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27 matches in All Departments
Being There (Hardcover)
Peter Keese; Foreword by Michael B. Curry
Discovery Miles 6 860
Save R125 (15%)
Ships in 10 - 15 working days
Saving Words (Hardcover)
Joseph S Pagano, Amy E. Richter; Foreword by Michael B. Curry
Discovery Miles 8 810
Save R182 (17%)
Ships in 10 - 15 working days
Top voices highlight important changes in the role of bishop.
Compelling essays, written by bishops, other clergy, and academics
from across the Episcopal Church, reflect the breadth of thinking
on the history, current state, and future of the role of leadership
within the denomination and the wider Anglican Communion. Topics
include the transformation of the role over the last fifty years, a
review of historic documents on the episcopacy, issues of race and
gender, and the definition of ministry and leadership. This volume
will be of interest to leaders across denominations as well as
From the winner of The President Joseph R. Biden Lifetime
Achievement Award, a spiritual guide to restoring yourself from
racial trauma and committing to the long work of dismantling
racism. In her work as Executive Director of the Absalom Jones
Center for Racial Healing, Meeks has fought tirelessly to shed
light on racism and provide tools and experiences to enable faith
communities to work to combat it. In this new book, she shares
highlights and insights from her journey and offers a much-needed
meditative guide for the weary and frustrated. By looking inward
and at each other clearly, she argues, good people of all
backgrounds can forge a long term and individual path to making a
difference. With personal stories and thoughtful direction, she
takes the reader on the trajectory from self-awareness to
recognition of the past to a new and individual way forward.
Meditation topics include how to work through fear and rage, how
stories can help heal, honoring your ancestors while looking toward
the future, what it really means to love one another and the
meaning of social justice.
For the fifteenth anniversary of its publication, this revised
edition features a new introduction from the author on the state of
the church and its "radical welcome" today, along with new
reflections on how it continues to reshape the church. This book is
at once a theological, inspirational, and practical guide for
congregations that want to move beyond diversity and inclusion to
present a vision for the church of the future: one where the gifts,
voices, and power of marginalized groups bring new life to the
mainline church. Based on two years of work and over 200 interviews
with people in congregations all around the United States-in urban,
suburban, and rural settings-it asks the question: How do we face
our fears and welcome transformation in order to become God's
radically welcoming people? Each chapter introduces a particular
congregation and the challenges it faced, and lays out the
theological underpinnings of tackling fears head-on to embrace
change as a welcome part of community life. This new edition
features essays from Michael B. Curry, Mark Bozzuti-Jones, Jennifer
Baskerville-Burrows, and Mark Richardson.
A major study on the theology of Beloved Community. This
long-awaited work by the church's top clergy, scholars, and thought
leaders examines the theological foundation of Beloved Community
and its threats. It addresses such important topics as the legacy
and sin of white supremacy, economic disparity, racial healing, and
the call for reparations. The committee's work sheds light on the
societal and cultural implications of the largest obstacle to the
core mission of Presiding Bishop Michael Curry and outlines what is
necessary for the future of racial justice. "I am so grateful for
the... work of the theologians and bishops who have spent the last
five years working on [this study] . . . This is hard and holy
work, not to hurt or harm, but to help and heal." -Michael B.
Curry, the presiding bishop of the Episcopal Church
Powerful sermons from Washington National Cathedral in the midst of
the pandemic. Through their sermons, Cathedral clergy and guest
preachers such as Jon Meacham, Kelly Brown Douglas, and Presiding
Bishop Michael B. Curry share inspiring words. Collectively, they
offer lasting guidance for difficult times, reinforcing that even
in the midst of loss and chaos, God is at work among us, lifting us
up and giving us hope for the future. Topics include hope, faith
during times of distress, love, grief, and the presence of God.
With a foreword by Jon Meacham.
So often we think of the Christian faith as an obligation or as a
set of beliefs that we must hold. With this outlook, we can lose
sight of what is most important: the invitation to experience a
loving, personal relationship with God. It's a relationship we can
trust, where we can find refuge and solid ground upon which to
stand. The Way of Love set forth by the Episcopal Church's
Presiding Bishop Michael Bruce Curry is the journey of a lifetime.
It's a way of knowing God, receiving and sharing Jesus' love, and
being a blessing to the world. Mariann Edgar Budde shares her
thoughts on how the reader can come to know--to receive--Jesus more
deeply in practicing the Way of Love. Through the seven practices
that have been put before us: to turn, to learn, to pray and to
worship, to bless, to go, and to rest, she will share biblical
stories, wisdom from the Christian tradition, and her own personal
stories of spiritual growth.
