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The untold story of the massacre named "Razzia" (Raid) which took
place in January 1942, committed by the Hungarian Nazi forces in an
occupied part of northern Serbia - Backa. This book unveils the
most important details of the massacre, implicating the Hungarian
regent (governor) Miklos Horthy. Besides murdering Serbs, Jews and
Roma, Horthy had also committed numerous crimes over Ukrainians,
Romanians, Ruthenians, Slovaks, Russians and Hungarian
antifascists. The book primarily deals with the genocide committed
in January 1942, where at least 12,763 civillians had been tossed
into icy rivers Tisa and Danube. One of the main perpetrators,
Sandor Kepiro, was released in Budapest court on July 18, 2011. He
died in Budapest in September 3 of the same year.
"Of "Prison, Perversions and Executions" gives a behind the scene
look at the workings of a maximum security prison. Executions are
carried out flawlessly, most of the time. Brutal inmate rape
happens even on Christmas. Families cry out for justice during
executions only to be shocked that it just wasn't enough. The last
words of a dying man are never heard. " Let's rock and roll" with
these words, his last, the execution began.
Content-based multimedia retrieval is a challenging research
field with many unsolved problems. This monograph details concepts
and algorithms for robust and efficient information retrieval of
two different types of multimedia data: waveform-based music data
and human motion data. It first examines several approaches in
music information retrieval, in particular general strategies as
well as efficient algorithms. The book then introduces a general
and unified framework for motion analysis, retrieval, and
classification, highlighting the design of suitable features, the
notion of similarity used to compare data streams, and data
Today, quantum field theory (QFT) the mathematical and conceptual
framework for contemporary elementary particle physics is the best
starting point for analysing the fundamental building blocks of the
material world. QFT if taken seriously in its metaphysical
implications yields a picture of the world that is at variance with
central classical conceptions. The core of Kuhlmann s investigation
consists in the analysis of various ontological interpretations of
QFT, e.g. substance ontologies as well as a process-ontological
approach. Eventually, Kuhlmann proposes a dispositional trope
ontology, according to which particularized properties and not
things are the most basic entities, in terms of which all other
entities are to be analysed, e.g as bundles of properties. This
book was chosen for the 2009 ontos-Award for research on analytical
ontology and metaphysics by the German Society for Analytical
In this hopeful book, Mark shares his journey of early heartache,
tragedy, and bad decisions-and his continued search for answers.
While those experiences could have left him trapped in anger, fear,
and mediocrity, he discovered that he was not trapped (or a
victim)-he had a choice! He could move beyond the fear and negative
emotions to live a life of adventure with a big WHY. The Story of
You will take you along the journey of Mark's mindset as you
discover how he began filling his mind with faith-building
thoughts. The Story of You will challenge you to open up your heart
and discover how the unexplained and often unwelcome events in your
lives can move you towards the greatness intended for each of us,
because impossible is where every great adventure begins.
The primary aim of New Directions in Celtic Studies is to focus on
contemporary issues and to promote interdisciplinary approaches
within the subject. Written by international scholars and
practitioners in fields such as folklore, ethnomusicology, art
history, religious studies, tourism and education, the book brings
together in one volume a wide range of perspectives. It responds to
the recent questioning of the viability of the notion of
'Celticity' and the idea of Celtic Studies as a discipline and
points to a renewed vitality in the subject. New Directions in
Celtic Studies is divided into four sections: popular culture and
representation; commodities and Celtic lifestyles; contemporary
Celtic identity and the Celtic diaspora; Celtic praxis.
