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This book is devoted to Professor Jurgen Lehn, who passed away on
September 29, 2008, at the age of 67. It contains invited papers
that were presented at the Wo- shop on Recent Developments in
Applied Probability and Statistics Dedicated to the Memory of
Professor Jurgen Lehn, Middle East Technical University (METU),
Ankara, April 23-24, 2009, which was jointly organized by the
Technische Univ- sitat Darmstadt (TUD) and METU. The papers present
surveys on recent devel- ments in the area of applied probability
and statistics. In addition, papers from the Panel Discussion:
Impact of Mathematics in Science, Technology and Economics are
included. Jurgen Lehn was born on the 28th of April, 1941 in
Karlsruhe. From 1961 to 1968 he studied mathematics in Freiburg and
Karlsruhe, and obtained a Diploma in Mathematics from the
University of Karlsruhe in 1968. He obtained his Ph.D. at the
University of Regensburg in 1972, and his Habilitation at the
University of Karlsruhe in 1978. Later in 1978, he became a C3
level professor of Mathematical Statistics at the University of
Marburg. In 1980 he was promoted to a C4 level professorship in
mathematics at the TUD where he was a researcher until his death."
This text is devoted to the rapidly evolving microsystem technology
that promises to unravel a wide range of academic and industrial
analytical problems, such as trace proofing and single molecule
detection, substance selection, miniturized sequencing of
biopolymers, handling of single molecules or cells in micro devices
and the optimization of molecular functions. All these applications
will have a bearing on the future work in the diagnosis of disease,
high-throughput screening approaches and combinatorial chemistry.
These should be of importance in all life science fields where high
efficiency, budgetary restrictions, high sensitivity, the presence
of small amounts of highly toxic waste products and storage space
constraints are relevant parameters. Taken as a whole this text
seeks to reveal how microsystems technology is how changing the
face of biology, forensics, gene therapy, molecular medicine,
screening, and more.
This book presents a detailed account of a self-study in which the
author considers why a developmental perspective matters in
language learning within an intercultural orientation, and how
teachers of languages might understand and attend to this notion in
their work. The discussion is based on the author's experience as a
teacher-researcher and traces aspects of teachers' work from
planning, teaching and mediating, to assessing and judging evidence
of student learning and development over time. This book is
grounded in a praxis view of language teaching and learning and
will be of interest to other language teachers, pre-service
teachers, teacher trainers and applied linguists.
This book provides a systematic in-depth analysis of nonparametric regression with random design. It covers almost all known estimates such as classical local averaging estimates including kernel, partitioning and nearest neighbor estimates, least squares estimates using splines, neural networks and radial basis function networks, penalized least squares estimates, local polynomial kernel estimates, and orthogonal series estimates. The emphasis is on distribution-free properties of the estimates. Most consistency results are valid for all distributions of the data. Whenever it is not possible to derive distribution-free results, as in the case of the rates of convergence, the emphasis is on results which require as few constrains on distributions as possible, on distribution-free inequalities, and on adaptation. The relevant mathematical theory is systematically developed and requires only a basic knowledge of probability theory. The book will be a valuable reference for anyone interested in nonparametric regression and is a rich source of many useful mathematical techniques widely scattered in the literature. In particular, the book introduces the reader to empirical process theory, martingales and approximation properties of neural networks.
