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Unlike some other reproductions of classic texts (1) We have not used OCR(Optical Character Recognition), as this leads to bad quality books with introduced typos. (2) In books where there are images such as portraits, maps, sketches etc We have endeavoured to keep the quality of these images, so they represent accurately the original artefact. Although occasionally there may be certain imperfections with these old texts, we feel they deserve to be made available for future generations to enjoy.
Unlike some other reproductions of classic texts (1) We have not used OCR(Optical Character Recognition), as this leads to bad quality books with introduced typos. (2) In books where there are images such as portraits, maps, sketches etc We have endeavoured to keep the quality of these images, so they represent accurately the original artefact. Although occasionally there may be certain imperfections with these old texts, we feel they deserve to be made available for future generations to enjoy.
Heparins remain amongst the most commonly used drugs in clinical practice. Almost 100 years have passed since the initial discovery of this complex substance and, during this time, understanding of the nature and uses of heparin and related molecules has grown dramatically. The aim of this volume is to summarise the developments that have led to the current status of both heparins as drugs and the field of heparin research, with a focus on the particularly rapid progress that has been made over the past three decades. Individual sections are dedicated to the nature of heparin as a biological molecule, the current approaches and techniques that are used to ensure the safety and reliability of heparin as a medicine, the clinical pharmacology of heparin as an anticoagulant drug, effects and potential applications of heparin aside of those involving haemostasis and, finally, the nature and potential uses of heparin-like materials from both natural and synthetic sources."
The aim of the book is to provide an in-depth review of our current understanding of the pathogenesis of both asthma and COPD. This volume also discusses the promising new options for pharmacological intervention of these diseases. Each chapter is extensively referenced, generously illustrated with clear diagrams and photographs, and represents a state-of-the-art review of this important area of lung biology.
Antiplatelet therapy is the cornerstone of treatment of ischemic cardiovascular disease and over the last few years spectacular advancements in this field have been recorded. This is the first comprehensive handbook entirely dedicated to all the aspects of antiplatelet therapy. The book is divided into three main sections, pathophysiology, pharmacology and therapy, for a total of 23 chapters. A large group of leading experts from different European countries and from the USA, both from academia and industry, have contributed to the book. Besides a detailed overview on the pharmacology and clinical applications of all the currently used or of the novel antiplatelet agents, innovative approaches (e.g. intracellular signalling as an antiplatelet target, small RNAs as platelet therapeutics, etc.) or unconventional aspects (e.g. pharmacologic modulation of the inflammatory action of platelets are also treated. The book is oriented to both basic investigators and to clinicians involved with research on platelet inhibition or with the clinical use of antiplatelet therapies.
Celebrating 100 years of HEP, this volume will discuss key pharmacological discoveries and concepts of the past 100 years. These discoveries have dramatically changed the medical treatment paradigms of many diseases and these concepts have and will continue to shape discovery of new medicinies. Newly evolving technologies will similarly be discussed as they will shape the future of the pharmacology and, accordingly, medical therapy.
