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This book is about algebraic and differential methods, as well as
fractional calculus, applied to diagnose and reject faults in
nonlinear systems, which are of integer or fractional order. This
represents an extension of a very important and widely studied
problem in control theory, namely fault diagnosis and rejection
(using differential algebraic approaches), to systems presenting
fractional dynamics, i.e. systems whose dynamics are represented by
derivatives and integrals of non-integer order. The authors offer a
thorough overview devoted to fault diagnosis and fault-tolerant
control applied to fractional-order and integer-order dynamical
systems, and they introduce new methodologies for control and
observation described by fractional and integer models, together
with successful simulations and real-time applications. The basic
concepts and tools of mathematics required to understand the
methodologies proposed are all clearly introduced and explained.
Consequently, the book is useful as supplementary reading in
courses of applied mathematics and nonlinear control theory. This
book is meant for engineers, mathematicians, physicists and, in
general, to researchers and postgraduate students in diverse areas
who have a minimum knowledge of calculus. It also contains advanced
topics for researchers and professionals interested in the area of
states and faults estimation.
A poetical trip across the seasons, some different landscapes, and
the experience of become a father. "Son" is a personal
interpretation of the haiku/senryu that looks for his root in view
of the Zen one -simple and daily meditation- without resigning from
a Mediterranean influence, images and traditional metaphor in the
Spanish poetry. Illustrated like a modern "haiga," his snapshots
invite to stop to listen to the silent dialogue between our
interior voice and the nature.
This book provides a general overview of several concepts of
synchronization and brings together related approaches to secure
communication in chaotic systems. This is achieved using a
combination of analytic, algebraic, geometrical and asymptotical
methods to tackle the dynamical feedback stabilization problem. In
particular, differential-geometric and algebraic differential
concepts reveal important structural properties of chaotic systems
and serve as guide for the construction of design procedures for a
wide variety of chaotic systems. The basic differential algebraic
and geometric concepts are presented in the first few chapters in a
novel way as design tools, together with selected experimental
studies demonstrating their importance. The subsequent chapters
treat recent applications. Written for graduate students in applied
physical sciences, systems engineers, and applied mathematicians
interested in synchronization of chaotic systems and in secure
communications, this self-contained text requires only basic
knowledge of integer ordinary and fractional ordinary differential
equations. Design applications are illustrated with the help of
several physical models of practical interest.
This book acquaints readers with recent developments in dynamical
systems theory and its applications, with a strong focus on the
control and estimation of nonlinear systems. Several algorithms are
proposed and worked out for a set of model systems, in particular
so-called input-affine or bilinear systems, which can serve to
approximate a wide class of nonlinear control systems. These can
either take the form of state space models or be represented by an
input-output equation. The approach taken here further highlights
the role of modern mathematical and conceptual tools, including
differential algebraic theory, observer design for nonlinear
systems and generalized canonical forms.
The high reliability required in industrial processes has created
the necessity of detecting abnormal conditions, called faults,
while processes are operating. The term fault generically refers to
any type of process degradation, or degradation in equipment
performance because of changes in the process's physical
characteristics, process inputs or environmental conditions. This
book is about the fundamentals of fault detection and diagnosis in
a variety of nonlinear systems which are represented by ordinary
differential equations. The fault detection problem is approached
from a differential algebraic viewpoint, using residual generators
based upon high-gain nonlinear auxiliary systems ('observers'). A
prominent role is played by the type of mathematical tools that
will be used, requiring knowledge of differential algebra and
differential equations. Specific theorems tailored to the needs of
the problem-solving procedures are developed and proved.
Applications to real-world problems, both with constant and
time-varying faults, are made throughout the book and include
electromechanical positioning systems, the Continuous Stirred Tank
Reactor (CSTR), bioreactor models and belt drive systems, to name
but a few.
This book addresses the problem of multi-agent systems, considering
that it can be interpreted as a generalized multi-synchronization
problem. From manufacturing tasks, through encryption and
communication algorithms, to high-precision experiments, the
simultaneous cooperation between multiple systems or agents is
essential to successfully carrying out different modern activities,
both in academy and industry. For example, the coordination of
multiple assembler robots in manufacturing lines. These agents need
to synchronize. The first two chapters of the book describe the
synchronization of dynamical systems, paying special attention to
the synchronization of non-identical systems. Following, the third
chapter presents an interesting application of the synchronization
phenomenon for state estimation. Subsequently, the authors fully
address the multi-agent problem interpreted as
multi-synchronization. The final chapters introduce the reader to a
more complex problem, the synchronization of systems governed by
partial differential equations, both of integer and fractional
order. The book aimed at graduates, postgraduate students and
researchers closely related to the area of automatic control.
