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This book offers fresh impulses from different industries on how to
deal with innovation processes. Authors from different backgrounds,
such as artificial intelligence, mechanical engineering, medical
technology and law, share their experiences with enabling and
managing innovation. The ability of companies to innovate functions
as a benchmark to attract investors long-term. While each company
has different preconditions and environments to adapt to, the
authors give guidance in the fields of digitalization, workspaces
and business model innovation.
This book introduces the reader to the latest innovations in fields
such as artificial intelligence, systems biology or surgery, and
gives advice on what new technologies to consider for becoming a
market leader of tomorrow. Companies generally acquire information
on these fields from various sources such as market reports,
scientific literature or conference events, but find it difficult
to distinguish between mere hype and truly valuable innovations.
This book offers essential guidance in the form of structured and
authoritative contributions by experts in innovative technologies
spanning from biology and medicine to augmented reality and smart
power grids. The authors identify high-potential fields and
demonstrate the impact of their technologies to create economic
value in real-world applications. They also offer business leaders
advice on whether and how to implement these new technologies and
innovations in their companies or businesses. Chapter 13 Analytic
Philosophy for Biomedical Research: The Imperative of Applying
Yesterday's Timeless Messages to Today's Impasses by Sepehr Ehsani
is available open access under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
International License via link.springer.com.
The COVID-19 pandemic has reminded us of how important the life
science industry is, and compels us to find efficient management
methods specific to the industry. Pharmaceuticals, drug and vaccine
development labs, R&D labs, medical instrumentation, and tech
companies, hygiene supply companies, medical distribution chains,
all form an integral part of this industry. At the interface of
scientific research, technology, innovation and management and
embedded in regulatory and legal frameworks, life science
management is still an under-researched field of practice and
science. This edited volume addresses this research gap and offers
a wide range of practical and theoretical contributions that
provide insights into one of the most exciting industries. The book
is primarily directed at practitioners and decision makers in the
life science industry. Students and professionals of life science
management at all levels as well as policy makers will find
valuable insights and inspiration for their daily work and career
The past decade has brought to the fore the critical need to
constantly envision and consider various scenarios where ongoing
trends and sudden changes could together alter the provision of
healthcare and the direction of medical research. This book brings
together scholars whose areas of expertise represent different
themes that are essential to understanding how healthcare might
change and evolve over the next decade. What lessons can one take
away from current and past developments? The themes explored by the
book rest on four pillars. The first is the rapid pace and ubiquity
of technological advances in areas such as artificial intelligence,
machine learning, additive manufacturing and wearable electronics.
The second pillar concerns healthy aging, longevity and the
management of chronic diseases. The third is the imperative to
remain cognizant of the ethical dimensions of medical decisions,
adapting bioethics to ongoing changes in healthcare provision.
Finally, the fourth pillar relates to how uncertainty in different
domains of medical knowledge can be mitigated and translated into
clinical practice. For example, how should uncertainty with the
results of clinical trials for a new treatment be dealt with? What
cost-benefit analyses would be most appropriate for the situation?
Chapter authors identify respective challenges and promising
opportunities, discussing how these could contribute to envisioning
the future scope of healthcare when it comes to providing medical,
economic and ethical values to human societies. Chapters 1, 4, 12,
and 20 are available open access under a Creative Commons
Attribution 4.0 International License via link.springer.com.
Während Digitalisierung, Innovationen, Forschung und Entwicklung
im Bereich Medizintechnik und -produkte und Life Science die
Diagnose- und Therapieverfahren verbessern und viele Fortschritte
ermöglichen, werden andererseits durch den demografischen Wandel,
den zunehmenden Fachkräftemangel, den Druck auf den deutschen
Mittelstand und den immer stärker werdenden internationalen
Wettbewerb, gesundheitsökonomische Grenzen für die Bezahlbarkeit
unserer Gesundheit gesetzt, die Auswirkungen auf Quantität und
Qualität der deutschen und europäischen Gesundheitsversorgung
haben werden. Deshalb ist es besonders wichtig, rechtzeitig die
Innovationspotenziale dieser Branche auszuloten und zu heben. Die
Beiträge in diesem Buch zu Themen wie Cybersicherheit,
betriebliches Gesundheitsmanagement, personalisierte Prävention,
Psychologie, Technologie und Home Care liefern neue Ansätze und
Impulse und leiten konkrete Handlungsempfehlungen für etablierte
Unternehmen und Start-Ups in der Gesundheitswirtschaft ab.
Nichts ist älter als der Erfolg von gestern. Im internationalen
Wettbewerb nimmt der Druck für Start-ups und etablierte
Unternehmen zu: innovative Produkte und Dienstleistungen müssen in
immer kürzeren Zyklen entwickelt und geliefert werden.
Personalmangel, hohe Unternehmenssteuern und lange Antragswege sind
nur einige der Innovationshemmnisse, die den Abstand deutscher
Unternehmen zur Weltspitze vergrößern. Aktuelle weltpolitische
Ereignisse offenbaren eine starke Abhängigkeit Deutschlands von
Dritten, insbesondere bei Energie und Nahrung, aber auch bei der
Digitalisierung. In allen Bereichen muss eine unternehmerische
Trendwende eingeleitet werden. Dazu soll dieses Buch Impulse geben.
Viele praxiserprobte Ideen und Anregungen aus der aktuellen
Innovationsszene für die Bereiche Organisation, Vertrieb, Führung
und Personalwesen werden vorgestellt - zumeist von
Führungskräften, die wissen, "wie es geht". Ein Mix aus
akademischen und praktischen Ansätzen zeigt den Lesern, wie diese
erfahrenen Führungskräfte in ihren Betrieben mit Krisen,
Herausforderungen und Innovationsprojekten umgegangen sind. Sie
erhalten "lessons learned", die sie bei ihren eigenen Ansätzen
für eine innovative Unternehmensführung unterstützen können.