Quantentheorie und Relativitätstheorie haben das Weltbild der
Physik revolutioniert. Beide Theorien gelten jedoch als
unanschaulich und schwer verständlich. Dieses Sachbuch schafft
neue Zugänge und lädt zum Mitdenken ein. Renommierte Experten aus
Physik und Philosophie erläutern Grundbegriffe,
Erkenntnisfortschritte und Deutungsfragen zu Raum, Zeit und
Materie.Dabei kommen typische Themen aus der Philosophie der Physik
zur Sprache, wie etwa die Interpretationsdebatte der Quantentheorie
oder Modellbildungen in der Kosmologie. Weltbildrelevante Fragen
nach dem Verhältnis von Mathematik, Empirie und Anschauung oder
nach der Verlässlichkeit physikalischer Erkenntnis erfordern die
Verbindung von Physik und Philosophie, von fachwissenschaftlicher
Grundlagenforschung und methodenkritischer Reflexion.Â
 Der thematische Bogen geht zurück auf ein hochkarätig
besetztes Symposium mit populärwissenschaftlicher Ausrichtung. Das
Buch enthält Beiträge von Andreas Bartels, Robert Harlander, Paul
Hoyningen-Huene, Gert-Ludwig Ingold, Claus Kiefer, Meinard
Kuhlmann, Klaus Mainzer, Oliver Passon, Manfred Stöckler, Rüdiger
Vaas und Reinhard Werner.
Multidisciplinary collection of essays on the relationship of
infertility and the "historic" STIs--gonorrhea, chlamydia, and
syphilis--producing surprising new insights in studies from across
the globe and spanning millennia. A multidisciplinary group of
prominent scholars investigates the historical relationship between
sexually transmitted infections and infertility. Untreated
gonorrhea and chlamydia cause infertility in a proportion of women
and men. Unlike the much-feared venereal disease of syphilis--"the
pox"--gonorrhea and chlamydia are often symptomless, leaving
victims unaware of the threat to their fertility. Science did not
unmask the causal microorganisms until thelate nineteenth and
twentieth centuries. Their effects on fertility in human history
remain mysterious. This is the first volume to address the subject
across more than two thousand years of human history. Following
asynoptic editorial introduction, part 1 explores the enigmas of
evidence from ancient and early modern medical sources. Part 2
addresses fundamental questions about when exactly these diseases
first became human afflictions, withnew contributions from
bioarcheology, genomics, and the history of medicine, producing
surprising new insights. Part 3 presents studies of infertility and
its sociocultural consequences in nineteenth- and twentieth-century
Africa, Oceania, and Australia. Part 4 examines the quite different
ways the infertility threat from STIs was perceived--by scientists,
the public, and government--in late nineteenth- and early
twentieth-century Germany, France, and Britain, concluding with a
pioneering empirical estimate of the infertility impact in Britain.
Simon Szreter is Professor of History and Public Policy, University
of Cambridge, and Fellow of St. John's College, Cambridge.
The textbook provides both profound technological knowledge and a
comprehensive treatment of essential topics in music processing and
music information retrieval (MIR). Including numerous examples,
figures, and exercises, this book is suited for students,
lecturers, and researchers working in audio engineering, signal
processing, computer science, digital humanities, and musicology.
The book consists of eight chapters. The first two cover
foundations of music representations and the Fourier
transform-concepts used throughout the book. Each of the subsequent
chapters starts with a general description of a concrete music
processing task and then discusses-in a mathematically rigorous
way-essential techniques and algorithms applicable to a wide range
of analysis, classification, and retrieval problems. By mixing
theory and practice, the book's goal is to offer detailed
technological insights and a deep understanding of music processing
applications. As a substantial extension, the textbook's second
edition introduces the FMP (fundamentals of music processing)
notebooks, which provide additional audio-visual material and
Python code examples that implement all computational approaches
step by step. Using Jupyter notebooks and open-source web
applications, the FMP notebooks yield an interactive framework that
allows students to experiment with their music examples, explore
the effect of parameter settings, and understand the computed
results by suitable visualizations and sonifications. The FMP
notebooks are available from the author's institutional web page at
the International Audio Laboratories Erlangen.
French artists Louise Herve and Chloe Maillet (born 1981) drew
inspiration from pulp fiction for this first presentation of their
work, commissioning a graphic illustrator to design a pulp-style
cover and three authors to write short stories whose outlines are
derived from the duo's artworks and recent exhibitions.
