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This collection explores the many ways in which the Netflix series
Sense8 transcends television. As its characters transcend physical
and psychological borders of gender and geography, so the series
itself transcends those between television, new media platforms and
new screen technologies, while dissolving those between its
producers, stars, audiences and fans. Sense8 united, inspired and
energized a global community of fans that realized its own power by
means of online interaction and a successful campaign to secure a
series finale. The series' playful but poignant exploration of
globalization, empathy, transnationalism, queer and trans
aesthetics, gender fluidity, imagined communities and communities
of sentiment also inspired the interdisciplinary range of
contributors to this volume. In this collection, leading academics
illuminate Sense8 as a progressive and challenging series that
points to vital, multifarious, contemporary social, political,
aesthetic and philosophical concerns. Sense8: Transcending
Television is much more than an academic examination of a series;
it is an account and analysis of the way that we all receive,
communicate and consider ourselves as participants in global
communities that are social, political and cultural, and now both
physical and virtual too.
This important text argues for a 'strong' notion of structuration
theory in contrast to the seminal but more abstract and relatively
under-developed project represented by Anthony Giddens's writings.
Emphasis on the duality of structure is placed at the centre of the
tradition. It is argued that the distinctive power of structuration
theory lies in its potential to critically investigate a specific
range of in situ questions. Structuration Theory produces a
synthesis that draws on Giddens's work, on other versions of the
structuration problematic, and on key empirical uses of the
approach. The final chapters make use of extended case examples to
illustrate the critical power of strong structuration.
This book is available as open access through the Bloomsbury Open
Access programme and is available on www.bloomsburycollections.com.
Television news is frequently disparaged by thoughtful commentators
for its preoccupation with drama and spectacle at the expense of
serious, in-depth, engagement with the critical issues it covers.
Whilst insisting these charges possess more than a small dose of
truth, Rob Stones argues for more emphasis to be placed on
strengthening the capacities of audiences. Drawing from major
traditions in social thought, and on academic media analysis,
Stones provides the conceptual tools for audiences to bring greater
sophistication to their interpretations, developing their capacity
to think across items and genres. A detailed account of an episode
of the Danish political drama, Borgen, reveals the extent to which
its viewers already deploy similar concepts and skills in order to
follow its storylines. Stones shows how audiences can refine these
skills further and demonstrates their value with respect to a wide
range of current affairs texts, including: Israeli settlers on the
West Bank; the Rwandan genocide; the Egyptian 'revolution'; the
Obama administration's immigration reform bill; the bases of
Germany's economic success; the conflict between 'red shirts' and
'yellow shirts' in Thailand; China's diplomatic relations with
Burma; and scandals of mistreatment within the UK and Swedish
healthcare systems. The book shows that everyone's understanding of
current affairs can be significantly enhanced by social theory. It
will be relevant to students of sociology, politics, media studies
and journalism at all levels.
The third edition of this popular and established core textbook
provides an invaluable guide to 24 of the most influential thinkers
in Sociology. Written by leading academics in the field, Key
Sociological Thinkers provides a clear and contextualised
introduction to classical and contemporary theory. Each chapter
offers an insightful assessment of a different theorist, exploring
their lives, works and legacies, and in a much-valued 'Seeing
Things Differently' section authors demonstrate how each thinker's
ideas can be used to illuminate aspects of social life in new ways.
With frameworks for deep learning around group discussion, this
continues be an essential text for undergraduate and postgraduate
modules on sociological and social theory. New to this Edition: -
Four new chapters, on Mead, Du Bois, Latour and Alexander - Five
chapters by new authors on existing key thinkers: Durkheim, Merton,
Goffman, Bourdieu, and Giddens - A major new introduction - An
updated, structured and annotated 'Further Reading' section for
each thinker - Extended accounts of 13 additional thinkers who have
influenced, or been influenced by, the key thinkers
While sociological modernists were outrageously presumptious in
their claims for sociological knowledge, postmodernists have gone
to another extreme in claiming that it has no more truth status
than fiction. Critical of both positions, Sociological Reasoning
develops an original typology of approaches to social scientific
theory and research which is distinguished by its openness and
reflexive awareness of rhetorical and methodological aspects of
knowledge claims. Laced with graphic illustrative examples, this is
a strikingly well-written text that will appeal to students at
undergraduate level and beyond.
