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Risk management for financial institutions is one of the key topics
the financial industry has to deal with. The present volume is a
mathematically rigorous text on solvency modeling. Currently, there
are many new developments in this area in the financial and
insurance industry (Basel III and Solvency II), but none of these
developments provides a fully consistent and comprehensive
framework for the analysis of solvency questions. Merz and Wuthrich
combine ideas from financial mathematics (no-arbitrage theory,
equivalent martingale measure), actuarial sciences (insurance
claims modeling, cash flow valuation) and economic theory (risk
aversion, probability distortion) to provide a fully consistent
framework. Within this framework they then study solvency questions
in incomplete markets, analyze hedging risks, and study
asset-and-liability management questions, as well as issues like
the limited liability options, dividend to shareholder questions,
the role of re-insurance, etc. This work embeds the solvency
discussion (and long-term liabilities) into a scientific framework
and is intended for researchers as well as practitioners in the
financial and actuarial industry, especially those in charge of
internal risk management systems. Readers should have a good
background in probability theory and statistics, and should be
familiar with popular distributions, stochastic processes,
martingales, etc.
This open access book discusses the statistical modeling of
insurance problems, a process which comprises data collection, data
analysis and statistical model building to forecast insured events
that may happen in the future. It presents the mathematical
foundations behind these fundamental statistical concepts and how
they can be applied in daily actuarial practice. Statistical
modeling has a wide range of applications, and, depending on the
application, the theoretical aspects may be weighted differently:
here the main focus is on prediction rather than explanation.
Starting with a presentation of state-of-the-art actuarial models,
such as generalized linear models, the book then dives into modern
machine learning tools such as neural networks and text recognition
to improve predictive modeling with complex features. Providing
practitioners with detailed guidance on how to apply machine
learning methods to real-world data sets, and how to interpret the
results without losing sight of the mathematical assumptions on
which these methods are based, the book can serve as a modern basis
for an actuarial education syllabus.
Risk management for financial institutions is one of the key topics
the financial industry has to deal with. The present volume is a
mathematically rigorous text on solvency modeling. Currently, there
are many new developments in this area in the financial and
insurance industry (Basel III and Solvency II), but none of these
developments provides a fully consistent and comprehensive
framework for the analysis of solvency questions. Merz and Wuthrich
combine ideas from financial mathematics (no-arbitrage theory,
equivalent martingale measure), actuarial sciences (insurance
claims modeling, cash flow valuation) and economic theory (risk
aversion, probability distortion) to provide a fully consistent
framework. Within this framework they then study solvency questions
in incomplete markets, analyze hedging risks, and study
asset-and-liability management questions, as well as issues like
the limited liability options, dividend to shareholder questions,
the role of re-insurance, etc. This work embeds the solvency
discussion (and long-term liabilities) into a scientific framework
and is intended for researchers as well as practitioners in the
financial and actuarial industry, especially those in charge of
internal risk management systems. Readers should have a good
background in probability theory and statistics, and should be
familiar with popular distributions, stochastic processes,
martingales, etc.
This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the International
Conference on Trends in Electronic Commerce, TREC'98, held in
Hamburg, Germany, in June 1998.
The book presents 19 revised full papers selected from a total of
75 submissions. While focussing mainly on technological issues, the
book also takes into account important social, administrative,
regulatory, and legal aspects. The papers are organized in sections
on business over the Internet, security and payment, middleware and
brokerage, interorganisational workflow management, and agent
This open access book discusses the statistical modeling of
insurance problems, a process which comprises data collection, data
analysis and statistical model building to forecast insured events
that may happen in the future. It presents the mathematical
foundations behind these fundamental statistical concepts and how
they can be applied in daily actuarial practice. Statistical
modeling has a wide range of applications, and, depending on the
application, the theoretical aspects may be weighted differently:
here the main focus is on prediction rather than explanation.
