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"The Fifth Edition of Structural Dynamics: Theory and Computation
is the complete and comprehensive text in the field. It presents
modern methods of analysis and techniques adaptable to computer
programming clearly and easily. The book is ideal as a text for
advanced undergraduates or graduate students taking a first course
in structural dynamics. It is arranged in such a way that it can be
used for a one- or two-semester course, or span the undergraduate
and graduate levels. In addition, this text will serve the
practicing engineer as a primary reference. The text differs from
the standard approach of other presentations in which topics are
ordered by their mathematical complexity. This text is organized by
the type of structural modeling. The author simplifies the subject
by presenting a single degree-of-freedom system in the first
chapters, then moves to systems with many degrees-of-freedom in the
following chapters. Finally, the text moves to applications of the
first chapters and special topics in structural dynamics. New in
this Edition: Problems reworked for SAP2000 (R). Step-by-step
examples of how to use SAP2000 (R) for every application of
structural dynamics. Inclusion of companion Web site
(extras.springer.com/2004) with three learning aids: SAP2000 (R)
student version; source code for the author's educational programs
in structural dynamics, so that the results of changed parameters
can be seen step-by-step; and the compiler (executable files) for
the author's educational programs. Three earthquake engineering
chapters updated to the latest ICC (R) building codes. Materials
rearranged so that theory and dynamic analysis precede applications
and special topics, facilitating using the book sequentially.
Complete instructions provided to advanced topics as foundation for
further study. This text is essential for civil engineering
students. Professional civil engineers will find it an ideal
7. 2 Element Stiffness Matrix of a Space Truss Local Coordinates
221 7. 3 Transformation of the Element Stiffness Matrix 223 7. 4
Element Axial Force 224 7. 5 Assemblage ofthe System Stiffness
Matrix 225 7. 6 Problems 236 8 STATIC CONDENSATION AND
SUBSTRUCTURING 8. 1 Introduction 239 8. 2 Static Condensation 239
8. 3 Substructuring 244 8. 4 Problems 259 9 INTRODUCTION TO FINITE
ELEMENT MEmOD 9. 1 Introduction 261 9. 2 Plane Elasticity Problems
262 9. 3 Plate Bending 285 9. 4 Rectangular Finite Element for
Plate Bending 285 9. 5 Problems 298 APPENDIX I Equivalent Nodal
Forces 301 APPENDIXll Displacement Functions for Fixed-End Beams
305 GLOSSARY 309 SELECTED BmLIOGRAPHY 317 INDEX 319 ix Preface This
is the first volume of a series of integrated textbooks for the
analysis and design of structures. The series is projected to
include a first volume in Matrix Structural Analysis to be followed
by volumes in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering as
well as other volumes dealing with specialized or advanced topics
in the analysis and design of structures. An important objective in
the preparation of these volumes is to integrate and unify the
presentation using common notation, symbols and general format.
Furthermore, all of these volumes will be using the same structural
computer program, SAP2000, developed and maintained by Computers
and Structures, Inc. , Berkeley, California.
The sixth edition of Structural Dynamics: Theory and Computation is
the complete and comprehensive text in the field. It presents
modern methods of analysis and techniques adaptable to computer
programming clearly and easily. The book is ideal as a text for
advanced undergraduates or graduate students taking a first course
in structural dynamics. It is arranged in such a way that it can be
used for a one- or two-semester course, or span the undergraduate
and graduate levels. In addition, this text will serve the
practicing engineer as a primary reference. The text differs from
the standard approach of other presentations in which topics are
ordered by their mathematical complexity. This text is organized by
the type of structural modeling. The author simplifies the subject
by presenting a single degree-of-freedom system in the first
chapters, then moves to systems with many degrees-of-freedom in the
following chapters. Finally, the text moves to applications of the
first chapters and special topics in structural dynamics. This
revised textbook intends to provide enhanced learning materials for
students to learn structural dynamics, ranging from basics to
advanced topics, including their application. When a line-by-line
programming language is included with solved problems, students can
learn course materials easily and visualize the solved problems
using a program. Among several programming languages, MATLAB (R)
has been adopted by many academic institutions across several
disciplines. Many educators and students in the U.S. and many
international institutions can readily access MATLAB (R), which has
an appropriate programming language to solve and simulate problems
in the textbook. It effectively allows matrix manipulations and
plotting of data. Therefore, multi-degree-of freedom problems can
be solved in conjunction with the finite element method using
MATLAB (R).The revised version will include: * solved 34 examples
in Chapters 1 through 22 along with MALAB codes. * basics of
earthquake design with current design codes (ASCE 7-16 and IBC
2018). * additional figures obtained from MATLAB codes to
illustrate time-variant structural behavior and dynamic
characteristics (e.g., time versus displacement and spectral
chart). This text is essential for civil engineering students.
