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Fictive Theories is a significant and innovative intervention in
key debates in political theory concerning the ways theory should
be philosophically grounded, and the task that political theory
should set itself. Susan McManus argues that political theory has
been grounded in controlling fictions (from fictions of human
nature, to morals laws) that function to close possibility.
Starting by interrogating the often hidden work of fictions in
political theories, she argues that all theorizing is a form of
world-creating. Rather than hiding the fictions at work in
political theory, McManus argues that theory should become
self-consciously fictive, and that there are political and ethical
advantages to so doing. She then develops a uniquely deconstructive
and utopian understanding of the project of political theory
grounded in the 'fictive': a creative and future-oriented
imagination. Rather than seeking to provide blueprints of how a
polity should be organized, fictive theories seek to fabricate
futures through the anticipatory articulation of possibility.
Drawing on a rich range of thinkers from the traditions of
political theory (Hobbes, Rousseau, Kant), deconstructive theory
(Roland Barthes, Jacques Derrida) and utopian studies (Ernst
Bloch), this book will be of interest to researchers, teachers and
students in the fields of political theory, utopian studies,
literary theory and cultural studies.
A recipe for having fun and getting things done with the Raspberry
Pi The Raspberry Pi makes it easy to learn about computers and
computer programming, and Raspberry Pi For Dummies makes it even
easier! Using this extremely affordable and compact computer, you
can learn to code in languages like Scratch and Python, explore how
electronics work, create computer-generated buildings in Minecraft
and music in Sonic Pic, become Linux-savvy, make Internet-of-Things
devices, or just play around! This book gets you up and running on
your Raspberry Pi, starting with setting it up, downloading the
operating system, and using the desktop environment. Then, the only
limit is your imagination! It doesn't matter whether you have a
Raspberry Pi 4, Raspberry Pi 400, Raspberry Pi Zero W or an older
model: we've got you covered. Raspberry Pi For Dummies explores the
latest technology--the Raspberry Pi 4 and 400, Scratch 3
programming language, new games bundled with the Raspberry Pi, and
the hottest Add-Ons out there. This introductory guide is the
perfect place to start if you want to get a taste of everything the
Raspberry Pi can do! Set up your Raspberry Pi, install the
operating system, and connect to the Internet Learn the basics of
the Linux desktop and Linux shell so you can program, work, and
play Use Python, Scratch, and Sonic Pi to write your first programs
and make games and digital music Discover how circuits work
hand-in-hand with your Pi If you want to make the most of the
Raspberry Pi for school, work, or play, you'll love this
easy-to-read reference.
Fictive Theories is a significant and innovative intervention in
key debates in political theory concerning the ways theory should
be philosophically grounded, and the task that political theory
should set itself. Susan McManus argues that political theory has
been grounded in controlling fictions (from fictions of human
nature, to morals laws) that function to close possibility.
Starting by interrogating the often hidden work of fictions in
political theories, she argues that all theorizing is a form of
world-creating. Rather than hiding the fictions at work in
political theory, McManus argues that theory should become
self-consciously fictive, and that there are political and ethical
advantages to so doing. She then develops a uniquely deconstructive
and utopian understanding of the project of political theory
grounded in the 'fictive': a creative and future-oriented
imagination. Rather than seeking to provide blueprints of how a
polity should be organized, fictive theories seek to fabricate
futures through the anticipatory articulation of possibility.
Drawing on a rich range of thinkers from the traditions of
political theory (Hobbes, Rousseau, Kant), deconstructive theory
(Roland Barthes, Jacques Derrida) and utopian studies (Ernst
Bloch), this book will be of interest to researchers, teachers and
students in the fields of political theory, utopian studies,
literary theory and cultural studies.
Sean McManus und Mike Cook fA1/4hren Sie Schritt fA1/4r Schritt in
die Nutzung des Raspberry Pi ein und verschaffen Ihnen einen A
berblick A1/4ber all die MAglichkeiten, die er Ihnen bietet. Sie
zeigen Ihnen, wie Sie den Raspberry Pi zum Laufen bringen, sich
unter Linux zurechtfinden, den Raspberry Pi als ganz normalen
Computer mit Office- und Bildverarbeitungsprogrammen oder als
Mediencenter zum Abspielen von Musik und Videos nutzen. AuA erdem
lernen Sie, wie Sie die Platine mit Scratch und Python
programmieren, und erfahren alles A1/4ber die Verwendung des
Raspberry Pi als Steuereinheit fA1/4r elektronisches Spielzeug.
Are you new to Microsoft Office software? Looking for instructions
that aren't full of complicated computing terms? Microsoft Office
for the Older and Wiser can answer all of your queries with its
straightforward advice and easy-to-follow layout on using both
Office 2010and Office 2007. Completely jargon-free and aimed at
those wishing to extend their computing knowledge, Microsoft Office
for the Older and Wiser will have you producing documents in Word,
spreadsheets in Excel, slideshows in PowerPoint, and emails in
Windows Live Mail in no time. Learn how to: * Type and format a
letter * Create an address book * Produce personalised invitations
* Publish a newsletter * Form a basic holiday budget * Create a
photo slideshow * Keep a digital recipe book * Share and develop
ideas over the Internet U3A is a self-help, learning cooperative
for those no longer in full-time, gainful employment. Members come
together to share their love of learning through educational,
creative and leisure activities. U3A offer their members a wide
choice of 300+ subjects in areas such as art, foreign languages,
music, history, life sciences, literature, poetry, gardening,
philosophy, crafts, field studies, archaeology, astronomy and
computing. Currently there are over 230,000 members and more than
740 local U3A groups in the UK. Visit U3A online at www.u3a.org.uk