Bringing together some of the most eminent thinkers in the field,
this book celebrates the seminal contribution of Ted Benton to such
pressing themes as: realism, naturalism and the philosophy of the
social sciences, the continuing relevance of Marxism, philosophical
anthropology and human needs, and ecology, society and natural
It provides an in-depth analysis of a universally popular film that
is also a great critical success. It situates the film in the genre
of youth movies and in feminist film practice, making it ideal for
students and researchers looking at wider dialogues and discourses
about feminism, philosophy, gender and independent filmmaking. It
is written by an expert on American independent cinema and the
dynamics of World Cinema and it combines contextual analysis with a
keen sense of film form and a deep knowledge of American culture,
literature and philosophy.
The Routledge Companion to World Cinema explores and examines a
global range of films and filmmakers, their movements and
audiences, comparing their cultural, technological and political
dynamics, identifying the impulses that constantly reshape the form
and function of the cinemas of the world. Each of the forty
chapters provides a survey of a topic, explaining why the issue or
area is important, and critically discussing the leading views in
the area. Designed as a dynamic forum for forty world-leading
scholars, this companion contains significant expertise and insight
and is dedicated to challenging complacent views of hegemonic film
cultures and replacing outmoded ideas about production,
distribution and reception. It offers both a survey and an
investigation into the condition and activity of contemporary
filmmaking worldwide, often challenging long-standing categories
and weighted-often politically motivated-value judgements, thereby
grounding and aligning the reader in an activity of remapping which
is designed to prompt rethinking.
Despite the fact that most of us think often about society and
social life, few of us have had extensive schooling in how to
organize or structure such thought. Guided by the belief that the
sociological imagination is impoversihed if accessible only to a
handful of specialists, Key Sociological Thinkers provides the lay
reader with a clear and manageable overview of the major
sociological developments from Marx to the present day. Twenty-one
concise, thorough chapters introduce the key thinkers in the field;
their driving impulses, issues central to their work, substantive
examples of the theory in action, their legacy, as well as reading
lists meant to stimulate further research. The book's range
includes not only canonical figures, such as Marx, Weber, and
Durkheim, but feminist, post-structuralist, and post-colonialist
thinkers of recent decades, including Nancy Chodorow, Michel
Foucault, and Stuart Hall. Other sociologists and social theorists
overed include Sigmund Freud, Georg Simmel, Herbert Blumer, Talcott
Parsons, Robert Merton, Simone de Beauvoir, Norbert Elias, Erving
Goffman, David Lockwood, Harold Garfinkel, Louis Althusser, Jurgen
Habermas, Pierre Bourdieu, Arlie Hochschild, and Anthony Giddens.
Key Sociological Thinkers is ideal for students new to the field,
veterans looking to brush up, and anyone eager to expand their
understanding of the world in which we live. Rob Stones is Lecturer
in Sociology and Director of Undergraduate Studies at the
University of Essex and author of Sociological Reasoning: Towards a
Past-Modern Sociology.
The Routledge Companion to World Cinema explores and examines a
global range of films and filmmakers, their movements and
audiences, comparing their cultural, technological and political
dynamics, identifying the impulses that constantly reshape the form
and function of the cinemas of the world. Each of the forty
chapters provides a survey of a topic, explaining why the issue or
area is important, and critically discussing the leading views in
the area. Designed as a dynamic forum for forty world-leading
scholars, this companion contains significant expertise and insight
and is dedicated to challenging complacent views of hegemonic film
cultures and replacing outmoded ideas about production,
distribution and reception. It offers both a survey and an
investigation into the condition and activity of contemporary
filmmaking worldwide, often challenging long-standing categories
and weighted-often politically motivated-value judgements, thereby
grounding and aligning the reader in an activity of remapping which
is designed to prompt rethinking.
From Slacker (1991), a foundational work of independent American
cinema, to the Before trilogy, Richard Linklater's critically
acclaimed films and aesthetic ambition have earned him a place as
one of the most important contemporary directors. In this second
edition of The Cinema of Richard Linklater, Rob Stone shows how
Linklater's latest films have redefined our understanding of his
work. He offers critical discussions and analysis of all of
Linklater's films, including Before Midnight (2013) and Everybody
Wants Some!! (2016), as well as new interviews with Linklater and a
chapter on Boyhood (2014), hailed as one of the best films of the
twenty-first century. Stone explores the theoretical, practical,
contextual, and metaphysical elements in Linklater's filmography,
especially his experimentation with cinematic representations of
time and growth. He demonstrates that fanciful lives and lucid
dreams are as central as alternative notions of America and time to
Linklater's films. Stone also considers Linklater's collaborative
working practices, his deployment of such techniques as
rotoscoping, and his innovative distribution strategies. Thoroughly
revised, updated, and extended, the book includes analysis of all
of Linklater's films, including Dazed and Confused (1993), Waking
Life (2011), and A Scanner Darkly (2006) as well as his
documentaries, short films, and side projects.