Digital technologies are currently dramatically changing
healthcare. This book introduces the reader to the latest digital
innovations in healthcare in fields such as artificial
intelligence, points out new ways in patient care and describes the
limits of its application. It also offers essential guidance in the
form of structured and authoritative contributions by domain
experts spanning from artificial intelligence to hospital
management to radiology to dentistry to preventive medicine.
Furthermore, it shares ideas and experiences of industry veterans,
in particular on how IT-driven solutions could solve long-standing
issues in the fields of healthcare and hospitalization. It also
gives advice on what new digital technologies to consider for
becoming a healthcare market leader in the future. Taken together,
these contributions provide a "road map" to guide decision makers,
physicians, academics, industry representatives and other
interested readers to understand the large impact of digital
technology on healthcare today and its enormous potential for
future development.
Social Innovation is not just a buzzword, it's a global
opportunity. However, it is also a very wide and heterogeneous
field. The aim of this book is to give the reader different
perspectives, concepts and experiences to understand the
challenging tasks of the future while also showcasing some existing
best-practice examples, impact-investing and social innovation
strategies that successfully empower communities and individuals to
shape a better life.
Digital technologies are currently dramatically changing
healthcare. This book introduces the reader to the latest digital
innovations in healthcare in fields such as artificial
intelligence, points out new ways in patient care and describes the
limits of its application. It also offers essential guidance in the
form of structured and authoritative contributions by domain
experts spanning from artificial intelligence to hospital
management to radiology to dentistry to preventive medicine.
Furthermore, it shares ideas and experiences of industry veterans,
in particular on how IT-driven solutions could solve long-standing
issues in the fields of healthcare and hospitalization. It also
gives advice on what new digital technologies to consider for
becoming a healthcare market leader in the future. Taken together,
these contributions provide a "road map" to guide decision makers,
physicians, academics, industry representatives and other
interested readers to understand the large impact of digital
technology on healthcare today and its enormous potential for
future development.
This book introduces the reader to the latest innovations in fields
such as artificial intelligence, systems biology or surgery, and
gives advice on what new technologies to consider for becoming a
market leader of tomorrow. Companies generally acquire information
on these fields from various sources such as market reports,
scientific literature or conference events, but find it difficult
to distinguish between mere hype and truly valuable innovations.
This book offers essential guidance in the form of structured and
authoritative contributions by experts in innovative technologies
spanning from biology and medicine to augmented reality and smart
power grids. The authors identify high-potential fields and
demonstrate the impact of their technologies to create economic
value in real-world applications. They also offer business leaders
advice on whether and how to implement these new technologies and
innovations in their companies or businesses. Chapter 13 Analytic
Philosophy for Biomedical Research: The Imperative of Applying
Yesterday's Timeless Messages to Today's Impasses by Sepehr Ehsani
is available open access under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
International License via link.springer.com.
Der globale Wettbewerb zwingt Unternehmen innovative Produkte und
Dienstleistungen in immer kurzeren Innovationszyklen zu liefern. Um
diese Performance leisten zu koennen mussen Zukunftstrends und
Szenarien zahlreicher Branchen antizipiert und fruhzeitig in
Projekte und Zielsetzungen integriert werden, dabei koennen
Experimente auch eine Rolle spielen. In diesem Buch stellen
verschiedene Autoren aus Wissenschaft und Praxis unterschiedliche
Entwicklungen, Zukunftstrends und Szenarien aus verschiedenen
Bereichen der Industrien, dem Hochschuldbildungssektor und dem
Gesundheitswesen dar. Leserinnen und Leser aus der Praxis erhalten
Denkanstoesse und Handlungsempfehlungen fur Aktivitaten, im Rahmen
der Gestaltung von Innovationskonzepten fur die Zukunft, in ihrem
Unternehmen oder Arbeitsfeld umsetzen koennen.
Europa steht aktuell vor mannigfaltigen Herausforderung.
Handelskrieg, Massenentlassungen, Jugendarbeitslosigkeit und eine
immer alter werdende Gesellschaft sind nur einige der Probleme, mit
denen wir in Zukunft zu kampfen haben. Gleichzeitig ringen
etablierte Unternehmen und Start-Ups im globalen Wettbewerb um die
Aufmerksamkeit der Kunden. Das digitale Zeitalter fordert sie zur
Entwicklung neuer Produkte und Dienstleistungen. Die
Wettbewerbsrahmenbedingungen haben sich verandert, neue
Geschaftsmodelle und Unternehmensstrukturen mussen her. Gerade
jetzt spielt Innovationsfoerderung daher eine wichtige Rolle. Um
auch in Zukunft wettbewerbsfahig zu bleiben, mussen Unternehmer
neue Perspektiven foerdern und in die noetigen Massnahmen zur
Umsetzung investieren. Dieses Buch stellt einige der wichtigsten
Wettbewerber vor und regt zu einer nachhaltigen
wirtschaftspolitischen Innovationsfoerderung an. Es richtet sich
vorrangig an Menschen, die Unternehmen grunden, aufbauen oder
bestehende Firmen transformieren wollen. Dabei bietet es eine
Mischung aus wissenschaftlichen Perspektiven,
anwendungsorientierten praktischen UEberlegungen und persoenlichen
Erfahrungen in akademischen und privatwirtschaftlichen
Innovationsumgebungen in zahlreichen Landern.
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