Einfuhrung.- 1 Das Internet als Basis fur Electronic Business und New E-conomy.- 1.1 Die technischen Hintergrunde des Internet.- 1.2 Zugangskontrolle und Verschlusselung der Information schafft Sicherheit fur netzbasierte Infrastrukturen.- 1.3 Zusammenfassung.- 2 Trends der Entwicklung zeigen auf eine netzbasierte IT-Infrastruktur und vernetzte Geschaftsprozesse.- 2.1 Was ist Electronic Business?.- 2.2 Vom Anbieter zum Kaufermarkt.- 2.3 Geschwindigkeit und Service ist alles.- 2.4 Kooperationen steigern die Leistungsfahigkeit.- 2.5 Integrierte Leistungsketten (Supply-Chains) bringen Effizienz.- 2.6 Online-Kundenzugang und Verbundprodukte ermoeglichen neue Geschaftsmodelle.- 2.7 Die neuen Geschaftsmodelle des Electronic Business setzen die etablierten unter Druck.- 2.7.1 Electronic Business optimiert die Zusammenarbeit von Geschaftspartnern.- 2.7.2 Prozesse statt Funktionen zahlen.- 2.7.3 Kooperieren statt Kopieren.- 2.7.4 Geschwindigkeit in den Prozessen statt Perfektion in den Funktionen.- 2.7.5 Kommunizieren statt Verschliessen.- 2.7.6 Verbinden statt Integrieren.- 2.7.7 Die Bedeutung der Lernfahigkeit und Vernetzung in Geschaftsprozessen.- 2.7.8 Geschaftsergebnis statt technischer Perfektion.- 2.8 Den Kunden im Fokus.- 2.9 Electronic Business ist unumganglich und dynamisch - wer stillsteht, auf den kommen die Dinge zu.- 2.10 Innovationskraft ermoeglicht neue Loesungen.- 2.11 Zusammenfassung.- 3 Die Entwicklung der Internet-Nutzung als Kommunikations- und Informationsmedium.- 3.1 Die erste Phase bringt weltweite Kommunikation multimedialer Inhalte.- 3.2 Die zweite Phase nutzt das Internet fur E-Commerce und Informationsverteilung.- 3.2.1 Electronic Commerce ermoeglicht den direkten Kontakt mit dem Kunden.- 3.2.2 Suchmaschinen und Informationsverzeichnisse erschliessen die Flut des Informationsangebots als 'Portale'.- 3.2.3 Intranets schaffen eine unternehmensweite IT-Infrastruktur.- 3.2.4 Knowledge aus dem Internet kann wertvoll sein.- 3.3 Zusammenfassung.- 4 Das Internet als wesentlicher Produktionsfaktor in allen Industriezweigen.- 4.1 Die professionelle Nutzung des Internet.- 4.1.1 Das Internet ist ein neuer Vertriebskanal neben anderen.- 4.1.2 Die alten Handler stehen in Frage - Disintermediation der Geschaftsprozesse.- 4.1.3 Cybermediare und Portale ubernehmen den Handel.- 4.1.4 Electronic Commerce ist nur so gut wie die Infrastruktur dahinter.- 4.2 Supply-Chain Management als erste wahre Loesung des Electronic Business.- 4.2.1 Extranets sind Grundlage fur Supply-Chain Management.- 4.2.2 Prozessoptimierung statt funktionaler Perfektion.- 4.2.3 Prozessoptimierung ist mehr als nur Supply-Chain Management.- 4.3 Elektronische Marktplatze bringen Geschaftspartner zusammen und sind die 'Knoten 'im Partnernetz.- 4.3.1 Funktionen elektronischer Marktplatze.- 4.3.2 Was sind die Erfolgsfaktoren und wer profitiert von elektronischen Marktplatzen?.- 4.3.3 Beispiele zeigen die Perspektiven von elektronischen Marktplatzen.- 4.4 Das virtuelle Unternehmen - Business Broking.- 4.5 Zusammenfassung.- 5 Electronic Business bietet vielfaltige Loesungen.- 5.1 Electronic Business ist mehr als E-Commerce und Supply-Chain Management.- 5.1.1 Die Web-Site als Visitenkarte und Kontaktpunkt des Unternehmens.- 5.1.2 Netzbasiertes Computing als neue Infrastruktur fur die Unternehmens-IT.- 5.1.3 Netzbasierte IT-Infrastrukturen und netzbasierte Systemverwaltung.- 5.1.4 Mit der neuen Kommunikations-Infrastruktur sind neue Konzepte der IT-Nutzung machbar.- 5.1.5 Zugangsgerate zum Internet erreichen Nutzer ohne Computerkenntnisse.- 5.1.6 Internetbasierte Kommunikations-Loesungen.- 5.1.7 Betrieb von Standardanwendungen mit Webzugriff.- 5.1.8 Vernetzung von Loesungen uber das Internet auf Basis von XML.- 5.1.9 Elektronisches Dokumentenmanagement schafft viele Loesungen aus einer einmaligen Investition.- 5.1.10 Online-Dokumentation bringt viele Loesungen mit einer Technik.- 5.1.11 Informations- und Wissensvermittlung uber d
Airways inflammation is a complex biological phenomenon resulting from the recruitment and activation of numerous cell types. Airways inflammation contributes to the pathophysiology of airways disease. An understanding of the mechanisms that regulate inflammatory cell function is essential for the development of novel anti-inflammatory drugs for the treatment of common respiratory diseases such as asthma and COPD. This book provides a collection of valuable reviews on the major inflammatory cells involved in airways disease and examines the pharmacology of current anti-inflammatory drugs used in the treatment of airways disease. Moreover, an insight into the development of emerging drug therapies is also highlighted. This book is a must for the library of any researcher or clinician interested in the pathophysiology of airways disease.
