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Commentators have shown how a 'culture of security' ushered in
after the terrorist attacks of 11 September 2001 has involved
exceptional legal measures and increased recourse to secrecy on the
basis of protecting public safety and safeguarding national
security. In this context, scholars have largely been preoccupied
with the ways that increased security impinges upon civil
liberties. While secrecy is justified on public interest grounds,
there remains a tension between the need for secrecy and calls for
openness, transparency and disclosure. In law, secrecy has
implications for the separation of powers, due process, and the
rule of law, raising fundamental concerns about open justice,
procedural fairness and human rights. Beyond the counterterrorism
and legal context, scholarly interest in secrecy has been concerned
with the credibility of public and private institutions, as well as
the legacies of secrecy across a range of institutional and
cultural settings. By exploring the intersections between secrecy,
law and society, this volume is a timely and critical intervention
in secrecy debates traversing various fields of legal and social
inquiry. It will be a useful resource for academic researchers,
university teachers and students, as well as law practitioners and
policymakers interested in the legal and socio-legal dimensions of
Commentators have shown how a 'culture of security' ushered in
after the terrorist attacks of 11 September 2001 has involved
exceptional legal measures and increased recourse to secrecy on the
basis of protecting public safety and safeguarding national
security. In this context, scholars have largely been preoccupied
with the ways that increased security impinges upon civil
liberties. While secrecy is justified on public interest grounds,
there remains a tension between the need for secrecy and calls for
openness, transparency and disclosure. In law, secrecy has
implications for the separation of powers, due process, and the
rule of law, raising fundamental concerns about open justice,
procedural fairness and human rights. Beyond the counterterrorism
and legal context, scholarly interest in secrecy has been concerned
with the credibility of public and private institutions, as well as
the legacies of secrecy across a range of institutional and
cultural settings. By exploring the intersections between secrecy,
law and society, this volume is a timely and critical intervention
in secrecy debates traversing various fields of legal and social
inquiry. It will be a useful resource for academic researchers,
university teachers and students, as well as law practitioners and
policymakers interested in the legal and socio-legal dimensions of
This series of Briefing and Guidance Notes Implementing Labour
Standards in Construction is based on a review of international
literature, together with lessons learned from pilot studies
carried out in Ghana, India and Zambia. Complementing the
sourcebook of the same name, the Notes offer concise guidance on
how to incorporate international and national labour standards into
procurement contracts and procedures, in a way that enables the
standards to be effectively applied and monitored. These Notes will
be particularly useful for anyone involved in infrastructure
procurement, construction management, contract supervision, social
protection and labour rights.
A new addition to the Oxford Case Histories series, Obstetric
Medicine provides the reader with 55 cases of different clinical
presentations in obstetric medicine. Each case is presented with a
background to the subject area, a summary of the history, and
examination findings, and relevant investigation results. This is
followed by several questions on clinically important aspects of
the case with answers and detailed discussion, particularly of the
differential management options. Each topic is mapped on to both
the curriculum for physicians undertaking obstetric medicine, and
for obstetric trainees studying for membership exams, the Advance
Training Skills Module in maternal medicine, and speciality
training in maternal and fetal medicine. Providing an ideal
self-assessment tool, this new title is of interest to all doctors
working in obstetrics, midwives, and students revising for exams.
This book explores the intertwined histories of Saint-Louis,
Senegal, and New Orleans, Louisiana. Although separated by an
ocean, both cities were founded during the early French imperial
expansion of the Atlantic world. Both became important port cities
of their own continents, the Atlantic world as a whole, and the
African diaspora. The slave trade not only played a crucial role in
the demographic and economic growth of Saint-Louis and New Orleans,
but also directly connected the two cities. The Company of the
Indies ran the Senegambia slave-trading posts and the Mississippi
colony simultaneously from 1719 to 1731. By examining the linked
histories of these cities over the longue durée, this edited
collection shows the crucial role they played in integrating the
peoples of the Atlantic world. The essays also illustrate how the
interplay of imperialism, colonialism, and slaving that defined the
early Atlantic world operated and evolved differently on both sides
of the ocean. The chapters in part one, Negotiating Slavery and
Freedom, highlight the centrality of the institution of slavery in
the urban societies of Saint-Louis and New Orleans from their
foundation to the second half of the nineteenth century. Part two,
Elusive Citizenship, explores how the notions of nationality,
citizenship, and subjecthood- as well as the rights or lack of
rights associated with them- were mobilized, manipulated, or
negotiated at key moments in the history of each city. Part three,
Mythic Persistence, examines the construction, reproduction, and
transformation of myths and popular imagination in the colonial and
postcolonial cities. It is here, in the imagined past, that New
Orleans and Saint-Louis most clearly mirror one another. The essays
in this section offer two examples of how historical realities are
simplified, distorted, or obliterated to minimize the violence of
the cities' common slave and colonial past in order to promote a
romanticized present. With editors from three continents and
contributors from around the world, this work is truly an
international collaboration.