Starting with a presentation of state-of-the-art actuarial models,
such as generalized linear models, the book then dives into modern
machine learning tools such as neural networks and text recognition
to improve predictive modeling with complex features. Providing
practitioners with detailed guidance on how to apply machine
learning methods to real-world data sets, and how to interpret the
results without losing sight of the mathematical assumptions on
which these methods are based, the book can serve as a modern basis
for an actuarial education syllabus.
Das Internet stellt zunehmend auch ein Medium zur Abwicklung von
Geschaftsprozessen dar. Die Unterstutzung solcher
Handelstransaktionen wird unter dem Begriff "Electronic Commerce"
zusammengefasst. Dieses Buch zeigt, wie eine Softwareplattform
gestaltet sein sollte, die Anforderungen von Nachfragern und
Anbietern kommerzieller Softwarekomponenten effizient unterstutzt.
Hierbei leitet sich der Softwareentwurf unmittelbar aus der
mikrookonomischen Marktdefinition ab. Insbesondere Fragen der
Transaktionskostenreduktion und der Innovationsfahigkeit der
Marktsoftware fuhren zum Modell eines Elektronischen
Dienstemarktes. Bestehende Realisierungsverfahren zur Kooperation
in verteilten Systemen werden hinsichtlich ihrer Vereinbarkeit mit
diesem Dienstemarkt evaluiert, und es werden neue Verfahren und
ihre Integration vorgestellt.
Die vorliegende Arbeit widmet sich dem Projekt Business
Combinations" des IASB. Gegenstand dieses Projektes ist die
Neufassung der Vorschriften zur Allokation des
Unternehmenskaufpreises nach IFRS. Dazu veroffentlichte das IASB im
Marz 2004 einen vorlaufigen neuen Standard (IFRS 3).
Voraussichtlich im dritten Quartal 2007 wird dessen Neufassung
ED-IFRS 3 verabschiedet. Gegenuber dem bisher gultigen Standard
wurden dabei eine Vielzahl von Regelungen grundlegend neu
gestaltet, um eine noch realistischere Ermittlung des Fair Value
eines erworbenen Unternehmens zu gewahrleisten. Ziel der Arbeit ist
die kritische Untersuchung dieses Zieles der wahrheitsgemassen
Darstellung des Fair Value. Die Arbeit gliedert sich dazu in zwei
Teile. Zunachst wird der gegenwartig gultige Standard IFRS 3
eingehend dargestellt und analysiert. Dabei wird insbesondere auf
Probleme eingegangen, die sich nach Ansicht des Autors aus den
Vorschriften im Hinblick auf deren Anwendung in der Praxis ergeben.
Daruber hinaus werden auch Losungsvorschlage vorgestellt, mit deren
Hilfe diesen Problemen entgegengewirkt werden kann. Dabei wird
stets der Blickwinkel der Unternehmenspraxis eingenommen. Der
zweite Teil der Arbeit unterzieht die Neufassung ED-IFRS 3 einer
eingehenden Betrachtung. Dabei werden die neuen Vorschriften auf
Ihre Praxistauglichkeit hin gepruft und gleichzeitig den
Untersuchungsergebnissen der Analyse des IFRS 3 gegenubergestellt.
Dadurch wird deutlich, inwieweit durch die Neufassung der
Regelungen eine Verbesserung bzw. Verschlechterung gegenuber dem
derzeit noch gultigen Standard erreicht wird. Das Fazit der Arbeit:
Die derzeit gultigen Regelungen sind als unbefriedigend zu
erachten. Die Neufassung ED-IFRS 3 tragt hierzu noch bei, da sich
die Ermittlung des Fair Value noch starker auf das Ideal des
vollkommenen Marktes stutzt. Der Autor deckt jedoch nicht nur
entsprechende Schwachstellen der jeweiligen Regelwerke auf. Es
werden auch Vorschlage erarbeitet, die vor allem aus dem
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