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This book presents a comprehensive overview of the field of
Community Interpreting. It caters for interpreters, interpreting
students, educators and researchers and other professionals who
work with interpreters. The book explores the relationship between
research, training and practice. It reviews the main theoretical
concepts and research results; it describes the main issues
surrounding the practice and the training of interpreters,
highlighting the voices of the different key participants; and it
identifies areas of much needed research to provide relevant
answers to those issues.
This volume explores cognitive ergonomics, which is concerned
with mental processes otherwise known as brain work. It discusses
perception, memory, reasoning, and motor response, as they affect
interactions among humans and other elements of a system. Topics
will include mental workload, decision-making, skilled performance,
human-computer interaction, human reliability, work stress and
training as these relate to human-system design.
This book offers a broad perspective on the field of cognitive
engineering and neuroergonomics. It covers emerging practices and
future trends towards the harmonious integration of human operators
with computational systems. The book reports on novel theoretical
findings on mental workload and stress, activity theory, human
reliability, error and risk, and neuroergonomic measures alike,
together with a wealth of cutting-edge applications. It describes
key advances in the understanding of cognitive processes, including
mechanisms of perception, memory, reasoning, and motor response,
giving a special emphasis to their role in the interactions between
humans and the other elements of a computer-based system. Based on
the AHFE's main track on Neuroergonomics and Cognitive Engineering,
held on July 27-31, 2016 in Walt Disney World (R), Florida, USA,
the book provides readers with a comprehensive view of the current
challenges in cognitive computing and factors influencing human
This book presents a comprehensive overview of the field of
Community Interpreting. It caters for interpreters, interpreting
students, educators and researchers and other professionals who
work with interpreters. The book explores the relationship between
research, training and practice. It reviews the main theoretical
concepts and research results; it describes the main issues
surrounding the practice and the training of interpreters,
highlighting the voices of the different key participants; and it
identifies areas of much needed research to provide relevant
answers to those issues.
A Complete Toolbox of Theories and Techniques The second edition of
a bestseller, Handbook of Virtual Environments: Design,
Implementation, and Applications presents systematic and extensive
coverage of the primary areas of research and development within VE
technology. It brings together a comprehensive set of contributed
articles that address the principles required to define system
requirements and design, build, evaluate, implement, and manage the
effective use of VE applications. The contributors provide critical
insights and principles associated with their given areas of
expertise to provide extensive scope and detail on VE technology
and its applications. What's New in the Second Edition: Updated
glossary of terms to promote common language throughout the
community New chapters on olfactory perception, avatar control,
motion sickness, and display design, as well as a whole host of new
application areas Updated information to reflect the tremendous
progress made over the last decade in applying VE technology to a
growing number of domains This second edition includes nine new, as
well as forty-one updated chapters that reflect the progress made
in basic and applied research related to the creation, application,
and evaluation of virtual environments. Contributions from leading
researchers and practitioners from multidisciplinary domains
provide a wealth of theoretical and practical information,
resulting in a complete toolbox of theories and techniques that you
can rely on to develop more captivating and effective virtual
worlds. The handbook supplies a valuable resource for advancing VE
applications as you take them from the laboratory to the real-world
lives of people everywhere.
As more and more states are becoming dependent on gambling revenue,
we are opening the doors to novice gamblers and increasing the
potential for existing gamblers to cross the line into illegal
activities. Those who have never gambled before, or never engaged
in any criminal activity are susceptible to the lure of gambling's
promise of instant riches and escape from loneliness, stress, and
While European commerce in race was substantial, the colonial
trade in ideas of race was highly profitable as well. Looking at
official propaganda and commercial representations in France during
the Third Republic, this book explores the way the French increased
the value of their racial identity at home at the expense of their
colonized brothers and sisters. The French did not create the
identity-effacing stereotypes of Africans, Arabs, and Indochinese.
Instead they refined or remolded these images, and as they did so
they redefined and remolded their images of themselves. Focusing on
world s fairs, colonial expositions, and mundane manufacturers
trademarks, Races on Display shows not only the prevalence of
racial stereotypes, but also how complex these representations
prove to be."
An exposition of an elaborate 1928 distortion of key research data
published in JAMA 13 years earlier; how it helped establish modern
dentistry as the most destructive form of pseudo-science in the
history of human health; and how it has insidiously corrupted the
foundations of modern medicine.