Previous knowledge of linear algebra, classical and fractional
calculus is requested, as well as some fundamental notions of graph
After a short introduction to the fundamentals, this book provides
a detailed account of major advances in applying fractional
calculus to dynamical systems. Fractional order dynamical systems
currently continue to gain further importance in many areas of
science and engineering. As with many other approaches to
mathematical modeling, the first issue to be addressed is the need
to couple a definition of the fractional differentiation or
integration operator with the types of dynamical systems that are
analyzed. As such, for the fundamentals the focus is on basic
aspects of fractional calculus, in particular stability analysis,
which is required to tackle synchronization in coupled fractional
order systems, to understand the essence of estimators for related
integer order systems, and to keep track of the interplay between
synchronization and parameter observation. This serves as the
common basis for the more advanced topics and applications
presented in the subsequent chapters, which include an introduction
to the 'Immersion and Invariance' (I&I) methodology, the
masterslave synchronization scheme for partially known nonlinear
fractional order systems, Fractional Algebraic Observability (FAO)
and Fractional Generalized quasi-Synchronization (FGqS) to name but
a few. This book is intended not only for applied mathematicians
and theoretical physicists, but also for anyone in applied science
dealing with complex nonlinear systems.
This book is about algebraic and differential methods, as well as
fractional calculus, applied to diagnose and reject faults in
nonlinear systems, which are of integer or fractional order. This
represents an extension of a very important and widely studied
problem in control theory, namely fault diagnosis and rejection
(using differential algebraic approaches), to systems presenting
fractional dynamics, i.e. systems whose dynamics are represented by
derivatives and integrals of non-integer order. The authors offer a
thorough overview devoted to fault diagnosis and fault-tolerant
control applied to fractional-order and integer-order dynamical
systems, and they introduce new methodologies for control and
observation described by fractional and integer models, together
with successful simulations and real-time applications. The basic
concepts and tools of mathematics required to understand the
methodologies proposed are all clearly introduced and explained.
Consequently, the book is useful as supplementary reading in
courses of applied mathematics and nonlinear control theory. This
book is meant for engineers, mathematicians, physicists and, in
general, to researchers and postgraduate students in diverse areas
who have a minimum knowledge of calculus. It also contains advanced
topics for researchers and professionals interested in the area of
states and faults estimation.
After a short introduction to the fundamentals, this book provides
a detailed account of major advances in applying fractional
calculus to dynamical systems. Fractional order dynamical systems
currently continue to gain further importance in many areas of
science and engineering. As with many other approaches to
mathematical modeling, the first issue to be addressed is the need
to couple a definition of the fractional differentiation or
integration operator with the types of dynamical systems that are
analyzed. As such, for the fundamentals the focus is on basic
aspects of fractional calculus, in particular stability analysis,
which is required to tackle synchronization in coupled fractional
order systems, to understand the essence of estimators for related
integer order systems, and to keep track of the interplay between
synchronization and parameter observation. This serves as the
common basis for the more advanced topics and applications
presented in the subsequent chapters, which include an introduction
to the 'Immersion and Invariance' (I&I) methodology, the
masterslave synchronization scheme for partially known nonlinear
fractional order systems, Fractional Algebraic Observability (FAO)
and Fractional Generalized quasi-Synchronization (FGqS) to name but
a few. This book is intended not only for applied mathematicians
and theoretical physicists, but also for anyone in applied science
dealing with complex nonlinear systems.
This book acquaints readers with recent developments in dynamical
systems theory and its applications, with a strong focus on the
control and estimation of nonlinear systems. Several algorithms are
proposed and worked out for a set of model systems, in particular
so-called input-affine or bilinear systems, which can serve to
approximate a wide class of nonlinear control systems. These can
either take the form of state space models or be represented by an
input-output equation. The approach taken here further highlights
the role of modern mathematical and conceptual tools, including
differential algebraic theory, observer design for nonlinear
systems and generalized canonical forms.
