of geometric evolution equations.
Practical Manual of Echocardiography in the Urgent Setting In the
acute care setting, medicine happens at full speed and with little
margin for error. As echocardiography plays an ever more important
role in the diagnosis of patients who present with symptoms that
suggest a cardiovascular emergency, clinicians must learn to
collect, process and act on echocardiographic information as
quickly and effectively as possible. Practical Manual of
Echocardiography in the Urgent Setting covers the essentials of
echocardiography in the acute setting, from ultrasound basics to
descriptions of all pertinent echocardiographic views to clear,
stepwise advice on basic calculations and normal/abnormal ranges.
This compact new reference: Provides step-by-step guidance to
acquiring the correct views and making the necessary calculations
to accurately diagnose cardiac conditions commonly encountered in
urgent settings. Presents information organized by
complaint/initial presentation so that readers can work from this
first knowledge of the patient through the steps required to
pinpoint a diagnosis. Covers echo basics, from sound wave
characteristics/properties to common device settings to basic
ultrasound formulas Includes diagnostic algorithms fitted to
address the differential diagnosis in the most commonlyencountered
clinical scenarios. Designed and written by frontline clinicians
with extensive experience treating patients, Practical Manual of
Echocardiography in the Urgent Setting is the perfect pocket-sized
guide for residents in cardiology, emergency medicine, and hospital
medicine; trainees in echocardiography; medical students on
cardiology or emergency medicine rotations; technicians, nurses,
attending physicians--anyone who practices in the urgent setting
and who needs reliable guidance on echocardiographic views, data
and normal/abnormal ranges to aid rapid diagnosis and
decision-making at the point of care. RELATED TITLES: Kacharava, et
al: Pocket Guide to Echocardiography; ISBN: 978-0-470-67444-4 Sun,
et al: Practical Handbook of Echocardiography: 101 Case Studies;
ISBN: 978-1-4051-9556-0