Professional civil engineers will find it an ideal reference.
7. 2 Element Stiffness Matrix of a Space Truss Local Coordinates
221 7. 3 Transformation of the Element Stiffness Matrix 223 7. 4
Element Axial Force 224 7. 5 Assemblage ofthe System Stiffness
Matrix 225 7. 6 Problems 236 8 STATIC CONDENSATION AND
SUBSTRUCTURING 8. 1 Introduction 239 8. 2 Static Condensation 239
8. 3 Substructuring 244 8. 4 Problems 259 9 INTRODUCTION TO FINITE
ELEMENT MEmOD 9. 1 Introduction 261 9. 2 Plane Elasticity Problems
262 9. 3 Plate Bending 285 9. 4 Rectangular Finite Element for
Plate Bending 285 9. 5 Problems 298 APPENDIX I Equivalent Nodal
Forces 301 APPENDIXll Displacement Functions for Fixed-End Beams
305 GLOSSARY 309 SELECTED BmLIOGRAPHY 317 INDEX 319 ix Preface This
is the first volume of a series of integrated textbooks for the
analysis and design of structures. The series is projected to
include a first volume in Matrix Structural Analysis to be followed
by volumes in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering as
well as other volumes dealing with specialized or advanced topics
in the analysis and design of structures. An important objective in
the preparation of these volumes is to integrate and unify the
presentation using common notation, symbols and general format.
Furthermore, all of these volumes will be using the same structural
computer program, SAP2000, developed and maintained by Computers
and Structures, Inc. , Berkeley, California.
The subject of earthquake engineering has been the focus of my
teaching and research for many years. Thus, when Mario Paz, the
editor of this handbook, asked me to write a Foreword, I was
interested and honored by his request. Worldwide, people are
beginning to understand the severity of the danger to present and
future generations caused by the destruction of the environment.
Earthquakes pose a similar threat; thus, the proper use of methods
for earthquake-resistant design and construction is vitally
important for countries that are at high risk of being subjected to
strong-motion earthquakes. Most seismic activity is the result of
tectonic earthquakes. Tectonic earthquakes are very special events
in that, although they occur frequently, their probability of
becoming natural hazards for a specific urban area is very small.
When a severe earthquake does occur near an urban area, however,
its consequences are very large in terms of structural destruction
and human suffering.
solution, are provided for calculation of the responses to forces
or motions exciting the structure. The new chapters in
earthquake-resistant design of buildings describe the provisions of
both the 1985 and 1988 versions of the UBC (Uniform Building Code)
for the static lateral force method and for the dynamic lateral
force method. Other revisions of the book include the presentation
of the New mark beta method to obtain the time history response of
dynamic systems, and the direct integration method in which the
response is found assuming that the excitation function is linear
for a specified time interval. A modifi cation of the dynamic
condensation method, which has been developed re cently by the
author for the reduction of eigenproblems, is presented in Chap ter
13. The proposed modification substantially reduces the numerical
operation required in the implementation of the dynamic
condensation method. The subjects in this new edition are organized
in six parts. Part I deals with structures modeled as single
degree-of-freedom systems. It introduces basic concepts and
presents important methods for the solution of such dynamic
systems. Part II introduces important concepts and methodology for
multi degree-of-freedom systems through the use of structures
modeled as shear buildings. Part III describes methods for the
dynamic analysis of framed struc tures modeled as discrete systems
with many degrees of freedom."
In 2007, the retired French aircraft carrier "Clemenceau" was
purchased by a UK company, allegedly for scrap. Yet the true was
other, as the Clemenceau was indeed bought by the Private Military
Company "Sanders International" and christened "Privateer." In an
unprecedented move that may have opened the door to the regular use
of PMCs, the UN Security Council mandated Sanders International to
intervene in Somalia; on the war against piracy. Yet getting there
was already an adventure by itself and as the plot evolves, Mike
Sanders will find himself trapped in a CIA plot to destroy the
European Union.
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