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The fundamental aspects of classical thermodynamics are presented
in a simple compact way. The equations derived are illustrated by
numerous (111) examples, often direct application of the relations
just obtained. The (four) laws of thermodynamics are presented and
illustrated. The need to define thermodynamic temperature, the
meaning of auxiliary thermodynamic functions, the origin,
usefulness and use of partial molar quantities are all examined.
Gaseous systems, phase equilibria and chemical reactions are
quantitatively treated. It is shown how chemical reactions can
provide work. Ideal and non ideal solutions are presented with the
various standard states and activity coefficients. This book will
be of use to a wide audience of students and professionals in the
fields of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering, Materials Science and
Bio related Sciences. REVIEW Dr. Infelta has prepared a compact
Introductory Thermodynamics book which will serve well for mature
students who need a command of this important field. Undergraduate
students will find the presentation logical, the examples
thoughtful, and the coverage thorough. Students and professionals
for whom memory or mastery of previous thermodynamics courses have
dimmed, will find, in addition to the above virtues, careful
derivation of the properties of non-ideal systems and emphasis on
when to use these results instead of ideal system results,
treatment of multireaction equilibria, and (a personal favorite) a
succinct elucidation of that odd proposition of thermodynamics, Le
Chatelier's Principle. These students will value this small volume
packed with the power of classical thermodynamics. Lynn Melton,
Professor of Chemistry, University of Texas, Dallas.
This second volume of a two-volume set develops the tools necessary
to study and understand systems in which chemical reactions can
take place, and establishes criteria for chemical equilibrium. For
complex systems, the number of independent reactions and their
nature are determined systematically; the effect of external
factors on chemical equilibria is analyzed and illustrated; the
formalism necessary to study ideal and real solutions is provided;
and various standard states in use and the corresponding activity
coefficients are defined. The volume includes problems and
This is volume 1 of a two-volume set. A primarily phenomenological
approach was selected to keep chemical thermodynamics accessible to
beginners. Coverage encompasses the fundamental aspects of
thermodynamics, for students in chemistry, chemical engineering,
and material sciences. Most of the specific mathematical tools are
presented directly in the text; problems and solutions are
Notre prisentation classique de la thermodynamique, avec quelques
illustrations de l'aspect statistique, ne requiert que peu de
connaissances mathimatiques. L'existence et la difinition de la
tempirature thermodynamique permettent de difinir l'entropie d'un
systhme, de montrer qu'elle est une fonction d'itat, puis,
d'inoncer le deuxihme principe de la thermodynamique. Les diverses
fonctions thermodynamiques s'imposent naturellement avec leurs
significations. On dicouvre que les propriitis extensives des
systhmes riels peuvent jtre obtenues l'aide des grandeurs molaires
partielles dont fait partie le potentiel chimique. L'itude des gaz
parfaits permet d'obtenir une expression formelle de leur potentiel
chimique puis, pour les gaz riels, de difinir la fugaciti. On
obtient ensuite les conditions d'iquilibre dans les systhmes
plusieurs phases en l'absence de riactions chimiques. L'aspect
inergitique des riactions chimiques permet de dicrire
quantitativement les riactions chimiques, de ginirer des tables de
donnies et d'obtenir les conditions de l'iquilibre chimique pour
les systhmes gazeux puis, par extension, pour les systhmes
hitiroghnes. On prisente igalement les crithres d'iquilibre pour
diverses conditions expirimentales. On itudie enfin les solutions
idiales puis non idiales. L'aspect statistique de la
thermodynamique peut alors jtre abordi plus en ditail dans le
dernier chapitre. Les nombreux problhmes associis chaque chapitre
avec leur solution ditaillie permettent l'itudiant de virifier
l'exactitude de son raisonnement et de ses calculs.
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