A true hustler is born not made, sometimes the hustle is within but
it lays dormant, asleep and unseen. It may take a life-changing
experience, meeting the right mentor or even education to wake up
the hustler in you, but once it's awake; others will recognize and
acknowledge it. To this reasoning I do not take people seriously
that are "fake hustlers" or "smack talkers." These folks are
everywhere and make up a majority of people I meet. Don't talk
about it, BE about it. The rules of the game are simple. A hustler
has to know how to make money, and once made, know how to keep it.
Warren Buffet one of the greatest hustlers of all time once said:
Fame may be the motivator that drives wannabe stars to success -
but it can also be a killer when it finally arrives. From Marilyn
to Elvis to Tupac, a life at the top, devoutly sought after by
millions of young'ns, comes with the kind of risks that would make
most parents cringe. The toll of high-octane lifestyles pursued on
a tide of popular acclaim is charted in research published today
showing successful stars are twice as likely as the rest of us to
die an early death. Alcohol, drugs, accidents and violence are the
chief perils but as stars age, cancer and heart disease pose an
increasing threat to abused bodies and shriveled livers. Stars can
suffer high levels of stress in environments where alcohol and
drugs are widely available, leading to health damaging risky
behavior. However, their behavior can also influence wannabe stars
and fans. One in 10 children aspire to become famous.
Deprogramming Black America is an ever-evolving and dynamic
foundation to both establish and re-establish a core set of guide
lines dedicated to creating, restoring, and officially documenting
a pride in being of an African in America. (African First - then
American). It is not my intent to impose a set way of thinking but
to offer a suggested primary set of standards and recommendations
that will assist people of African with the new quest for pride.
This book is long overdue, yet right on time. I believe that the
past, present and the future all exist on some plain at the same
time, and that the words and energy of the many great men and women
that inspired this book will forever be a light and a tribute to
the Africans and people of African descent that both walked before
us and continue to walk with us, as we form this discipline of the
mind needed to deprogram this generation of Black America.
There are no Bible verses that talk directly about marijuana. Is
that surprising? So does that make it okay to smoke weed? Let's
deal with the argument that it is OK to smoke pot since it is a
creation of God. Yes, God did create the plant marijuana comes
from. However, God NEVER intended you to dry the plant out, go to
7-11 and buy a pack of Blunt Raps, crumble the dried plant in the
rolling paper, roll it up and smoke it. That, my friend, is a
perversion of God's creation. There is one thing about God and sin.
It's not sin if you don't know its sin. So if you have to ask
whether it's sin or not then you are admitting to yourself that you
really do not know it is. You're just look for someone to "give you
permission" to do it. We are only accountable to what we know. And
the truth is if God wanted us "high" we would have been born with
the capability to naturally have that feeling that comes from
smoking weed.
Baby Boomers are one of the largest and most powerful generations
in the U.S. They have redefined aging and are more educated,
wealthy, and tech savvy than their parents or any generation
preceding them. Yet, despite these advantages, some studies show
that many Boomers are actually overweight or obese, placing them at
greater risk for chronic health conditions such as heart disease,
Type 2 Diabetes, and certain cancers. Even for the most determined
Baby Boomers, as we age, we often lose flexibility, strength, and
balance, which makes staying, fit after 50 challenging. Working
with a physical therapist, can help you address these challenges,
maintain fitness, and avoid injury. While helping you achieve your
fitness goals, physical therapists take an individual approach and
consider any pre-existing conditions or diseases that you may have
to tailor a plan that is specific to your unique needs. But it
starts with YOU
The 20th Century history of the Kennedy family is peppered with
incidents of death, scandal and general misfortune, typically
involving firearms, women or light aircraft mixed with foggy
weather conditions. All these events have served to either tarnish
the clan's reputation or remove those members who seemed destined
to fulfill their political ambitions, leading some commentators to
suggest that there is a curse on the Kennedys that prevents them
from ever being able to turn their vision for America into reality.