The high reliability required in industrial processes has created
the necessity of detecting abnormal conditions, called faults,
while processes are operating. The term fault generically refers to
any type of process degradation, or degradation in equipment
performance because of changes in the process's physical
characteristics, process inputs or environmental conditions. This
book is about the fundamentals of fault detection and diagnosis in
a variety of nonlinear systems which are represented by ordinary
differential equations. The fault detection problem is approached
from a differential algebraic viewpoint, using residual generators
based upon high-gain nonlinear auxiliary systems ('observers'). A
prominent role is played by the type of mathematical tools that
will be used, requiring knowledge of differential algebra and
differential equations. Specific theorems tailored to the needs of
the problem-solving procedures are developed and proved.
Applications to real-world problems, both with constant and
time-varying faults, are made throughout the book and include
electromechanical positioning systems, the Continuous Stirred Tank
Reactor (CSTR), bioreactor models and belt drive systems, to name
but a few.
Mi certeza mas remota es una plaza donde daba canamon a las
palomas, unos pantalones acampanados, a cuadros, que ocultaban unas
botas insufribles, ratos en el suelo de la terraza embobado con las
nubes, o con los itinerarios de las hormiguitas entre las macetas,
el aroma de la flor mas pequena en una de las plantas, con sus
frutos rojos, Cleopatra y Tarzan en blanco y negro con galletitas
melosas, en forma de corazon, las tardes de invierno, mientras mi
madre cosia y sobrehilaba secuestrada por el ritmo trepidante de la
Refrey, y las salidas y llegadas de los trenes, hora tras hora, dia
tras dia...Pero el sabor mas dulce de una infancia mohina y
solitaria, el quid de la cuestion que anos despues siempre me he
preguntado, se escondia lejos de mi casa.
Un viatge poetic a traves de les estacions i els cicles naturals,
per diferents paisatges i amb l'experiencia recent de convertir-se
en pare. 'Son' es una interpretacio personal del haiku / senryu que
busca la seva arrel a la llum del zen -meditacio senzilla i
quotidiana- sense renunciar a una influencia mediterrania, a la
imatge i la metafora tradicional dins la poesia espanyola.
Il-lustrat a la manera d'una 'haiga' moderna, les seves
instantanies conviden a aturar-s'hi per escoltar el silencios
dialeg entre la nostra veu interior i la natura.
Viaje poetico a traves de las estaciones y los ciclos naturales,
por diferentes paisajes y con la experiencia reciente del autor al
convertirse en padre. "Son" es una interpretacion personal del
haiku/senryu que busca su raiz a la luz del zen -la meditacion
sencilla y cotidiana- sin renunciar a una influencia mediterranea,
a la imagen y metafora tradicionales en la poesia espanola.
Ilustrado a la manera de una "haiga" moderna, sus instantaneas
invitan a detenerse para escuchar el silencioso dialogo entre
nuestra voz interior y la naturaleza.
Se describe la realizacion de biometria, queratometria y formulas
biometricas para el calculo de la lente intraocular en la cirugia
de cataratas en situaciones especiales: tras cirugia refractiva,
hipermetopia y miopia extremas, implante piggy-back, tras cirugia
vitreo-retiniana, recambio de LIO, cataratas pediatricas...
This book is a short primer in engineering mathematics with a view
on applications in nonlinear control theory. In particular, it
introduces some elementary concepts of commutative algebra and
algebraic geometry which offer a set of tools quite different from
the traditional approaches to the subject matter. This text begins
with the study of elementary set and map theory. Chapters 2 and 3
on group theory and rings, respectively, are included because of
their important relation to linear algebra, the group of invertible
linear maps (or matrices) and the ring of linear maps of a vector
space. Homomorphisms and Ideals are dealt with as well at this
stage. Chapter 4 is devoted to the theory of matrices and systems
of linear equations. Chapter 5 gives some information on
permutations, determinants and the inverse of a matrix. Chapter 6
tackles vector spaces over a field, Chapter 7 treats linear maps
resp. linear transformations, and in addition the application in
linear control theory of some abstract theorems such as the concept
of a kernel, the image and dimension of vector spaces are
illustrated. Chapter 8 considers the diagonalization of a matrix
and their canonical forms. Chapter 9 provides a brief introduction
to elementary methods for solving differential equations and,
finally, in Chapter 10, nonlinear control theory is introduced from
the point of view of differential algebra.
