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Smart materials are the way of the future in a variety of fields,
from biomedical engineering and chemistry to nanoscience,
nanotechnology, and robotics. Featuring an interdisciplinary
approach to smart materials and structures, this second edition of
Artificial Muscles: Applications of Advanced Polymeric
Nanocomposites has been fully updated to thoroughly review the
latest knowledge of ionic polymeric conductor nanocomposites
(IPCNCs), including ionic polymeric metal nanocomposites (IPMNCs)
as biomimetic distributed nanosensors, nanoactuators,
nanotransducers, nanorobots, artificial muscles, and electrically
controllable intelligent polymeric network structures. Authored by
one of the founding fathers of the field, the book introduces
fabrication and manufacturing methods of several electrically and
chemically active ionic polymeric sensors, actuators, and
artificial muscles, as well as a new class of electrically active
polymeric nanocomposites and artificial muscles. It also describes
a few apparatuses for modeling and testing various artificial
muscles to show the viability of chemoactive and electroactive
muscles. It presents the theories, modeling, and numerical
simulations of ionic polymeric artificial muscles' electrodynamics
and chemodynamics and features current industrial and medical
applications of IPMNCs. By covering the fabrication techniques of
and novel developments in advanced polymeric nanocomposites, this
second edition continues to provides an accessible yet solid
foundation to the subject while stimulating further research. Key
features: Fully up to date with the latest cutting-edge discoveries
in the field Authored by a world expert in the subject area
Explores the exciting and growing topic of smart materials in
medicine Mohsen Shahinpoor is Professor of Mechanical Engineering
at the University of Maine and a leading expert in artificial
From the nanoscale to the macroscopic scale, intelligent materials
are triggering a response across both dimensions and scientific
disciplines... World class, leading experts in the fields of
chemistry, physics and engineering have contributed to Intelligent
Materials, highlighting the importance of smart material science in
the 21st century. In this exceptional text the expertise of
specialists across the globe is drawn upon to present a truly
interdisciplinary outline of the topic. Covering both a bottom-up
chemical, and top-down engineering approach to the design of
intelligent materials the Editors of the book are bridging a vital
gap between various scientific authorities. The influence of
current research in this field on future technology is undisputed
and potential applications of intelligent materials span
nanoscience, nano technology, medicine, engineering, biotechnology,
pharmaceutical and many other industries. This is an authoritative
introduction to the most recent developments in the area, which
will provide the reader with a better understanding of the almost
unlimited opportunities in the progress and design of new
intelligent materials. An indispensable reference for anyone
contemplating working in the field Comments on this book... "This
will be the starting point for all researchers looking for
industrial solutions involving smart materials. Congratulations to
the Editors for providing such a vast and interdisciplinary book."
P.-G de Gennes, France Prix Nobel de Physic 1991
This book presents a set of basic understandings of the behavior
and response of solids to propagating shock waves. The propagation
of shock waves in a solid body is accompanied by large
compressions, decompression, and shear. Thus, the shear strength of
solids and any inelastic response due to shock wave propagation is
of the utmost importance. Furthermore, shock compres sion of solids
is always accompanied by heating, and the rise of local tempera
ture which may be due to both compression and dissipation. For many
solids, under a certain range of impact pressures, a two-wave
structure arises such that the first wave, called the elastic
prescursor, travels with the speed of sound; and the second wave,
called a plastic shock wave, travels at a slower speed. Shock-wave
loading of solids is normally accomplished by either projectile
impact, such as produced by guns or by explosives. The shock
heating and compression of solids covers a wide range of
temperatures and densities. For example, the temperature may be as
high as a few electron volts (1 eV = 11,500 K) for very strong
shocks and the densification may be as high as four times the
normal density.
This volume concerns the fracture and fragmentation of solid
materials that occurs when they are subjected to extremes of stress
applied at the highest possible rates. The plan for the volume is
to address experimental, theoretical, and com putational aspects of
high-rate dynamic fracture and fragmentation, with emphasis on
recent work. We begin with several chapters in which the emphasis
falls on experimental methods and observations. These chapters
address both macroscopic responses and the microscopic cause of
these re sponses. This is followed by several chapters emphasizing
modeling-the physical explanation and mathematical representation
of the observations. Some of the models are deterministic, while
others focus on the stochastic aspects of the observations. Often,
the ov\ rall objective of investigation of dynamic fracture and
fragmentation phenomena is provision of a means for predicting the
entire course of an event that begins with a stimulus such as an
impact and proceeds through a complicated deformation and fracture
pro cess that results in disintegration of the body and formation
of a rapidly expanding cloud of debris fragments. Analysis of this
event usually involves development of a continuum theory and
computer code that captures the experimental observations by
incorporating models of the important pheno mena into a
comprehensive description of the deformation and fracture pro cess.