Content-based multimedia retrieval is a challenging research
field with many unsolved problems. This monograph details concepts
and algorithms for robust and efficient information retrieval of
two different types of multimedia data: waveform-based music data
and human motion data. It first examines several approaches in
music information retrieval, in particular general strategies as
well as efficient algorithms. The book then introduces a general
and unified framework for motion analysis, retrieval, and
classification, highlighting the design of suitable features, the
notion of similarity used to compare data streams, and data
Philosophie Der Quantenphysik - Zentrale Begriffe, Probleme, Positionen (German, Paperback, 2nd 2. Aufl. 2018 ed.)
Cord Friebe, Meinard Kuhlmann, Holger Lyre, Paul M. Nager, Oliver Passon, …
Discovery Miles 11 620
Ships in 10 - 15 working days
Dieses Buch liefert dem Leser eine aktuelle und fundierte
Einfuhrung in die Philosophie der Quantenphysik. Obwohl sich die
Quantentheorie durch spektakulare empirische Erfolge auszeichnet,
wird bis heute kontrovers diskutiert, wie sie zu verstehen ist. In
diesem Werk geben die Autoren einen UEberblick uber die zahlreichen
philosophischen Herausforderungen: Verletzen Quantenobjekte das
Prinzip der Kausalitat? Sind gleichartige Teilchen ununterscheidbar
und daher keine Individuen? Behalten Quantenobjekte in der
zeitlichen Entwicklung ihre Identitat? Wie verhalt sich ein
zusammengesetztes Quantensystem zu seinen Teilen? Diese Fragen
werden im Rahmen verschiedener Deutungsansatze der Quantentheorie
diskutiert. Ein Ausblick in die Quantenfeldtheorie verscharft das
Hauptproblem der Nichtlokalitat. Philosophie der Quantenphysik
richtet sich an Philosophiestudierende mit Interesse fur Physik,
macht Physikerinnen und Physiker mit den philosophischen Fragen
ihres Faches vertraut und liefert Lehramtsstudierenden und Lehrern
Anregungen fur den gymnasialen Physik-Unterricht. Das Buch
schliesst damit eine Lucke zwischen popularen Einfuhrungen und
spezialisierten Monografien zur Philosophie der Quantenphysik im
deutschsprachigen Lehrbuchmarkt. In der vorliegenden zweiten
Auflage wurde das Kapitel zu Verschrankung und Nicht-Lokalitat
deutlich erweitert und jedes Kapitel mit UEbungsaufgaben und
Musterloesungen erganzt. Die Autoren Cord Friebe Zurzeit Vertretung
der Professur fur Theoretische Philosophie an der Universitat
Siegen. Forschungsschwerpunkte: Philosophie der Physik, Analytische
Ontologie, Theoretische Philosophie Kants. Meinard Kuhlmann
Gegenwartig Vertretung der Professur fur Wissenschaftsphilosophie
an der Universitat Mainz. Arbeitsgebiete: Philosophie der Physik,
Wissenschaftsphilosophie und Analytische Ontologie. Holger Lyre
Professor fur Theoretische Philosophie an der Universitat
Magdeburg. Forschungsschwerpunkte: Philosophie der Physik,
Philosophie des Geistes und Wissenschaftstheorie der kognitiven
Neurowissenschaften. Paul M. Nager Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
an der Westfalischen Wilhelms-Universitat Munster. Arbeitsgebiete:
Philosophie der Physik, Wissenschaftsphilosophie, Metaphysik.
Oliver Passon Akademischer Rat in der Arbeitsgruppe Physik und ihre
Didaktik an der Bergischen Universitat Wuppertal. Arbeitsgebiete:
Phanomenologische Optik, Wissenschaftstheorie und Interpretation
der Quantenmechanik. Manfred Stoeckler Professor fur Theoretische
Philosophie an der Universitat Bremen. Arbeitsgebiete:
Philosophische Probleme der gegenwartigen Physik (insbesondere der
Quantentheorie und der Kosmologie), Philosophie der Zeit und
methodologische Probleme bei der Erforschung komplexer Systeme.