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Staging Authority: Presentation and Power in Nineteenth-Century
Europe is a comprehensive handbook on how the presentation,
embodiment, and performance of authority changed in the long
nineteenth century. It focuses on the diversification of authority:
what new forms and expressions of authority arose in that critical
century, how traditional authority figures responded and adapted to
those changes, and how the public increasingly participated in
constructing and validating authority. It pays particular attention
to how spaces were transformed to offer new possibilities for the
presentation of authority, and how the mediatization of presence
affected traditional authority. The handbook's fourteen chapters
draw on innovative methodologies in cultural history and the
aligned fields of the history of emotions, urban geography, persona
studies, gender studies, media studies, and sound studies.
This volume investigates places where old and new elites came
together, where these groups met and interacted but also where the
rules and conventions for new elites were forged. The book focusses
arenas of encounter and (self)representation belonging to the world
of leisure and embraces also the organizations and associations
which established and ran these spaces and events.
The comparative presentation of the birth of metropolises like St.
Petersburg, Helsinki, Kiev, Belgrade, or Athens confirms the
importance of the Western model as well as the influence of
international experts on city planning at the periphery of Europe.
In addition, this volume presents an alternative perspective that
aims to understand the genesis of Eastern European cities with a
metropolitan character or metropolitan aspirations as a process sui
generis. The rapid expansion of metropolitan cities such as London
and Paris began in the 17th and 18th centuries. Large parts of
Central and Eastern Europe underwent urbanization and
industrialization with considerable delay. Nevertheless beginning
in the second half of the 19th century, the towns in the Romanov
and Habsburg empires, as well as in the Balkans grew into cities
and metropolitan areas. They changed at an astonishing pace. This
transformation has long been interpreted as an attempt to overcome
the economic and cultural backwardness of the region and to catch
up to Western Europe.
Focusing on experts in technology and science, Building Europe on
Expertise delivers a new reading of European history. The authors
show that modern Europe was built by experts using their unique
knowledge to shape societies, set political agendas, and establish
collaborations which proved decisive in integrating the continent.
The Making Europe series was awarded the Freeman Award by the
European Association for the Study of Science and Technology
(EASST) in 2014, in recognition of its significant contribution to
the interaction of science and technology studies with the study of
In seiner Darstellung geht M. Kohlrausch der Frage nach, wieweit
der Monarch der Logik der Massenmedien unterworfen war und welche
Konsequenzen das hatte. Wilhelm II. und seine Skandale wurden zum
offentlichen Ereignis: Bismarckentlassung, Caligula-Affare,
Eulenburg-Skandal, Kamarilla-Prozesse, Daily-Telegraph-Interview.
Sie spiegeln eine fruhzeitig radikale Kritik am Monarchen und eine
Umdefinition der Monarchie."
Focusing on experts in technology and science, Building Europe on
Expertise delivers a new reading of European history. The authors
show that modern Europe was built by experts using their unique
knowledge to shape societies, set political agendas, and establish
collaborations which proved decisive in integrating the continent.
The Making Europe series was awarded the Freeman Award by the
European Association for the Study of Science and Technology
(EASST) in 2014, in recognition of its significant contribution to
the interaction of science and technology studies with the study of