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Designed for the introductory computing and computer science
course, the student-friendly Computer Science Illuminated, Seventh
Edition provides students with a solid foundation for further
study, and offers non-majors a complete introduction to computing.
Fully revised and updated, the Seventh Edition of this best-selling
text retains the accessibility and in-depth coverage of previous
editions, while incorporating all-new material on cutting-edge
issues in computer science. Authored by the award-winning team Nell
Dale and John Lewis, the text provides a unique and innovative
layered approach, moving through the levels of computing from an
organized, language-neutral perspective. New & Key Features of
the Seventh Edition: * NEW & REVISED - Includes new and
enhanced content on: o Cloud Computing in Chapter 15 o Big Data in
Chapter 12 o Smart Speakers in the home in Chapter 13 o Computer
and System Security in Chapter 17 * NEW - Includes all new content
in Chapter 6, Low-Level Programming Languages and Pseudocode, with
updated examples using the Pep/9 machine * UPDATED - Ethical Issues
at the end of each chapter have been updated to delve into current
issues and trends, while new Did You Know boxes and updated
biographical sketches reflect the latest information in the field *
UPDATED - Aligns more broadly to the AP Computer Science Principles
curriculum Introductory programming chapters are available on
Navigate 2 for Python, SQL, Java, C++, JavaScript, Visual Basic,
NET, Ruby, Perl, Alice, and Pascal
The updated and revised Object-Oriented Data Structures Using Java,
Fourth Edition is an essential resource for students learning data
structures using the Java programming language. It presents both
the traditional and modern data structure topics with an emphasis
on problem-solving and object-oriented software design. Beginning
early and continuing throughout the text, it introduces and expands
upon the use of many Java features such as classes, objects,
generics, polymorphism, packages, interfaces, library classes,
inheritance, exceptions, and threads.
C++ Plus Data Structures, Sixth Edition explores the
specifications, applications, and implementations of abstract data
types with unmatched accessibility. Topics such as modularization,
data encapsulation, information hiding, object-oriented
decomposition, algorithm analysis, life-cycle software verification
models, and data abstraction are carefully presented to foster
solid software engineering techniques. NEW & KEY FEATURES OF
THE SIXTH EDITION: • UPDATED – Updated with new C++11 features
including range-based for loops and threads • NEW – Includes a
new Chapter 10, Trees Plus, that emphasizes balancing of search
trees by covering AVL Trees, Red-Black Trees, and B-Trees • NEW
– Includes a new chapter on Sets, Maps, and Hashing • NEW –
Chapter 12, Sorting, now includes practical performance issues and
parallel merge sort • NEW – Chapters in the second half of the
text are now easier to assign in alternate orders, supporting a
wider range of course goals and organizations • NEW – Modern
new design enhances the look and feel of the text • STUDENT
FAVORITE – Pedagogical features include: chapter openers with
goals, marginal definition boxes, algorithm boxes, C++ boxes,
function boxes, case studies, chapter summary, and end of chapter
Alzheimer's disease affects all of us. The facts are startling: One
in eight people aged 65 and older has Alzheimer's disease. Every 70
seconds, someone in America develops Alzheimer's. By mid-century
someone will develop the disease every 33 seconds. There is no
known cure.* When my husband was diagnosed with Alzheimer's
disease, the doctor said that for each Alzheimer's patient there
was a second patient: the caregiver. I struggled with the role of
caregiver for almost three years. Expressing my feelings is poetry
was my therapy; it kept me sane. I am sharing these poems in the
hope that they might be of help to others who have loved ones with
Alzheimer's. Fifty percent of the profits from the sale of this
book will go to Alzheimer's research. *Alzheimer's Association,
2010 Alzheimer's Disease Facts and Figures, Alzheimer's &
Dementia, Volume 6
The Active Learning Approach Of A Laboratory Course For Programming
With Java, Second Edition Engages Students In The Process Of
Understanding And Implementing Programming Language Concepts. A
Perfect Companion To Any Introductory Java Programming Course, This
Manual Provides 14 Hands-On Laboratory Activities, Each Of Which
Contains Prelab, In-Lab, And Post-Lab Exercises. In Each Lesson
Students Have The Opportunity To Apply Their Textbook Knowledge,
Gain Programming Experience, And Acquire Meaningful Understanding
Of Language Concepts.
Programming in C++, Third Edition offers a focused, syntax
intensive introduction to programming. Concise and straightforward,
Programming in C++ is adapted from Programming and Problem Solving
with C++, Fourth Edition, and retains the essential content of its
parent book. The text provides students with a clear, accessible
introduction to C++, object-oriented programming, and the
fundamentals of software development. The authors have completely
revamped the chapter goals and programming examples throughout, and
the book includes a full set of new programming exercises in each
chapter. Programming in C++, Third Edition is the ideal text for
programming courses with an emphasis on science and engineering, as
well as those seeking to cover all the fundamentals of programming
in one semester.
Programming & Problem Solving with Ada 95 provides a solid
introduction to programming while introducing the capabilities of
Ada 95 & its syntax without overwhelming the student. The book
focuses on the development of good programming habits. This text
offers superior pedagogy that has long defined computer science
education, including problem-solving case studies, testing &
debugging sections, quick checks, exam preparation, programming
warm-up exercises, & programming problems. The extensive
coverage of material in such a student-friendly resource means that
more rigor, more theory, greater use of abstraction & modeling,
& the earlier application of software engineering principles
can be employed.