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The internet and the electronic economy are a technological
revolution whose secular importance is apparent. The internet
eliminates the temporal and spatial constraints on the exchange of
information. It changes deeply the world of production and of
labour. It transforms the exchange relationships between producers
and consumers as well as between the suppliers within the
supply-chain. The electronic economy is able to generate more
accurate con sumer profiles and, therefore, a more powerful and
effective marketing di rected to the individual consumer. There is
no industry that is not undergoing thorough changes caused by the
internet. The volume at hand gives an analysis of the internet
revolution. It covers questions reaching form the highly
controversial thesis of the end of property rights in the internet
caused by the non-rivalry of the "consumption" of in formation to
questions regarding the repercussions of the internet on our
understanding of the human person. Technological changes like the
introduction of the electronic economy pose the question of how to
handle it and how to manage reasonably its ethi cal problems and
dilemmas. The ethical problems and the business ethics of the
electronic economy in the fields of production and labour, of
consump tion, and in handling trust and the abuse of trust are
analysed by the contribu tions from applied ethics and business
Pixel detectors are a particularly important class of particle and
radiation detection devices. They have an extremely broad spectrum
of applications, ranging from high-energy physics to the photo
cameras of everyday life. This book is a general purpose
introduction into the fundamental principles of pixel detector
technology and semiconductor-based hybrid pixel devices. Although
these devices were developed for high-energy ionizing particles and
radiation beyond visible light, they are finding new applications
in many other areas. This book will therefore benefit all
scientists and engineers working in any laboratory involved in
developing or using particle detection.
This anthology - the first of its kind in eight years - collects
some of the best and most current research and reflection on the
complex interactions between religion and computer-mediated
communication (CMC). The contributions cohere around the central
question: how will core religious understandings of identity,
community and authority shape and be (re)shaped by the
communicative possibilities of Web 2.0? The authors gathered here
address these questions in three distinct ways: through
contemporary empirical research on how diverse traditions across
the globe seek to take up the technologies and affordances of
contemporary CMC; through investigations that place these
contemporary developments in larger historical and theological
contexts; and through careful reflection on the theoretical
dimensions of research on religion and CMC. In their introductory
and concluding essays, the editors uncover and articulate the
larger intersections and patterns suggested by individual chapters,
including trajectories for future research.
This anthology - the first of its kind in eight years - collects
some of the best and most current research and reflection on the
complex interactions between religion and computer-mediated
communication (CMC). The contributions cohere around the central
question: how will core religious understandings of identity,
community and authority shape and be (re)shaped by the
communicative possibilities of Web 2.0? The authors gathered here
address these questions in three distinct ways: through
contemporary empirical research on how diverse traditions across
the globe seek to take up the technologies and affordances of
contemporary CMC; through investigations that place these
contemporary developments in larger historical and theological
contexts; and through careful reflection on the theoretical
dimensions of research on religion and CMC. In their introductory
and concluding essays, the editors uncover and articulate the
larger intersections and patterns suggested by individual chapters,
including trajectories for future research.
This book presents the important analytical technique of magnetic
microscopy. This method is applied to analyze layered structures
with high resolution. This book presents a number of
layer-resolving magnetic imaging techniques that have evolved
recently. Many exciting new developments in magnetism rely on the
ability to independently control the magnetization in two or more
magnetic layers in micro- or nanostructures. This in turn requires
techniques with the appropriate spatial resolution and magnetic
sensitivity. The book begins with an introductory overview,
explains then the principles of the various techniques and gives
guidance to their use. Selected examples demonstrate the specific
strengths of each method. Thus the book is a valuable resource for
all scientists and practitioners investigating and applying
magnetic layered structures.
This catalog presents works of sixteen leading contemporary
artists that refer to ancient pictorial forms, patterns and
symbols: Adel Abdessemed, Marina Abramovic, Sanford Biggers, Louise
Bourgeois, Peter Buggenhout, Nathalie Djurberg, Amar Kanwar, Bharti
Kher, Sigalit Landau, Tea Makipaa, Ana Mendieta, Mariella Mosler,
Kiki Smith, Nancy Spero, Philip Taaffe, and Su-Mei Tse.