By embedding Guatemala in recent conceptual and theoretical work in
comparative politics and political economy, this volume advances
knowledge about country’s politics, economy, and state-society
interactions. The contributors examine the stubborn realities and
challenges afflicting Guatemala during the post-Peace-Accords-era
across the following subjects: the state, subnational governance,
state-building, peacebuilding, economic structure and dynamics,
social movements, civil-military relations, military coup dynamics,
varieties of capitalism, corruption, and the level of democracy.
The book deliberately avoids the perils of parochialism by placing
the country within larger scholarly debates and paradigms.
Are interactions between soldiers, politicians, and civilians
improving? Every nation has to come to grips with achieving a more
enduring harmony between government, the armed forces, and society
if it aspires to strengthen its democracy. While there is an
abundance of studies on civil-military affairs, few examine all
three of these actors, let alone establish any standards with which
to assess whether progress is being made. This ambitious book
devises a novel framework equipped with six dimensions, each of
which opens a unique window into civil-military affairs, and which
form a more integrated view of the subject. Those dimensions are
accompanied by a set of benchmarks and metrics that assess progress
and compare one country against another. The framework is applied
to case studies of Argentina, Brazil, Chile, and Uruguay, with the
conviction that insights could be gleaned that may be relevant
elsewhere. Ultimately, by unpacking the civil-military relation
into its various dimensions, this study has shed light on what it
takes to transform what was once a politically-minded military into
an organization dedicated to serving a democratic state and
del dibujo de una palma Real que es el arbol nacional de Cuba entre
dos montanas, una bandera cubana encadenada y una hoz y el martillo
simbolo del comunismo internacional, debajo en fondo azul a lo que
refiere la obra y el nombre del autor. La obra trata sobre memorias
de la Revolucion cubana desde 1959 hasta 2000, hace un breve
resumen historico de los antecedents que hicieron causa de la
Revolucion El titulo se inspira el las palabras de Fidel Castro
cuando declara publicamente que la Revolucion no es comunista que
es verde como las palmas. La obra relata una serie de sucesos
ocurridos en Cuba durante el periodo mencionado y mi participacion
en alguno de ellos, tiene un caracter historico-politico y social y
puede considerarse en el genero testimonio. Hace un llamado a la
atencion a los lectores sobre las miserias que pudieran llevar a
una nacion un regimen comunista totalitario. No usa obsenidades ni
ofensas contra los miembros del gobierno cubano ni ningun otro, si
se ajusta a la verdad, menciona algunas anecdotas de algunos
dirigentes de la Revolucion. Consta de una introduccion, 21
capitulos y un epilogo. Algunos de los capitulos se han encabezado
con frases de personajes celebres las cuales aplican al texto del
capitulo en cuestion y al comienzo aparece un verso del poeta
espanol Felix Maria Samaniego el cual refiere la realidad de que
personas de mala intencion pueden alcanzar puestos de poder como
por ejemplo los dictadores. Incluye algunas imagenes que son
dibujos hechos por el autor, fotos y una postal todas propiedad del
The study of civil-military relations in Latin America produced a
rich debate and research agenda prior to 2000. But this agenda was
largely abandoned during the past decade as the spectre of military
dictatorship has virtually disappeared, with the political role of
the military in many countries dramatically diminished. Indeed, in
no country that has initiated a process of holding the military
accountable to civilian control has the military openly rebelled.
Yet, the institutions and public attitudes that guarantee
democratic civilian control of the military exist in a general
context of political polarisation, citizen insecurity and in many
countries a sense of developing ungovernability. The military coup
in Honduras (2009), the military response to the police rebellion
in Ecuador (2010), and the speculation concerning the Venezuelan
military's behaviour in the event that Hugo Chavez is incapacitated
or dies (2013), demonstrates the relevance and importance of the
civil-military relationship today. In this volume leading scholars
from Latin America, the U.S. and Spain debate the ability of
contemporary Latin American civil-military relationships to weather
these challenges. The authors examine new types of regimes (the
rise of participatory democracy), new political orientations (the
renaissance of the Left in Latin America), and new missions for the
military. Debate centres on the indicators to evaluate the level of
consolidation of civilian control, the manner in which these
indicators are measured, and the empirical ambiguities that arise.
These challenges must be confronted in order to effectively address
the question of how much progress has been made in the region in
subordinating the military to civilian control, which countries are
lagging behind, and why. Published in association with CILAS,
University of California, San Diego.
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