Covering the essential basic science and principles of pharmacology using concise text and diagrams, Dale's Pharmacology Condensed, 3rd Edition, presents the key facts and concepts that are key to understanding how drugs work and their underlying pathophysiological processes. Each chapter provides an organized, consistent approach to efficient learning and retention of complex information. This concise text is an ideal companion volume to Rang and Dale's Pharmacology, as well as a stand-alone condensed textbook or review book for exams. Access to this product, which may be at the discretion of your institution, is up to 3 years of online and perpetual offline access. Elsevier reserves the right to restrict or remove access due to changes in product portfolio or other market conditions. All content has been thoroughly revised and updated, with new coverage of fast-moving therapeutic areas such as the development of biologics, new therapeutics for cancer treatments, dermatology and immune mediated diseases, and new advances in pharmacological principles such as biased agonism. Each chapter condenses key information to provide the necessary core knowledge, as well as essential therapeutic information. Written by experienced teachers who provide a clear focus on what today's students need to know. Ideal for exam preparation with explanatory diagrams throughout, important drugs identified with bold type, and multiple choice questions for self-assessment and review. Enhanced eBook version included with purchase. Your enhanced eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices.
Considered highly exotic tools as recently as the late 1990s, microarrays are now ubiquitous in biological research. Traditional statistical approaches to design and analysis were not developed to handle the high-dimensional, small sample problems posed by microarrays. In just a few short years the number of statistical papers providing approaches to analyzing microarray data has gone from almost none to hundreds if not thousands. This overwhelming deluge is quite daunting to either the applied investigator looking for methodologies or the methodologist trying to keep up with the field. DNA Microarrays and Related Genomics Techniques: Design, Analysis, and Interpretation of Experiments consolidates discussions of methodological advances into a single volume. The book's structure parallels the steps an investigator or an analyst takes when conducting and analyzing a microarray experiment from conception to interpretation. It begins with foundational issues such as ensuring the quality and integrity of the data and assessing the validity of the statistical models employed, then moves on to cover critical aspects of designing a microarray experiment. The book includes discussions of power and sample size, where only very recently have developments allowed such calculations in a high dimensional context, followed by several chapters covering the analysis of microarray data. The amount of space devoted to this topic reflects both the variety of topics and the effort investigators have devoted to developing new methodologies. In closing, the book explores the intellectual frontier - interpretation of microarray data. It discusses new methods for facilitating and affecting formalization of the interpretation process and the movement to make large high dimensional datasets public for further analysis, and methods for doing so. There is no question that this field will continue to advance rapidly and some of the specific methodologies discussed in this book wil
Antiplatelet therapy is the cornerstone of treatment of ischemic cardiovascular disease and over the last few years spectacular advancements in this field have been recorded. This is the first comprehensive handbook entirely dedicated to all the aspects of antiplatelet therapy. The book is divided into three main sections, pathophysiology, pharmacology and therapy, for a total of 23 chapters. A large group of leading experts from different European countries and from the USA, both from academia and industry, have contributed to the book. Besides a detailed overview on the pharmacology and clinical applications of all the currently used or of the novel antiplatelet agents, innovative approaches (e.g. intracellular signalling as an antiplatelet target, small RNAs as platelet therapeutics, etc.) or unconventional aspects (e.g. pharmacologic modulation of the inflammatory action of platelets are also treated. The book is oriented to both basic investigators and to clinicians involved with research on platelet inhibition or with the clinical use of antiplatelet therapies.
Heparins remain amongst the most commonly used drugs in clinical practice. Almost 100 years have passed since the initial discovery of this complex substance and, during this time, understanding of the nature and uses of heparin and related molecules has grown dramatically. The aim of this volume is to summarise the developments that have led to the current status of both heparins as drugs and the field of heparin research, with a focus on the particularly rapid progress that has been made over the past three decades. Individual sections are dedicated to the nature of heparin as a biological molecule, the current approaches and techniques that are used to ensure the safety and reliability of heparin as a medicine, the clinical pharmacology of heparin as an anticoagulant drug, effects and potential applications of heparin aside of those involving haemostasis and, finally, the nature and potential uses of heparin-like materials from both natural and synthetic sources.