Language teachers are key figures in preparing young people for
participation in an increasingly multilingual and culturally
diverse world, yet little is known about how they go about this in
practice. This book uses examples of classroom interaction to
reveal how teachers of languages act as intercultural mediators and
the implications of this for practice. To date, there has been
little exploration of how teachers mediate language and culture
learning from an intercultural perspective, and what underlies
their mediation practices in terms of their conceptions of
intercultural language teaching and learning. This book offers an
account of what teachers are thinking, feeling and doing as they
enact an intercultural perspective on language teaching and
This book is devoted to Professor Jurgen Lehn, who passed away on
September 29, 2008, at the age of 67. It contains invited papers
that were presented at the Wo- shop on Recent Developments in
Applied Probability and Statistics Dedicated to the Memory of
Professor Jurgen Lehn, Middle East Technical University (METU),
Ankara, April 23-24, 2009, which was jointly organized by the
Technische Univ- sitat Darmstadt (TUD) and METU. The papers present
surveys on recent devel- ments in the area of applied probability
and statistics. In addition, papers from the Panel Discussion:
Impact of Mathematics in Science, Technology and Economics are
included. Jurgen Lehn was born on the 28th of April, 1941 in
Karlsruhe. From 1961 to 1968 he studied mathematics in Freiburg and
Karlsruhe, and obtained a Diploma in Mathematics from the
University of Karlsruhe in 1968. He obtained his Ph.D. at the
University of Regensburg in 1972, and his Habilitation at the
University of Karlsruhe in 1978. Later in 1978, he became a C3
level professor of Mathematical Statistics at the University of
Marburg. In 1980 he was promoted to a C4 level professorship in
mathematics at the TUD where he was a researcher until his death.
This book provides a systematic in-depth analysis of
nonparametric regression with random design. It covers almost all
known estimates. The emphasis is on distribution-free properties of
the estimates.
This collection presents new approaches to Emily Dickinson's
oeuvre. Informed by twenty-first-century critical developments, the
Dickinson that emerges here is embedded in and susceptible to a
very physical world, and caught in unceasing interactions and
circulation that she does not control. The volume's essays offer
fresh readings of Dickinson's poetry through such new critical
lenses as historical poetics, ecocriticism, animal studies, sound
studies, new materialism, posthumanism, object-oriented feminism,
disability studies, queer theory, race studies, race and
contemporary poetics, digital humanities, and globalism. These
essays address what it means to read Dickinson in braille, online,
graffitied, and internationally, alongside the work of poets of
color. Taken together, this book widens our understanding of
Dickinson's readerships, of what the poems can mean, and for whom.
Mit der Festschrift ehren Kollegen und Wegbegleiter den Frankfurter
Strafrechtler und Rechtsphilosophen E.A. Wolff zum 70. Geburtstag
mit Beitragen von: Prof. Dr. Peter-Alexis Albrecht, Prof. Dr.
Wolfgang Bartuschat, Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Gunter Bemmann, Prof.
Dr. phil. Josef Maria Haussling, Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Gerhard Haney,
PD Dr. Regina Harzer, Prof. Dr. Winfried Hassemer, Prof. Dr. Dr.
h.c. mult. Hans Joachim Hirsch, Prof. Dr. Michael Kahlo, Prof. Dr.
Walter Kargl, PD Dr. Diethelm Klesczewski, Prof. Dr. Michael
Kohler, Prof. Dr. Dr. Kristian Kuhl, Prof. Dr. Wilfried Kuper,
Prof. Dr. Gerhard Luf, Prof. Dr. Klaus Luderssen, Prof. Dr. Manfred
Maiwald, Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Naucke, Prof. Dr. Ulfried Neumann,
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Harro Otto, Prof. Dr. Ingeborg Puppe, Prof. Dr.
Wolfgang Schild, Prof. Dr. Eberhard Schmidhauser, Leitender
Oberstaatsanwalt Jochen Schroers, Prof. Dr. Kurt Seelmann, Prof.
Dr. Gunter Stratenwerth und Prof. Dr. Rainer Zaczyk
Der Band liefert eine umfassende Einfuhrung in die Grundprinzipien
der Statistik und die zugrundeliegende mathematische Theorie des
Zufalls. Die Autoren verdeutlichen den Nutzen dieser Theorie anhand
der Anwendungen und legen besonderen Wert auf die mathematisch
exakte Einfuhrung wichtiger Konzepte wie z. B. das der
Zufallsvariable. Auch Leser ohne Vorkenntnisse lernen so die
grundlegenden Ideen und den Nutzen der Statistik schnell kennen. An
der Technischen Universitat Darmstadt dient das Buch als Grundlage
fur Vorlesungen im Fach Mathematik.
Santa Horse (Paperback)
Judy Tapler; Illustrated by Michelle Kohler
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