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The published proceedings, collected in seven volumes, contain the
contributions accepted for publication of the 25th conference of
the Societe de Linguistique Romane (Innsbruck 2007). The range of
themes includes various areas of diachronous and synchronous
Romance linguistics. Particular thought has been given to Romanian
und several small Romance languages. The articles written in the
Romance languages (French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Romanian)
provide a panorama of current Romance linguistics, its present
fields of interest and research orientation as well as the latest
bibliographical information."
The published proceedings, collected in seven volumes, contain the
contributions accepted for publication of the 25th conference of
the Societe de Linguistique Romane (Innsbruck 2007). The range of
themes includes various areas of diachronous and synchronous
Romance linguistics. Particular thought has been given to Romanian
und several small Romance languages. The articles written in the
Romance languages (French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Romanian)
provide a panorama of current Romance linguistics, its present
fields of interest and research orientation as well as the latest
bibliographical information."
The published proceedings, collected in seven volumes, contain the
contributions accepted for publication of the 25th conference of
the Societe de Linguistique Romane (Innsbruck 2007). The range of
themes includes various areas of diachronous and synchronous
Romance linguistics. Particular thought has been given to Romanian
und several small Romance languages. The articles written in the
Romance languages (French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Romanian)
provide a panorama of current Romance linguistics, its present
fields of interest and research orientation as well as the latest
bibliographical information."
The published proceedings, collected in seven volumes, contain the
contributions accepted for publication of the 25th conference of
the Societe de Linguistique Romane (Innsbruck 2007). The range of
themes includes various areas of diachronous and synchronous
Romance linguistics. Particular thought has been given to Romanian
und several small Romance languages. The articles written in the
Romance languages (French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Romanian)
provide a panorama of current Romance linguistics, its present
fields of interest and research orientation as well as the latest
bibliographical information."
The published proceedings, collected in seven volumes, contain the
contributions accepted for publication of the 25th conference of
the Societe de Linguistique Romane (Innsbruck 2007). The range of
themes includes various areas of diachronous and synchronous
Romance linguistics. Particular thought has been given to Romanian
und several small Romance languages. The articles written in the
Romance languages (French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Romanian)
provide a panorama of current Romance linguistics, its present
fields of interest and research orientation as well as the latest
bibliographical information."
The published proceedings, collected in seven volumes, contain the
contributions accepted for publication of the 25th conference of
the Societe de Linguistique Romane (Innsbruck 2007). The range of
themes includes various areas of diachronous and synchronous
Romance linguistics. Particular thought has been given to Romanian
und several small Romance languages. The articles written in the
Romance languages (French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Romanian)
provide a panorama of current Romance linguistics, its present
fields of interest and research orientation as well as the latest
bibliographical information."
The published proceedings, collected in seven volumes, contain the
contributions accepted for publication of the 25th conference of
the Societe de Linguistique Romane (Innsbruck 2007). The range of
themes includes various areas of diachronous and synchronous
Romance linguistics. Particular thought has been given to Romanian
und several small Romance languages. The articles written in the
Romance languages (French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Romanian)
provide a panorama of current Romance linguistics, its present
fields of interest and research orientation as well as the latest
bibliographical information."
Il presente volume in omaggio a Heidi Siller-Runggaldier,
professoressa di linguistica italiana dell'Universita di Innsbruck
(Austria), comprende piu di 40 saggi incentrati sull'architettura
in senso linguistico: dopo la prima sezione sull'architettura della
lingua italiana ovvero sull'insieme delle sue variazioni a livello
diacronico, diatopico, diastratico, diafasico e diamesico, segue
una seconda sezione i cui contributi riguardano l'architettura
linguistica dell'Italia, ovvero la situazione linguistica in Italia
e le diverse lingue minoritarie parlate sul territorio italiano
(per esempio il ladino, il friulano, il sardo, il cimbro). In fondo
al volume vi e una terza ed ultima sezione intitolata L'italiano
nel mondo, che contiene fra l'altro contributi sull'italiano quale
lingua soggetta a fenomeni linguistici panromanzi, paneuropei e