It is to this task that the work of the last few chapters is
Developments in experimental methods are providing an increasingly
detailed understanding of shock compression phenomena on the bulk,
intermediate, and molecular scales. This third volume in a series
of reviews of the curent state of knowledge covers several diverse
areas. The first group of chapters addresses fundamental physical
and chemical aspects of the response of condensed matter to shock
comression: equations of state, molecular-dynamic analysis,
deformation of materials, spectroscopic methods. Two further
chapters focus on a particular group of materials: ceramics.
Another chapter discusses shock-induced reaction of condensed-phase
explosives. And a final pair of chapters considers shock phenomena
at low stresses from the point of view of continuum mechanics.
Robotic surgery has already created a paradigm shift in medical
surgical procedures and will continue to expand to all surgical and
microsurgical interventions. There is no doubt that in doing so
robotic surgical systems, such as the da Vinci surgical system,
will become smarter and more sophisticated with the integration,
implementation, and synergy of new smart multifunctional material
systems that will make surgical tools and equipment more functional
in biomimetic sensing and actuation incorporating haptic/tactile
feedback to surgeons in connection with kinesthetic interaction
with organs during robotic surgery. This book is the first textbook
in robotic surgery to discuss the integration of smart
multifunctional soft and biomimetic materials with robotic end
effectors to provide haptic and tactile feedback to surgeons during
robotic surgery. It is also the first textbook in robotic surgery
that comes with a solutions manual, which makes it useful as a
supplement to faculty members teaching many different programs and
courses such as robotics, medical devices, surgical interventions,
and many more. This book can be adapted by professors to teach
graduate students and researchers, to enable them to further employ
their creativity and knowledge, and to undergraduates to enable
them to get an excellent grasp of this exciting field. It is also
useful for individuals interested in the field for self-study. The
background required for this book is college-level mathematics,
matrix analysis, geometry, and medical/surgical terminologies.
Smart materials are of significant interest and this is the first
textbook to provide a comprehensive graduate level view of topics
that relate to this field. Fundamentals of Smart Materials consists
of a workbook and solutions manual covering the basics of different
functional material systems aimed at advanced undergraduate and
postgraduate students. Topics include piezoelectric materials,
magnetostrictive materials, shape memory alloys, mechanochromic
materials, thermochromic materials, chemomechanical polymers and
self-healing materials. Each chapter provides an introduction to
the material, its applications and uses with example problems,
fabrication and manufacturing techniques, conclusions, homework
problems and a bibliography. Edited by a leading researcher in
smart materials, the textbook can be adopted by teachers in
materials science and engineering, chemistry, physics and chemical
Ionic polymer metal composites (IPMCs) can generate a voltage when
physically deformed. Conversely, an applied small voltage or
electrical field can induce an array of spectacular large
deformation or actuation behaviours in IPMCs, such as bending,
twisting, rolling, twirling, steering and undulating. An important
smart material, IPMCs have applications in energy harvesting and as
self-powered strain or deformation sensors, especially suitable for
monitoring the shape of dynamic structures. Other uses include soft
actuation applications and as a material for biomimetic robotic
soft artificial muscles in industrial and medical contexts. This
comprehensive set on ionic polymer metal composites provides a
broad coverage of the state of the art and recent advances in the
field written by some of the world's leading experts on various
characterizations and modeling of IPMCs. The first two chapters
cover the fundamentals of IPMCs and methodologies for their
manufacture, followed by specific chapters looking at different
aspects of actuation and sensing of IPMCs. These include uses in
electrochemically active electrodes, electric energy storage
devices, soft biomimetic robotics artificial muscles, multiphysics
modeling of IPMCs, biomedical applications, IPMCs as dexterous
manipulators and tactile sensors for minimally invasive robotic
surgery, self-sensing, miniature pumps for drug delivery, IPMC
snake-like robots, IPMC microgrippers for microorganisms
manipulations, Graphene-based IPMCs and cellulose-based IPMCs or
electroactive paper actuators (EAPap). Edited by the leading
authority on IMPCs, the broad coverage of this book will appeal to
researchers from chemistry, materials, engineering, physics and
medical communities interested in both the material and its
Cell surface engineering is an emerging field concerning cell
surface modifications to enhance its functionalities. The book
introduces the reader to the area of surface-functionalized cells
and summarizes recent developments in the area including
fabrication, characterization, applications and nanotoxicity.
Topics covered include recent approaches for the functionalization
of cells with nanomaterials (polymer nanofilms and nanoparticles),
fabrication of functional biomimetic devices and assemblies based
on nanoparticle-modified microbial cells and artificial spores (the
bioinspired encapsulation of living cells with tough nanoshells)
The book provides an interdisciplinary approach to the topic with
authors from both biological and chemical backgrounds. This
multidisciplinary view makes the book suitable for those interested
in biomaterials, biochemistry, microbiology and colloid chemistry,
providing both an introduction for postgraduate students as well as
a comprehensive summary for those already working in the area
biomaterials, biochemistry, microbiology and colloid chemistry.