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At last, a book that not only shows you why you self sabotage your
health, wealth, relationships and business but goes on to
demonstrate how to successfully transform those situations. You,
like me, may have tried making changes in your life only to find
your efforts dashed against the rocks of time, by your very own
saboteur within If you've ever wondered why you can't maintain a
certain size or shape, or healthy relationship with family and
friends, perhaps you have to move around a lot from place to place,
job to job, because you just don't feel that you fit in anywhere?
What if you are bending yourself out of shape to fit into a
relationship or job that is toxic to your well-being, whilst
thinking it's your fault? Simply put this book works. "Have you
ever wondered what stopped you from succeeding or what prevented
you from solving problems? In Matt Hudson's delightful book, he
creates an in-depth understanding of how our inner saboteur works
and gives you the tools and the motivation to overcome even the
most ingrained issues in your life. A great read, and even more
important, a great solution to our life's challenges." Shelle Rose
Charvet, author of The Customer is Bothering Me. "The Saboteur
Within pulls no punches. It is written with honesty, humility, wit
and competence. Most of all, it is written in a way that draws from
the experience of this man's inner journey to be all he is, and his
outer journey to help others to do the same." John Overdurf author,
coach and international trainer
Trott pa att kampa ditt barn till somns?
I " Kaninen som sa garna ville somna " far du folja Kalle Kanin
nar han tar hjalp av Farbror Trollkarl och andra vanner for att
somna gott pa kvallen. Ditt barn dras snabbt med in i sagan och
somnar pa kvallen eller vid sovstunden nar du laser den. Sagan ar
underbart sovande och far barn over hela varlden att somna.
" Kaninen som sa garna ville somna " rekommenderas av psykologer
och terapeuter och med hjalp av psykologiska tekniker paverkas ditt
barn att slappna av och somna pa ett fint satt medan du far uppleva
en sagobok skriven pa ett lite annorlunda satt, med vackert
illustrerade bilder som starker upplevelsen av att somna.
Vidare anvands boken i olika utbildningssammanhang pa hogskolor
varlden over kring paverkande kommunikation och att na fram till
dig som laser detta.
" "Ta till sagan om Kaninen som sa garna ville somna nar det hant
eller ska handa spannande saker eller annat som tillfalligt gor det
svart att somna." "
- Mikael Odhage, leg. Psykolog
Heb je je ooit afgevraagd waarom het je niet lukt om succes te
hebben of wat je weerhoudt van het oplossen van je problemen? In
Matt Hudsons verrukkelijke boek, schept hij een diepgaand begrip
over hoe onze innerlijke saboteur werkt en geeft hij je de
instrumenten en de motivatie om zelfs de meest diepgewortelde
problemen in je leven te boven te komen. Een geweldige
leeservaring, en nog belangrijker, een uitstekend antwoord op de
uitdagingen van ons leven.
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