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Fatty acids play an important role in the barrier function of skin
and represent a major source of proinflammatory mediators such as
prostaglandins, leukotrienes and other lipids in inflammatory skin
disorders. This book combines the two major functions of fatty
acids in skin biology. In the first part the biosynthesis of fatty
acids in skin with its role in barrier function as well as the role
of dietary fatty acids on skin cell function and in the treatment
of inflammatory skin diseases is presented. The second part deals
with skin as a source of proinflammatory eicosanoids, especially
with the keratinocyte as a major cellular source. Metabolism of
eicosanoids in skin, its role in psoriasis and atopic dermatitis as
well as pharmacological inhibition of eicosanoid biosynthesis is
reviewed. The book finishes with a chapter describing the methods
used for quantification of fatty acids and derivatives in skin
inflammation. Anyone interested in skin physiology would benefit
from the overviews about the two sites of fatty acids' function in
skin integrity and in skin inflammation.
Autonomous, Model-Based Diagnosis Agents defines and describes the
implementation of an architecture for autonomous, model-based
diagnosis agents. It does this by developing a logic programming
approach for model-based diagnosis and introducing strategies to
deal with more complex diagnosis problems, and then embedding the
diagnosis framework into the agent architecture of vivid agents.
Autonomous, Model-Based Diagnosis Agents surveys extended logic
programming and shows how this expressive language is used to model
diagnosis problems stemming from applications such as digital
circuits, traffic control, integrity checking of a chemical
database, alarm-correlation in cellular phone networks, diagnosis
of an automatic mirror furnace, and diagnosis of communication
protocols. The book reviews a bottom-up algorithm to remove
contradiction from extended logic programs and substantially
improves it by top-down evaluation of extended logic programs. Both
algorithms are evaluated in the circuit domain including some of
the ISCAS85 benchmark circuits. This comprehensive in-depth study
of concepts, architectures, and implementation of autonomous,
model-based diagnosis agents will be of great value for
researchers, engineers, and graduate students with a background in
artificial intelligence. For practitioners, it provides three main
contributions: first, it provides many examples from diverse areas
such as alarm correlation in phone networks to inconsistency
checking in databases; second, it describes an architecture to
develop agents; and third, it describes a sophisticated and
declarative implementation of the concepts and architectures
The study analyses the effects of the EU enlargement on the capital markets in the most advanced countries of Central and Eastern Europe and Russia. It also investigates the impacts on the interactions between Eastern and Western capital markets that are due to the ongoing integration process. Therefore, the study should be particularly useful for financial analysts, institutional investors and academic researchers who are interested in the economic and institutional developments of capital markets in CEE countries and are looking for a thorough and comprehensive analysis of the future perspectives of these capital markets.
The first book about Guided Participation written for nurses. This
authoritative publication delivers an in-depth examination of
Guided Participation (GP), a dynamic process of teaching and
learning that parents and guardians have used for generations to
help their charges become self-reliant. GP is helping another
person become competent by providing expertise working alongside
the learner. For the nurse specifically, this means educating and
working alongside parents and children within an environment that
supports health. Consistent with client- and family-centered
practice, this fresh approach to nurse/client teaching is drawn a
broad span of disciplines, including education, social and cultural
anthropology, relationship-based attachment-caregiving theory, and
developmental science. Written for students and practitioners who
wish to incorporate GP into their practice, and for managers,
administrators, and policy makers who support its implementation,
this resource demonstrates the value of GP as a new and emerging
health care model that integrates care across health care settings.
The text describes, step-by-step, how to practice GP discusses
support systems to maintain GP past the initial treatment. With
abundant case studies, examples and research findings, chapters
analyze how GP can promote health, prevent acute and chronic
illness, and adjust old patterns of living and behaviors. Key
Features: Includes video clips that illustrate how guided
participation is applied in a variety of clinical practice settings
Provides access to self-directed online instruction Links to online
journal, case studies, additional chapters, and references Features
downloadable parent checklists and teaching guides Discusses
effective application of Guided Participation to all aspects of
pediatric nursing care in a variety of practice settings Includes
numerous case studies and examples with specific components
identified to help readers learn theory and related concepts Print
version of the book includes, free, searchable, digital access to
the entire contents of the book!
Autonomous, Model-Based Diagnosis Agents defines and describes the
implementation of an architecture for autonomous, model-based
diagnosis agents. It does this by developing a logic programming
approach for model-based diagnosis and introducing strategies to
deal with more complex diagnosis problems, and then embedding the
diagnosis framework into the agent architecture of vivid agents.
Autonomous, Model-Based Diagnosis Agents surveys extended logic
programming and shows how this expressive language is used to model
diagnosis problems stemming from applications such as digital
circuits, traffic control, integrity checking of a chemical
database, alarm-correlation in cellular phone networks, diagnosis
of an automatic mirror furnace, and diagnosis of communication
protocols. The book reviews a bottom-up algorithm to remove
contradiction from extended logic programs and substantially
improves it by top-down evaluation of extended logic programs. Both
algorithms are evaluated in the circuit domain including some of
the ISCAS85 benchmark circuits. This comprehensive in-depth study
of concepts, architectures, and implementation of autonomous,
model-based diagnosis agents will be of great value for
researchers, engineers, and graduate students with a background in
artificial intelligence. For practitioners, it provides three main
contributions: first, it provides many examples from diverse areas
such as alarm correlation in phone networks to inconsistency
checking in databases; second, it describes an architecture to
develop agents; and third, it describes a sophisticated and
declarative implementation of the concepts and architectures
An excellent analyses of the effects of EU enlargement on capital
markets in the most advanced countries of Central and Eastern
Europe and Russia. It also investigates the EU's impact on the
interactions between Eastern and Western capital markets. The study
is particularly useful for financial analysts, institutional
investors and academic researchers who are interested in the
economic and institutional developments of capital markets in CEE
Rules and Rule Markup Languages for the Semantic Web - Second International Workshop, RuleML 2003, Sanibel Island, FL, USA, October 20, 2003, Proceedings (Paperback, 2003 ed.)