The internet and the electronic economy are a technological
revolution whose secular importance is apparent. The internet
eliminates the temporal and spatial constraints on the exchange of
information. It changes deeply the world of production and of
labour. It transforms the exchange relationships between producers
and consumers as well as between the suppliers within the
supply-chain. The electronic economy is able to generate more
accurate con sumer profiles and, therefore, a more powerful and
effective marketing di rected to the individual consumer. There is
no industry that is not undergoing thorough changes caused by the
internet. The volume at hand gives an analysis of the internet
revolution. It covers questions reaching form the highly
controversial thesis of the end of property rights in the internet
caused by the non-rivalry of the "consumption" of in formation to
questions regarding the repercussions of the internet on our
understanding of the human person. Technological changes like the
introduction of the electronic economy pose the question of how to
handle it and how to manage reasonably its ethi cal problems and
dilemmas. The ethical problems and the business ethics of the
electronic economy in the fields of production and labour, of
consump tion, and in handling trust and the abuse of trust are
analysed by the contribu tions from applied ethics and business
Pixel detectors are a particularly important class of particle and
radiation detection devices. They have an extremely broad spectrum
of applications, ranging from high-energy physics to the photo
cameras of everyday life. This book is a general purpose
introduction into the fundamental principles of pixel detector
technology and semiconductor-based hybrid pixel devices. Although
these devices were developed for high-energy ionizing particles and
radiation beyond visible light, they are finding new applications
in many other areas. This book will therefore benefit all
scientists and engineers working in any laboratory involved in
developing or using particle detection.
Gase, Nanosysteme, Flussigkeiten (German, Hardcover, 2nd rev. edition)
Karl Kleinermanns; Contributions by Thomas Dorfmuller, Manfred Faubel, Peter Fischer, Helmut Grubmuller, …
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Die hier behandelten Vielteilchensysteme - Gase, Nanosysteme und
Flussigkeiten - umfassen alle Formen der Materie, die zwischen
Teilchen (Bestandteile der Materie, Band 4) und Festkoerpern (Band
6) einzuordnen sind. Die Experimente stehen im Vordergrund.
Zusatzlich werden alle wichtigen theoretischen Ansatze und
Naherungen sowie die wesentlichen aktuellen Erkenntnisse zum
komplexen Gebiet der Vielteilchen von fuhrenden Wissenschaftlern
beschrieben. Insbesondere Nanoteilchen und funktionale Nanosysteme
haben in den letzten Jahren fur praktische Anwendungen zunehmendes
Interesse gefunden. Ihre Herstellung, die Analyse ihrer zum Teil
ganz neuen physikalischen Eigenschaften und ihre
Nutzungsmoeglichkeiten werden ausfuhrlich dargestellt. Pluspunkte:
umfassende Darstellung des komplexen Gebiets der Vielteilchen unter
Einbeziehung aller wichtigen aktuellen Erkenntnisse, fur die
Erarbeitung des Stoffes im Selbststudium geeignet.
Has any major thinker been more poorly understood than Karl Marx?
Over the last 150 years, his name has been invoked in connection
with everything from unemployment insurance to Hollywood to
guerrilla wars. Any number of international movements have claimed
his teachings as their inspiration. Time after time, authorities
have proclaimed the death of Marx's theories while new and old
audiences continue to draw vital insight from the works of the most
important philosopher and economist of the industrial era. Ernst
Fischer has crafted a brief, clear, and faithful exposition of
Marx's main premises, with particular emphasis on historical
context. This new edition of the English translation of 'Was Marx
wirklich sagte' (1968) includes new contributions by John Bellamy
Foster that sharpen Fischer's focus for today's readers. Also
included are a biographical chronology, extracts from major works
of Marx, and "Marx's Method," a valuable essay by the political
economist Paul M. Sweezy.
For all managers making a leadership transition, it is critical to
engage with the new role rapidly to permit a seamless changeover
and to ensure that staff remain engaged and focused. This handy
guide provides you with the structure and guidance you need to
minimise disruption and maximise performance during the crucial
first 100 days. Written by Peter Fischer, an industrial
psychologist and psychotherapist, the book provides you with tried
and tested models and self-assessment techniques which allow you to
manage expectations, build key relationships and drive through
change during your first three months in charge. The first part of
the book deals with the common problems faced by new managers in
the early days of a new post, shows the right questions to ask and
also provides really helpful advice on issues such as how to deal
with a disappointed contender. The second part of the book looks at
the problems faced by new appointees in different scenarios,
including: internal promotion; external hire; big predecessor and
little successor, the young high-potential manager and the overseas
assignment. If you are a new manager, no matter the circumstances
of your appointment, this book identifies all the problems you are
likely to face, shows you how to deal with them, and allows you to
hit the ground running in your new role.
