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Overtheyears, research
inthelifescienceshasbenefitedgreatlyfromthequantita tive
toolsofmathematics and modeling. Many aspectsofcomplex biological
systems can be more deeply understood when mathematical techniques
are incorporated into a scientific investigation.
Modelingcanbefruitfully applied in many typesofbiological research,
from studies on the molecular, cellular, and organ level, to
experiments in wholeanimalsandinpopulations. Using the field of
nutrition as an example, one can find many cases of recent advances
in knowledge and understanding that were facilitated by the
application of mathematical modelingtokineticdata.
Theavailabilityofbiologicallyimportantstable isotope-labeled
compounds, developments in sensitive mass spectrometry and other
analytical techniques, and advances in the powerful modeling
software applied to data haveeachcontributed toourability
tocarryoutevermoresophisticated kinetic studies that are relevant
to nutrition and the health sciences at many levels oforganization.
Furthermore, weanticipatethatmodeling
isonthebrinkofanothermajoradvance: the application of kinetic
modeling to clinical practice. With advances in the abilityof
modelstoaccesslargedatabases(e. g.,
developmentofuserinterfaces thatare"friendly"enough tobeused
byclinicians who arenotmodelers,
wepredictthathealthapplicationsmodeling willbeanimportantnew 51
directionformodelinginthe21 century. This book contains manuscripts
that are based on presentations at the seventh conference in a
series focused on advancing nutrition and health research by
fostering exchange among scientists from such disciplines as
nutrition, biology, mathematics, statistics, kinetics,
andcomputing. Thethemesofthesixpreviousconferencesincluded general
nutritionmodeling(CanoltyandCain, 1985;Hoover-PlowandChandra,
1988), amino acids and carbohydrates (Aburnrad, 1991), minerals
(Siva Subramanian and Wastney, 1995), vitamins, proteins,
andmodelingtheory(CoburnandTownsend, 1996), and physiological
compartmental modeling (Clifford and Muller, 1998). The seventh
conference in the series was held at The Pennsylvania State
University from July 29 throughAugust1,2000.
Themeetingbeganwithaninstructiveandentertainingkeynote address by
Professor Britton Chance, Eldridge Reeves Johnson University
Professor Emeritus of Biophysics, Physical Chemistry, and
Radiologic Physics, University of Pennsylvania. Dr."
inthelifescienceshasbenefitedgreatlyfromthequantita- tive
toolsofmathematics and modeling. Many aspectsofcomplex biological
systems can be more deeply understood when mathematical techniques
are incorporated into a scientific investigation.
Modelingcanbefruitfully applied in many typesofbiological research,
from studies on the molecular, cellular, and organ level, to
experiments in wholeanimalsandinpopulations. Using the field of
nutrition as an example, one can find many cases of recent advances
in knowledge and understanding that were facilitated by the
application of mathematical modelingtokineticdata.
Theavailabilityofbiologicallyimportantstable isotope-labeled
compounds, developments in sensitive mass spectrometry and other
analytical techniques, and advances in the powerful modeling
software applied to data haveeachcontributed toourability
tocarryoutevermoresophisticated kinetic studies that are relevant
to nutrition and the health sciences at many levels oforganization.
Furthermore, weanticipatethatmodeling
isonthebrinkofanothermajoradvance: the application of kinetic
modeling to clinical practice. With advances in the abilityof
modelstoaccesslargedatabases(e. g.
developmentofuserinterfaces thatare"friendly"enough tobeused
byclinicians who arenotmodelers,
wepredictthathealthapplicationsmodeling willbeanimportantnew 51
directionformodelinginthe21 century. This book contains manuscripts
that are based on presentations at the seventh conference in a
series focused on advancing nutrition and health research by
fostering exchange among scientists from such disciplines as
nutrition, biology, mathematics, statistics,kinetics,andcomputing.
Thethemesofthesixpreviousconferencesincluded general
nutritionmodeling(CanoltyandCain, 1985;Hoover-PlowandChandra,
1988), amino acids and carbohydrates (Aburnrad, 1991), minerals
(Siva Subramanian and Wastney,
1995),vitamins,proteins,andmodelingtheory(CoburnandTownsend, 1996),
and physiological compartmental modeling (Clifford and Muller,
1998). The seventh conference in the series was held at The
Pennsylvania State University from July 29 throughAugust1,2000.
Themeetingbeganwithaninstructiveandentertainingkeynote address by
Professor Britton Chance, Eldridge Reeves Johnson University
Professor Emeritus of Biophysics, Physical Chemistry, and
Radiologic Physics, University of Pennsylvania. Dr.