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Posttraumatic cerebral contusions, lacerations and hematomas in the
past could often only be suspected by clinical symptomatology and
be visualized by angiography in a restricted manner, but they are
now diag nosed with precision through CT and MRI; they remain in
the limelight in our daily management of severe head injuries.
Stalhammar's longlasting research in biomechanics is he re
condensed in a concise review of the current knowledge in this
field, thus providing the basis for our understanding of the
parenchymal cerebral posttraumatic lesions. The neuropathological
investigations and findings remain fundamental to the clinical
features, and in this text there is the advantage that they were
carried out and interpreted by a very experienced neurasurgeon, Ion
Oprescu, who most regretfully died before the completion of this
volume. The special morphological and clinical investigations by
Nakamura, concerning diffuse brain injury, contribute to our
necessary diagnosis and treatment of this phenomenon where, without
grass visible lesions of cerebral tissue, a high mortality occurs.
The clinical features, the princip1es of therapy and the outcome
are described by Vigouroux and Guillermain, whose clinical study
clearly demonstrates the limitations of all our efforts in severe
brain injuries, in spite of decades of clinical experience and
The 28th annual conference of the German Society for Neurosurgery
was held in Cologne, West Germany, from the 18th to the 21st of
September 1977. The conference dealt with problems concerning
craniocerebral injuries and space-occupying processes in the
posterior cranial fossa as well as general topics on clinical
practice and research with special attention paid to the work of
younger neurosurgeons. This volume is a presentation of the
conference results. Within the scope of the general topics, special
interest was directed toward the que stion of the current status of
cytostatic treatment for brain tumors. In addition to experimental
investigations, the results concerning cerebral tumors and
medulloblas tomas are reported. Cerebellar tumors represent two
further focal points: 1. From the diagnostic viewpoint, specific
results from computerized tomography are discussed, especially with
regard to the more extensive anatomic difficulties involved in the
posterior cranial fossa. 2. With emphasis on cerebellar processes,
the results of long-term measurements of intracranial pressure
during the postoperative follow-up period are reported."
The Committee of Neurotraumatology of the World Federation of
Neurosurgical Societies decided to elaborate a Glossary of Neuro-
traumatology, and for this purpose appointed a subgroup of members
of this Committee, headed by Dr. E. S. Gurdjian, whose report
follows this preface. The main reason for the Committee's decision
was the hope that the diffusion of the Glossary through "Acta
Neurochirurgica" may bring about a better understanding of
neurotraumatological terminology on a worldwide scale. The Glossary
should facilitate the classification and the comparison of
traumatic lesions of the Nervous System. It will consequently be
easier to compile statistics and correctly interpret the
informations thus obtained. The very commendable initiative of the
Congress of Neurological Surgeons in revising the terminology of
head injuries and in publishing this work in Vol. 12 (1966) of
"Clinical Neurosurgery" constitutes an important contribution. In
1977 the Glossary now presented endeav- ours to complete and bring
up to date the definitions of anatomical or physiological
modifications in the neurotraumatological field. We wish to express
our thanks to Dr. Gurdjian and to the other members of the
Neurotraumatological Committee who were responsible for the
elaboration of this Glossary and whose efforts to standardise, as
much as possible, the language used by scientists of different
nationalities, have resulted in a better understanding between
Die Differenzierung und prognostische Beurteilung der Atemstorungen
bei schweren Kopfverletzungen ist ein dringendes Problem geworden.
Beobachtungen an Verletzten, die eine Cheyne-Stokes-Atmung oder
Schnapp- atmung iiberlebt haben, Atemstorungen, die friiher als
Hirnstammschadigung prognostisch vollig infaust beurteilt wurden,
zeigten die Notwendigkeit, syste. matische Untersuchungen auf
diesem Gebiet durchzufiihren. Die klinische Beurteilung von
Atemstorungen geschah bisher im wesentlichen gestiitzt auf altere
tierexperimentelle Untersuchungen. Leider fanden die spiro-
metrischen Untersuchungen, die KNIPPING u. Mitarb. bereits 1930 an
Patienten mit Hirntumoren und Hirndurchblutungsstorungen
durchfiihrten, nicht die ent- sprechende Resonanz, obwohl sie
wegweisend fiir die wissenschaftliche Arbeit der Neurologen und
Neurochirurgen hatten sein konnen. Sicherlich standen die
Schwierigkeiten bei der technischen Durchfiihrung hindernd im Wege.
Durch die neueren BehandlungsmaBnahmen schwer Hirngeschadigter
haben sich auch die Untersuchungsmoglichkeiten der Atemstorungen
verbessert. So war es meinem Mitarbeiter FROWEIN moglich, bei 170
Patienten mit frischen Hirnverletzungen oder anderen
Hirnschadigungen durch Geschwiilste, Durchblutungsstorungen,
Anfallsleiden und postoperative Veranderungen, unter Anwendung der
modernen Spirometrie und der gasanalytischen Methoden die
Atemstorungen systematisch zu erfassen. Erfreulicherweise gelang es
ihm, durch 370 Einzeluntersuchungen auch Verlaufe unter dem EinfluB
des Krankheitsgeschehens wie der Behandlung festzuhalten. Die
Untersuchungen wurden durchgefiihrt mit Unterstiitzung der
Europaischen Gemeinschaft fiir Kohle und Stahl (Hohe Behorde) und
des Bundesministeriums fiir Arbeit und Sozialordnung. Ganz
besonderen Dank aber schulden wir unserem Kolner Physiologen MAX
SCHNEIDER und seinem Mit- arbeiter HIRSCH sowie den KOllegen
KNIPPING und VENRATH fiir die Beratung und Unterstiitzung, die sie
Herrn FROWEIN bei der Planung und Durchfiihrung seiner
Untersuchungen zuteil werden lieBen.
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