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Legionellosis is a disease of significant medical and public
interest. Legionella is commonly found in aquatic habitats where
its ability to survive and to multiply within different protozoa
equips the bacterium to be transmissible and pathogenic to humans.
In addition, Legionella has become a favored model system to
analyze the mechanisms of bacterial survival, acquisition of
nutrients, and intracellular replication. Following the recent
publication of the genome sequences of four L. pneumophila strains,
it is now feasible to investigate the whole genome in silico, the
transcriptome via micro arrays, and the proteome by two-dimensional
gel electrophoresis. Research in the fields of clinical features,
diagnosis, treatment, and epidemiology continues to generate new
data. The topics covered by this volume range from the history of
the identification of Legionella and clinical disease treatment, to
the microbe's gene expression and secretion systems, as well as its
strategies for intracellular multiplication and nutrient
acquisition. The main focus of the book is the current state of
many of the most critical features of Legionella. Internationally
renowned authors have contributed chapters describing and
discussing the latest research findings with an emphasis on
molecular aspects. The editors and authors have produced an
excellent book that will be an extremely useful reference source.
This comprehensive publication is aimed at readers with teaching or
research interests in microbiology, genetics, genomics, infectious
diseases, or clinical research.
Lippincott (R) Connect Featured Title Purchase of the new print
edition of this Lippincott (R) Connect title includes access to the
digital version of the book, plus related materials such as videos
and multiple-choice Q&A and self-assessments. Lippincott (R)
Illustrated Reviews: Immunology, 3rd Edition, offers an engaging,
vividly illustrated presentation and all of the popular learning
features of the Lippincott (R) Illustrated Review series to
reinforce essential immunology concepts and connect basic science
to real-life clinical situations. Like other titles in this series,
this dynamic resource follows an intuitive outline organization and
boasts a wealth of vibrant illustrations and study aids that
clarify complex information and ensure retention. Whether used as a
review text for a short immunology course or paired with Lippincott
(R) Illustrated Reviews: Microbiology for a combined
microbiology/immunology course, this revised and updated edition
familiarizes readers with the latest practices in immunology and
emphasizes clinical application to deliver unparalleled preparation
for exams and clinical practice. Revised and expanded content
equips you with the most current perspectives and practices in
clinical immunology. More than 300 full-color, annotated
illustrations clarify complex immunology concepts in vivid detail.
Clinical Application boxes demonstrate the practical application of
immunology concepts in clinical scenarios. Chapter Study Questions
and Answers test your retention and comprehension. NEW!
Cross-references to other Lippincott (R) Illustrated Reviews titles
help you grasp how immunological concepts relate to other basic
sciences. Chapter summaries and chapter overviews highlight the
most important concepts and takeaways in each chapter. Updated
end-of-text review questions boost your test-taking confidence.
Lippincott (R) Connect features: Full access to the digital version
of the book with the ability to highlight and take notes on key
passages for a more personal, efficient study experience. Carefully
curated resources, such as interactive diagrams, audio and video
tutorials, and self-assessment, all designed to facilitate further
comprehension. Lippincott (R) Connect also allows users to create
Study Collections to further personalize the study experience. With
Study Collections you can: Pool content from books across your
entire library into self-created Study Collections based on
discipline, procedure, organ, concept or other topics. Display
related text passages, video clips and self-assessment questions
from each book (if available) for efficient absorption of material.
Annotate and highlight key content for easy access later. Navigate
seamlessly between book chapters, sections, self-assessments, notes
and highlights in a single view/page.
Michael Swanson's online discussions with literally thousands of
NexStar owners made it clear that there was a desperate need for a
book such as this - one that provides a complete, detailed guide to
buying, using and maintaining NexStar telescopes. Although this
book is highly comprehensive, it is suitable for beginners - there
is a chapter on "Astronomy Basics" - and experts alike. Celestron's
NexStar telescopes were introduced in 1999, beginning with their
first computer controlled "go to" model, a 5-inch. More models
appeared in quick succession, and Celestron's new range made it one
of the two dominant manufacturers of affordable "go to" telescopes.
Today when you factor in the interest on the national debt from
past wars and total defense expenditures the United States spends
almost 40% of its federal budget on the military. It accounts for
over 46% of total world arms spending. Before World War II it spent
almost nothing on defense and hardly anyone paid any income taxes.
You can't have big wars without big government. Such big
expenditures are now threatening to harm the national economy. How
did this situation come to be?
In this book you'll learn how in the critical twenty years after
World War II the United States changed from being a continental
democratic republic to a global imperial superpower. Since then
nothing has ever been the same again. In this book you will
discover this secret history of the United States that formed the
basis of the world we live in today.
By buying this book you will discover:
- How the end of European colonialism created a power vacuum that
the United States used to create a new type of world empire backed
by the most powerful military force in human history.
- Why the Central Intelligence Agency was created and used to
interfere in the internal affairs of other nations when the United
States Constitution had no mechanism for such imperial activities.
- How national security bureaucrats got President Harry Truman to
approve of a new wild budget busting arms race after World War II
that is still going on to this day.
- Why President Eisenhower really gave his famous warning against
the "military-industrial complex."
- Why during the Kennedy administration the nuclear arms race
almost led to the end of the world during the Cuban Missile Crisis.