In dem Buch sind die prufungsrelevanten Themen des Grundlagenfachs
Sozialpsychologie, inklusive aktueller Trends wie positive
Psychologie und soziale Neurowissenschaften, lerngerecht
aufbereitet: mit Fallbeispielen, Definitionen, Studienboxen,
Exkursen und Kontrollfragen. Auf der begleitenden Website stehen
mp3-Hoerbeitrage, Lerntools und Vorlesungsmaterialien fur Dozenten
zum Download bereit. Fur Studierende im Bachelorstudium und alle,
die einen leicht verstandlichen Einstieg in die Sozialpsychologie
Das Buch zeigt, welche neuen Arbeitsformen es im virtuellen
Zeitalter gibt und wie sich Unternehmer wirtschaftlich und wir alle
uns darauf einstellen konnen.
Die technologische Revolution des Internets, ihre epochale
Bedeutung fur die Wirtschaft und ihre ethische Bewaltigung sind das
Thema dieses Buches. Seine Beitrage zum Verstehen des Internets
reichen von der Frage der Umwalzung oder gar Abschaffung der
Eigentumsrechte durch die Allzuganglichkeit und Nicht-Rivalitat des
"Konsums" von Information im Internet bis zu Fragen der
Ruckwirkungen des Internets auf den Begriff der Person. Der
Wirtschaftsethik der Electronic Economy in den Bereichen Produktion
und Arbeitswelt, Konsum und in der Handhabung von Vertrauen und
Vertrauensmissbrauch widmen sich die im engeren Sinne
wirtschaftsethischen Beitrage. Die Fragen nach der Zukunft der
Konsumgesellschaft unter den Bedingungen des Internets untersuchen
Beitrage, die den institutionellen Wandlungen der Gesellschaft und
der Unternehmen nachgehen, die durch das Internet notwendig werden.
Der Leser erhalt eine umfassende Analyse der ethischen,
gesellschaftlichen und technologischen Probleme der e-economy."
Die wachsende Verbreitung der elektronischen Datenverarbei- tung in
den unterschiedlichen Wirtschaftsbereichen verlangt immer mehr nach
einer vom Rechner erzeugten grafischen Darstel- lung der Ergebnisse
der einzelnen Datenverarbeitungsprozesse. Einesteils dient die
grafische Ausgabe dazu, eine mehr oder minder grosse Flut
numerischer Rechenergebnisse in Form von Diagrammen ubersichtlich
zu machen. Andernteils gibt es An- wendungen, z. B. im Bereich der
Konstruktion und Entwicklung, bei denen die rechnerunterstutzte
Erstellung von Konstruktions- und Fertigungszeichnungen das
Hauptziel von Programmablaufen ist. Daruber hinaus lassen sich
grafische Darstellungen auch immer mehr zur komfortablen
interaktiven Eingabe von Daten in den Rechner verwenden, oder sie
dienen zur Vereinfachung des Dialogs Rechner - Benutzer wahrend
eines Programmablaufs. Bei der zuerst genannten Anwendung genugt
meist der Einbau entsprechender Zeichnungsunterprogramme in das
Anwenderpro- gramm, die dann mit den erforderlichen Ausgabedaten
versorgt werden mussen /1,5,6,7/. Zur Erstellung von Konstruktions-
und Fertigungszeichnungen sind dagegen eigenstandige Programme
noetig /2,3/. Die ein- zelnen Zeichnungsteile werden definiert und
uber eine Eingabe- sprache oder auch interaktiv am Bildschirm oder
Digitalisierer in den Rechner eingegeben und zu einer
Gesamtzeichnung ver- knupft. Der Vereinfachung der Zeichnungsarbeit
dient die Moeglichkeit, Zeichnungsteile oder vollstandige
Zeichnungen fur einen spateren Gebrauch, eventuell nach Einfugen
von Kor- rekturen, abzuspeichern. In diesen Anwendungsbereich fallt
auch der Entwurf von hochintegrierten Schaltungen mit Hilfe des
Rechners /4/, auf den spater noch naher eingegangen wird. 18 Bei
den eben aufgefuhrten Verfahren steht die Tatigkeit des Benutzers
bei der Zeichnungserstellung im Vordergrund, wobei der Rechner fur
den Entwurf mehr oder weniger umfangreiche Kontrollaufgaben
The Bells of Hell - based on true stories, this tells of the lives
of men and women who lived through the horrors of WW2 in the
Pacific. It tells of life in the Pacific Rim - The Ring of Fire.
Violent lands ruled by ruthless, violent men. It tells of political
intrigue, deceit and betrayal. It tells of courageous men and women
who emerge from the coalmines and universities searching for escape
from the rigours of virtual slavery.
