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Counterfactuality is currently a hotly debated topic. While for some disciplines such as linguistics, cognitive science, or psychology counterfactual scenarios have been an important object of study for quite a while, counterfactual thinking has in recent years emerged as a method of study for other disciplines, most notably the social sciences. This volume provides an overview of the current definitions and uses of the concept of counterfactuality in philosophy, historiography, political sciences, psychology, linguistics, physics, and literary studies. The individual contributions not only engage the controversies that the deployment of counterfactual thinking as a method still generates, they also highlight the concept's potential to promote interdisciplinary exchange without neglecting the limitations and pitfalls of such a project. Moreover, the essays from literary studies, which make up about half of the volume, provide both a historical and a systematic perspective on the manifold ways in which counterfactual scenarios can be incorporated into and deployed in literary texts.
Taking a global and interdisciplinary approach, the Routledge Handbook of Conspiracy Theories provides a comprehensive overview of conspiracy theories as an important social, cultural and political phenomenon in contemporary life. This handbook provides the most complete analysis of the phenomenon to date. It analyses conspiracy theories from a variety of perspectives, using both qualitative and quantitative methods. It maps out the key debates, and includes chapters on the historical origins of conspiracy theories, as well as their political significance in a broad range of countries and regions. Other chapters consider the psychology and the sociology of conspiracy beliefs, in addition to their changing cultural forms, functions and modes of transmission. This handbook examines where conspiracy theories come from, who believes in them and what their consequences are. This book presents an important resource for students and scholars from a range of disciplines interested in the societal and political impact of conspiracy theories, including Area Studies, Anthropology, History, Media and Cultural Studies, Political Science, Psychology and Sociology.
Examines how conspiracy theories and related forms of misinformation and disinformation about the Covid-19 pandemic have circulated widely around the world. Commissioned by recognised experts on area studies and conspiracy theories, making use of the existing COMPACT (Comparative Analysis of Conspiracy Theories) network run by Butter and Knight. Presents case studies on how Covid conspiracism has played out, using a range of methods from a variety of disciplinary perspectives.
Examines how conspiracy theories and related forms of misinformation and disinformation about the Covid-19 pandemic have circulated widely around the world. Commissioned by recognised experts on area studies and conspiracy theories, making use of the existing COMPACT (Comparative Analysis of Conspiracy Theories) network run by Butter and Knight. Presents case studies on how Covid conspiracism has played out, using a range of methods from a variety of disciplinary perspectives.
Taking a global and interdisciplinary approach, the Routledge Handbook of Conspiracy Theories provides a comprehensive overview of conspiracy theories as an important social, cultural and political phenomenon in contemporary life. This handbook provides the most complete analysis of the phenomenon to date. It analyses conspiracy theories from a variety of perspectives, using both qualitative and quantitative methods. It maps out the key debates, and includes chapters on the historical origins of conspiracy theories, as well as their political significance in a broad range of countries and regions. Other chapters consider the psychology and the sociology of conspiracy beliefs, in addition to their changing cultural forms, functions and modes of transmission. This handbook examines where conspiracy theories come from, who believes in them and what their consequences are. This book presents an important resource for students and scholars from a range of disciplines interested in the societal and political impact of conspiracy theories, including Area Studies, Anthropology, History, Media and Cultural Studies, Political Science, Psychology and Sociology.
Michael Butter untersucht das Immobilien-Time-Sharing unter dem Aspekt des Verbraucherschutzes sowohl aus okonomischer als auch aus juristischer Sicht."
Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2010 im Fachbereich BWL - Beschaffung, Produktion, Logistik, Note: 1,3, Hochschule Osnabruck (Management und Technik), Veranstaltung: Beschaffungs- und Materiallogistik, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Im Rahmen der Materialwirtschaft ist die Ermittlung des Materialbedarfs von zentraler Bedeutung. Der Bedarf ist die Menge an Materialien bzw. Erzeugnissen, die in einer bestimmten Periode an verbrauchende/produzierende Stellen im Unternehmen abgegeben wird. Durch die Ermittlung des Materialbedarfs wird ein Fertigungsprogramm erarbeitet welches dann mengen- und termingerecht erfullt werden soll. Die Methoden der Materialsbedarfsrechnung werden in drei Gruppen eingeteilt. 1.Methoden bei auftragsorientierter Produktion (deterministische Methoden) 2.Methoden bei prognoseorientierter Produktion (stochastische Methoden) 3.Methoden bei subjektiver Schatzung des Bedarfs Fur jede der drei Gruppen gibt es verschiedene Untergruppen, denen mehrere Verfahren zur Berechnung des Materialverbrauchs zugeordnet werden konnen. Die lineare Regression ist eine dieser Methoden der Materialverbrauchsrechnung und zahlt zu den Methoden der prognoseorientierter Produktion. Die prognoseorientierte Produktion lasst sich weiter aufgliedern in die Methoden mit regelmassigem Materialbedarf sowie mit unregelmassigem Materialbedarf. Die Methode der linearen Regression gehort dabei zu den Prognoseverfahren bei regelmassigem Materialbedarf. In dieser Kategorie wird jedoch nochmals zwischen konstantem Verbrauchsniveau, trendformig ansteigendem Bedarfsverlauf und Materialverbrauch mit Saisonschwankungen unterschieden. In dieser Unterscheidungsstufe siedelt sich die lineare Regression bei den Methoden mit trendformig ansteigendem Bedarfsverlauf
Bachelorarbeit aus dem Jahr 2011 im Fachbereich BWL - Marketing, Unternehmenskommunikation, CRM, Marktforschung, Social Media, Note: 2,2, Universitat Osnabruck, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: This thesis will show the key factors for successful social media marketing in small and medium-sized companies. The first pages deal with the transformation of the Internet and the basics of social media. A definition of Web 2.0 will be given and the popularity of Social Media will be analyzed in further detail. Since social media is very diverse, the most important manifestations like social networks or microblogs will be presented shortly. Thereafter follows the main chapter "Social Media Marketing." This chapter discusses the weaknesses of traditional advertising and PR and where social media attaches to bypass those weaknesses. It is shown, which goals can be achieved, how this is realized and which success factors you need for effective Social Media Marketing. The next step explains how a social media strategy is build and what a small and medium-sized companies must respect in this. The biggest changes caused by social media marketing arise in corporate communications. In the chapter about communication is described what types of communication are relevant for a company and how to enter into a dialogue with the users. Another issue is social media monitoring. This section shows how market research can be operated with social media. The last item in the main chapter then deals with the risks of social media marketing. Thereafter follows a presentation of the three most popular social media sites: Facebook, YouTube and Twitter. This thesis will close with an independently conducted market research study and a conclusion.
Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2009 im Fachbereich BWL - Unternehmensfuhrung, Management, Organisation, Note: 2,3, Hochschule Osnabruck (Management und Technik), Veranstaltung: Entrepreneurship, Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: In unserer Hausarbeit "Risikomanagement in KMU - wie sichere ich Erfolg und Wachstum?" wollen wir Ihnen zunachst einmal den Begriff "Risiko" naher bringen. Risiko ist ein Bestandteil des alltaglichen Lebens. Standig stehen wir vor risikobehafteten Entscheidungen. Diesen sollte man logisch und uneingenommen entgegen sehen um nach bestem Wissen und Gewissen zu handeln und dadurch Verbesserungen im Leben zu erzielen. Aber um auf ein solches Ergebnis, also ein zufriedenstellendes, zu kommen muss man Entscheidungen fallen. Ob diese dann richtig sind, wird sich fruher oder spater heraus stellen. Aber egal welche Wahl man trifft, ein kleines Restrisiko bleibt immer bestehen. Ein weiterer Punkt ist die Angst, die bei wichtigen Entscheidung eine grosse Rolle spielt. SIe vermittelt uns das Gefuhl, unsere Entscheidung nochmals zu uberdenken und alle Aspekte gegeneinander abzuwagen. Dies ist in der Regel normal, denn wer macht schon gerne Fehler. Risikomanagement ist somit ein Instrument fur Unternehmen um risikobehaftete Entscheidungen zu optimieren
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