The fact that today's generations of Kennedys mostly languish on
the fringes of the political scene or have abandoned politics
altogether in favor of other career paths continues to demonstrate
this lack of success. So what is behind this mysterious curse?
Could it really be that this one family is simply prone to vast
amounts of bad luck? Did their political views or millionaire's
lifestyles help to put them at additional risk? Some have said that
there is a rather more sinister side to the whole thing, suggesting
that many of these misfortunes were set up as part of a conspiracy
by the American political and business establishments who were
determined to prevent the Kennedys from getting near the White
House or staying there too long. To fully understand the concept of
a Kennedy Curse come along with me as I take you back almost 100
years to meet the man who laid the foundations of this great
political dynasty, and began the sequence of events leading to its
We are all familiar with the phrase, "battling with my demons"
whether it is from a recovering drug addict seeking help to a
catholic priest conducting an exorcism. In either context, we have
all heard this saying at one time or another. But is it just some
metaphorical saying, giving an excuse for the evil deeds of human
beings? Or is there really a spiritual wickedness at work in our
everyday lives trying to drag us to hell? Well for those that think
demons are only figurative, may not be fully aware of the unseen
battle that takes place around them. As quoted from the movie,
Exorcism of Emily Rose, "demons are real whether you believe in
them or not."
The Book of Proverbs broken down as it has applied to my life's
We were not prepared for the attack on our humanity by "sexual
liberation" and porn while our leadership is subverted by the
Illuminati. Marriage and family are the essential building blocks
of society. Family ensures that each new generation is properly
nurtured and prepared for life. Most people receive values,
purpose, identity and love from their family roles. Heterosexuality
provides life with profound meaning. There is no greater potential
for love than marriage and parenthood. Raising a child is the
supreme act of devotion and faith in God and is practiced and
tested every day. Homosexual social engineering is gradually
destroying these sources of happiness and health, personal and
societal. Please understand that the intent of this book is NOT to
condemn homosexuals; but rather, to take a Biblical stand against
the Homosexual Agenda. We ought not be gay-bashers; but we should
preach the truth about the sin of homosexuality. The Bible condemns
ALL humanity as guilty, dirty, rotten, hell-deserving sinners.
(Romans 3:10-23; 6:23)
In my first book, Hip Hop Illuminati, I told you how and why the
Illuminati took over Hip-Hop. In this book, I will show you how the
game is, once again, evolving. But more importantly I will show you
how hip hop music will affect today's youth and their future.
According to findings, at any given moment, hundreds of very
serious conversations about the changing face of hip-hop are taking
place, with many individuals appearing to have an actual emotional
(financial) stake in the matter. Social scientists confirm that
there are people who are deeply concerned about the current state
of hip-hop and who continually express genuine worry over the
musical genre's influence in the future. With hip hop making its
way all the way up to the oval office via Jay-Z (and others) you
can be assured that among those "worrying" are the Illuminati.
My early role models were deviates, dope fiends, prostitutes,
hustlers, pimps, and thugs. Is it any wonder I grew up to become a
prostitute, an addict, a drug dealer/courier, a gunrunner and a
thug. Ironically, I was also one of the most respected women in the
hip-hop music industry. These associations eventually warped my
thinking and social attitudes; which made me rebel against
authority. I became resentful because I felt that let down. I
believed that those in authority had abandoned me to the wolves. I
admired and looked up to the wolves because they taught me how to
live in the wild, hunt down prey, eat, and survive. This is the
story of that journey.
In a place like NYC, with 8 million people swarming around on a
ten-mile island - what better place could there be for clandestine
occult happenings? In New York I always feel amazed at how many
parallel realities and uses of the city as an "arena" are
simultaneously happening at once. The guy biking past you might be
a weed messenger, the guy sitting on a bench might be an undercover
cop, the dude standing right next to you on the train could be on
his way to a nudist convention, and the guy at the coffee shop
could be a member of a cult or secret society. No matter what their
supposed purpose, there's something inherently sinister about a
secret society. Though most are formed with relatively realistic
political and religious goals in mind, their focus on secrecy has
made them the target of countless criticisms and theories involving
world domination. Of course, the reality is usually much more
innocuous, but that doesn't mean that the groups haven't had an
impact on world events. Many of these groups kept secrets. They had
secret initiation rituals, locked doors, and strict rules against
divulging what happened within the confines of the club. With this
in mind, I have compiled the most famous and influential secret
societies of New York into this book.
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