Jack Stiles played the horses the way he played his women, and the
women supported his habit. He often bragged that he'd never worked
for more than a few weeks at a time.After deserting the Marines and
heading for Canada he took on the persona of a poet where he
learned that women were more than willing to provide support to a
talented, struggling artist. It was in Canada that he began his
lifelong challenge to use and abuse as many women as possible in
his attempt to live life to the fullest.All of Jack's victims were
smart, capable women. His final victim, Dr. Diedre Warren, was a
successful psychologist. Jack stole her heart, her money, and
nearly her life.
so-called "mysterious" diseases are the result of secondary
infections that have spread, through the bloodstream, from "oral
foci" -- infections in and/or around teeth and tonsils. This has
been proved beyond doubt through the combined efforts of a sizeable
contingent of the best and brightest medical and dental minds of
the Twentieth Century, and particularly established for all time
through the monumental works of Edward C. Rosenow, M.D.
(1875-1966). This volume is a tribute to Rosenow, his mentors and
his associates. This work incorporates: reference to historical
foundations and confirming works; concepts of focal infection and
polymorphism; and so-called "autoimmune disease" and the AIDS-HIV
controversy from a Rosenow perspective. "I am very concerned that
the information you possess regarding Rosenow be protected and
disseminated to all." ... "It has already helped me save a life."
Christopher J. Hussar, D.O., D.D.S., 1997 ..". perchance it is safe
to assume that the 'Rosenow heresy' may yet become the medical
guide of the future." Walter L. Bierring, 87th AMA President in
JAMA 111 (1938), 1626. "The monumental works of Rosenow have...
thrown to earth the false theories of older medicine" C. H. Pierce,
Journal-Lancet, Minneap., Aug. 1915, 414-9. "Rosenow's elaboration
has been so extensive ... as to almost revolutionize former views
concerning infection." William W. Duke, Oral Sepsis Mosby, St.
Louis, 1918, 74.
auto (self) -hemo (blood) - therapy Learn why bloodletting reigned
as the supreme therapy throughout the history of medicine, and how
the mechanism of autohemotherapy may be at least partly responsible
for its purported beneficial effects. View modern trends involving
the use of bone-marrow and stem-cells, and how these
"state-of-the-art" therapies intimately relate to autohemotherapy.
Review the history of cancer therapy and the striking reliance on
autogenous (self-generated) methods, and share in the wonder as to
why the safest and surest approach -- the autogeneous one -- is not
more widely used in medicine. Begin to comprehend how many forms of
therapy may in actuality owe their effectiveness to the simple
phenomenon of enabling the body to do what it must to some extent
do every day in order to survive -- to heal itself.
A Complete Toolbox of Theories and Techniques The second edition of
a bestseller, Handbook of Virtual Environments: Design,
Implementation, and Applications presents systematic and extensive
coverage of the primary areas of research and development within VE
technology. It brings together a comprehensive set of contributed
articles that address the principles required to define system
requirements and design, build, evaluate, implement, and manage the
effective use of VE applications. The contributors provide critical
insights and principles associated with their given areas of
expertise to provide extensive scope and detail on VE technology
and its applications. What's New in the Second Edition: Updated
glossary of terms to promote common language throughout the
community New chapters on olfactory perception, avatar control,
motion sickness, and display design, as well as a whole host of new
application areas Updated information to reflect the tremendous
progress made over the last decade in applying VE technology to a
growing number of domains This second edition includes nine new, as
well as forty-one updated chapters that reflect the progress made
in basic and applied research related to the creation, application,
and evaluation of virtual environments. Contributions from leading
researchers and practitioners from multidisciplinary domains
provide a wealth of theoretical and practical information,
resulting in a complete toolbox of theories and techniques that you
can rely on to develop more captivating and effective virtual
worlds. The handbook supplies a valuable resource for advancing VE
applications as you take them from the laboratory to the real-world
lives of people everywhere.
This book is written for those who value collaborative inquiry,
open-ended questions, and student-centered classroom discourse.
Leading student-centered discussions is natural for some people and
not-so-natural for others. The teacher's role is more than
following a set protocol or asking a series of questions. Like much
of teaching, leading a discussion falls somewhere between science,
art, and magic as the facilitator faces a constant stream of
decisions based on ever-changing student behavior. This book is a
model for text-based discussions and provides a framework to make
decisions that lead to student-centered conversations focused on
the understanding of ideas. The book is divided into three
sections. The first is for teachers new to student-centered
discussions and describes the "science" of leading a discussion:
the basic elements of student-centered, text-based discussions, and
how to plan for them. The second delves into the "art" and "magic"
of leading discussions and provides a framework for making
decisions during discussions as the conversation develops. The
third section offers a rich collection of strategies for
problem-solving when discussions aren't going well and to guide the
reader toward continuous improvement of facilitation skills. The
book's decision-making framework stresses safety, authentic
participation, challenge, and ownership, all of which will help
teachers move from a basic level of understanding of discussion
facilitation skills to a deepened understanding of the discussion
process and the teacher's role within it.
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