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Recent scholarship has recognized that Philip II and Alexander the
Great adopted elements of their self-fashioning and court
ceremonial from previous empires in the Ancient Near East, but it
is generally assumed that the advent of the Macedonian court as a
locus of politics and culture occurred only in the post-Alexander
landscape of the Hellenistic Successors. This volume of
ground-breaking essays by leading scholars on Ancient Macedonia
goes beyond existing research questions to assess the profound
impact of Philip and Alexander on court culture throughout the
ages. The papers in this volume offer a thematic approach, focusing
upon key institutional, cultural, social, ideological, and
iconographical aspects of the reigns of Philip and Alexander. The
authors treat the Macedonian court not only as a historical
reality, but also as an object of fascination to contemporary
Greeks that ultimately became a topos in later reflections on the
lives and careers of Philip and Alexander. This collection of
papers provides a paradigm-shifting recognition of the seminal
roles of Philip and Alexander in the emergence of a new kind of
Macedonian kingship and court culture that was spectacularly
successful and transformative.
This book is concerned with a central question in contemporary
legal theory: how to describe global law? In addressing this
question, the book brings together two features that are different
and yet connected to one another: the conceptual description of
contemporary law on the one hand, and methods of taking concrete
perspectives on law on the other hand.
The book provides a useful concept for describing global law:
thinking of law spatially. It illustrates that space is a concept
with the capacity to capture the relationality, dynamics, and
hybridity of law. Moreover, this book investigates the role of
topological thinking in finding concrete perspectives on law.
Legal Spaces offers an innovative and interdisciplinary approach
to law.
Afterlives of Romantic Intermediality addresses the manifold, even
global artistic developments that were initiated by European
Romantics. In the first section, the contributors show how the
rising perspective of intermediality was discussed in philosophical
terms and adapted itself to Romantic literature and music. In the
second section, the contributors show how post-Romantic writers,
visual artists, and composers have engaged with Romantic heritage.
By exploring primary works that range from European arts to Latin
American literature, these essays focus on the interdisciplinary
developments that have emerged in literature, music, painting,
film, architecture, and video art. Overall, the contributions in
this volume demonstrate that intermedial connections-or sometimes
the conscious lack of such connections-embody intriguing aspects of
modernity and postmodernity.
This volume offers the first comprehensive look at the role of
women in the monarchies of the ancient Mediterranean. It
consistently addresses certain issues across all dynasties: title;
role in succession; the situation of mothers, wives, and daughters
of kings; regnant and co-regnant women; role in cult and in
dynastic image; and examines a sampling of the careers of
individual women while placing them within broader contexts.
Written by an international group of experts, this collection is
based on the assumption that women played a fundamental role in
ancient monarchy, that they were part of, not apart from it, and
that it is necessary to understand their role to understand ancient
monarchies. This is a crucial resource for anyone interested in the
role of women in antiquity.
The Hellenistic monarchies arose from the collapse of Alexandera
(TM)s empire, and represented new forms of rule. This study
demonstrates how the Hellenistic ruler presented himself and his
family in picture, text and on official occasions. In particular
the representation of the Hellenistic royal couple and the role of
the queen at court are examined on the basis of the Ptolemaic
dynasty. Central aspects of the study are the political background
to the marriage between Ptolemy II, during his reign that marriage
between royal siblings and the deification of the ruling royal
couple were introduces, and his sister ArsinoA II, and how the
royal couple presented themselves to Greeks, Macedonians, and
Diplomarbeit aus dem Jahr 2000 im Fachbereich Sozialpadagogik /
Sozialarbeit, Note: 1,0, Alice-Salomon Hochschule Berlin
(unbekannt), Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Inhaltsangabe: Einleitung:
Die Idee zu dieser Thematik entstand wahrend meines Praktikums im
5. Semester, als ich die systemischen und losungsorientierten
Ansatze kennenlernte. Beide interessierten mich sehr, da ich durch
deren erste Anwendung bei meiner Arbeit als Familienhelferin die
Vorteile spuren konnte. Bei naherem Literaturstudium stand ich
einer Vielfalt an Begriffen, therapeutischen Richtungen und deren
Vorentwicklungen sowie Namen gegenuber, die ich nachfolgend in der
zeitlichen Reihenfolge ihrer Entstehung darstellen und
systematisieren werde. Mein Ziel ist es, einen umfassenden
Uberblick uber die Entwicklung der verschiedenen
familientherapeutischen Richtungen, einschliesslich der system- und
kommunikationstheoretischen Grundlagen zu geben und diese zu
bewerten. Bei den Modellen stelle ich die mir fur die Erfullung des
o.g. Anspruchs am relevantesten erschienenen und gegenwartig oder
in der Vergangenheit mit besonders grossem Erfolg praktizierten
Richtungen vor. Daruber hinaus habe ich die Notwendigkeit,
bestimmte aufeinander aufbauende Sachverhalte im Zusammenhang
darzustellen, und somit das Interesse des Lesers berucksichtigt.
Dem an der Thematik Interessierten soll durch diese Arbeit die
Einarbeitung vereinfacht und eine Konzentration auf die akuelle
Diskussion, sowie die gegenwartig praktizierten Therapieinhalte
ermoglicht werden. Gang der Untersuchung: Ich beginne mit der
Psychoanalyse, bei deren Abgrenzung zum systemischen Ansatz ich
gleichzeitig beider Grundzuge darstelle. Ich stelle diese
Entwicklung dar, da deren Vertreter und die damals gepragten
Begriffe noch heute haufig in der Literatur erwahnt werden, der
jetzige Stand der Entwicklung erst mit dem geschichtlichen
Hintergrund verstandlich wird und ohne sie nicht denkbar ware.
Anschliessend beschreibe ich verschiedene Richtungen
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