- How President Kennedy tried to deal with what had grown into a
"permanent government" of power elite national security bureaucrats
in the executive branch of the federal government that had become
more powerful than the individual president himself.
In this book you will discover this secret history of the United
States that formed the basis of the world we live in today.
Many say few know more about stock trading than Michael Swanson,
who ran a top ranked hedge fund for four years and has built up a
huge audience of readers on his website WallStreetWindow.com thanks
to the accuracy of his market calls and investment acumen,
including making over 50% in 2008 in one of the worst years for the
stock market ever. His book Strategic Stock Trading demystifies the
stock market by explaining what truly makes the stock market and
individual stocks move the way they do and shows you how you can
take advantage of it.
This book is designed to be a fast read that you can finish in one
After you buy this book and read it among the things you will
learn are:
and investors are one trick ponies who develop a method or trading
strategy that they use over and over again to profit in the market.
Instead of flooding you with hundreds of different technical
analysis indicators Swanson cuts to the chase and hands you the
most profitable stock pattern that he has used again and again over
the years.
HOW TO BUY TOMORROW'S BIG WINNERS TODAY - Imagine what would it be
like to be able to find the next Apple or the next world changing
stock market sector? Learn how to break the stock market down in
investment sub sectors and be able to identify when one of them is
positioning itself to begin a new bull market of its own and become
the next big thing everyone is talking about a year from now.
in the stock market and tend to buy high and sell low while hedge
funds and professional investors are now dominating the exchanges
with computer programs and short-term trading. As an individual
investor Swanson shares his knowledge of what really moves
professional investors to help you understand how to navigate
today's stock market and play like a shark and not swim like a
money in the 2008 stock market crash by recognizing it was coming
ahead of time and then betting against the stock market. After you
read this book you will know what type of storm clouds come before
big bear markets and how to short sell stocks the right way if you
want to try to profit from them.
technical analysis are key in stock trading entry and exit points,
but fundamental analysis using valuation metrics are key to
evaluating he true investment potential in a stock. These simple
valuation metrics will enable you to do this at a quick glance.
EXPERTS - To quickly tell you why many people consider this to be
an important book there are many stock market and stock trading
investment books that describe different aspects of technical and
fundamental analysis. This one puts them together and shows you
have to really use them in a strategic way backed by real life
experiences and examples. It also discusses the psychology of
investors in the market and how hedge funds and institutional
investors now influence the stock market more than ever before and
what you must do in this type of market to succeed. It is a
practical and refreshingly compact guide.
Danville, Virginia and the Coming of the Modern South documents
Danville's political, social, and economic evolution beginning with
the fall of the Confederacy until the dawn of the civil rights
movement of the 1960s. It discusses the impact of the textile
industry on the South in general - and Danville in particular -
through colorful accounts attributed to Virginia politicians,
businessmen, and workers.
LIR Inmunologia presenta los conceptos mas esenciales de la
inmunologia humana en el tradicional formato de la serie LIR.
Ademas, establece la correlacion entre manifestaciones clinicas y
la ciencia basica de la inmunologia humana. Como otros titulos de
la serie, la estructura intuitiva de este recurso dinamico, que
incluye abundantes ilustraciones y recursos, clarifica y asegura la
retencion de informacion compleja. Como texto de revision, este
titulo completamente actualizado permitira a los lectores
familiarizarse con las practicas mas recientes en inmunologia con
enfasis en la aplicacion clinica, para poder obtener una
preparacion inigualable para examenes y para la practica clinica.
Dividida en 4 unidades, esta 3. edicion proporciona la informacion
necesaria para comprender el papel basico del sistema inmunologico
en la salud humana y en numerosas enfermedades. Todo con el
objetivo de que el lector comprenda la inmunologia y cuente con los
fundamentos para comprender temas mas complejos en el transcurso de
sus estudios y posibles carreras en el campo cientifico o en la
atencion a la salud.
Ensure readiness for the USMLE® or any other high-stakes exam
covering microbiology and immunology! Thieme Test Prep for the
USMLE®: Medical Microbiology and Immunology by Melphine Harriott,
Michelle Swanson-Mungerson, Samia Ragheb, and Matthew Jackson
covers major topics taught in immunology and microbiology courses
during the first and second year of medical school. Readers will
learn how to recall, analyze, integrate, and apply microbiology and
immunology knowledge to solve clinical problems. Key Highlights 550
USMLE®-style multiple choice questions classified as easy,
moderate, and difficult, including detailed explanations
Microbiology questions organized by organ system that cover major
infectious diseases Immunology questions organized by concept
including chapters on inflammation, autoimmune diseases,
immunodeficiency disorders, hypersensitivity reactions, and
transplant rejection and anti-tumor responses This essential
resource will help you assess your knowledge and fully prepare for
the USMLE® Step 1 or COMLEX Level 1 exam. Be prepared for your
board exam with the Thieme Test Prep for the USMLE® series! Das:
Histology and Embryology Q&A Das and Baugh: Medical
Neuroscience Q&A Fontes and McCarthy: Medical Biochemistry
Q&A Hankin et al.: Clinical Anatomy Q&A Kemp and Brown:
Pathology Q&A Waite and Sheakley: Medical Physiology Q&A
Visit www.thieme.com/testprep to learn more about our online board
review question bank.