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This volume combines case studies of national responses to terrorism with analyses of conceptual, political, economic and data-collection problems surrounding the control of terrorism in democratic societies over the last 25 years.
This volume combines case studies of national responses to terrorism with analyses of conceptual, political, economic and data-collection problems surrounding the control of terrorism in democratic societies over the last 25 years.
Obwohl die Adipositas seit 1987 von der WHO als Erkrankung anerkannt ist, gilt krankhaftes UEbergewicht leider meist immer noch als kosmetisches oder psychologisches Problem. Die Pravalenzen fur UEbergewicht und Adipositas haben weltweit besonders in den Industriestaaten stark zugenommen und verursachen nicht nur direkte und indirekte Kosten durch die Erkrankung selbst. Auch die mit der Therapie der Folgeerkrankungen der Adipositas in Zusammenhang stehenden Ausgaben tragen zur Kostenexplosion im Gesundheitswesen der westlichen Industriestaaten entscheidend bei. Experten gehen davon aus, dass nahezu die Halfte aller Europaer in den nachsten 30 Jahren ubergewichtig sein wird. Die Adipositas ist eine ernst zu nehmende chronische Erkrankung, die mit einer Reihe von Risikofaktoren fur die Entstehung von chronischen Krankheiten, wie Hypertonus, Hyperlipidamie und Diabetes, einhergeht. Die Behandlung der Adipositas erfordert daher ein individuelles, langfristiges und komplexes therapeutisches Programm. Auf kaum einem anderen Gebiet der Medizin wurden in den letzten Jahren so viele neue Erkenntnisse gewonnen wie in der Adipositasforschung. Dieses Buch soll interessierten Medizinern einen verstandlichen und praxisnahen Zugang zu den Grundlagen der Adipositas vermitteln und Hilfestellung bei der grossen Herausforderung einer gezielten Therapie bieten.
Dieser Buchtitel ist Teil des Digitalisierungsprojekts Springer Book Archives mit Publikationen, die seit den Anfangen des Verlags von 1842 erschienen sind. Der Verlag stellt mit diesem Archiv Quellen fur die historische wie auch die disziplingeschichtliche Forschung zur Verfugung, die jeweils im historischen Kontext betrachtet werden mussen. Dieser Titel erschien in der Zeit vor 1945 und wird daher in seiner zeittypischen politisch-ideologischen Ausrichtung vom Verlag nicht beworben.
"An immensely readable collection of perspectives on the relationship between insurgent terrorism and the media which is long overdue and which sets the standard for future investigation in an area almost devoid of objective review. . . . This is a powerful collection of essays, partly due to the sense the reviewer has that editors Paletz and Schmid approached their subject with almost missionary zeal. This is not to say that they lack intellectual rigour; they most certainly do not, but their style, together with that of their contributors, reflects a real commitment to set the academic pace. . . . If I were a professor . . . [I would tell] my students to read Terrorism and the Media when they weren't listening to me. No one could wish for a better perspective than that." --The Journal of Contingencies & Crisis Management "The book is an excellent starting point, rich with examples, citations, and perspectives lacking in many earlier volumes. It offers readers analytical insight into the goals and aspirations of the various players. It will become a major departure point for anyone wishing to understand the roles played by media in terrorist violence. . . . Gerrits' study makes excellent use of memoirs and interviews of participants to show the importance of communication to the groups and their purposes. But she avoids the narrow bias against the media portrayed by many observers of the problem." --Journal of Communication "This book is a rarity in the academic literature on terrorism: a theme pursued for the most part with genuine intellectual quality control. Social scientific rigor outweighs loose moralizing; and research rather than intuition backs up the contributors' judgments." --Brendan O'Leary, London School of Economics "Terrorism and the Media is an unusual, important, and thoughtful collaboration by two major authorities in different fields--terrorism and media studies. It's the most comprehensive overview available that discusses the experiences of all participants." "This is a long awaited book. It is a unique collection of studies and reviews of different perspectives on the media-terrorism nexus. It includes the perspectives of the terrorists, the governments, the media, the victims, and the researchers. It combines excellent reviews of the studies conducted in this area with some original data and analysis. This is a comprehensive and interesting book that covers the many facets of mass-mediated terrorism including a critical review of the assumptions and approaches guiding researchers in this value-laden area." --Gabriel Weimann, University of Haifa, Israel "Much of the literature on terrorism and the media is based on anecdotal, impressionistic, and even propagandistic treatments. The editors of this pioneering effort attempt to remedy this shortcoming by assembling authorities from different academic disciplines, including journalism, who have explored the topic more systematically. The result is a data-filled, yet interesting, account of the views of terrorists (obtained through memoirs and interviews), broadcasting organizations, journalists, editors, the public, and the victims (gathered by questionnaires, interviews and journalistic techniques). . . . Highly recommended." "Terrorism and the Media is a valuable book on a topic that has received much attention in the last 20 years. It should prove useful to scholars who work in this area." --Journalism Quarterly Terrorism and the Media is the first book to present the diverse perspectives of those involved with terrorism and the media: researchers, terrorists, government, broadcasting organizations, editors, reporters, the public, and the victims. The book is based on original material gathered from terrorists' spokespersons and writings, as well as on questionnaire responses from broadcasters and editors; additionally, the book contains a reporter's personal account, includes a comprehensive interpretation of opinion polls, and analyzes the experiences of victims. It also features a definitive categorization and assessment of the literature on terrorism. Highly regarded for their previous work in this area, the contributors scrutinize such key issues as freedom of the press, codes of ethics, intimidation, victimization, and censorship. Thoughtful and thought-provoking, Terrorism and the Media will appeal to scholars and students in political science, communication studies, journalism, and international relations.
Der vorliegende 3. Band erganzt und erweitert die bereits erschienenen. Er beruht auf Tonbandaufzeichnungen von Sprechern, die auch die Texte in den fruheren Banden gesprochen haben, jedoch stellen die auf 336 Abbildungen verteilten Satze Erstveroffentlichungen dar. Sie sind als Interpretationen der hier erstmals vorliegenden Sonagramme und Oszillogramme zu verstehen und spiegeln uber das Nehrungskurische hinausgehend auch individuelle Aussprachegewohnheiten wider. Bereits lieferbar: Nehrungskurisch II: 1995,4. 544 Seiten. Kart. Euro 60.00. ISBN 3-515-06758-2 Nehrungskurisch I: 1989,2. 231 Seiten mit 256 Abbildungen und 1 Messschablone. Kart. Euro 50.00. ISBN 3-515-05445-6. (Franz Steiner 1999)
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