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According to Michael Porter, some people believe that today's
youth, especially African American males, are lost; many of them
can be found inside Behavior Disorder classes in America's public
school system. This book examines how African American males end up
in dead end BD classes, what happens to them in these classes, and
how people can help their community to get on a life enhancing
It has long been argued that women, especially black women, have
been relegated to a second-class status in American society, and
despite modern advances remain subject to a debilitating
discrimination in many areas of life. This book presents a fresh
perspective on the many facets of sexism experienced by African
American women, addressing such issues as wage disparity, spousal
abuse, and the rising rate of AIDS among black women. It also
examines the roots of sexism among African American males,
including the effect of gangster rap music on perceptions of black
women, and offers strategies for change.
In recent years, research on acoustic remote sensing of the ocean
has evolved considerably, especially in studying complex physical
and biological processes in shallow water environments. To review
the state of the art, an international workshop was held at
Carvoeiro, Portugal, in March 1999, bringing together leading
international researchers in the field. In contrast to much of the
recent theoretical work, emphasis was placed on the experimental
validation of the techniques. This volume, based on presentations
at this workshop, summarizes a range of diverse and innovative
applications. The invited contributions explore the use of
acoustics to measure bottom properties and morphology, as well as
to probe buried objects within the sediment. Within the water
column, sound is applied to imaging of oceanographic features such
as currents and tides or monitoring of marine life. Another key
theme is the use of sound to solve geometric inverse problems for
precise tracking of undersea vehicles. Audience: This volume should
be useful both to the novice seeking an introduction to the field
and to advanced researchers interested in the latest developments
in acoustic sensing of the ocean environment. The workshop was
sponsored by the Fundacao para a Ciecia e a Tecnologia (Portuguese
Foundation for Science and Technology).
In recent years, research on acoustic remote sensing of the ocean
has evolved considerably, especially in studying complex physical
and biological processes in shallow water environments. To review
the state of the art, an international workshop was held at
Carvoeiro, Portugal, in March 1999, bringing together leading
international researchers in the field. In contrast to much of the
recent theoretical work, emphasis was placed on the experimental
validation of the techniques. This volume, based on presentations
at this workshop, summarizes a range of diverse and innovative
applications. The invited contributions explore the use of
acoustics to measure bottom properties and morphology, as well as
to probe buried objects within the sediment. Within the water
column, sound is applied to imaging of oceanographic features such
as currents and tides or monitoring of marine life. Another key
theme is the use of sound to solve geometric inverse problems for
precise tracking of undersea vehicles. Audience: This volume should
be useful both to the novice seeking an introduction to the field
and to advanced researchers interested in the latest developments
in acoustic sensing of the ocean environment. The workshop was
sponsored by the Fundacao para a Ciecia e a Tecnologia (Portuguese
Foundation for Science and Technology).
Den 75. Geburtstag der Harvard University Graduate School of
Business Administration, nahmen wir zum Anlass, mit der ganzen
Fakultat ernsthaft uber die Moglichkeiten und Hemusforderungen auf
den Gebieten Managementforschung und -lehre nachzudenken.
Empirische Studien in und der Vergleich zwischen Organisationen
waren schon immer grundlegend fur die Verwirklichung der Ziele der
Harvard Business School, namlich der Ausbildung von Managern und
der Verbesserung der Managementpraxis. In mancher Hin sicht
entwickeln wir ein eigenes Forschungsmodell und haben dabei schon
oft die Gren zen der traditionellen Disziplinen und Methodologien
durchbrochen, um alle notwendigen Konzepte und Methoden fur ein
spezielles Projekt zu erhalten. Wir bemuhen uns ohnehin weniger um
die Uberprufung existierender Theorien als um die Gewinnung neuer
Ein sichten. Obwohl es uns oft zu Problemen grosser Reichweite
hinzieht, streben wir doch nach Ergebnissen, die fur die praktische
Tatigkeit von Managern relevant sind. Die Fakultatsmitglieder der
Harvard Business School fuhlen sich gleichermassen ver pflichtet,
zu erforschen, wie Unternehmen tatsachlich funktionieren, wie auch
theoretisch herauszuarbeiten, wie sie funktionieren sollten. Dies
ist der Grund dafur, dass sie Studen ten und Teilnehmern aus der
Praxis eine besonders lebendige Vorstellung vom realen Ge schehen
vermitteln konnen. Der dauernde enge Kontakt mit Praktikern in
Unternehmen garantiert die Aktualitat in Bezug auf die neuesten
Managementprobleme. Forschungs projekte der Harvard Business School
bringen oft Erkenntnisse, die von grossem prakti schen Nutzen fur
Manager sind, sowohl auf kurzfristig operativer Ebene als auch fur
die langfristige Planung."
Elevation (Paperback)
Donna Michelle Porter
Discovery Miles 3 780
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"The Alpha and Omega - The Introduction" is an inspirational, short
poetic autobiography. MICHELLE is introduced. And as the Alpha and
Omega. She struggles with modesty. Yet, she is compelled to
motivate the world and its future generations to acknowledge
changes within the structure of life. She makes references to her
birth - and its significance. She makes time relevant in the grand
scheme of the world. She allows the number 12 to be properly
displayed as she defines lines with fierce intentions! Her mercy is
revealed as she expresses herself with an artistic approach. She
expresses notion to time with relevance to life. She makes
connections to energy by expressing her deep emotional connection
to Aaron Christopher. She makes health and wellness a priority. She
articulates the basic nutritional needs. She places emphasis on
cleanliness. All the while she urges protection and implies the
imperfection of man. She then offers a new start. But not without
addressing those who proclaim to be leaders. The conflicts of the
world drive her to promote the well-being of nations. She
acknowledges struggles. She insists in triumph! Warning to those
who attempt to fill her shoes. With the words of grace, she simply
offers salvation. And reminds everyone that a kingdom - a paradise
- will be had!
"Custom Swimwear" is the sixth title in Marie Porter's "Spandex
Simplified" series, and is all about designing and creating
flattering, comfortable, and durable swimwear. This sewing manual
is written from the experience of not only a spandex designer, but
a former "performance" athlete. Written in layman terms, "Custom
Swimwear" features carefully explained, step-by-step instructions
and more than 250 full colour photos and diagrams. Requiring only
basic sewing knowledge to get started, beginner and advanced
seamstresses alike can enjoy using this book... and produce
spectacular results from it. Learn how to design swimsuits that
flatter any body type and how to alter patterns for shape, size,
and style. Learn the tips, tricks, and techniques to make many of
the design elements that can be used to design and create almost
any style of swimsuit imaginable
"Fitness & Bodybuilding" is the fourth title in Marie Porter's
"Spandex Simplified" series, and is all about designing and
creating spectacular and durable posing suits for fitness athletes
of all disciplines - Figure, Bodybuilding, Sports Model, Fitness,
and more. This book is appropriate for beginner to advanced levels
of sewing ability, and is written from both a designer, and former
"performance" athlete's point of view. It will teach everything
from the basics, to tricks of the trade. "Spandex Simplified:
Fitness and BodyBuilding" will prepare the reader to design and
make almost any design of posing suit or routine costume imaginable
Given the cost of decent competition bikinis, this manual can more
than pay for itself with the savings from just one project The
entire book is written completely in laymans' terms and carefully
explained, step by step. Only basic sewing knowledge and talent is
required. Learn everything from measuring, to easily creating
ornate applique designs, to embellishing the finished suit in one
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