This volume forms part of a prestigious series and covers the latest advances in our understanding of the pathophysiology and treatment of asthma. Our understanding of asthma has changed dramatically in recent years, and much of this new information is brought together in this volume written by inter nationally recognised authorities. The aim of the book is to review in depth the changing concepts of inflammatory processes in asthma and to discuss the implications for research of this common chronic disease. Many of the advances in and future therapy our understanding of asthma have originated from a pharmacological approach, and this volume highlights the promising new options for pharma cological intervention. It is hoped this book will be invaluable for research scientists and clinic ians involved in asthma research and will be a major reference resource for chest physicians and those involved in the development of novel pharmaceu tical entities. Each chapter is extensively referenced, generously illustrated with clear diagrams and photographs, and represents a state-of-the-art review of this growing area. c.P. PAGE P.l. BARNES Contents CHAPTER 1 The Pathology of Asthma: An Overview L.A. LAmNEN and A. LAmNEN. With 10 Figures ...................... 1 A. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B. Methods to Investigate the Pathology of Human Asthma ............ 1 C. Bronchial Epithelium and Inflammatory Cells in Asthmatic Patients Between Attacks ........................... 2 I. Mast Cells . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II. Eosinophils ............................................... 7 III. Neutrophils.............................................. 10 D. Bronchial Epithelial Inflammation During an Asthma Attack. . . . . .. . 10 E. Epithelial Regeneration .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . 12 . . . . . . . . ."
The aim of the book is to provide an in-depth review of our current understanding of the pathogenesis of both asthma and COPD. This volume also discusses the promising new options for pharmacological intervention of these diseases. Each chapter is extensively referenced, generously illustrated with clear diagrams and photographs, and represents a state-of-the-art review of this important area of lung biology.
Considered highly exotic tools as recently as the late 1990s, microarrays are now ubiquitous in biological research. Traditional statistical approaches to design and analysis were not developed to handle the high-dimensional, small sample problems posed by microarrays. In just a few short years the number of statistical papers providing approaches to analyzing microarray data has gone from almost none to hundreds if not thousands. This overwhelming deluge is quite daunting to either the applied investigator looking for methodologies or the methodologist trying to keep up with the field. DNA Microarrays and Related Genomics Techniques: Design, Analysis, and Interpretation of Experiments consolidates discussions of methodological advances into a single volume. The book's structure parallels the steps an investigator or an analyst takes when conducting and analyzing a microarray experiment from conception to interpretation. It begins with foundational issues such as ensuring the quality and integrity of the data and assessing the validity of the statistical models employed, then moves on to cover critical aspects of designing a microarray experiment. The book includes discussions of power and sample size, where only very recently have developments allowed such calculations in a high dimensional context, followed by several chapters covering the analysis of microarray data. The amount of space devoted to this topic reflects both the variety of topics and the effort investigators have devoted to developing new methodologies. In closing, the book explores the intellectual frontier - interpretation of microarray data. It discusses new methods for facilitating and affecting formalization of the interpretation process and the movement to make large high dimensional datasets public for further analysis, and methods for doing so. There is no question that this field will continue to advance rapidly and some of the specific methodologies discussed in this book wil
Airways inflammation is a complex biological phenomenon resulting from the recruitment and activation of numerous cell types. Airways inflammation contributes to the pathophysiology of airways disease. An understanding of the mechanisms that regulate inflammatory cell function is essential for the development of novel anti-inflammatory drugs for the treatment of common respiratory diseases such as asthma and COPD. This book provides a collection of valuable reviews on the major inflammatory cells involved in airways disease and examines the pharmacology of current anti-inflammatory drugs used in the treatment of airways disease. Moreover, an insight into the development of emerging drug therapies is also highlighted. This book is a must for the library of any researcher or clinician interested in the pathophysiology of airways disease.