Walking the Way of Love (Paperback, NY)
Courtney Cowart; Foreword by Michael B. Curry; Contributions by Robert C. Wright, Dwight J. Zscheile, Stephanie Spellers, …
Discovery Miles 4 370
Ships in 12 - 17 working days
The presiding bishop's advisors lay out a step-by-step way to
nurture a profound friendship with God in Christ. Walking the Way
of Love is organized according to seven practices (Turn, Learn,
Pray, Worship, Bless, Go, and Rest) and three ways of being (We
Seek Love; We Seek Freedom; and We Seek Abundant Life). The wisdom
in this book allows people to move from the first tentative stages
of wanting an experiential relationship with Jesus to having a real
relationship that grows deeper every year. The seven simple
practices spelled out in this book-- by highly experienced teachers
and practitioners-- will enhance the reader's spiritual growth and
open up love, freedom, and abundant life. The stories and wisdom of
these advisors will be helpful not just to seekers of faith, but
also supportive to faith leaders who are guiding others in their
development across the church. Proceeds support The Way of Love
Scholarship Fund.
A major study on the theology of Beloved Community. This
long-awaited work by the church's top clergy, scholars, and thought
leaders examines the theological foundation of Beloved Community
and its threats. It addresses such important topics as the legacy
and sin of white supremacy, economic disparity, racial healing, and
the call for reparations. The committee's work sheds light on the
societal and cultural implications of the largest obstacle to the
core mission of Presiding Bishop Michael Curry and outlines what is
necessary for the future of racial justice. "I am so grateful for
the... work of the theologians and bishops who have spent the last
five years working on [this study] . . . This is hard and holy
work, not to hurt or harm, but to help and heal." -Michael B.
Curry, the presiding bishop of the Episcopal Church
We were created by love, for love, to love and to be loved. And we
are at our best when we live in God's love. And I believe deep
down, it's what we all want. We don't want hatred. We don't want
the abyss. We want Beloved Community. The way of love is how to
live it. When Prince Harry married Meghan Markle in 2018, two
billion people watched around the world. For one brief moment, love
recreated the cosmos, the world came together. And the Bishop
Michael Curry preached his revolutionary sermon on the power of
love. In this book, Bishop Curry shares his deep faith that
characterised that cultural moment: the way of love. It is the
underappreciated, all-but-forgotten understanding of agape, the
love that uplifts, liberates and changes the world. Though some
might believe the world has to be the same, this way has the power
to change things for the better. In his warm and accessible style
Bishop Curry holds out the hope of love in troubling times.
Michael Curry leads off with a clarion call for us to join the
Jesus Movement. A team of the Episcopal Church's brightest stars
follow up with reflections on the practice of ministry in light of
the movement: Sara Miles on encountering the "other," Rob Wright on
adaptive leadership, Broderick Greer on reconciliation, Anthony
Guillen on new ministries, Megan Castellan on evangelism, and
Kellan Day on ministry with young people. Diana Butler Bass closes
with a word on making the world whole. Christians have been
following Jesus together for some 2000 years - these leaders help
to illuminate how we follow him in our time.
Following the Way of Jesus (Paperback)
Michael B. Curry; Contributions by Megan Castellan, Kellan Day, Nora Gallagher, Broderick Greer, …
Discovery Miles 3 320
Save R65 (16%)
Ships in 10 - 15 working days
The New Church's Teaching series has been one of the most
recognizable and useful sets of books in The Episcopal Church. With
the launch of the Church's Teachings for a Changing World series,
visionary Episcopal thinkers and leaders have teamed up to write a
new set of books, grounded and thoughtful enough for seminarians
and leaders, concise and accessible enough for newcomers, with a
host of discussion resources that help readers to dig deep. Michael
Curry leads off this volume with a clarion call for Episcopalians
to join the Jesus Movement. A team of the church's brightest stars
follow up with reflections on the practice of ministry in light of
the movement: Nora Gallagher on encountering the "other," Rob
Wright on adaptive leadership, Broderick Greer on reconciliation,
Anthony Guillen on new ministries, Megan Castellan on evangelism,
and Kellan Day on ministry with young people. Michael Curry closes
with a word on making the world whole. Christians have been
following Jesus together for some 2000 years - these leaders help
to illuminate how we follow him in our time.
"In a conversation about his teaching and preaching style, Michael
Curry notes with a laugh that hymns and songs of faith were always
a part of the mix. “I learned what I believed in the songs I
heard my family—especially my grandmother—sing. We sang our
faith every day.” Out of that strong foundation, Bishop Curry
shares the music of his childhood—the songs that have grown with
him to shape an adult and vibrant faith."
