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Dieses Buch gibt einen Einblick in die Herausforderungen der
Datenauthentifizierung über drahtlose Kommunikationskanäle. Die
Autoren gehen davon aus, dass die etablierten
Standard-Authentifizierungsmechanismen nicht ausreichen, um Daten
wie Sprache, Bilder und Videos über drahtlose Kanäle zu
authentifizieren, da die drahtlose Kommunikation durch zahlreiche
Störungen gekennzeichnet ist. Die Autoren schlagen neue
Mechanismen vor, die auf so genannten
Soft-Authentifizierungsalgorithmen basieren, die einige Änderungen
an den zu schützenden Daten tolerieren. Die Autoren erklären,
dass das Ziel dieser Algorithmen darin besteht, tolerant gegenüber
inhaltlichen Änderungen auf Grund von Übertragungsfehler zu sein,
aber dennoch in der Lage zu sein, Fälschungen zu erkennen. Ein
weiterer Vorteil der Soft-Authentifizierungsalgorithmen besteht
darin, dass sie in der Lage sind, die veränderten Stellen zu
identifizieren und sie nach Möglichkeit zu korrigieren. Die
Autoren zeigen, wie man dies erreicht, indem man die Datenmerkmale
mit Hilfe von fehlerkorrigierenden Codes schützt. · Erörtert
Methoden zur Authentifizierung von Daten (insbesondere von Bildern)
bei Übertragungsstörungen, die bei der drahtlosen Kommunikation
auftreten; · Stellt eine neue Klasse von
Soft-Authentifizierungsmethoden vor, die anstelle der üblichen
Hard-Authentifizierungsmethoden verwendet werden, um geringfügige
Änderungen der Bilddaten zu tolerieren; · Verfügt über
Authentifizierungsmethoden, die auf der Verwendung von
Authentifizierungscodes und digitalen Wasserzeichen basieren
This book provides insight into the challenges in providing data
authentication over wireless communication channels. The authors
posit that established standard authentication mechanisms - for
wired devices - are not sufficient to authenticate data, such as
voice, images, and video over wireless channels. The authors
propose new mechanisms based on the so-called soft authentication
algorithms, which tolerate some legitimate modifications in the
data that they protect. The authors explain that the goal of these
algorithms is that they are tolerant to changes in the content but
are still able to identify the forgeries. The authors go on to
describe how an additional advantage of the soft authentication
algorithms is the ability to identify the locations of the
modifications and correct them if possible. The authors show how to
achieve this by protecting the data features with the help of error
correcting codes. The correction methods are typically based on
watermarking, as the authors discuss in the book. Provides a
discussion of data (particularly image) authentication methods in
the presence of noise experienced in wireless communication;
Presents a new class of soft authentication methods, instead of the
standard hard authentication methods, used to tolerate minor
changes in image data; Features authentication methods based on the
usage of authentication tags as well as digital watermarks.
Autonomous driving is an emerging field. Vehicles are equipped with
different systems such as radar, lidar, GPS etc. that enable the
vehicle to make decisions and navigate without user's input, but
there are still concerns regarding safety and security. This book
analyses the security needs and solutions which are beneficial to
autonomous driving.
This book provides insight into the challenges in providing data
authentication over wireless communication channels. The authors
posit that established standard authentication mechanisms - for
wired devices - are not sufficient to authenticate data, such as
voice, images, and video over wireless channels. The authors
propose new mechanisms based on the so-called soft authentication
algorithms, which tolerate some legitimate modifications in the
data that they protect. The authors explain that the goal of these
algorithms is that they are tolerant to changes in the content but
are still able to identify the forgeries. The authors go on to
describe how an additional advantage of the soft authentication
algorithms is the ability to identify the locations of the
modifications and correct them if possible. The authors show how to
achieve this by protecting the data features with the help of error
correcting codes. The correction methods are typically based on
watermarking, as the authors discuss in the book. Provides a
discussion of data (particularly image) authentication methods in
the presence of noise experienced in wireless communication;
Presents a new class of soft authentication methods, instead of the
standard hard authentication methods, used to tolerate minor
changes in image data; Features authentication methods based on the
usage of authentication tags as well as digital watermarks.