Michael Schroeder, Gerd Wagner
Discovery Miles 15 690
Ships in 10 - 15 working days
RuleML 2003 was the second international workshop on rules and rule
markup languages for the Semantic Web, held in conjunction with the
International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC). The aim of the RuleML
workshop series is to stimulate research on all issues related to
web rule languages and to provide an annual forum for presenting
and discussing new research results. The Semantic Web is a major
world-wide endeavor to advance the Web by enriching its multimedia
document content with propositional information that can be
processed by inference-enabled Web applications. Rules and rule
markup languages, such as RuleML, will play an important role in
the success of the Semantic Web. Rules will act as a means to draw
inferences, to express constraints,
tospecifypoliciesforreactingtoevents, totransformdata, etc.Rule
markup languages will allow us to enrich Web ontologies by adding
de?nitions of derived concepts, to publish rules on the Web, to
exchange rules between di?erent systems and tools, etc. RuleML 2003
built on the success of RuleML 2002, which was held in c- junction
with ISWC 2002, Sardinia, Italy. The proceedings of RuleML 2002 can
be found at http: //www.ceur-ws.org/Vol-60/. Special highlights of
the RuleML 2003 workshop were the two invited pres-
tationsgivenbyPeterChenon"Rules, XML, andtheERModel"andbyHarold
Boley on "Object-Oriented RuleML: User-Level Roles, URI-Grounded
Clauses, and Order-Sorted Terms." This proceedings volume also
contains an invited - per by Francois, Bry and Sebastian Scha?ert
on "An Entailment Relation for Reasoning on the Web.""
Healthcare professionals throughout the world heed a calling that
compels them to devote their lives to the treatment of their
patients. While this work is generally rewarding, these
professionals frequently fall victim to stressors and happiness
barriers that impact their ability to function at work, the
longevity of their career and the quality of their relationships
outside of the hospital. Burnout, diminished career fulfilment,
substance abuse, and suicide data for healthcare professionals
demonstrate that the risks to this population are incredibly real.
Unfortunately, there is nothing to suggest that any of these
stressors are improving as pandemics, access disparities, changes
in healthcare system structure, and patient complexity further
escalate work-related challenges. Thankfully, there are
sources of help readily available to each of us. All healthcare
professionals have encountered a colleague, mentor or expert who
has already navigated or has a perspective on how to thrive in the
setting of hardship. This book will organize the voices of these
leaders in a way that provides readers with a source for advice and
inspiration. Sections of chapters are dedicated to work-life
balance, family, finances, faith, resiliency, and recovery.Â
For those healthcare workers actively caring for patients and
struggling with their career, this book will serve as a source of
solace and inspiration that should help to reinvigorate and extend
a successful career. Â
Standardisierte medizinische Terminologie Nomenklatur der
Muskelkrankheiten und des erregungs}berleitenden Apparats mit ihren
Diplomarbeit aus dem Jahr 2002 im Fachbereich BWL - Rechnungswesen,
Bilanzierung, Steuern, Note: 2,0, Universitat zu Koln (Wirtschafts-
und Sozialwissenschaften), Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract:
Inhaltsangabe: Einleitung: Die Bewertung von Unternehmen gehort zu
den in Theorie und Praxis intensiv erorterten
betriebswirtschaftlichen Gebieten. Dabei bleibt zu beobachten, dass
die damals vorherrschenden Bewertungsmethoden, welche sich am
Substanzwert und Ertragswert eines Unternehmens orientierten,
verstarkt durch solche Verfahren ersetzt werden, die den Wert eines
Unternehmens auf Basis von diskontierten Cash Flows ermitteln.
Grundlage der Bewertungsverfahren, die sich an den zukunftigen
Zahlungsuberschussen eines Unternehmens orientieren, ist die
Diskontierung der operativen freien Cash Flows mittels eines
risikoadjustierten Kapitalisierungszinssatzes unter
Berucksichtigung von Steuern. Obwohl diese Verfahren international
anerkannt sind und das allgemeine Vorgehen in samtlichen gangigen
Lehrbuchern beschrieben wird, ist auffallig, dass immer noch eine
intensive Diskussion uber eine konsistente Anwendung der
Bewertungsmethoden im Gange ist, die sich vor allem auf Integration
von Steuern bezieht. Bei Durchsicht dieser Diskussion sind nun zwei
Sachverhalte besonders auffallig. Zum ersten ist sich die Literatur
und auch die Praxis nicht einig, ob personliche Steuern bei der
Unternehmensbewertung zu berucksichtigen sind. Zum zweiten kommen
verschiedene Autoren, bei Berucksichtigung der personlichen Steuer,
zu unterschiedlichen Ergebnissen, was unter Ausschluss von Rechen-
und Modellierungsfehlern nur auf unterschiedliche Annahmen
zuruckzufuhren ist. Dies bildet den Ausgangspunkt dieser Arbeit. Im
folgenden wird untersucht, welchen Einfluss Steuern auf den
Unternehmenswert ausuben und was dabei zu beachten ist. Ziel ist
es, dem Leser einen Uberblick daruber zu verschaffen, welche
Steuern Einfluss auf den Unternehmenswert nehmen und wie dieser zu
beziffern ist. Dementsprechend