After ten years the ESDP has reached an important milestone in its
development. It is one of the most dynamic policy areas in the
framework of the European Union (EU) and is a substantial
integration project. Behind this background the study analyzes the
question, What has ESDP achieved in its main fields of action
(capabilities, operations/missions and strategic partnership with
NATO to include transatlantic relations) to meet the requirements
of the European Security Strategy (ESS)? The ESS as the overarching
strategic document for the ESDP claims an encompassing security
approach and calls to be more capable, more active, more coherent
and calls to intensify working with partners. Hence, the ESS
together with its implementation report provides the criteria to
measure the achievements of the ESDP. In regard to capability
development in many respects progress has been made over the last
ten years to be more capable. ESDP specifically has built up
military and civilian rapid response capabilities (EU Battlegroups
and Civilian Response Teams) and the EU has established a European
Defense Agency (EDA). However, there is still a lack in military
key capabilities and the military reform process in Europe remains
slow. Further improvements are necessary focusing on spending money
more efficiently and using the EDA to enhance pooling of assets.
Operations and missions are the ESDP's figurehead to be more active
and to meet the requirement of a global security actor. With
twenty-two military operations and civilian missions since 2003 the
footprint is considerable. ESDP engagements span almost the globe
and cover a wide spectrum (stabilization, rule of law,
anti-piracy). Nevertheless, they have been limited in scope and
time and the ESDP is still untested in 'high end' operations. A key
question for the future is less the number of ESDP engagements but
there size, mandate and political ambition. To avoid an
overextension of the ESDP clear priorities and regional strategies
are needed. With regard to working with partners the current
context of the EU - NATO partnership and the underlying
transatlantic relations seem more favorable than in the recent
years. The United States in principle wants a strong European
partner and the ESDP with its civil-military tools is increasingly
perceived as added value in a complementary role to NATO for crisis
management. There is already close cooperation between EU/ESDP and
NATO in the framework of 'Berlin Plus' (Bosnia) or in the way both
are working alongside together (Afghanistan, Kosovo). However,
despite a more constructive tone between both the unresolved
Turkey-Cyprus issue is an obstacle to a true strategic partnership
and urgently requires a political solution. In any case, the pull
of events, such as Afghanistan, piracy or France's return to NATO's
integrated structures, seems to be bringing NATO and the EU/ESDP
inexorably closer together. The availability of all instruments -
civil and military - makes the ESDP so attractive but coherent and
efficient use is necessary. Initiatives to enhance the coherence of
institutional structures and the coordination of the ESDP
engagements and the EU Commission's activities have been made but
they are not yet sufficient. The Lisbon Treaty in force since
December 1st, 2009 includes regulations for further improvement of
the ESDP and for better coherence but the implementation needs time
and results can only be expected gradually. In summary, this study
outlines that the ESDP has made significant progress in the main
fields of action and has substantially increased the EU's
contribution to international security. However, the ESDP is still
a process in the making and a lot still needs to be done. Hence, at
the threshold of the second decade of the ESDP this ever advancing
process continues and will require all the commitment of its
Dieses als Kompendium konzipierte Buch - mit Lehrbuchcharakter -
vermittelt das Grundwissen uber die aussere Beschaffenheit sowie
die chemischen, physikochemischen und physikalischen Eigenschaften
textiler Faserstoffe. Es ist in erster Linie fur Ingenieure und
Technologen gedacht, die mit der Herstellung, Verarbeitung oder dem
Einsatz textiler Faserstoffe massgebend betraut sind. Fur sie ist
es unumganglich, sich ausreichend mit der chemisch-strukturellen
Beschaffenheit, den zahlreichen Eigenschaften sowie den
Struktur-Eigenschafts-Beziehungen der Fasern zu befassen. Es wird
jedoch auch dem Studenten des Textil- und Bekleidungsfaches das
notwendige Rustzeug fur das Studium vermitteln. Die nach
Eigenschaftsgruppen untergliederten Faserarten werden in
zahlreichen Tabellen und Diagrammen einander gegenubergestellt. Dem
Charakter des Nachschlagewerkes wird auch durch umfangreiche
Literaturhinweise Rechnung getragen. Anwendungsbeispiele aus
Forschung und industrieller Praxis sind zum besseren Verstandnis
eingeflochten. Dieses Kompendium wird sowohl dem angehenden wie dem
bereits im Beruf stehenden Textiltechnologen, der in konkreten
Verarbeitungssituationen und Einsatzfragen sachgerechte
Entscheidungen fallen muss, von unschatzbarem Wert sein."
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Michael Buble
Discovery Miles 4 820