This collection explores the many ways in which the Netflix series
Sense8 transcends television. As its characters transcend physical
and psychological borders of gender and geography, so the series
itself transcends those between television, new media platforms and
new screen technologies, while dissolving those between its
producers, stars, audiences and fans. Sense8 united, inspired and
energized a global community of fans that realized its own power by
means of online interaction and a successful campaign to secure a
series finale. The series' playful but poignant exploration of
globalization, empathy, transnationalism, queer and trans
aesthetics, gender fluidity, imagined communities and communities
of sentiment also inspired the interdisciplinary range of
contributors to this volume. In this collection, leading academics
illuminate Sense8 as a progressive and challenging series that
points to vital, multifarious, contemporary social, political,
aesthetic and philosophical concerns. Sense8: Transcending
Television is much more than an academic examination of a series;
it is an account and analysis of the way that we all receive,
communicate and consider ourselves as participants in global
communities that are social, political and cultural, and now both
physical and virtual too.
The third edition of this popular and established core textbook
provides an invaluable guide to 24 of the most influential thinkers
in Sociology. Written by leading academics in the field, Key
Sociological Thinkers provides a clear and contextualised
introduction to classical and contemporary theory. Each chapter
offers an insightful assessment of a different theorist, exploring
their lives, works and legacies, and in a much-valued 'Seeing
Things Differently' section authors demonstrate how each thinker's
ideas can be used to illuminate aspects of social life in new ways.
With frameworks for deep learning around group discussion, this
continues be an essential text for undergraduate and postgraduate
modules on sociological and social theory. New to this Edition: -
Four new chapters, on Mead, Du Bois, Latour and Alexander - Five
chapters by new authors on existing key thinkers: Durkheim, Merton,
Goffman, Bourdieu, and Giddens - A major new introduction - An
updated, structured and annotated 'Further Reading' section for
each thinker - Extended accounts of 13 additional thinkers who have
influenced, or been influenced by, the key thinkers Accompanying
online resources for this title can be found at
bloomsburyonlineresources.com/key-sociological-3e. These resources
are designed to support teaching and learning when using this
textbook and are available at no extra cost.
Television news is frequently disparaged by thoughtful commentators
for its preoccupation with drama and spectacle at the expense of
serious, in-depth, engagement with the critical issues it covers.
Whilst insisting these charges possess more than a small dose of
truth, Rob Stones argues for more emphasis to be placed on
strengthening the capacities of audiences. Drawing from major
traditions in social thought, and on academic media analysis,
Stones provides the conceptual tools for audiences to bring greater
sophistication to their interpretations, developing their capacity
to think across items and genres. A detailed account of an episode
of the Danish political drama, Borgen, reveals the extent to which
its viewers already deploy similar concepts and skills in order to
follow its storylines. Stones shows how audiences can refine these
skills further and demonstrates their value with respect to a wide
range of current affairs texts, including: Israeli settlers on the
West Bank; the Rwandan genocide; the Egyptian 'revolution'; the
Obama administration's immigration reform bill; the bases of
Germany's economic success; the conflict between 'red shirts' and
'yellow shirts' in Thailand; China's diplomatic relations with
Burma; and scandals of mistreatment within the UK and Swedish
healthcare systems. The book shows that everyone's understanding of
current affairs can be significantly enhanced by social theory. It
will be relevant to students of sociology, politics, media studies
and journalism at all levels.
From Slacker (1991) to The School of Rock (2003), from Before
Sunrise (1995) to Before Sunset (2004), from the walking and
talking of his no/low-budget American independent films to
conversing with the philosophical traditions of the European art
house, Richard Linklater's films are some of the most critical,
political, and spiritual achievements of contemporary world cinema.
Examinations of Linklater's collaborative working practices and
deployment of rotoscoping and innovative distribution strategies
all feature in this book, which aspires to walk and talk with the
filmmaker and his films. Informed by a series of original
interviews with the artist, in both his hometown and frequent film
location of Austin, Texas, this study of the director who made
Dazed and Confused (1993), A Scanner Darkly (2006), and Bernie
(2011) explores the theoretical, practical, contextual, and
metaphysical elements of these works along with his documentaries
and side-projects and finds fanciful lives and lucid dreams have as
much to do with his work as generally alternative notions of
America, contemporary society, cinema, and time.A
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