Since it was first published in 1958, Trounce's Clinical Pharmacology has been the go-to resource for health professionals who prescribe as well as administer medications. Now in its nineteenth edition, the text has been fully updated to reflect the breadth and complexity of modern practice. The book provides everything the reader needs to know when becoming a prescriber. The text is organised by body system, making it easy to follow, and covers considerations for different patient categories as well as the management of pain, cancer and infection, substance abuse and complementary and alternative medicines. With a strong clinical orientation and written by practising clinicians, essential information is delivered in an engaging and friendly style that will ensure this book's continued popularity with nurses and allied health professionals for many years to come. Easy navigation makes learning enjoyable Hot topics including cardiology, rheumatology and the use of targeted therapies in cancer keep the reader up to date Learning Objectives, Summary Boxes, Revision Tips and Hints make this suitable for exam preparation Updated to include discussion of the expanding role of professionals in prescribing drugs and latest changes in legislation and guidelines Extensive glossary for those new to prescribing
A rapid increase in our understanding of the biology of platelets and their role in disease in recent years has been paralleled by increasing successes with established platelet-modifying therapies in many clinical conditions. This text focuses on the clinical role of platelets in a wide variety of haematologic, cardiovascular and other disorders, providing a practical, clinically relevant handbook for all clinicians and researchers interested in platelets and their role in disease. Covering platelet physiology, bleeding disorders, thrombotic disorders and antithrombotic therapy. Chapters cover all the conventional and less conventional aspects of platelet involvement in disease, with an emphasis on recent clinical developments. Clear take home messages have been included in each chapter to aid clinical practice. With contributions from leading experts across three continents, Platelets in Hematologic and Cardiovascular Disorders is an up-to-date, well illustrated, practical resource for everyone involved in clinical practice with platelet disorders.
Crash Course - your effective every-day study companion PLUS the perfect antidote for exam stress! Save time and be assured you have the essential information you need in one place to excel on your course and achieve exam success. A winning formula now for over 20 years, each series volume has been fine-tuned and fully updated - with an improved full-colour layout tailored to make your life easier. Especially written by senior students or junior doctors - those who understand what is essential for exam success - with all information thoroughly checked and quality assured by expert Faculty Advisers, the result are books which exactly meet your needs and you know you can trust. Each chapter guides you succinctly through the full range of curriculum topics, integrating clinical considerations with the relevant basic science and avoiding unnecessary or confusing detail. A range of text boxes help you get to the hints, tips and key points you need fast! A fully revised self-assessment section matching the latest exam formats is included to check your understanding and aid exam preparation. The accompanying enhanced, downloadable eBook completes this invaluable learning package. Series volumes have been honed to meet the requirements of today's medical students, although the range of other health students and professionals who need rapid access to the essentials of pharmacology will also love the unique approach of Crash Course. Whether you need to get out of a fix or aim for a distinction Crash Course is for you! Provides the exam syllabus in one place - saves valuable revision time Written by senior students and recent graduates - those closest to what is essential for exam success Quality assured by leading Faculty Advisors - ensures complete accuracy of information Features the ever popular 'Hints and Tips' boxes and other useful aide-memoires - distilled wisdom from those in the know Updated self-assessment section matching the latest exam formats - confirm your understanding and improve exam technique fast
Das Internet bewirkt das Zusammenfliessen von Kommunikation und Computing und loest damit eine tiefgreifende Veranderung in der Geschaftswelt aus. Diese "New Economy" wird charakterisiert durch schnelle Informationsubermittlung entlang der Prozessketten und damit die Chance zur Eliminierung aller Zwischenpuffer in Form von Lagern, Wartezeiten und Zahlungsfristen. Dazu gilt es, neue Techniken und Verfahren zu beherrschen: Internet-Technologie, Intranet, Extranet, Virtual Private Network, gesicherte Daten-UEbertragung, Entwicklung des WWW, elektronische Marktplatze und mobile Computing. Diese und weitere Themen werden in dem Buch umfassend, klar und verstandlich dargestellt. Der Leser erhalt Anregungen und Modelle, wie er diese neuen Werkzeuge wirkungsvoll im eigenen Unternehmen nutzen kann.
This book reviews current science and applications in fields including thrombosis and hemostasis, signal transduction, and non-thrombotic conditions such as inflammation, allergy and tumor metastasis. It is a detailed, up-to-date, highly referenced text for clinical scientists and physicians, including recent developments in this rapidly expanding field. More than a scientific resource, this is also an authoritative reference and guide to the diagnosis. |
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