El Obispo Presidente Michael B. Curry enmarca este volumen con un
llamado de atencion para que los episcopales se unan al Movimiento
de Jesus. Algunas de las mentes mas privilegiadas de la Iglesia le
siguen con reflexiones sobre la practica del ministerio para el
movimiento: Megan Castellan sobre evangelismo, Anthony Guillen en
ministerios multiculturales, Kellan Day en ministerio con jovenes,
Broderick Greer en justicia racial, Nora Gallagher sobre el amor
por la tierra y Robert Wright sobre liderazgo. Michael Curry leads
off this volume with a clarion call for Episcopalians to join the
Jesus Movement. A team of the church's brightest stars follow up
with reflections on the practice of ministry in light of the
movement: Rob Wright on adaptive leadership, Broderick Greer on
racial justice, Anthony Guillen on multicultural ministries, Megan
Castellan on evangelism, Nora Gallagher on loving the earth, and
Kellan Day on ministry with young people. Michael Curry closes with
a word on making the world whole. Christians have been following
Jesus together for some 2000 years-these leaders help to illuminate
how we follow him in our time.
This easy-to-use guide can be used as a confirmation resource, in a
new member class, or adult study groups. Ian Markham, Dean and
President of Virginia Theological Seminary, introduces both the
Christian faith and The Episcopal Church to the seeker and
Episcopal laity in this indispensable manual. Each page in Faith
Rules is Episcopal wisdom set in concise, straightforward language
for anyone in the 21st century.
A menudo pensamos en la fe cristiana como una obligacion o como un
conjunto de creencias que debemos seguir. Si seguimos esta idea
podemos perder de vista lo mas importante: la invitacion a
experimentar una relacion amorosa y personal con Dios. Esta es una
relacion en la que podemos confiar, en la que podemos encontrar
proteccion y tierra segura sobre la cual pararnos. Mariann Edgar
Budde comparte sus pensamientos sobre como el lector puede llegar a
conocer - a recibir - a Jesus mas profundamente, practicando el
Camino del Amor. Ella comparte historias biblicas, la sabiduria de
la tradicion cristiana y sus propias historias personales de
crecimiento espiritual a traves de las siete practicas que nos han
sido dadas con antelacion: cambiar, aprender, orar, adorar,
bendecir, ir y descansar. So often we think of the Christian faith
as an obligation or as a set of beliefs that we must hold. With
this outlook, we can lose sight of what is most important: the
invitation to experience a loving, personal relationship with God.
It's a relationship we can trust, where we can find refuge and
solid ground upon which to stand. The Way of Love set forth by the
Episcopal Church's Presiding Bishop Michael Bruce Curry is the
journey of a lifetime. It's a way of knowing God, receiving and
sharing Jesus' love, and being a blessing to the world. Mariann
Edgar Budde shares her thoughts on how the reader can come to
know-to receive-Jesus more deeply in practicing the Way of Love.
Through the seven practices that have been put before us: to turn,
to learn, to pray and to worship, to bless, to go, and to rest, she
will share biblical stories, wisdom from the Christian tradition,
and her own personal stories of spiritual growth.
We were created by love, for love, to love and to be loved. And we
are at our best when we live in God's love. And I believe deep
down, it's what we all want. We don't want hatred. We don't want
the abyss. We want Beloved Community. The way of love is how to
live it. When Prince Harry married Meghan Markle in 2018, two
billion people watched around the world. For one brief moment, love
recreated the cosmos, the world came together. And the Bishop
Michael Curry preached his revolutionary sermon on the power of
love. In this book, Bishop Curry shares his deep faith that
characterised that cultural moment: the way of love. It is the
underappreciated, all-but-forgotten understanding of agape, the
love that uplifts, liberates and changes the world. Though some
might believe the world has to be the same, this way has the power
to change things for the better. In his warm and accessible style
Bishop Curry holds out the hope of love in troubling times.
The text of the celebrated 2018 royal wedding sermon, plus four
other sermons touching on themes of love, commitment, and social
justice, by Bishop Michael Curry Two billion people watched Bishop
Michael Curry deliver his sermon on the redemptive power of love at
the royal wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle (now the Duke
and Duchess of Sussex) at Windsor Castle in May 2018. Here, he
shares the full text of that sermon, plus an introduction
describing the context, along with four of his favourite sermons on
the themes of love and social justice. The world met Bishop Curry
at the wedding and was moved by his riveting, hopeful, and
deceptively simple message: love and acceptance are what we need in
these strange times.
We need some Christians who are as crazy as the Lord. Crazy enough
to love like Jesus, to give like Jesus, to forgive like Jesus, to
do justice, love mercy, walk humbly with God like Jesus. Crazy
enough to dare to change the world from the nightmare it often is
into something close to the dream that God dreams for it. And for
those who would follow him, those who would be his disciples, those
who would live as and be the people of the Way. It might come as a
shock, but they are called to craziness. From Bishop Curry's "Crazy
Christians" address to the 2012 General Convention of the Episcopal
Church in Indianapolis.
Saving Words (Paperback)
Joseph S Pagano, Amy E. Richter; Foreword by Michael B. Curry
Discovery Miles 5 890
Save R104 (15%)
Ships in 10 - 15 working days
Being There (Paperback)
Peter Keese; Foreword by Michael B. Curry
Discovery Miles 3 760
Save R67 (15%)
Ships in 10 - 15 working days